183 research outputs found

    Orbital tuning, eccentricity, and the frequency modulation of climatic precession

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    The accuracy of geologic chronologies can, in principle, be improved through orbital tuning, the systematic adjustment of a chronology to bring the associated record into greater alignment with an orbitally derived signal. It would be useful to have a general test for the success of orbital tuning, and one proposal has been that eccentricity ought to covary with the amplitude envelope associated with precession variability recorded in tuned geologic records. A common procedure is to filter a tuned geologic record so as to pass precession period variability and compare the amplitude modulation of the resulting signal against eccentricity. There is a reasonable expectation for such a relationship to be found in paleoclimate records because the amplitude of precession forcing depends upon eccentricity. However, there also exists a relationship between eccentricity and the frequency of precession such that orbital tuning generates eccentricity-like amplitude modulation in filtered signals, regardless of the accuracy of the chronology or the actual presence of precession. This relationship results from the celestial mechanics governing eccentricity and precession and from the interaction between frequency modulation and amplitude modulation caused by filtering. When the eccentricity of Earth's orbit is small, the frequency of climatic precession undergoes large variations and less precession energy is passed through a narrow-band filter. Furthermore, eccentricity-like amplitude modulation is routinely obtained from pure noise records that are orbitally tuned to precession and then filtered. We conclude that the presence of eccentricity-like amplitude modulation in precession-filtered records does not support the accuracy of orbitally tuned time scales

    Glacial Variability Over the Last Two Million Years: An Extended Depth-Derived Agemodel, Continuous Obliquity Pacing, and the Pleistocene Progression

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    An agemodel not relying upon orbital assumptions is estimated over the last 2 Ma using depth in marine sediment cores as a proxy for time. Agemodel uncertainty averages +/- 10 Ka in the early Pleistocene (similar to 2-1 Ma) and +/- 7 Ka in the late Pleistocene (similar to 1 Ma to the present). Twelve benthic and five planktic delta O-18 records are pinned to the agemodel and averaged together to provide a record of glacial variability. Major deglaciation features are identified over the last 2 Ma and a remarkable 33 out of 36 occur when Earth's obliquity is anomalously large. During the early Pleistocene deglaciations occur nearly every obliquity cycle giving a 40 Ka timescale, while late Pleistocene deglaciations more often skip one or two obliquity beats, corresponding to 80 or 120 Ka glacial cycles which, on average, give the similar to 100 Ka variability. This continuous obliquity pacing indicates that the glacial theory can be simplified. An explanation for the similar to 100 Ka glacial cycles only requires a change in the likelihood of skipping an obliquity cycle, rather than new sources of long-period variability. Furthermore, changes in glacial variability are not marked by any single transition so much as they exhibit a steady progression over the entire Pleistocene. The mean, variance, skewness, and timescale associated with the glacial cycles all exhibit an approximately linear trend over the last 2 Ma. A simple model having an obliquity modulated threshold and only three adjustable parameters is shown to reproduce the trends, timing, and spectral evolution associated with the Pleistocene glacial variability.Earth and Planetary Science

    Reconciling discrepancies between Uk37 and Mg/Ca reconstructions of Holocene marine temperature variability

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    Significant discrepancies exist between the detrended variability of late-Holocene marine temperatures inferred from Mg/Ca and Uk37 proxies, with the former showing substantially more centennial-scale variation than the latter. Discrepancies exceed that attributable to differences in location and persist across various calibrations, indicating that they are intrinsic to the proxy measurement. We demonstrate that these discrepancies can be reconciled using a statistical model that accounts for the effects of bioturbation, sampling and measurement noise, and aliasing of seasonal variability. The smaller number of individual samples incorporated into Mg/Ca measurements relative to Uk37 measurements leads to greater aliasing and generally accounts for the differences in the magnitude and distribution of variability. An inverse application of the statistical model is also developed and applied in order to estimate the spectrum of marine temperature variability after correcting for proxy distortions. The correction method is tested on surrogate data and shown to reliably estimate the spectrum of temperature variance when using high-resolution records. Applying this inverse method to the actual Mg/Ca and Uk37 data results in estimates of the spectrum of temperature variance that are consistent. This approach provides a basis by which to accurately estimate the distribution of intrinsic marine temperature variability from marine proxy records

    On the attribution of weather events to climate change using a fit to extreme value distributions

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    Increases in extreme weather events are a potentially important consequence of anthropogenic climate change (ACC), yet, are difficult to attribute to ACC because the record length is often similar to, or shorter than, extreme-event return periods. This study is motivated by the ``World Weather Attribution Project'' (WWAP) and their approach of fitting extreme value distribution functions to local observations. The approach calculates the dependence of distribution parameters on the global mean surface temperature (GMST) and uses this dependence to attribute extreme events to ACC. Applying the WWAP method to a large ensemble of climate simulations run without anthropogenic forcing, we still find a strong dependence of distribution parameters on GMST. This dependence results from internal climate variability, such as ENSO, affecting both extreme events and GMST. Therefore, dependence on GMST does not necessarily imply an effect of ACC on extremes. We next re-examine three WWAP attribution cases. We consider whether an extreme value, normal, or log-normal distribution better represents the data; if a GMST-dependence of distribution parameters is justified using a likelihood ratio test; and if a meaningful attribution can be made given errors in GMST dependence. The effects of natural variability on both GMST and extremes make it impossible to attribute the 2020 Siberian Heatwave and Australia's 2020--2021 bushfires to ACC. The small number of data points for the 2019--2021 drought in Madagascar precludes a meaningful attribution analysis. Overall, natural variability and the uncertain relationship between GMST and extremes make attribution using the WWAP approach challenging