98 research outputs found

    Femtosecond deep-infrared optical parametric oscillator pumped directly by a Ti:sapphire laser

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    We report a high-repetition-rate femtosecond optical parametric oscillator (OPO) for the deep-infrared (deep-IR) based on the nonlinear optical crystal, CdSiP2 (CSP), pumped directly by a Ti:sapphire laser, for the first time. By pumping CSP at <1 μm, we have achieved practical output powers at the longest wavelengths generated by any Ti:sapphire-pumped OPO. Using a combination of pump wavelength tuning, type-I critical phase-matching, and cavity delay tuning, we have generated continuously tunable radiation across 6654−8373 nm (1194−1503 cm-1) at 80.5 MHz repetition rate, providing up to 20 mW of average power at 7314 nm and <7 mW beyond 8000 nm, with idler spectra exhibiting bandwidths of 140−180 nm across the tuning range. Moreover, the near-IR signal is tunable across 1127−1192 nm, providing up to 37 mW of average power at 1150 nm. Signal pulses, characterised using intensity autocorrelation, have durations of ∼260–320 fs, with corresponding time-bandwidth product of ∆υ∆τ∼1. The idler and signal output exhibit a TEM00 spatial profile with single-peak Gaussian distribution. With an equivalent spectral brightness of ∼6.68×1020 photons s-1 mm-2 sr-1 0.1% BW-1, this OPO represents a viable table-top alternative to synchrotron and supercontinuum sources for deep-IR applications in spectroscopy, metrology and medical diagnostics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Nanosecond difference-frequency-generation in orientation-patterned gallium phosphide

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    We report a tunable, single-pass, pulsed nanosecond difference-frequency generation (DFG) source based on the new semiconductor nonlinear material, orientation-patterned gallium phosphide (OP-GaP). The DFG source is realized by mixing the output signal of a nanosecond OPO tunable over 1723–1827 nm with the input pump pulses of the same OPO at 1064 nm in an OP-GaP crystal, resulting in tunable generation over 233 nm in the mid-infrared from 2548 to 2781 nm. Using a 40-mm-long crystal, we have produced ∼14  mW∼14  mW of average DFG output power at 2719 nm for a pump power of 5 W and signal power of 1 W at 80 kHz repetition rate. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first single-pass nanosecond DFG source based on OP-GaP. The DFG output beam has a TEM00TEM00 spatial mode profile and exhibits passive power stability better than 1.7% rms over 1.4 h at 2774 nm, compared to 1.6% and 0.1% rms for the signal and pump, respectively. The OP-GaP crystal is recorded to have a temperature acceptance bandwidth of 17.7°C.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Efficient half-harmonic generation of three-optical-cycle mid-IR frequency comb around 4 µm using OP-GaP

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    We report a broadband mid-infrared frequency comb with three-optical-cycle pulse duration centered around 4.2 µm, via half-harmonic generation using orientation-patterned GaP (OP-GaP) with ~43% conversion efficiency. We experimentally compare performance of GaP with GaAs and lithium niobate as the nonlinear element, and show how properties of GaP at this wavelength lead to generation of the shortest pulses and the highest conversion efficiency. These results shed new light on half-harmonic generation of frequency combs, and pave the way for generation of short-pulse intrinsically-locked frequency combs at longer wavelengths in the mid-infrared with high conversion efficiencies
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