5 research outputs found


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    There are various reasons for the migration of the population in the world, from those of war and military, political and economic, then migrations driven by natural disasters, technological development and instabilities in the labor market. Labor migrations in the EU are mostly caused by the general dissatisfaction with situation in the labor market. The Republic of Croatia has increased the annual quota for the employment of foreign workers in 2018 to 22,000. Foreigners need to know the Croatian language at the level of basic communication and they easily get a job in the Republic of Croatia. Freedom of movement of workers in the EU is regulated by the acquis communautaire and represents the legal source of primary law which regulates the access of the population to the EU labor market, which implies the provision of residence and employment of foreigners and their families, and equality of treatment towards nationals of another Member State as towards their own nationals (principle of non-discrimination). It is thought that migrants pose a threat to workers of the countries they immigrate because the mobility within the EU has increased considerably in recent years. Until now, the barriers have been mainly social, cultural and economic reasons, but as we move on, this becomes less and less a difficulty of labor force movement in the labor market. A review on the employment of foreigners in Germany will be given, and the laws of the Republic of Croatia and Germany related to this issue will be considered. The method of observation, comparative method and method of analysis and synthesis will be used in this paper


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    Izgradnja društva koje počiva na jednakosti u pogledu prava na rad i slobodi rada, socijalnoj zaštiti, jednakosti među spolovima, humanom radu cilj je svake pravno uređene države. Sukladno tome moramo se zalagati za rad bez pritiska, bez ugnjetavanja, diskriminacije, mobbinga. Međunarodna konfederacija sindikata Global Progressive Forum, Social Alert i Solidar, Europska konfederacija sindikata započeli su kampanju pod geslom „Dostojanstven rad za dostojanstven život“. Međutim, svakodnevnica donosi drugo... Radnik na svom radnom mjestu često biva diskriminiran, izložen mobbingu, izložen otvorenom ili/i prikrivenom maltretiranju i ponižavanju, preopterećen i stalno pod stresom. Kako stres utječe na radnika dokazano je istraživanjem provedenim na uzorku od 102 radnika zaposlena u znanosti i obrazovanju, uslužnoj djelatnosti i u zdravstvu. Iako se radi o malom uzorku, ipak rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem dovode nas do poražavajućih podataka o utjecaju stresa na radnika. Stres započinje na način da dovodi do kaskadnog slijeda biokemijskih reakcija koje započinju u dijelovima mozga označenim kao hipotalamus i hipofiza, a čiji je krajnji rezultat lučenje adrenalina. Usporedno s CRF (corticotropin realising factor)-hormon koji će natjerati hipofizu da stimulira nadbubrežne žlijezde, hipotalamus luči hormon stresa (prolaktin). Stres dovodi do nesagledivih posljedica na zdravlje radnika. U okviru prava EU-a za borbu protiv diskriminacije i drugih oblika zlostavljanja radnika postoje obvezujući pravni izvori (direktive i uredbe), neobvezujući pravni izvori (preporuke i mišljenja), te akcijski programi „mainstreaming“pristup (načela jednakih mogućnosti u primjeni zabrane diskriminacije za sva područja nadležnosti EU-a).Building a society based on equality of the right to work and freedom of labor, social protection, gender equality, decent work is the goal of any legally constituted country. Accordingly, we must strive to work without pressure, without oppression, discrimination, mobbing. International Trade Union Confederation, Global Progressive Forum, Social Alert and Solidarity and the European Trade Union Confederation began a campaign under the slogan "Decent work for a dignified life." However, everyday life brings something else. A worker at his/her workplace is often exposed to discrimination, mobbing, open or covert harassment and humiliation, overloaded and constantly under stress. The research conducted on a sample of 102 workers employed in science and education, and health services industry shows the impact of stress on workers. In spite of the small sample, the research resulted in devastating data on the impact of stress on workers. Stress starts in a way that leads to a cascading sequence of biochemical reactions starting in the brain regions called hypothalamus and pituitary, and the ultimate result is the secretion of adrenaline. In parallel with CRF (corticotropin realising factor) a hormone that will make the pituitary gland stimulate the adrenal glands, the hypothalamus secretes stress hormone (prolactin). Stress leads to incalculable consequences on the health of workers. In the framework of EU law to combat discrimination and other forms of workers mistreatment there are both binding legal sources (directives and regulations) and non-binding legal sources (recommendations and reviews), and action programs " mainstream" approach (principle of equal opportunities in application of the prohibition of discrimination in all areas of EU competence ).Eine Gesellschaft, die auf der Gleichheit in der Wahrnehmung des Rechts auf Arbeit und Arbeitsfreiheit, dem Sozialschutz, der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter und einer menschenwürdigen Arbeit beruht, stellt das Ziel jedes Rechtsstaates dar. In Einklang damit, müssen wir uns für Arbeit ohne Druck, Diskriminierung und Mobbing einsetzen. Internationale Konföderation der Gewerkschaften Global Progressive Forum, Social Alert & Solidar und Europäische Konföderation der Gewerkschaften haben mit einer Kampagne begonnen mit dem Slogan „Menschenwürdige Arbeit für manschenwürdiges Leben“. Das Leben im Alltag sieht aber anders aus. Der Arbeitnehmer wird auf seinem Arbeitsplatz oft diskriminiert, offenen oder verdeckten Misshandlungen und Erniedrigungen ausgesetzt, ist oft mit der Arbeit überlastet und lebt unter ständigem Stress. Wie der Stress auf den Arbeitnehmer wirkt, wurde in einer Forschung bewiesen, die auf einer Guppe von 192 Arbeitnehmern als Befragten durchgeführt wurde, die in der Wissenschaft und Ausbildung, Dienstleitstungen und Gesundheitswesen tätig sind. Obwohl es sich hier um eine kleine Befragtenprobe handelt, weisen die Ergebnisse niederschmetternde Daten über den Einfluss von Stress auf die Arbeitsnehmer auf. Der Stress beginnt mit stufenförmigen biochemschen Reaktionen, die im Hypothalamus und Hypophyse entstehen und mit Sekretion von Adrenalin resultieren. Parallel mit CRF (corticotropin realising factor) – einem Hormon, das die Hypophyse zur Stimulierung der Nebenniere zwingt, scheidet der Hypothalamus das Stresshormon (Prolaktin) aus. Der Stress führt zu unüberschaubaren Folgen für die Gesundheit der Arbeitnehmer. Im Rahmen des EU-Rechts zur Bekämpfung der Diskriminierung und anderer Formen der Misshandlung von Arbeitnehmern bestehen verbindliche Rechtsquellen (Richtlinien und Verordnungen), unverbindliche Rechtsquellen (Empfehlungen und Stellungnahmen) und Aktionsprogramme oder mainstream approach (Grundsatz der Chancengleichheit bei der Anwendung des Diskriminierungsverbots für alle Zuständigkeitsbereiche der EU)


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    Hrvatsko zakonodavstvo i regulativa palijativne skrbi imaju postavljene neke smjernice za razvoj u Republici Hrvatskoj. Međutim, da uhvatimo korak s razvijenim zemljama treba puno toga pravno i organizacijski urediti. Imamo znanje, imamo volju , imamo svijest nesebičnog djelovanja, ali nemamo financijske mogućnosti u ovom trenutku.O palijativnoj skrbi svaki pojedinac počinje razmišljati tek onda kada mu se razboli član njegove obitelji. Da smo u stanju podići ovu djelatnost u prioritete, našla bi se i sredstva za nju. Da bismo mogli iskoristiti znanje koje imamo treba odmah djelovati. To neće biti jednostavan proces, no u svijetu postoji puno modela i primjera, pa bi se uz iskustvo drugih, naš stručni kadar, te djelovanje na fleksibilnost hrvatske birokracije, okolnosti mogle promijeniti u pozitivnom smislu. Ne zbog nas, ali možda i za nas

    Impact of Work Conditions on Productivity

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    Svaka institucija treba pratiti svoju produktivnost. Ukoliko ona pada, potrebno je poduzeti određene mjere. Cilj rada bio je analizirati stanje u četiri institucije metodom anketiranja 135 ispitanika i ukazati na probleme koji su anketiranjem detektirani. Da bi se povećala produktivnost rada, potrebno je, između ostalog, u okviru radnog procesa uvesti visoki stupanj odgovornosti radnika vodeći računa o njihovim radnim potencijalima, količini i kvaliteti rada. Iz rezultata dobivenih ovom anketom razvidno je da je adekvatno motivirani radnik, u ugodnome radnom ozračju, spreman u potpunosti predano raditi i postizati najbolje rezultate, čime u konačnici doprinosi ukupnoj produktivnosti. Treba težiti tomu da svaki radnik koji je spreman predano raditi puno radno vrijeme i biti odgovoran za svoj rad treba biti adekvatno i nagrađen. Svaki se rad može definirati u funkciji produktivnosti.Every institution should monitor its productivity. If productivity is decreasing, particular measures should be taken. The aim of the paper was to analyse the situation in four institutions by means of questionnaires filled in by 135 respondents, and to point to the problems that were detected through questionnaires. To increase productivity, high levels of worker responsibility should be introduced within the framework of work process, taking into account work potentials of workers, quantity and quality of work. From the results obtained through this survey it was noted that an adequately motivated worker in comfortable work environment is willing to be fully devoted to work and achieve best results, thus ultimately contributing to the overall productivity. There should be a tendency to adequately reward every worker who is willing to commit to work during full working hours and to be responsible for his or her work. Every type of work can be defined by productivity function