43 research outputs found

    On nilpotent Lie algebras of derivations of fraction fields

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    Let KK be an arbitrary field of characteristic zero and AA a commutative associative K K-algebra which is an integral domain. Denote by RR the fraction field of AA and by W(A)=RDerKA,W(A)=RDer_{\mathbb K}A, the Lie algebra of K\mathbb K-derivations of RR obtained from DerKADer_{\mathbb K}A via multiplication by elements of R.R. If LW(A)L\subseteq W(A) is a subalgebra of W(A)W(A) denote by rkRLrk_{R}L the dimension of the vector space RLRL over the field RR and by F=RLF=R^{L} the field of constants of LL in R.R. Let LL be a nilpotent subalgebra LW(A)L\subseteq W(A) with rkRL3rk_{R}L\leq 3. It is proven that the Lie algebra FLFL (as a Lie algebra over the field FF) is isomorphic to a finite dimensional subalgebra of the triangular Lie subalgebra u3(F)u_{3}(F) of the Lie algebra DerF[x1,x2,x3],Der F[x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}], where u3(F)={f(x2,x3)x1+g(x3)x2+cx3}u_{3}(F)=\{f(x_{2}, x_{3})\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{1}}+g(x_{3})\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{2}}+c\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{3}}\} with fF[x2,x3],gF[x3]f\in F[x_{2}, x_{3}], g\in F[x_3], cF.c\in F. In particular, a characterization of nilpotent Lie algebras of vector fields with polynomial coefficients in three variables is obtained.Comment: Corrected typos. Revised formulation of Theorem 1, results unchange

    On one-sided Lie nilpotent ideals of associative rings

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    We prove that a Lie nilpotent one-sided ideal of an associative ring RR is contained in a Lie solvable two-sided ideal of RR. An estimation of derived length of such Lie solvable ideal is obtained depending on the class of Lie nilpotency of the Lie nilpotent one-sided ideal of R.R. One-sided Lie nilpotent ideals contained in ideals generated by commutators of the form [...[[r1,r2],...],rn1],rn][... [ [r_1, r_{2}], ... ], r_{n-1}], r_{n}] are also studied.Comment: 5 page

    On closed rational functions in several variables

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    Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. An element F from k(x_1,...,x_n) is called a closed rational function if the subfield k(F) is algebraically closed in the field k(x_1,...,x_n). We prove that a rational function F=f/g is closed if f and g are algebraically independent and at least one of them is irreducible. We also show that the rational function F=f/g is closed if and only if the pencil af+bg contains only finitely many reducible hypersurfaces. Some sufficient conditions for a polynomial to be irreducible are given.Comment: Added references, corrected some typo