307 research outputs found

    A note on the generalized Hamming weights of Reed-Muller codes

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    In this note, we give a very simple description of the generalized Hamming weights of Reed--Muller codes. For this purpose, we generalize the well-known Macaulay representation of a nonnegative integer and state some of its basic properties.Comment: 8 page

    Explicit MDS Codes with Complementary Duals

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    In 1964, Massey introduced a class of codes with complementary duals which are called Linear Complimentary Dual (LCD for short) codes. He showed that LCD codes have applications in communication system, side-channel attack (SCA) and so on. LCD codes have been extensively studied in literature. On the other hand, MDS codes form an optimal family of classical codes which have wide applications in both theory and practice. The main purpose of this paper is to give an explicit construction of several classes of LCD MDS codes, using tools from algebraic function fields. We exemplify this construction and obtain several classes of explicit LCD MDS codes for the odd characteristic case

    On the Deuring Polynomial for Drinfeld Modules in Legendre Form

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    We study a family ψλ\psi^{\lambda} of Fq[T]\mathbb F_q[T]-Drinfeld modules, which is a natural analog of Legendre elliptic curves. We then find a surprising recurrence giving the corresponding Deuring polynomial Hp(T)(λ)H_{p(T)}(\lambda) characterising supersingular Legendre Drinfeld modules ψλ\psi^{\lambda} in characteristic p(T)p(T).Comment: This article supersedes arXiv:1110.607

    A new family of maximal curves

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    In this article we construct for any prime power qq and odd n≥5n \ge 5, a new Fq2n\mathbb{F}_{q^{2n}}-maximal curve Xn\mathcal X_n. Like the Garcia--G\" uneri--Stichtenoth maximal curves, our curves generalize the Giulietti--Korchm\'aros maximal curve, though in a different way. We compute the full automorphism group of Xn\mathcal X_n, yielding that it has precisely q(q2−1)(qn+1)q(q^2-1)(q^n+1) automorphisms. Further, we show that unless q=2q=2, the curve Xn\mathcal{X}_n is not a Galois subcover of the Hermitian curve. Finally, we find new values of the genus spectrum of Fq2n\mathbb{F}_{q^{2n}}-maximal curves, by considering some Galois subcovers of Xn\mathcal X_n

    Maximum number of points on intersection of a cubic surface and a non-degenerate Hermitian surface

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    In 1991 S{\o}rensen proposed a conjecture for the maximum number of points on the intersection of a surface of degree dd and a non-degenerate Hermitian surface in \PP^3(\Fqt). The conjecture was proven to be true by Edoukou in the case when d=2d=2. In this paper, we prove that the conjecture is true for d=3d=3 and q≥8q \ge 8. We further determine the second highest number of rational points on the intersection of a cubic surface and a non-degenerate Hermitian surface. Finally, we classify all the cubic surfaces that admit the highest and second highest number of points in common with a non-degenerate Hermitian surface. This classifications disproves one of the conjectures proposed by Edoukou, Ling and Xing

    Generalized Hamming weights of affine cartesian codes

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    In this article, we give the answer to the following question: Given a field F\mathbb{F}, finite subsets A1,…,AmA_1,\dots,A_m of F\mathbb{F}, and rr linearly independent polynomials f1,…,fr∈F[x1,…,xm]f_1,\dots,f_r \in \mathbb{F}[x_1,\dots,x_m] of total degree at most dd. What is the maximal number of common zeros f1,…,frf_1,\dots,f_r can have in A1×⋯×AmA_1 \times \cdots \times A_m? For F=Fq\mathbb{F}=\mathbb{F}_q, the finite field with qq elements, answering this question is equivalent to determining the generalized Hamming weights of the so-called affine Cartesian codes. Seen in this light, our work is a generalization of the work of Heijnen--Pellikaan for Reed--Muller codes to the significantly larger class of affine Cartesian codes.Comment: 12 Page

    Weierstrass semigroups on the Giulietti-Korchm\'aros curve

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    In this article we explicitly determine the structure of the Weierstrass semigroups H(P)H(P) for any point PP of the Giulietti-Korchm\'aros curve X\mathcal{X}. We show that as the point varies, exactly three possibilities arise: One for the Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}-rational points (already known in the literature), one for the Fq6∖Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^6} \setminus \mathbb{F}_{q^2}-rational points, and one for all remaining points. As a result, we prove a conjecture concerning the structure of H(P)H(P) in case PP is an Fq6∖Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^6} \setminus \mathbb{F}_{q^2}-rational point. As a corollary we also obtain that the set of Weierstrass points of X\mathcal{X} is exactly its set of Fq6\mathbb{F}_{q^6}-rational points

    Sub-quadratic Decoding of One-point Hermitian Codes

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    We present the first two sub-quadratic complexity decoding algorithms for one-point Hermitian codes. The first is based on a fast realisation of the Guruswami-Sudan algorithm by using state-of-the-art algorithms from computer algebra for polynomial-ring matrix minimisation. The second is a Power decoding algorithm: an extension of classical key equation decoding which gives a probabilistic decoding algorithm up to the Sudan radius. We show how the resulting key equations can be solved by the same methods from computer algebra, yielding similar asymptotic complexities.Comment: New version includes simulation results, improves some complexity results, as well as a number of reviewer corrections. 20 page
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