870 research outputs found

    Shadow Budgets, Fiscal Illusion and Municipal Spending: The Case of Germany

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    The paper investigates the existence of fiscal illusion in German municipalities with special focus on the revenues from local public enterprises. These shadow budgets tend to increase the misperception of municipal tax prices and seem to have been neglected in the literature. Therefore, an aggregated expenditure function has been estimated for all German independent cities applying an “integrated budget” approach, which means that revenues and expenditures of the core budget and the local public enterprises are combined to one single municipal budget. The estimation results suggest that a higher relative share of local public enterprise revenues might increase total per capita spending as well as spending for non-obligatory municipal goods and services. Empirical evidence for other sources of fiscal illusion is mixed but some indications for debt illusion, renter illusion or the flypaper effect could be found.fiscal illusion, municipal enterprises, panel data regression

    Municipality Size and Efficiency of Local Public Services: Does Size Matter?

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    Similarly to western Germany in the 1960s and 1970s, the eastern part of Germany has experienced a still ongoing process of numerous amalgamations among counties, towns and municipalities since the mid-1990s. The evidence in the economic literature is mixed with regard to the claimed expenditure reductions and efficiency gains from municipal mergers. We therefore analyze the global efficiency of the municipalities in Saxony-Anhalt, for the first time in this context, using a double-bootstrap procedure combining DEA and truncated regression. This allows including environmental variables to control for exogenous determinants of municipal efficiency. Our focus thereby is on institutional and fiscal variables. Moreover, the scale efficiency is estimated to find out whether large units are necessary to benefit from scale economies. In contrast to previous studies, we chose the aggregate budget of municipal associations (“Verwaltungsgemeinschaften”) as the object of our analysis since important competences of the member municipalities are settled on a joint administrative level. Furthermore, we use a data set that has been carefully adjusted for bookkeeping items and transfers within the communal level. On the “eve” of a mayor municipal reform the majority of the municipalities were found to have an approximately scale-efficient size and centralized organizational forms (“Einheitsgemeinden”) showed no efficiency advantage over municipal associations.efficiency, local government, DEA, bootstrap, demographic change, local institutions

    Risk Aversion in the Large and in the Small

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    Estimates of agents' risk aversion differ between market studies and experimental studies. We demonstrate that the estimates can be reconciled through consistent treatment of agents' tendency for narrow framing, regarding integration of background wealth as well as across risky outcomes: Risk aversion is similar whenever similar degrees of narrow framing is assumed in either setting.Risk aversion; narrow framing; background wealth; laboratory experiments; market studies; equity premium puzzle

    Kommunale Unternehmen als Schattenhaushalte – Wie sieht die tatsächliche Haushaltssituation der deutschen Kommunen aus?

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    Outsourcing of municipal tasks from the core budget to municipal enterprises tends to distort the perception of the actual financial position, net assets and results of operations of the German local governments. Excess supply or -demand of/for local public services might be possible consequences of this development. Hence, this article attempts to develop a more comprehensive picture of the municipal budgetary position by a simultaneous analysis of selected indicators. Furthermore, the methodological problems of the calculations are illustrated. If these shadow budgets are taken into account, the total per capita revenues, -investments and -debts will increase by approximately one third to 50%. However, the share of the municipal employees belonging to the core administration in the total number of municipal employees is 75%. Although only about 22% of the expenditures for certain voluntary municipal tasks have been outsourced, there seems to be an upward trend. The study also indicates that there are significant differences between Eastern and Western German cities. These include the higher revenues from municipal enterprises, the higher debts per capita and the higher expenditures on culture, sports, leisure services or the promotion of science in Eastern Germany. The results should be interpreted carefully due to some shortcomings of the official statistics. For example, internal cash flows cannot be totally eliminated. Moreover, indirect municipal majority holdings as well as the municipal savings banks are not included in the results. All in all, it remains to be seen whether the initiated reforms concerning the introduction of double-entry accounting into the local government budgeting system will help to achieve the ideal goal of a meaningful “consolidated financial statement” for the “city company”.

    Sinkende Einwohnerzahlen und steigende Kosten fĂĽr kommunale Leistungen

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    Population decrease in many East-German towns and municipalities does not only increase the stock of empty residential buildings. It also makes provision of network-related goods and services more costly. Considering public water and sewerage services as example, the article investigates empirically how costs of provision per inhabitant depend on population number and -density. Diverging from similar studies, spatial differences in distribution costs per inhabitant are calculated within the area of a case study municipality. The calculations are based on cost accounting data of the local provider. A central problem is the choice of an appropriate spatial key figure to allocate costs. The results indicate cost advantages in providing densely populated quarters with network-related services. Consequently, rising per-capita costs should be taken into account to a greater extent for the city conversion programmes in East Germany than they have been up to now.

    Quersubventionierung kommunaler Leistungen in Deutschland: Aktuelle Bedeutung und Beurteilung unter Effizienz- und Verteilungsgesichtspunkten

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    rotz Liberalisierung des Energiemarktes und der absehbaren Deregulierung des Öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs (ÖPNV) innerhalb der EU hat die Quersubventionierung des Nahverkehrs über die Gewinne der kommunalen Versorgungsunternehmen nach wie vor eine große quantitative Bedeutung in Deutschland. Dies belegt eine Erhebung des IWH in deutschen Großstädten. Diese Praxis kann aus wohlfahrtsökonomischer Sicht und aus der Verteilungsperspektive als ineffizient bzw. nicht mit den üblichen Vorstellungen von Bedarfsgerechtigkeit vereinbar beurteilt werden. Soll aus politischen Gründen das ÖPNV-Angebot im bisherigen Umfang aufrechterhalten werden, wäre unter Umständen eine alternative Finanzierungsform geboten.

    Kommunale Unternehmen in Deutschland: Umsatz, Beschäftigung, Tätigkeitsfelder

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    Despite the ongoing political and scientific discussion about justification and extent of municipal economic activities, neither official statistics nor surveys of associations or research institutes provide valid data concerning the importance of local public enterprises. The IWH has carried out an analysis of different statistical sources which tries to fill the gap for municipal enterprises and yields the following results: Turnover- and employment shares of (big) companies with municipal shareholding are rather small in Germany. Nevertheless, such enterprises dominate within certain branches (e.g. public utilities) and their importance for the regional economy is particularly in Eastern Germany above-average.

    Wirtschaftliche Effekte der Förderung der Wasser- und Abwasserinfrastruktur am Beispiel Sachsens

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    The article deals with the regional economic growth effects of the German “Joint Scheme” for the improvement of regional economic structures (“GA-Infra”). It focuses on water and sewerage projects located in the federal state of Saxony (Germany) during the funding period 2000-2007. Evaluating these projects is important for scientific as well as for economic policy reasons. First of all, according to general economic theory, the potential direct and indirect supply-side effects of the water and sewerage infrastructure as well as the price effects caused by this infrastructure are relevant for location decisions only to certain branches of the manufacturing industry. Subsidies for the development of the sewerage infrastructure have been granted mostly according to the growth target of regional policy, i.e. primarily to municipalities with above-average volumes of industry sewage. This finding could not be confirmed for water provision. A regression analysis (estimating the labour demand of the local manufacturing industry) showed no empirical evidence for any relationship between the changes in labour demand and the amount of GA-Infra funded water and sewerage infrastructure investments. This might be a consequence of the already satisfactory development condition of the infrastructure in question at the beginning of the funding period (“ubiquitous infrastructure”). According to a survey of local governments conducted by the IWH, these results might be explained by the fact that business customers did not benefit from price reductions despite the GA-Infra funding granted to their local water and sewage disposal providers. Even though there might be some intuitively plausible reasons (decreasing population, no connection fees) for these findings, no effect on firm location decisions can be expected under these circumstances. All in all, we do not consider the further extension of these funding priorities to be necessary. Especially, the GA-Infra water/sewerage grants should neither be used to mitigate the cost effects of demographic changes or regulation nor to compensate for losses caused by the buyer power of large firms.

    Neue Grenzen städtischer Wirtschaftstätigkeit: Ausweitung versus Abbau?Tagungsbericht zum 2. Halleschen Kolloquium zur kommunalen Wirtschaft

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    On October 11th and 12th 2007, the department of urban economics of the Halle Institute for Economic Research organized a conference on local governments’ entrepreneurial activities. The main target of this second conference after the first one in 2005 was to analyze the spatial and functional boundaries of municipal economic activities. The participants came from various fields of science, local public administrations, municipal enterprises, associations and included politicians and others interested in the topic. The presentations covered a broad variety of subjects. On the first conference day, the speakers dealt with the partly controversial attitude of different disciplines such as law, economics, public business administration or sociology towards the local public economy. Other presenters focused on selected municipal services (public transportation, housing). The second day was dedicated to the topics restrictions on municipal economic activities in Southern Europe, regional effects of municipal enterprises and employee protection in case of privatization. The conference was closed by a panel discussion with distinguished representatives from politics, science and management about the future role of municipal enterprises. The presentations and discussions showed that the times are changing for the local public sector. In addition, the participants rejected an unrestricted extension of markets or business fields of municipal enterprises as well as the complete privatization of municipal services.

    Light trapping in solar cells at the extreme coupling limit

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    We calculate the maximal absorption enhancement obtainable by guided mode excitation in a weakly absorbing dielectric slab over wide wavelength ranges. The slab mimics thin film silicon solar cells in the low absorption regime. We consider simultaneously wavelength-scale periodicity of the texture, small thickness of the film, modal properties of the guided waves and their confinement to the film. Also we investigate the effect of the incident angle on the absorption enhancement. Our calculations provide tighter bounds for the absorption enhancement but still significant improvement is possible. Our explanation of the absorption enhancement can help better exploitation of the guided modes in thin film devices.Comment: accepted for publication in JOSA
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