437 research outputs found

    Temperature dependent effective potential method for accurate free energy calculations of solids

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    We have developed a thorough and accurate method of determining anharmonic free energies, the temperature dependent effective potential technique (TDEP). It is based on \emph{ab initio} molecular dynamics followed by a mapping onto a model Hamiltonian that describes the lattice dynamics. The formalism and the numerical aspects of the technique are described in details. A number of practical examples are given, and results are presented, which confirm the usefulness of TDEP within \emph{ab initio} and classical molecular dynamics frameworks. In particular, we examine from first-principles the behavior of force constants upon the dynamical stabilization of body centered phase of Zr, and show that they become more localized. We also calculate phase diagram for 4^4He modeled with the Aziz \emph{et al.} potential and obtain results which are in favorable agreement both with respect to experiment and established techniques

    Introduction: Forensic Fail

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    Background: About 60% of Pheochromocytoma (PCC) and Paraganglioma (PGL) patients have either germline or somatic mutations in one of the 12 proposed disease causing genes; SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, SDHAF2, VHL, EPAS1, RET, NF1, TMEM127, MAX and H-RAS. Selective screening for germline mutations is routinely performed in clinical management of these diseases. Testing for somatic alterations is not performed on a regular basis because of limitations in interpreting the results. Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate genetic events and phenotype correlations in a large cohort of PCC and PGL tumours. Methods: A total of 101 tumours from 89 patients with PCC and PGL were re-sequenced for a panel of 10 disease causing genes using automated Sanger sequencing. Selected samples were analysed with Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification and/or SNParray. Results: Pathogenic genetic variants were found in tumours from 33 individual patients (37%), 14 (16%) were discovered in constitutional DNA and 16 (18%) were confirmed as somatic. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was observed in 1/1 SDHB, 11/11 VHL and 3/3 NF1-associated tumours. In patients with somatic mutations there were no recurrences in contrast to carriers of germline mutations (P = 0.022). SDHx/VHL/ EPAS1 associated cases had higher norepinephrine output (P = 0.03) and lower epinephrine output (P<0.001) compared to RET/NF1/H-RAS cases. Conclusion: Somatic mutations are frequent events in PCC and PGL tumours. Tumour genotype may be further investigated as prognostic factors in these diseases. Growing evidence suggest that analysis of tumour DNA could have an impact on the management of these patients

    Surgical management of pancreatico-duodenal tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1

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    Pancreatico-duodenal tumors are the second most common endocrinopathy in multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1, and have a pronounced effect on life expectancy as the principal cause of disease-related death. Previous discussions about surgical management have focused mainly on syndromes of hormone excess and, in particular, the management of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1-related Zollinger–Ellison syndrome. Since hormonal syndromes tend to occur late and indicate the presence of metastases, screening with biochemical markers and endoscopic ultrasound is recommended for early detection of pancreatico-duodenal tumors, and with early surgery before metastases have developed. Surgery is recommended in patients with or without hormonal syndromes in the absence of disseminated liver metastases. The suggested operation includes distal 80% subtotal pancreatic resection together with enucleation of tumors in the head of the pancreas, and in cases with Zollinger–Ellison syndrome, excision of duodenal gastrinomas together with clearance of regional lymph node metastases. This strategy, with early and aggressive surgery before metastases have developed, is believed to reduce the risks for tumor recurrence and malignant progression

    Surgical management of pancreatico-duodenal tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1

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    Pancreatico-duodenal tumors are the second most common endocrinopathy in multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1, and have a pronounced effect on life expectancy as the principal cause of disease-related death. Previous discussions about surgical management have focused mainly on syndromes of hormone excess and, in particular, the management of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1-related Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Since hormonal syndromes tend to occur late and indicate the presence of metastases, screening with biochemical markers and endoscopic ultrasound is recommended for early detection of pancreatico-duodenal tumors, and with early surgery before metastases have developed. Surgery is recommended in patients with or without hormonal syndromes in the absence of disseminated liver metastases. The suggested operation includes distal 80% subtotal pancreatic resection together with enucleation of tumors in the head of the pancreas, and in cases with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, excision of duodenal gastrinomas together with clearance of regional lymph node metastases. This strategy, with early and aggressive surgery before metastases have developed, is believed to reduce the risks for tumor recurrence and malignant progression

    Repeated non-epileptic seizures in a previously healthy young woman – a case report

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn18 ára hraust stúlka kom endurtekið á slysadeild á 6 vikna tímabili vegna krampakasta. Engin fyrri saga var um flogaveiki og hún tók engin lyf. Myndrannsóknir og heilalínurit bentu ekki til flogaveiki. Hún mældist með lækkaðan blóðsykur í tvígang á slysadeild, 1,3 mmól/L og 1,7 mmól/L (4,0-6,0 mmól/L). Vaknaði þá grunur um insúlínmyndandi æxli. Gerð var víðtæk leit að æxlisvexti sem bar engan árangur. Var hún því send erlendis í frekari uppvinnslu, meðal annars í jáeindaskanna og sérhæfða æðamyndatöku. Hún var að lokum greind með nesidioblastosis. Hér verður fjallað um sjúkratilfellið auk yfirferðar um þennan sjaldgæfa sjúkdóm og uppvinnslu á honum.A previously healthy 18 year old female has repeated admissions over a six week period to the emergency department because of seizures. She has no previous history of epilepsy and denies any drug use. Imaging and electroencephalogram do not indicate epilepsy. Blood sugar levels are low on two occasions, 1.3 mmol / L and 1.7mmól / L (4.0 - 6.0 mmol / L). After further investigations the suspicion of an insulin-producing tumor arises. Extensive research and imaging is conducted to look for tumor growth without any findings. Subsequently she was sent abroad for further evaluation with a 11C-5HTP-PET scan, selective angiography with celiacography and an intra-arterial calcium stimulation test. She was diagnosed with nesidioblastosis. Here we will discuss the presentation and work-up of the medical case and review this rare causative diseas


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    Ribonucleotide reductases provide the building blocks for DNA synthesis. Three classes of enzymes are known, differing widely in amino acid sequence but with similar structural motives and allosteric regulation. Class I occurs in eukaryotes and aerobic prokaryotes, class II occurs in aerobic and anaerobic prokaryotes, and class III occurs in anaerobic prokaryotes. The eukaryote Euglena gracilis contains a class II enzyme (Gleason, F. K., and Hogenkamp, H. P. (1970) J. Biol. Chem. 245, 4894-4899) and, thus, forms an exception. Class II enzymes depend on vitamin B(12) for their activity. We purified the reductase from Euglena cells, determined partial peptide sequences, identified its cDNA, and purified the recombinant enzyme. Its amino acid sequence and general properties, including its allosteric behavior, were similar to the class II reductase from Lactobacillus leichmannii. Both enzymes belong to a distinct small group of reductases that unlike all other homodimeric reductases are monomeric. They compensate the loss of the second polypeptide of dimeric enzymes by a large insertion in the monomeric chain. Data base searching and sequence comparison revealed a homolog from the eukaryote Dictyostelium discoideum as the closest relative to the Euglena reductase, suggesting that the class II enzyme was present in a common, B(12)-dependent, eukaryote ancestor

    Reconfigurable ferromagnetic liquid droplets.

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    Solid ferromagnetic materials are rigid in shape and cannot be reconfigured. Ferrofluids, although reconfigurable, are paramagnetic at room temperature and lose their magnetization when the applied magnetic field is removed. Here, we show a reversible paramagnetic-to-ferromagnetic transformation of ferrofluid droplets by the jamming of a monolayer of magnetic nanoparticles assembled at the water-oil interface. These ferromagnetic liquid droplets exhibit a finite coercivity and remanent magnetization. They can be easily reconfigured into different shapes while preserving the magnetic properties of solid ferromagnets with classic north-south dipole interactions. Their translational and rotational motions can be actuated remotely and precisely by an external magnetic field, inspiring studies on active matter, energy-dissipative assemblies, and programmable liquid constructs

    Processing and Transmission of Information

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    Contains research objectives, summary of research and reports on two research projects.National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NGL 22-009-013)Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E)U. S. Army Research Office - Durham (Contract DAHCO4-69-C-0042