456 research outputs found
In Hitler’s Mein Kampf, in the public appearances of this politician and even more so in his intimate discussions in the circle of the closest friends we can find the traces of an idea about the creation of a unique economically and organically linked European space, which would be under domination of the German Third Reich and based on the ideological concept of the race that would surpass the divisions among the nations. The Arian white nations of the common Indo-European origins would be making up that community of people, which was seen by Hitler as a way to overcome the at that time existing fragmentation of the continent. After the Tripartite Pact was signed on 27 September 1940 in Berlin, it seemed as if the vague ideas have came to the point of their realization: according to the pact Germany was supposed to get control over the greatest part of Europe, Italy over the Mediterranean and Japan over the Far East. Although the Great Britain was on the opposite side in the war, it was supposed to retain control over its colonial territories while the United States, which at that time had not yet entered the war but had been firmly supporting the Great Britain, were left with the possibility to preserve its domination over the American continent. However, even in the periods when it seemed that his war military undertakings are evolving in the direction he was streaming at, Hitler had never commenced realization of such an demanding pan.Ideje i planovi za stvaranje jedinstvene Evrope veoma su stari i obnavljani su više puta. Ništa neobično da je i nacionalsocijalizam stremio ostvarenju evropske zajednice naroda. Adolf Hitler je u svojim tekstovima i govorima razmišljao o stvaranju jednog velikog privrednog i organski povezanog prostora u Evropi kojim bi dominirao Treći Rajh. Slične ideje o pozvanosti Nemačke da bude stožer (ali samo Srednje Evrope) postojale su tokom devetnaestog stoleća sve do kraja Prvog svetskog rata kada su privremeno bile napuštene. Ipak, osnovna razlika između njih ležala je u tome što je program o Srednjoj Evropi bio baziran na nemačkom nacionalizmu a Hitlerov program je stremio stvaranju svetskog poretka sa nekoliko centara moći dok se ideološki zasnivao na rasističkim koncepcijama. Temelji ovakvom projektu politički su postavljeni Paktom potpisanim u Berlinu 27. septembra 1940. godine posle više od godine dana ratovanja u Evropi. Ipak, tokom svetskog sukoba nacistički vrh nije ni pokušao da oživotvori ideju o jedinstvenoj Evropi sa Nemačkom kao stožerom! Tako su ovi planovi ostali samo nedovoljno razrađena ideja i želja pre svega samog Hitlera i njegovog najbližeg okruženja
Doktrina „ograničenog suvereniteta“ u „hladnom ratu“ na primeru Čehoslovačke 1968. godine
The best known example of practice of the doctrine of limited sosvereignty is related to the intervention of the group of states, members of the Warsaw pact in Czechoslovakia in 1968. However, the author shows us that such doctrine doesn’t stop to be actual neither in the nowadays world in which a long time ago there are no more countries of the so-called real socialism neither the USSR. On the contrary, the tendencies of the establishment of a new supra-national order which is formed after the Second World War, demonstrate that such a doctrine is very possible also in the world in which the democracy as a generally accepted political ideal dominates.Najčuveniji primer praktikovanja doktrine „ograničenog suvereniteta“ vezan je za vojnu intervenciju grupe zemalja članica Varšavskog pakta u Čehoslovačkoj 1968. godine. Međutim, autor pokazuje da ovakva doktrina ne prestaje da bude aktuelna ni u današnjem svetu u kojem odavno više nema socijalističkog „lagera“ niti SSSR-a. Nasuprot, tendencije izgradnje jednog novog nadnacionalnog poretka koji se ocrtava nakon Drugog svetskog rata ukazuju da je takva doktrina sasvim moguća i u svetu kojim dominira demokratija kao opšteprihvaćeni politički uzor
Vulnerabilities of smart contract are certainly one of the limiting factors for wider adoption of blockchain technology. Smart contracts written in Solidity language are considered due to common adoption of the Ethereum blockchain platform. Despite its popularity, the semantics of the language is not completely documented and relies on implicit mechanisms not publicly available and as such vulnerable to possible attacks. In addition, creating formal semantics for the higher-level language provides support to verification mechanisms. In this paper, a novel approach to smart contact verification is presented that uses ontologies in order to leverage semantic annotations of the smart contract source code combined with semantic representation of domain-specific aspects. The following aspects of smart contracts, apart from source code are taken into consideration for verification: business logic, domain knowledge, run-time state changes and expert knowledge about vulnerabilities. Main advantages of the proposed verification approach are platform independence and extendability
Means and Effects оf Constraining the Number of Used Cross-Sections in Truss Sizing Optimization
This paper looks at sizing optimization results, and attempts to show the practical implications of using a novel constraint. Most truss structural optimization problems, which consider sizing in order to minimize weight, do not consider the number of different cross-sections that the optimal solution can have. It was observed that all, or almost all, cross-sections were different when conducting the sizing optimization. In practice, truss structures have a small, manageable number of different cross-sections. The constraint of the number of different cross-sections, proposed here, drastically increases the complexity of solving the problem. In this paper, the number of different cross-sections is limited, and optimization is done for four different sizing optimization problems. This is done for every number of different cross-section profiles which is smaller than the number of cross-sections in the optimal solution, and for a few numbers greater than that number. All examples are optimized using dynamic constraints for Euler buckling and discrete sets of cross-section variables. Results are compared to the optimal solution without a constrained number of different cross-sections and to an optimal model with just a single cross-section for all elements. The results show a small difference between optimal solutions and the optimal solutions with a limited number of different profiles which are more readily applicable in practice
Real-time embedded computer system implementation for detection andmeasurement of the low voltage transformer excitation asymmetry
Ова докторска дисертација се бави проблемом мерења и детекције асиметрије побуде торусног трансформатора прикљученог на нисконапонску дистрибутивну мрежу. Анализом постојећих научних решења изведен је закључак да иста испољавају висок ниво систематске грешке услед флуктуације побудног напона трансформатора. Основни допринос тезе јесте предложени нови интерполациони поступак за калибрацију сензора асиметрије у нисконапонској дистрибутивној мрежи, који успешно редукује наведену систематску грешку. Додатни допринос представља рачунарска имплементација методе за рад у реалном времену.Ova doktorska disertacija se bavi problemom merenja i detekcije asimetrije pobude torusnog transformatora priključenog na niskonaponsku distributivnu mrežu. Analizom postojećih naučnih rešenja izveden je zaključak da ista ispoljavaju visok nivo sistematske greške usled fluktuacije pobudnog napona transformatora. Osnovni doprinos teze jeste predloženi novi interpolacioni postupak za kalibraciju senzora asimetrije u niskonaponskoj distributivnoj mreži, koji uspešno redukuje navedenu sistematsku grešku. Dodatni doprinos predstavlja računarska implementacija metode za rad u realnom vremenu.This PhD thesis addresses the problem of measurement and detection of the excitation current asymmetry of a toroidal transformer connected to the low voltage distribution network. By analyzing the existing scientific solutions, it was concluded that they show a high level of systematic error due to the fluctuation of the supply voltage of the transformer. The main contribution of the thesis is the proposal of a new interpolation method for the calibration of an asymmetry sensor connected to the low-voltage distribution network that successfully reduces the systematic error. Computer implementation of the method for work in real time represents an additional contribution
The complex problem of truss structural optimization, based on the discrete design variables assumption, can be approached through optimizing aspects of sizing, shape, and topology or their combinations. This paper aims to show the differences in results depending on which aspect, or combination of aspects of a standard 10 bar truss problem is optimized. In addition to standard constraints for stress, cross section area, and displacement, this paper includes the dynamic constraint for buckling of compressed truss elements. The addition of buckling testing ensures that the optimal solutions are practically applicable. An original optimization approach using genetic algorithm is verified through comparison with literature, and used for all the optimization combinations in this research. The resulting optimized model masses for sizing, shape, and topology or their combinations are compared. A discussion is given to explain the results and to suggest which combination would be best in a generalized example
Strain measurement of pressure equipment components using 3D Digital Image Correlation method
Pressure equipment has widespread application in various industrial sectors. Due to this variety, pressure equipment can have complex structure and is subjected to different working loads (static, dynamic, thermal etc.) during the operation life that can cause failure. Strain measurement of complex structure has always been a huge challenge for researchers. Conventional experimental methods (e.g. strain gauges) give only limited data sets regarding measurement on critical areas with high geometrical discontinuities. 3D Digital Image Correlation method is an optical method that enables full-field strain measurement of critical areas on structural components. Sphere/cylinder junction is common geometrical discontinuity on pressure equipment and globe valve housing was chosen as representative example. In this paper, globe valve housing was subjected to external axial loading caused by pipeline dilatations. Highest measured von Mises strain values around 0.15 % were recorded on cylinder/sphere intersection. Determining strain state of critical areas enables better understanding of complex structures and provides an opportunity for further development and improvement for practical industrial application
The capacity of critical infrastructure is one of the main components for infrastructure resilience. By improving the capacity increased resilience, and reduce the risks and impacts. There are several dimensions of resilience that need to be taken into consideration when trying to achieve a holistic approach for infrastructure resilience. One of this components anyway are the resilience parameters: anticipation, absorption, coping, restoration and adaptation. These parameters correspond to the critical infrastructure capacities and are a possible way to quantifying these capacities, with appropriate measurable resilience indicators. This paper presenting a list and description of possible generic resilience indicators, that are the same for all type of hazard and all type of critical infrastructure. This work is the result of scientific research in the EU-CIRCLE project, that is financed through the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union
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