40 research outputs found

    Properties Of Hybrid Coatings Based On 3-Trimethoxysilylpropyl Methacrylate

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    Hybrid coatings were prepared by sol-gel method from sols on the base of TMSPM ((3-(trimethoxysily)propyl methacrylate) TEOS (tetraethylorthosilicate) on glass, corundum, polished steel and subsequently heat treated at 90 degrees C/3 h or at 150 degrees C/3 h. The morphology and microstructure of hybrid coatings were described by SEM and AFM Properties like refractive index and thickness were measured with spectrophotometry. The abrasion resistance of hybrid coatings highly depends on the temperature of heat treatment. The tests of chemical resistance and measurement of porosity using nitrogen adsorption confirmed that the hybrid coating prepared from 100 % TMSPM is lightly porous. Therefore the hybrid material is not suitable as a protective barrier coating on the metal materials.SGS (MSMT Czech Republic) [5829

    Použití IČ spektroskopie v didaktickém systému chemie

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    Autor v předložené práci hodnotí možnosti využití infračervené spektroskopie ve výuce chemie. Zabývá se hledisky požadovaných znalostí, schopností a dovedností žáků středních odborných škol a učilišť se zaměřením na chemii a příbuzné obory a studentů pedagogických fakult s aprobací chemie.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Hydrofobní vrstva

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