694 research outputs found

    The future of the Dutch egg processing industry

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    This research examines the competitiveness of the Dutch egg products industry, as well as the consequences of tightening up the laws concerning layer poultry on the competitive position of the Dutch egg production industry. A tightening of the laws has, in fact, the effect of raising the production cost, and in this research the central question revolves around whether animal welfare-friendly egg products are perceived as products with added value by the buyers of egg products (mainly industrial buyers) and will thus also be offered for sale at a higher price. Furthermore, it will be investigated what the probable developmental directions are in the egg products industry if this higher price cannot be realised.Livestock Production/Industries,

    Understanding the Impact of Brand Delistings on Assortment Evaluations and Store Switching and Complaining Intentions

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    Recently, retailers have begun considering which brands they can delist without reducing customer satisfaction, losing category sales, or increasing store switching behavior. Although several studies have considered assortment reductions, none has explicitly investigated the impact of total brand delistings. Therefore, the authors study the impact of brand delistings on assortment evaluations and store switching and complaining intentions. They execute both a controlled experiment and a survey and find that brand delisting mainly has negative consequences when the delisted brands have high equity, assortment size is limited, the assortment consists of a low proportion of high-equity brands, and the brand delistings take place in categories with high hedonic levels. The authors discuss the theoretical and managerial implications of these findings

    Vastgeklonken aan de Fyra: Een pad-afhankelijkheidsanalyse van de onvermijdelijke keuze voor de falende flitstrein

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    __Abstract__ Met het terzijde stellen van de Fyra V250-treinen is een nieuwe wending bereikt in de twintig jaar dat Nederland probeert een hoge-snelheidslijn op de rails te krijgen. De logische vraag is wie er schuldig is aan dit dieptepunt. In dit artikel analyseren we de 20 jaar van besluitvorming aan de hand van de economische theorie over padafhankelijkheid in besluitvorming. Op basis van een uitgebreide inhoudsanalyse van meer dan 1200 documenten concluderen we dat, gegeven alle eerdere besluiten met betrekking tot o.a. de bouw en de concessieverlening, de keuze voor de V250 een noodgedwongen en onvermijdelijke gok was. Alle betrokkenen, van NS tot Tweede Kamer, blijken bij te dragen aan het vastlopen van dit project. In spring 2013, the Dutch railway operator High Speed Alliance cancelled the acceptance procedures for the V250 high-speed train sets they ordere

    Indian Wars: Old & New

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    Article published in the Journal of Gender, Race & Justice

    Mortality salience in an offline and online setting

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    The current study aims to examine the effects of mortality salience effects on worldview defense in an offline and online setting. Participants were 146 (66 offline and 80 online) Singaporeans. Participants were randomly assigned to either the mortality salience condition or the control condition and after a delay completed a Worldview Defense Assessment. No significant mortality salience effects on worldview defense occurred in either setting. The results might be explained by the Asian sample, Singapore's culture of tolerance, and data collection during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Future research directions include examining the effects of COVID-19 in activating worldview defense

    Understanding the role of nanostructuring in photoelectrode performance for light driven water splitting

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    The analysis of capacitance data for regular nanostructured photoelectrodes is revisited using a hematite nanorod array as an example. The effects of the cylindrical nanorod geometry on the capacitance voltage behaviour are outlined, and the limiting case of complete depletion is discussed in terms of the residual geometric capacity at the base of the nanorods. Since nanorod arrays generally leave areas of the substrate exposed, it is necessary to consider the parallel capacitance associated with the fraction of uncovered surface. The sensitivity of the capacitance fitting to parameter variation is explored. The enhancement of external quantum efficiency EQE by nanostructuring is also discussed using hematite nanorod arrays as experimental examples. It is shown that, although very substantial EQE enhancement should be achieved by simple geometric effects, the performance of nanostructured hematite electrodes in the visible region of the spectrum is considerably lower than predicted if all charge carriers generated in the space charge region SCR were collected. Further analysis reveals that the internal quantum efficiency increases with photon energy, suggesting that the probability of generating free, rather than bound, electron hole pairs in hematite depends on the excess energy hv Ega

    Rapid Change of Mid-Depth North Atlantic Circulations in Tropics

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    Nineteenth Conference on Climate Variability and Change, American Meteorological Society, San Antonio, Texas, 15-18 January 2007.Contributed Pape

    Kostprijsontwikkeling consumptie- eieren 2004-2012: Basisjaar 2004

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    This report relates to a comparative study of the production cost of eggs in 2004 in some EU countries and Brazil and the USA. This was supplemented by a review of the prospects up until 2012. An insight was obtained into the national developments in animal welfare, environmental measures, and food safety. It was concluded that the production cost of eggs in the EU will further increase and as a result the difference in production cost with the non-EU countries will further increase. In the EU, Dutch and German layer farmers are confronted with additional animal-welfare and environmental regulations as compared to their counterparts in France, Spain and Poland. In dit rapport worden de kostprijzen van eieren in 2004 van verschillende EU-landen vergeleken met Brazilië en de Verenigde Staten. Voor alle genoemde landen is een doorkijk gemaakt naar het jaar 2012. Per land zijn de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van dierenwelzijn, milieu en voedselveiligheid in kaart gebracht. Geconcludeerd wordt dat in de EUlanden de komende jaren de kostprijs voor eieren zal stijgen, waardoor het verschil met de niet-EU-landen verder toeneemt. Binnen de EU hebben de leghennenhouders in Nederland en Duitsland te maken met extra regelgeving op het gebied van dierenwelzijn en milieu in vergelijking met Frankrijk, Spanje en Polen.Livestock Production/Industries,

    Handelsstromen van pluimveevlees

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    This study provides an insight into the goods flows of (raw) poultry meat within - and, in particular, to - the Netherlands, and into the associated zoonosis risks. The study offers input for an inspection policy that will be required to enforce the intended prohibition on the marketing of raw poultry meat infected with Campylobacter and Salmonella. The Netherlands is an important poultry-meat trading country, and consequently the interviewees endorsed the importance of the reduction of zoonosis; they were also of the opinion that good Salmonella and Campylobacter control measures are in place in the Netherlands. In addition, it was also concluded that the retail sale of poultry meat that is free of Campylobacter and Salmonella is not currently a feasible proposition in the Netherlands.International Relations/Trade,

    Energetics and kinetics of light-driven oxygen evolution at semiconductor electrodes:the example of hematite

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