171 research outputs found

    Modelling the thermal stability of precursor nanoparticles in zeolite synthesis

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    We have modelled the thermal stability of silica nanoparticles commonly observed as precursors in the synthesis of zeolites. We performed canonical Monte Carlo and parallel tempering simulations on a lattice model that describes the self-assembly of nanoparticles under conditions at which they are observed experimentally. The effect of heating on the relative stability of the phases of the model was analysed by running simulations at various temperatures. At low temperature, the model yields a metastable multi-particle phase with a characteristic size distribution, which is separated by an energy barrier from the true equilibrium phase, a dense silica solid. As temperature increases, the system enters a transition region and eventually reaches the bulk phase. This transition is reminiscent of the experimentally observed transition from nanoparticles to zeolite. The transition temperature scales with the inverse of the system volume, approaching an asymptotic value for large system sizes. This indicates the transition temperature is a reproducible macroscopic property of the system. The transition temperature in the model is within the range of temperatures at which nanoparticles form zeolite crystals in experiments

    Molecular simulations of the synthesis of periodic mesoporous silica phases at high surfactant concentrations

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    Molecular dynamics simulations of a coarse-grained model are used to study the formation mechanism of periodic mesoporous silica over a wide range of cationic surfactant concentrations. This follows up on an earlier study of systems with low surfactant concentrations. We started by studying the phase diagram of the surfactant-water system and found that our model shows good qualitative agreement with experiments with respect to the surfactant concentrations where various phases appear. We then considered the impact of silicate species upon the morphologies formed. We have found that even in concentrated surfactant systems --in the concentration range where pure surfactant solutions yield a liquid crystal phase -- the liquid-crystal templating mechanism is not viable because the preformed liquid crystal collapses as silica monomers are added into the solution. Upon the addition of silica dimers, a new phase-separated hexagonal array is formed. The preformed liquid crystals were found to be unstable in the presence of monomeric silicates. In addition, the silica dimer is found to be essential for mesoscale ordering at both low and high surfactant concentrations. Our results support the view that a cooperative interaction of anionic silica oligomers and cationic surfactants determines the mesostructure formation in the M41S family of materials.publishe

    Canopy nitrogen, carbon assimilation, and albedo in temperate and boreal forests: Functional relations and potential climate feedbacks

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    The availability of nitrogen represents a key constraint on carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, and it is largely in this capacity that the role of N in the Earth\u27s climate system has been considered. Despite this, few studies have included continuous variation in plant N status as a driver of broad-scale carbon cycle analyses. This is partly because of uncertainties in how leaf-level physiological relationships scale to whole ecosystems and because methods for regional to continental detection of plant N concentrations have yet to be developed. Here, we show that ecosystem CO2 uptake capacity in temperate and boreal forests scales directly with whole-canopy N concentrations, mirroring a leaf-level trend that has been observed for woody plants worldwide. We further show that both CO2 uptake capacity and canopy N concentration are strongly and positively correlated with shortwave surface albedo. These results suggest that N plays an additional, and overlooked, role in the climate system via its influence on vegetation reflectivity and shortwave surface energy exchange. We also demonstrate that much of the spatial variation in canopy N can be detected by using broad-band satellite sensors, offering a means through which these findings can be applied toward improved application of coupled carbon cycle–climate models

    Multiscale model for the templated synthesis of mesoporous silica: the essential role of silica oligomers

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    A detailed theoretical understanding of the synthesis mechanism of periodic mesoporous silica has not yet been achieved. We present results of a multiscale simulation strategy that, for the first time, describes the molecular-level processes behind the formation of silica/surfactant mesophases in the synthesis of templated MCM-41 materials. The parameters of a new coarse-grained explicit-solvent model for the synthesis solution are calibrated with reference to a detailed atomistic model, which itself is based on quantum mechanical calculations. This approach allows us to reach the necessary time and length scales to explicitly simulate the spontaneous formation of mesophase structures while maintaining a level of realism that allows for direct comparison with experimental systems. Our model shows that silica oligomers are a necessary component in the formation of hexagonal liquid crystals from low-concentration surfactant solutions. Because they are multiply charged, silica oligomers are able to bridge adjacent micelles, thus allowing them to overcome their mutual repulsion and form aggregates. This leads the system to phase separate into a dilute solution and a silica/surfactant-rich mesophase, which leads to MCM-41 formation. Before extensive silica condensation takes place, the mesophase structure can be controlled by manipulation of the synthesis conditions. Our modeling results are in close agreement with experimental observations and strongly support a cooperative mechanism for synthesis of this class of materials. This work paves the way for tailored design of nanoporous materials using computational models

    Improvements to the APBS biomolecular solvation software suite

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    The Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver (APBS) software was developed to solve the equations of continuum electrostatics for large biomolecular assemblages that has provided impact in the study of a broad range of chemical, biological, and biomedical applications. APBS addresses three key technology challenges for understanding solvation and electrostatics in biomedical applications: accurate and efficient models for biomolecular solvation and electrostatics, robust and scalable software for applying those theories to biomolecular systems, and mechanisms for sharing and analyzing biomolecular electrostatics data in the scientific community. To address new research applications and advancing computational capabilities, we have continually updated APBS and its suite of accompanying software since its release in 2001. In this manuscript, we discuss the models and capabilities that have recently been implemented within the APBS software package including: a Poisson-Boltzmann analytical and a semi-analytical solver, an optimized boundary element solver, a geometry-based geometric flow solvation model, a graph theory based algorithm for determining pKaK_a values, and an improved web-based visualization tool for viewing electrostatics

    Evidence of Strong Stabilizing Effects on the Evolution of Boreoeutherian (Mammalia) Dental Proportions

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    The dentition is an extremely important organ in mammals with variation in timing and sequence of eruption, crown morphology, and tooth size enabling a range of behavioral, dietary, and functional adaptations across the class. Within this suite of variable mammalian dental phenotypes, relative sizes of teeth reflect variation in the underlying genetic and developmental mechanisms. Two ratios of postcanine tooth lengths capture the relative size of premolars to molars (premolar–molar module, PMM), and among the three molars (molar module component, MMC), and are known to be heritable, independent of body size, and to vary significantly across primates. Here, we explore how these dental traits vary across mammals more broadly, focusing on terrestrial taxa in the clade of Boreoeutheria (Euarchontoglires and Laurasiatheria). We measured the postcanine teeth of N = 1,523 boreoeutherian mammals spanning six orders, 14 families, 36 genera, and 49 species to test hypotheses about associations between dental proportions and phylogenetic relatedness, diet, and life history in mammals. Boreoeutherian postcanine dental proportions sampled in this study carry conserved phylogenetic signal and are not associated with variation in diet. The incorporation of paleontological data provides further evidence that dental proportions may be slower to change than is dietary specialization. These results have implications for our understanding of dental variation and dietary adaptation in mammal
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