10 research outputs found

    EphrinB2/EphB4 signaling regulates non-sprouting angiogenesis by VEGF

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the master regulator of angiogenesis, whose best-understood mechanism is sprouting. However, therapeutic VEGF delivery to ischemic muscle induces angiogenesis by the alternative process of intussusception, or vascular splitting, whose molecular regulation is essentially unknown. Here, we identify ephrinB2/EphB4 signaling as a key regulator of intussusceptive angiogenesis and its outcome under therapeutically relevant conditions. EphB4 signaling fine-tunes the degree of endothelial proliferation induced by specific VEGF doses during the initial stage of circumferential enlargement of vessels, thereby limiting their size and subsequently enabling successful splitting into normal capillary networks. Mechanistically, EphB4 neither inhibits VEGF-R2 activation by VEGF nor its internalization, but it modulates VEGF-R2 downstream signaling through phospho-ERK1/2.; In vivo; inhibitor experiments show that ERK1/2 activity is required for EphB4 regulation of VEGF-induced intussusceptive angiogenesis. Lastly, after clinically relevant VEGF gene delivery with adenoviral vectors, pharmacological stimulation of EphB4 normalizes dysfunctional vascular growth in both normoxic and ischemic muscle. These results identify EphB4 as a druggable target to modulate the outcome of VEGF gene delivery and support further investigation of its therapeutic potential

    Promoting blood vessel growth in ischemic diseases: challenges in translating preclinical potential into clinical success

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    Angiogenic therapy, which involves the use of an exogenous stimulus to promote blood vessel growth, is an attractive approach for the treatment of ischemic diseases. It has been shown in animal models that the stimulation of blood vessel growth leads to the growth of the whole vascular tree, improvement of ischemic tissue perfusion and improved muscle aerobic energy metabolism. However, very few positive results have been gained from Phase 2 and 3 clinical angiogenesis trials. Many reasons have been given for the failures of clinical trials, including poor transgene expression (in gene-therapy trials) and instability of the vessels induced by therapy. In this Review, we discuss the selection of preclinical models as one of the main reasons why clinical translation has been unsuccessful thus far. This issue has received little attention, but could have had dramatic implications on the expectations of clinical trials. We highlight crucial differences between human patients and animal models with regards to blood flow and pressure, as well as issues concerning the chronic nature of ischemic diseases in humans. We use these as examples to demonstrate why the results from preclinical trials might have overestimated the efficacy of angiogenic therapies developed to date. We also suggest ways in which currently available animal models of ischemic disease could be improved to better mimic human disease conditions, and offer advice on how to work with existing models to avoid overestimating the efficacy of new angiogenic therapies

    Capillary Dynamics Regulate Post-Ischemic Muscle Damage and Regeneration in Experimental Hindlimb Ischemia

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    This study aimed to show the significance of capillary function in post-ischemic recovery from the perspective of physiological parameters, such as blood flow, hemoglobin oxygenation and tissue regeneration. Muscle-level microvascular alterations of blood flow and hemoglobin oxygenation, and post-ischemic myofiber and capillary responses were analyzed in aged, healthy C57Bl/6J mice (n = 48) and aged, hyperlipidemic LDLR−/−ApoB100/100 mice (n = 69) after the induction of acute hindlimb ischemia using contrast ultrasound, photoacoustic imaging and histological analyses, respectively. The capillary responses that led to successful post-ischemic muscle repair in C57Bl/6J mice included an early capillary dilation phase, preceding the return of arterial driving pressure, followed by an increase in capillary density that further supported satellite cell-induced muscle regeneration. Initial capillary enlargement was absent in the LDLR−/−ApoB100/100 mice with lifelong moderate hypercholesterolemia and led to an inability to recover arterial driving pressure, with a resulting increase in distal necrosis, chronic tissue damage and a delay in the overall recovery after ischemia. To conclude, this manuscript highlights, beyond arterial collateralization, the importance of the proper function of the capillary endothelium in post-ischemic recovery and displays how post-ischemic capillary dynamics associate beyond tissue blood flow to both hemoglobin oxygenation and tissue regeneration

    Efficient Pro-survival/angiogenic miRNA Delivery by an MRI-Detectable Nanomaterial

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    Herein, we report the use of biodegradable nanoparticles (NPs) containing perfluoro-1,5-crown ether (PFCE), a fluorine-based compound (NP170-PFCE) with the capacity to track cells <i>in vivo</i> by magnetic ressonance imaging (MRI) and efficiently release miRNA. NP170-PFCE complexed with miRNAs accumulate whitin the cell’s endolysosomal compartment and interact with higher frequency with argonaute2 (Ago2) and GW182 proteins, which are involved in the biological action of miRNAs, than commercial complexes formed by commercial reagents and miRNA, which in turn accumulate in the cell cytoplasm. The release of miRNA132 (miR132) from the NPs increased 3-fold the survival of endothelial cells (ECs) transplanted <i>in vivo</i> and 3.5-fold the blood perfusion in ischemic limbs relatively to control