52 research outputs found

    Osobine i sastav trupa junadi domaće Å”arene rase različitih težina pred klanje

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    Objective of this research was to determine the slaughter properties and carcass composition of carcass sides derived from young cattle of Domestic Spotted breed, of pre-slaughter weights of 500 (group A) and 600 kg (group B). Heavier cattle had higher share of kidney fat in carcass, whereas the share of offals showed no significant differences. Statistically significant difference was registered only in share of toungue (P lt 0.05), that was higher in cattle of group A. Share of extra/premium (tenderloin), I category (round) and II category (loin, back, shoulder) showed no significant differences between groups of cattle. Statistically significant difference (P lt 0.05) was established in the share of III category carcass parts. Share of forearm and chest was significantly higher in lighter cattle (3.55% and 7.95%) compared to heavier animals (2.89% and 6.33%), whereas the share of subshoulder was considerably lower in group A (6.89%) compared to cattle of group B (9.73%). Data obtained by dissection of main carcass side parts differed significantly in regard to the share of muscle tissue in round and belly, that was significantly higher in cattle of group A (P lt 0.05). Share of fat tissue (subcutaneous and intermuscular) was higher in cattle of group B in almost all carcass side parts, however, statistically significant difference between groups was determined only in round, back, neck and subshoulder. Also, share of bones in chest differed statistically significantly (P lt 0.05) and it was higher in group A (20.09%) compared to cattle of group B (15.52%).Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde klanične osobine i sastav polutki junadi domaće Å”arene rase, zaklanih pri dostizanju prosečne težine od 500 (grupa A) i 600 kg (grupa B). Teža junad su imala veći udeo bubrežnog loja u trupu, dok se udeo iznutrica nije značajno razlikovao. Statistički značajna razlika je pronađena samo u udelu jezika (P lt 0.05), koji je bio veći kod junadi grupe A. Udeo delova ekstra (biftek), I kategorije (but) i II kategorije (slabine, leđa, plećka) nisu se značajno razlikovali između grupa junadi. Statistički značajna razlika (P lt 0.05) je pronađena u udelu delova III kategorije. Udeo podlaktice i grudi bio je značajno veći kod lakÅ”ih (3.55% i 7.95%) u odnosu na težu junad (2.89% i 6.33%), dok je udeo potplećke bio znatno niži kod junadi grupe A (6.89%) u odnosu na junad grupe B (9.73%). Podaci dobijeni disekcijom osnovnih delova polutke su se statistički značajno razlikovali u udelu miÅ”ićnog tkiva u butu i potrbuÅ”ini, koji je bio značajno veći kod junadi grupe A (P lt 0.05). Udeo masnog tkiva (potkožnog i intermuskularnog) je bio veći kod junadi grupe B kod gotovo svih delova polutke, međutim, statistički značajna razlika između grupa je pronađena samo kod buta, leđa, vrata i potplećke. Takođe, udeo kostiju grudi se statistički značajno razlikovao (P lt 0.05) i bio je veći kod junadi grupe A (20.09%) u poređenju sa junadima grupe B (15.52%)

    Efekat upotrebe sirove soje u smeŔama za ishranu kokoŔi nosilja na proizvodne rezultate i relativnu masu pankreasa

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    The study was conducted on Isa Brown hybrid hens at the age of 49-57 weeks. The effect of using different levels of share of raw soybean of two varieties in mixtures for feeding hens on egg production, body weight, food consumption, the occurrence of defective eggs, mortality and the relative weight of the pancreas was studied. The possibility of replacing the heat-treated soybean grains, varieties Lana, with reduced trypsin inhibitor (TI) and Lydia with a standard level of TI, with raw soybean grains was examined. The research was conducted on the principle of two factorial experiment 2 x 4 (2 varieties x 4 levels of share of raw grain in the mixture) with a total of 8 diet treatments and 4 replicates per each treatment. In the first 5 weeks of the study, the differences in the number of eggs produced under the influence of tested factors were not significant. Under the influence of soybean varieties, the level of share of raw soybean and interaction of the studied factors showed significant differences (p lt 0.01) after 53 week of age. The use of soy with lower TI in the diet for laying hens resulted in a significantly greater capacity compared to standard variety. The share of raw soybean grains of 8 % in the mixtures significantly reduced the number of eggs laid. The differences in body weights, food consumption, occurrence of defective eggs and the relative weight of the pancreas were not significantly influenced by the studied factors or by their interaction effect.Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se ispitaju mogućnosti zamene termički obrađenog sojinog zrna, sorte Lana sa smanjenim sadržajem tripsin inhibitora (TI) i sorte Lidija sa standardnim nivoom TI, sirovim zrnom. Ispitan je efekat koriŔćenja različitog nivoa učeŔća sirove soje obe sorte u smeÅ”ama za ishranu kokoÅ”i nosilja hibrida Isa Brown na proizvodnju jaja, telesne mase, konzumaciju hrane, pojavu defektnih jaja, mortalitet i relativnu masu pankreasa. Istraživanje je izvedeno po principu dvofaktorijalnog ogleda 2 x 4 (2 sorte soje x 4 nivoa učeŔća sirovog zrna u smeÅ”i) sa ukupno 8 tretmana ishrane i 4 ponavljanja po tretmanu. U prvih 5 nedelja ispitivanja razlike u broju ukupno sneÅ”enih jaja pod uticajem ispitivanih faktora nisu bile značajne. Pod uticajem sorte soje, nivoa učeŔća sirovog sojinog zrna i interakcije ispitivanih faktora utvrđene su značajne razlike (p lt 0,01) nakon 53. nedelje uzrasta. KoriŔćenje soje sa nižim nivoom TI u ishrani nosilja uticalo je na značajno bolju nosivost u odnosu na standardnu sortu soje. Sa učeŔćem sirovog sojinog zrna od 8 % u smeÅ”ama značajno se smanjio broj ukupno sneÅ”enih jaja. Razlike u ostvarenim telesnim masama, konzumaciji hrane, pojavi defektnih jaja i relativnoj masi pankreasa koje su se javile nisu bile pod značajnim uticajem ispitivanih faktora kao ni pod uticajem njihovog interakcijskog dejstva

    Uticaj gustine naseljenosti na pojedine parametre dobrobiti brojlera - 2. različite gustine naseljenosti brojlera

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    Stocking density is considered one of the most important factors for the welfare of broilers. This paper is continuation of the study in order to obtain full evaluation of the impact of different broiler stocking densities on production performance, condition of the broiler legs and body feathering, as welfare indicators but also indicators of the productivity and quality of produced chickens. The effect of three stocking densities (20, 15 and 10 birds/m2) was investigated in 4 repetitions on broilers of genotype Hubbard at the age of 3 and 6 weeks. At the age of 6 weeks stocking density of 20 birds/m2 resulted in significantly lower growth of broilers, higher mortality and higher incidence of leg lesions and problems with body feathering, compared to stocking densities of 15 and 10 birds/m2.Gustina naseljenosti se smatra jednim od važnijih faktora za dobrobit brojlera. Rad predstavlja nastavak istraživanja u cilju potpunijeg sagledavanja efekata različitih gustina naseljenosti brojlera na proizvodne performanse, stanje nogu i telesnog pokrivača, kao indikatore dobrobiti ali i proizvodnosti i kvaliteta proizvedenih pilića. Ispitan je uticaj tri gustine naseljenosti (20, 15 i 10 grla/m2) u 4 ponavljanja na brojlerima genotipa Hubbard u uzrastu 3 i 6 nedelja. Gustina naseljenosti se, na osnovu ispitanih indikatora, ne može smatrati faktorom koji utiče na dobrobit pilića u uzrastu od 3 nedelje. U uzrastu od 6 nedelja gustina naseljenosti od 20 grla/m2 je rezultirala značajno manjim porastom brojlera, većim mortalitetom i većom frekvencijom pojavljivanja problema sa nogama i telesnim pokrivačem u odnosu na gustine od 15 i 10 grla/m2

    Comparative testing of slaughter traits and meat quality of male and female Simmental cattle

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    The paper presents the results of comparative testing of slaughter traits and meat quality of male (A) and female (B) young cattle of domestic Simmental breed. The sample included a total of 30 heads, 15 in each group. Cattle were slaughtered at the same age with an average mass of about 660 kg in the group (A), and about 500 kg in the group (B). The study results show that cattle of group (A) achieved statistically (p<0.001) significantly higher share of pre slaughter mass and mass of warm carcass sides while female cattle achieved statistically (p<0.01) significantly higher share of kidney fat. The share of tissues in the three rib cut showed statistical differences between the groups, in the share of the M. longissimus dorsi that was statistically (p<0.05) significantly higher in male cattle and the share of fat was statistically (p<0.01) significantly higher in group (B). The chemical composition of M. longissimus dorsi statistically (p<0.05) differed significantly in the share of water which was higher in male cattle while the cattle of group (B) had statistically (p<0.01) significantly higher share of lipids. As for the technological quality, cooking loss of M. longissimus dorsi was statistically (p<0.01) significantly higher in young cattle of group (A), while the tenderness/softness of M. longissimus dorsi (p<0.01) was significantly better in young cattle of group (B). Sensory characteristics of M. longissimus dorsi differed statistically (p<0.001) significantly in the tenderness of the meat that was better in young cattle of group (B). Male Simmental cattle had better slaughter performance and meat quality characteristics, except tenderness of meat which was better in female cattle

    The effect of sires on daily gain and fat thickness

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    The production characteristics of fatteners in this paper were examined in two farms of pigs in the Republic of Serbia. The research included 1166 pigs of both genders (female animals and male castrated heads) with various genotypes. Research examined influence of sire breed, sire within sire breed, gender of the pigs and the mass at the end of the fattening on the following characteristics of the fatteners: Daily gain of the warm carcass side mass (PTP), rump fat thickness (DSK), backfat thickness (DSL) and sum of the fat thickness rump+back (DSKL). The pigs in this research come from the following sires: Large White (LW), Swedish Landrace (SL), Duroc and Crossbreed H Ɨ D. Data processing was done using the Harvey computer program. It was determined that all the involved effects in the model show a different level of influence on the researched traits (P lt 0.05; P lt 0.01; P lt 0.001), whereas only one factor, sire within sire breed H Ɨ. D does not influence the expression of the characteristic gain of the warm carcass side mass (P > 0.05)

    Uticaj pola i rase na fizičko-hemijske karakteristike mesa svinja

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    This study was conducted to investigate differences in characteristics of muscles from male and female fatteners from Mangalitsa and Swedish Landrace pig breed. The research was carried out on three muscles: m. longissimus thoracis et lumborum, m. gluteus medius and m. triceps brachii. Compared to the Swedish Landrace, it was found out that the meat of the Mangalitsa had considerably higher intramuscular fat content (p (lt) 0.05). The highest intramuscular fat content was determined in male fatteners of Mangalitsa in m. gluteus medius (6.81%) and the lowest in female fatteners of Landrace pig breed in the longissimus muscle (1.12%). As for technological quality of meat, after cooking, meat from Mangalitsa pig had greater cooking weight loss compared to Landrace and also lower shear force (SF) values for longissimus, but higher SF values for gluteus muscle. Gender had no statistically significant effect on technological meat quality. It can be concluded, on the base of the results, that the Mangalitsa pig, had favourable meat quality traits, which are very desired for production of traditional meat products of high quality.Ovaj ogled je imao za cilj da ispita razlike u fizičko-hemijskim karakteristikama miÅ”ića između muÅ”kih i ženskih tovljenika rase mangulica i Å”vedski landras. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na tri miÅ”ića: longissimus thoracis et lumborum, gluteus medius i triceps brachii. U poređenju sa Å”vedskim landrasom, meso mangulica je imalo znatno veći udeo intramuskularne masti (p (lt) 0,05). Najveći sadržaj intramuskularne masti utvrđen je kod muÅ”kih tovljenika rase mangulica u gluteus medius-u (6,81%), a najniži ko ženskih tovljenika rase Å”vedski landras u longissimus-u (1,12%). Å to se tiče tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta, meso mangulice je imalo veći gubitak mase tokom kuvanja u odnosu na meso landrasa i niže vrednosti sile sečenja (SF) za longissimus, ali veće vrednosti sile sečenja za gluteus miÅ”ić. Pol nije imao statistički značajan uticaj na parametre tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta mesa. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da meso mangulice ima veoma dobre parametre kvaliteta, a koji su poželjni pri proizvodnji tradicionalnih proizvoda od mesa

    Aktuelni koncept kontrole kokcidioze pilića

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    Coccidiosis is the most significant parasitic disease in poultry in contemporary systems of breeding and utilization of their production potentials. It usually inflicts substantial economic damage, regardless of whether it is exhibited in the clinical or subclinical form. In parallel with the industrialization in poultry breeding, measures for the control of coccidiosis have developed in parallel, so that the prevention of this disease today is founded on four basic principles: zoohygiene, genetics, the implementation of anticoccidial drugs, and vaccination. Hemoprophylaxis is the most represented in the prevention of coccidiosis, as a very efficient measure. In Serbia, ionoform antibiotics, amprolium, halofuginone and sulfonamides, are most often used. However, the application of medicines in coccidiosis control has as a consequence also certain undesired effects, of which the most important are toxicity, incompatibility with other drugs or chemical substances, coccidia resistence, and the presence of residue in poultry tissue. The significance of the immunization of poultry with the objective of their protection from the harmful consequences caused by this protozoozis has been known for several decades now. The implementation of a vaccine against coccidiosis has established its practical importance in the world only in the past decade, when the European Union Commission adopted a five-year plan for studies of coccidiosis and its control through vaccination. In our country, two vaccines have been registered for use in veterinary medicine, and their practical implementation has still not quite become regular practice. Each of the listed control measures also implies certain faults, however. More efficient protection can be provided by possible combinations of the coccidiosis control methods.Kokcidioza je najznačajnije parazitsko oboljenje živine u savremenim sistemima uzgoja i iskoriŔćavanja njihovih proizvodnih potencijala. NajčeŔće prouzrokuje značajne ekonomske Å”tete, bilo da je ispoljena u kliničkom ili supkliničkom obliku. Uporedo sa industrijalizacijom u živinarstvu, razvijale su se i mere kontrole kokcidioze, tako da je danas preventiva ovog oboljenja zasnovana na četiri osnovna principa: zoohigijena, genetika, primena antikokcidijalnih lekova i vakcinacija. U preventivi kokcidioze hemioprofilaksa je najzastupljenija, kao veoma efikasna mera. Kod nas se najčeŔće primenjuju jonoforni antibiotici, amprolium, halofuginon i sulfonamidi. Međutim, primena lekova u kontroli kokcidioze ima kao posledicu i neke neželjene efekte, od kojih su najvažniji toksičnost, inkopatibilnost sa drugim lekovima ili hemijskim supstancijama, rezistencija kokcidija i prisustvo rezidua u tkivima živine. Značaj imunizacije živine radi zaÅ”tite od Å”tetnih posledica koje izaziva ova protozooza, poznat je unazad nekoliko decenija. Primena vakcine protiv kokcidioze nalazi u svetu svoj praktični značaj tek u poslednjoj deceniji, kada je i pri Komisiji Evropske unije donet petogodiÅ”nji plan izučavanja kokcidioze i njene kontrole vakcinacijom. U naÅ”oj zemlji registrovane su za upotrebu u veterinarskoj medicini dve vakcine, čija praktična primena joÅ” uvek nije u potpunosti zaživela. Svaka od navedenih mera kontrole podrazumeva i izvesne nedostatke. Moguće kombinacije metoda kontrole kokcidioze, pružaju efikasniju zaÅ”titu

    Proizvodnja goveđeg mesa obogaćenog organski vezanim selenom

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    In this study, the effects of the organic and inorganic form of selenium, in the diet for finishing beef cattle, were investigated. Sell-Plex produced by American firm Alltech as a source of organic selenium with selenium concentration of 2000 mg/kg was used. The source of inorganic selenium was sodium selenite. The trial was conducted on Simmental fattening cattle in the final stage in the free housing system and it lasted 60 days. Selenium content in control and trial group (m. longissimus dorsi) was 78.65 and 125.03 Ī¼g/kg (P (lt) 0.01), in kidneys 855.52 and 1026.04 Ī¼g/kg(P (lt) 0.001); in liver 453.13 and 534.64 Ī¼g/ kg(P (lt) 0.01) and in spleen 308.44 and 383.62 Ī¼g/kg (P (lt) 0.001), respectively. There were no differences in main carcass characteristics, share of some tissues in the round and three rib chops, chemical composition and meat quality of m. longissimus dorsi (P>0.05).Considering the higher storage of organic selenium in meat and internal organs of the fattening cattle with respect to the inorganic form, it was concluded that the selenium supply in organic form has a better bioavailability. Inclusion of organic selenium into the diet in the final stage of fattening cattle and its deposition in meat and internal organs is a good and easy way to get meat with functional foods properties that in addition to nutritional value should positively affect human health.U radu su ispitani efekti organskog i neorganskog selena u obrocima junadi u tovu. Kao ozvor organskog selena koriŔćen je preparat Sell-Plex u kome je koncentracija selena iznosila 2000 mg/kg a izvor neorganskog selena bio je natrijumselenit. Ogled je izveden na Simentalskoj rasi goveda u zavrÅ”noj fazi tova u slobodnom sistemu držanja i trajao je 60 dana. Sadržaj selena u m. longissimus dorsi, jetri, slezini i bubrezima bio je značajno viÅ”i na ishranbenom tretmanu sa organskim selenom u odnosu na neorganski, Å”to ukazuje na njegovu bolju bioiskoristivost. Urađena je disekcija polutke prema zvanično važećoj skali za klasifikaciju trupova odraslih goveda propisanoj od strane evropske zajednice. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da nije bilo razlike između tretmana sa organskim i neorganskim selenom u telesnoj masi grla pre klanja kao i glavnim karakteristikama polutke. Takođe, nije bilo razlike u udelu pojedinih tkiva u butu i trorebarnom isečku kao i ni u hemijskom sastavu i kvalitetu mesa u m. longissimus dorsi. Imajući u vidu da je selen esencijalan mikroelement u ishrani a da organski vezan selen ima bolju bioiskoristivost u odnosu na neorganski, njegovo uključivanje u obroke goveda i deponovanje u mesu i unutraÅ”njim organima je dobar i jednostavan način za dobijanje mesa sa svojstvima funkcionalne hrane koja treba da pored nutritivne vrednosti pozitivno utiče na zdravlje ljudi. PoÅ”to su pojedini delovi planete Zemlje slabo opskrbljeni sa selenom ovo je najjednostavniji način da se reÅ”i problem njegovog deficita

    Savremeni modeli i perspektiva kontrole parazitskih bolesti

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    Economic, social and expert-scientific factors determine activities in connection with the development of the control of parasitic infections in the upcoming period of the 21st century. The primary research activities are directed at studies of the physiological functions of parasites and the ecological relations between the parasite and the host, and all that is undertaken with the objective of securing adequate pharmacotherapy/pharmacoprophylaxis and immunoprophilaxis. As there is a huge expansion in the synthesis of chemical compounds, there is a great number of potential substances for use in the form of a medicine. Along these lines, activities concerning the development of new antiparasitics and/or modification of existing ones are primarily based on securing a quality target spot for its action. Another possibility in the area of research is connected to the problem of resistance of parasites and intensive studies of the biochemical-physiological characteristics of parasites, as well as the development of an active epidemiological-episootiological network for monitoring resistance. In parallel with the development of medicines, the results of investigations of physiological functions of parasites and their mutual relations with their host, are intensely used for the development of immunological control, and the development of vaccines (for example, the development of vaccines for the control of coccidiosis, babesiosis, echinococcosis). The second important approach is related to studies of parasitic zoonoses, the effect of global warming on the epidemiological-episootiological characteristics of parasitic diseases and the selection of resistant animal breeds/hybrids. Animal welfare is also of importance, the perfecting of reliable, rapid and less-costly methods for diagnosing parasitic diseases and the development of in vitro methods for the examination of resistance to antiparasitics.Ekonomski, socijalni i stručno-naučni faktori uslovljavaju aktivnosti vezane za razvoj kontrole parazitskih infekcija, u predstojećem periodu 21.veka. Primarne istraživačke aktivnosti usmerene su ka izučavanju fizioloÅ”kih funkcija parazita i ekoloÅ”kog odnosa parazit domaćin, a sve u cilju obezbeđenja adekvatne farmakoterapije/farmakoprofilakse i imunoprofilakse. Kako je sinteza hemijskih jedinjenja u ogromnoj ekspanziji, postoji veliki broj potencijalnih supstanci za primenu u vidu leka. U skladu sa time, i aktivnosti razvoja novih antiparazitika i/ili modifikacije postojećih se zasnivaju prvenstveno na 'obezbeđivanju' kvalitetnog ciljnog mesta delovanja. Druga mogućnost na istraživačkom planu je vezana za problem rezistencije parazita i intenzivno izučavanje biohemijsko-fizioloÅ”kih karakteristika parazita, kao i razvijanje aktivne epidemioloÅ”ko epizootioloÅ”ke mreže za praćenje rezistencije. Paralelno sa razvojem lekova, rezultati ispitivanja fizioloÅ”kih funkcija parazita i njihovog međusobnog odnosa sa domaćinom, intenzivno se koriste za razvoj imunoloÅ”ke kontrole, odnosno razvoj vakcina (na primer, razvoj vakcina za kontrolu kokcidioze, babezioze, ehinokokoze i sl.). Drugi važan pristup je proučavanje parazitskih zoonoza, uticaja globalnog zagrevanja na epidemioloÅ”ko-epizootioloÅ”ke karakteristike parazitskih bolesti i selekcije otpornijih rasa/hibrida životinja. Od značaja je i dobrobit životinja, usavrÅ”avanje pouzdanih, brzih i jeftinih metoda za dijagnostikovanje parazitskih bolesti i razvoj in vitro metoda za ispitivanje rezistencije na antiparazitike

    Uporedno ispitivanje tovnih i klaničnih osobina muŔke junadi simentalske rase i meleza Ŕarolea sa simentalskom rasom

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    The objective of this study was to determine the slaughter traits, conformation score and fat covering of carcass and composition of carcasses of young cattle of two genotype groups: domestic Simmental breed (A) and its crosses with Charolais breed (B). The sample included a total of 30 animals, 15 in each group. Both groups were slaughtered at final weight of about 660 kg. After the slaughtering, warm carcass sides with and without kidney fat were weighed individually. After cooling, the left carcass sides were cut into main parts according to the Rulebook ('Off. Gazette of SFRY', No. 34/74, 26/75, 13/78 - Rulebook, 1/81 - Rulebook and 2/85 - Rulebook). The results of research show that the young cattle of group (B) achieved a statistically significant (p (lt) 0.05) higher yield of warm carcass compared to group A, and statistically highly significant (p (lt) 0.01) higher yield of warm carcass without tallow/fat. A statistically significant difference was found in the share of tongues (pĖ‚0.01), which was higher in young cattle of group (B) and a statistically significant difference in the share of offal (p (lt) 0.01), which was higher in group (A). Shares of tenderloin and the shoulder of young cattle of group (B) were statistically significantly (p (lt) 0.05) higher than in young cattle of group (A). A statistically significant difference was determined in carcass conformation scores between groups of young cattle.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrde klanične osobine, ocena konformacije i prekrivenosti trupova lojem i sastav polutki junadi dve genotipske grupe: domaće simentalske rase (A) i njenih melaza sa Å”arole rasom (B). Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 30 grla, po 15 u svakoj grupi. Obe grupe su zaklane pri dostizanju težine oko 660 kg. Nakon klanja izvrÅ”eno je pojedinačno merenje toplih polutki sa i bez bubrežnog loja. Posle hlađenja leva polutka je rasecana u osnovne delove prema pravilniku ('Sl. list SFRJ', br. 34/74, 26/75, 13/78 - dr. pravilnik, 1/81 - dr. pravilnik i 2/85 - dr. Pravilnik). Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su junad grupe (B) ostvarila statistički značajno (p (lt) 0.05) veći randman toplog trupa u poređenju sa grupom A, kao i statistički vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) veći randman toplog trupa bez loja. Statistički značajna razlika je pronađena u udelu jezika (pĖ‚0.01), koji je bio veći kod junadi grupe (B) i statistički značajna razlika u udelu obrezaka (p (lt) 0.01), koji je bio veći kod grupe (A). Udeo bifteka i udeo plećke kod junadi grupe (B) su statistički značajno (p (lt) 0.05) bili veći nego kod junadi grupe (A). Statistički značajna razlika nije utvrđena kod ocene konformacije trupova između grupa junadi
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