329 research outputs found
Protection of violated or endangered rights and determination of facts in court proceedings often go beyond the field of law and require the involvement of experts in other fields. In dealing with technical, medical, economic, and other issues, expert witnesses are hired whose findings and opinions can be crucial and influence the final court decision. For this reason, it is important that the expert witness has human and professional qualities that qualify him for the expert witnessing job. The existing legal solutions do not envisage training or the obligation of continuous professional development of expert witnesses, which may adversely affect the quality of expertise and the efficiency of court proceedings. In this respect, it is necessary to improve the existing legal framework and to categorize and license the expert witnesses in order for their engagement to be in accordance with court requirements. In addition to the training of expert witnesses, it is necessary to improve the training of judges. For the purposes of deciding in intangible damage compensation proceedings, judges must be aware of medical law, as lack or insufficient knowledge of medical law can be the reason for accepting expert witness findings without objection
Protection of violated or endangered rights and determination of facts in court proceedings often go beyond the field of law and require the involvement of experts in other fields. In dealing with technical, medical, economic, and other issues, expert witnesses are hired whose findings and opinions can be crucial and influence the final court decision. For this reason, it is important that the expert witness has human and professional qualities that qualify him for the expert witnessing job. The existing legal solutions do not envisage training or the obligation of continuous professional development of expert witnesses, which may adversely affect the quality of expertise and the efficiency of court proceedings. In this respect, it is necessary to improve the existing legal framework and to categorize and license the expert witnesses in order for their engagement to be in accordance with court requirements. In addition to thetraining of expert witnesses, it is necessary to improve the training of judges. For the purposes of deciding in intangible damage compensation proceedings, judges must be aware of medical law, as lack or insufficient knowledge of medical law can be the reason for accepting expert witness findings without objectio
Author's work is an original spiritual creation that can arise in different areas of human creativity. In order to receive copyright protection, it is necessary that the work is original and expressed in an appropriate form. Substantive copyright law as an absolute unique right combines morally legal and property legal powers that enable the protection of the author's personality and work. Any unauthorized use of subjective copyright represents it’s violation, which gives to the author the right to compensation. The author of the copyright is entitled to compensation for material and non-pecuniary damage. In order to justify the claim for damages, in addition to the damage (material or non-material), there is an unlawful act, the existence of liability of the pests, as well as the causal link between the pest action and the resulting damage. The development of technology and the widespread use of the Internet has facilitated the exchange of intellectual property, as well as the possibility of violating them. Therefore, it is necessary to harmonize the rules in this area with the relevant regulations concluded within the EU, WIPO and WHO
Relations between ethnocentrism and national attachment
Pripadnost i vezanost za različite društvene grupe, kao što su nacionalna država i etnička grupa može da ima izraženu motivacionu snagu. Istovremeno, osećaj nacionalne vezanosti može da preraste u etnocentrizam i da postane izvor neprijateljstva i sukoba među pripadnicima različitih nacija, kao što i konflikti u neposrednoj prošlosti mogu da doprinesu većem ispoljavanju pojedinih oblika nacionalne vezanosti, pa i etnocentrizma. Zbog toga ovo istraživanje malo za cilj da: (1) utvrdi izraženost etnocentrizma i različitih formi nacionalne vezanosti kod mladih srpske nacionalnosti na Kosovu i Metohiji (345 ispitanika, prosečne starosti AS=19,36); (2) ispitamo kakva vrsta relacija postoji između etnocentrizma i nacionalne vezanosti. U istraživanju su korišćene Skala za procenu etnocentrizma (Šram, 2010) i Skala oblika nacionalne vezanosti (Rot i Havelka, 1973). Rezultati pokazuju da od aspekata etnocentrizma ispitanici ispoljavaju najviši stepen nacionalne homogenizacije koju odlikuje snažna potreba za nacionalnim jedinstvom, dok je najizraženiji oblik nacionalne vezanosti istaknuta nacionalna vezanost za koju je karakteristično idealizovanje sopstvene nacije i isticanje osećanja patriotizma. Istaknuta i isključiva nacionalna vezanost su povezane sa svim aspektima etnocentrizma što govori u prilog tezi da ocobe koje karakteriše visok nivo nacionalne idealizacije, što je odlika isključive i istaknute nacionalne vezanosti, često ispoljavaju i izvesnu tendenciju ka etnocentričkom načinu reagovanja.Belonging and being attached to various social groups such as nationality and ethnicity, can have a significant motivational effect. At the same time, a sense of national attachment can develop into ethnocentrism and become a source of hostility and conflicts among members of different nations, with conflicts in the immediate past contributing to greater manifestations of certain forms of national attachment, and even ethnocentrism. That is why the objectives of this paper were to: (1) determine prominence of ethnocentrism and different forms of national attachment in young people of Serbian nationality in Kosovo and Metohija (345 respondents, average age AS=19,36) (2) investigate what kind of relationship exists between ethnocentrism and national attachment. Instruments used in the research were the Ethnocentrism Scale (Šram, 2010) and Scale of National Attachment Forms (Rot and Havelka, 1973). The results show that of all aspects of ethnocentrism, respondents manifest the greatest degree of national homogenization, distinguished by a strong need for national unity, while the most accentuated form of national attachment is prominent national attachment, characterized by idealizing one's own nation and emphasizing the feeling of patriotism. Prominent and exclusive forms of national attachment correlate with all the aspects of ethnocentrism which supports the claim that those individuals who are characterized by a high degree of national idealization, which is a feature of both prominent and exclusive national attachment, often demonstrate a certain tendency to react in an ethnocentric way
Specificity of peer conflicts in adolescence
U radu su izloženi rezultati ispitivanja sprovedenog na kvotnom uzorku od 530 adolescenata. Ispitivanje je realizovano u 11 gradova i 26 škola. Istraživanjem su bila obuhvaćena dva uzrasna nivoa (12 i 16 godina). Za ispitivanje percepcije karakteristika konflikata korišćena je metoda retrospekcije konfliktnih sadržaja sa vremenskim intervalom prisećanja od nedelju dana. Distinktivne karakteristike vršnjačkih konflikata u adolescenciji izdvojene su kroz njihovo poređenje u odnosu na konflikte sa prijateljima, romantičnim partnerom, roditeljima, braćom/sestrama i nastavnicima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da konflikti sa vršnjacima imaju određene specifičnosti. Mada su ređi nego sukobi sa roditeljima i braćom/sestrama, konflikti sa vršnjacima u adolescenciji su rasprostranjen fenomen. Adolescenti se u proseku sa svojim vršnjacima u toku jedne nedelje sukobe više od 13 puta tj. skoro dva puta u toku jednog dana. Razlozi zbog kojih dolazi do sukoba sa vršnjacima su umereno značajni. Najčešći razlozi sukobljavanja su zadirkivanje i neumesne šale, namerno provociranje, ogovaranje, vređanje i nepoštovanje razlika u mišljenju. Posle nastavnika, vršnjaci su za adolescente najmanje značajne osobe u sukobu. U odnosu na konflikte u ostalim tipovima socijalnih odnosa, konflikti sa vršnjacima su za adolescente najmanje neprijatni. Popuštanje je najmanje, a nadmetanje je najviše zastupljena strategija rešavanja sukoba sa vršnjacima. Kao i većina sukoba na ovom uzrastu, sukobi sa vršnjacima su kratkotrajne konfliktne epizode.The results of the survey conducted on the sample of 530 adolescents are presented in this paper. The sample included two age groups (13 and 16 years). The research was realized in 11 town and 26 schools. The method of the retrospection of the conflict contents, with one week retrospection interval, was used to research the perception of the conflict characteristics. The distinctive characteristics and the effects of the peer conflicts in adolescence have been identified by comparing them to the conflicts with friends, romantic partners, siblings and teachers. According to the results peer conflicts have certain specificity. Although less frequent than conflicts with parents and siblings, the peer conflicts in adolescence are widen phenomenon - on average, the adolescents get in conflict with their peers more than 13 times in a week, almost twice in a day. The most frequent causes are teasing and inappropriate jokes, deliberate provoking, gossips, insults and not respecting the differences in opinion. Peers follow the teachers as the least important persons in the conflict. Compared to the conflicts in other types of the social relations, the conflicts with peers are the least uncomfortable. Yielding is the least, competition the most present resolution strategy in peer conflicts. As well as the most conflicts in this age conflicts with peers are short time episode
Način funkcioniranja HR RASSF sustava na primjeru izopropil tioksantona (ITX) (Operating Models of HR RASSF Systems Exampled by Isopropyl- Thioxanthone (ITX))
Putem Hrvatskog sustava žurnog uzbunjivanja (HR-RASFF), Hrvatska agencija za hranu primila je 28. prosinca 2005. godine obavijest o nalazu kemijske tvari ITX (izopropil tioksanton) u pojedinim voćnim sokovima na hrvatskom tržištu. Tijekom prosinca iste godine, u Italiji je ITX pronađen i u drugim vrstama prehrambenih proizvoda – voćnim sokovima, vinu i maslinovom ulju proizvođača iz Italije i Austrije. Ovaj je slučaj zanimljiv prije svega jer se radilo o prvoj obavijesti primljenoj na hrvatski RASFF sustav, koja je zbog svoje specifičnosti privukla veliku pozornost javnosti. Nadalje, način na koji je slučaj razriješen pokazao je da hrvatske institucije nadležne za sigurnost hrane imaju kapacitete i mogućnosti kako bi reagirale u skladu s modernom koncepcijom analize rizika uz uključivanje znanosti. činjenica da su u Europi jedino Italija i Hrvatska donijele mišljenja o neprihvatljivosti hrane u kojoj se nalazi kemijska tvar ITX , govori u prilog neovisnosti znanstvenika koji su sudjelovali u kreiranju znanstvenog mišljenja
Ekonomska analiza naknade nematerijalne štete u parničnom postupku
In this paper work has been researched the compensation of the nonpecuniary
damage from economic angle, respectively economic
implications of non-pecuniary damage to the well-being of individuals
and the well-being of the society as a whole. The aim of the paper is to
point out the significant resources that absorb the area of non-pecuniary
damages in civil proceedings and to indicate the possibility of their
reduction by applying the principle of efficiency.
Researching of indicated problem requires an analysis from an
economic, as well as from a legal aspect. In order of better and complete
understanding the compensation of non-pecuniary damage, the
economic angle of observation, which includes economic instruments
and the use of economic concepts and methodology, will dominate in
this paper.
Studying the economic implications of the non-pecuniary damage
compensation procedure involves use of legal methods, but also use of
the concept of economic analysis of law first of all, the microeconomic
aspect of the Chicago School of Economic Analysis of Law. The fact
that the litigation procedure absorbs a significant amount of resources,
which would be used in other areas in order to increase social
prosperity, indicates the necessity of increasing the efficiency of the
procedure, as well as defining the legal rules that create stimulus to the
perpetrators of the damage as well as to the injured party in accordance
their behavior with the standard of due attention. The theoretical
analysis points to the importance of preventive action, in a number of
areas where a person's rights are breached so that the number of injured
parties can be reduced, which would result in a reduction in the number
of proceedings in which compensation would be claimed.
The paper also analyzes the reasons for the frequency of the challenging
the first instance verdicts and submitting the appeals for second instance
decisions.Based on analysis of court verdicts of Appellate courts in
Serbia in the field of non-pecuniary damage, we determine whether
legal reasons related to violation of material law, wrongly established
factual situation or the provisions of the civil proceedings or the reason
for appealing a verdict of the first instance decision is the dissatisfaction
of the parties in litigation with the amount which have been decided by
the verdict. There is a significant difference between the highly
established amounts in the claims and the compensation of the damage
made. Is it possible to reduce the number of appeals against the
judgements based on more realistic claims for compensation and what is
the role of lawyers in introducing the questions that need to be
The specificity of non-pecuniary damage due to the subjective feeling of
fear, pain and other violations of subjective rights that is inherent to an
individual, as well as the absence of clearly defined criteria for
measuring mental pain, makes it difficult to determine an adequate
compensation that can compensate or mitigate the condition of the
injured in which they are brought without their consent and that were
caused by the violation of rights. These and other related issues will be
subject to specific elaboration
Acquisition of intercultural competence in the framework of Milton Bennett' developmental model of intercultural sensitivity (DMIS)
U ovom radu razmatraju se implikacije 'Razvojnog modela interkulturalne osetljivosti' Miltona Beneta za koncipiranje i realizaciju studijskih programa i programa profesionalnog usavršavanja koji nastoje da podstaknu razvoj interkulturalnih kompetencija budućih i aktuelnih nastavnika. Osetljivost u tretiranju kulturnih razlika prema ovom modelu razvija se od stadijuma krajnjeg etnocentrizma (poricanje, polarizacija, minimiziranje) ka stadijumima sve većeg uočavanja i prihvatanja kulturnih razlika, koje Benet naziva etnorelativizam (prihvatanje, adaptacija i integracija). Smatramo da je Benetov model značajno teorijsko uporište za obrazovne intervencije koje imaju za cilj razvijanje interkulturalnih kompetencija, jer edukatorima1 pomaže u boljem koncipiranju, planiranju i realizaciji obuka, razumevanju otpora koji ispoljavaju edukanti na različitim stadijumima razvoja interkulturalne osetljivosti i kreiranju podsticajne sredine za interkulturalno učenje kroz izbalansiran izbor obrazovnih izazova i podrške. Mada su implikacije Benetovog modela razmatrane u radu sa odraslima, navedeni postupci i preporuke su primenljive i u radu sa decom i mladima.In this paper, the implications of Milton Bennett's Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) are considered as a basis for conceptualisation and implementation of study programs and professional development programs which seek to enhance the development of intercultural competences of student teachers and teachers. Sensitivity in dealing with cultural differences, according to this model, evolves from the stages of extreme ethnocentrism (denial, polarization, minimization) to the stages of increasing recognition and acceptance of cultural differences, which Bennett titles ethnorelativism (acceptance, adaptation and integration). We consider that Bennett's model is an important theoretical foundation for educational interventions aimed at developing intercultural competences because this model helps educators to better design, plan and implement intercultural training, to better understand the resistance of trainees which are at different stages of intercultural sensitivity development and to create an educational environment conducive for intercultural learning through balanced selection of educational challenges and support. Although the implications of Bennett's model are considered in working with adults, the majority of the procedure and recommendations are applicable in work with children and youth
Development of an Educational Game : Augmented Reality Approach to Edutainment
In this paper, the authors examine the problems, capabilities, and benefits of implementing
augmented reality technologies in higher education and integrating them into formal e-learning in the form of
edutainment. The main goal is to design and develop an educational interactive game that features
augmented reality and would enrich the teaching process with interesting content as well as motivate
students and stimulate their acquisition of knowledge. The developed game is based on current internet
mobile technologies, with AR aspects realized through the use of the Vuforia platform, and is implemented
as a part of a smart classroom. It includes a web application for teachers to create tasks, small parts of the
curriculum that are being tested, a mobile application that students use to interact with the game and solve
tasks, an augmented reality module that supports distance learning and a component for integration with
Moodle LMS. This paper will focus on the AR aspects of the game and the benefits that can be gained with
its use in education. The game has been implemented within the educational process at Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
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