281 research outputs found

    The role of venture capital and private equity for innovation and development of SMEs : evidence from Italian puzzle

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    Numerous studies have discussed that even if fundamental for innovation and economic growth, SMEs are often financially more constrained than large firms. Therefore, venture capitalists are often the only available sources of financing to small and young companies. Through the analysis of a database that includes 160 funding deals signed in Italy, we research for empirical evidence of the determinants and effects of VC and PE investments. We find that VC and PE funds are more likely to finance younger and smaller firms. We confirm the presence of the certification effect under new circumstances applying to SMEs

    Does corporate governance really matter for firms performance? Evidence from Italian IPOS market

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    During recent years, corporate governance has received an increasing attention in the academic debate due to several scandals in financial world and consequent changes in the regulatory framework. Through this paper, we aim to take part in the stimulating debate about the relation between corporate governance and performance. Previous literature on this topic provided a solid theoretical framework for our research. This paper contributes to this investigation with an analysis of the Italian market, by the examination of the relation between the market performance of Italian IPOs and their governance structure. In particular, we find evidence of a positive relation between governance, which we measured by a new and original governance index made by 40 provisions, and IPOs performance occurred in the Italian market during period 1998-2008

    A new species of the genus <i>Atelopsalis</i> (Acari: Halacaridae) from Zanzibar, Tanzania

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    A new halacarid species belonging to the genus Atelopsalis is described from the east coast of Zanzibar,Tanzania. Atelopsalis zanzibari sp. nov. is characterized by an anterior areola and two longitudinal costae on anterior dorsal plate, posterior dorsal plate with four costae, genu I with one spine, genu II devoid of spine. This is the first report of the genus Atelopsalis from Tanzania

    Skin Cancer Prevention and Screening in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Skin cancer is among the most common types of cancer. The incidence of skin cancer is very high and raising worldwide, especially its most serious and aggressive form, melanoma. Severe childhood sunburn and long term sun exposure over many years are the leading risk factors for skin cancer. Macedonia is situated in the region with high UV index of radiation and has an average annual incidence of skin cancer, compared with other countries in Europe and in the world. Almost all skin cancers are preventable and they are highly curable if detected and treated early. Even malignant melanoma is almost 100 percent curable if detected early, before the cancer has invaded into the deeper layers of the skin. Since the year 2005 a new technology, dermatoscopy, has been introduced in the routine practice at the Clinic of Dermatology at the Clinical Center in Skopje. This new method of skin cancer detection makes possible diagnosis of melanoma in in situ stadium. It was the starting point for multiple activities and programs, which the Clinic has undertaken within the last two years, for prevention, screening and early detection of the skin cancer, as well as managing further appropriate cure. A new dermato-oncology unit was founded within the Clinic of Dermatology. Currently it is engaged in: clinical protocols of diagnosis and prevention, educational activities and informative campaigns, education of medical staff for working with this category of patients, selection of patients into groups (patients with low and high risk for developing skin cancer) and their followup in regular intervals, creating medical records in electronic form for each patient, promotion of dermatoscopy as a method, use of modern information and communication technologies (telemedicine, teledermatology) and active participation in the international activities for skin cancer control

    Morphometric analysis of mandibular canal: clinical aspects

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    Results of morphometric analysis of the mandibular canal (MC), carried out on 105 conserved mandibles, 70 being dentate and 35 edentate, was performed. The analysis was carried out on consecutive sections, at mutual intervals of 0.5 cm. In the mandibular ramus sections were carried out obliquely, approximately in the frontal plane, and horizontally, from mandibular foramen to the lowest region of the vertical part of the MC (all together two sections). In the mandibular corpus, consecutive transversal sections were carried out between existing teeth, or at mutual intervals of 0.5 cm in edentate regions.The obtained results pointed out the very close relationship between the MC and lingual cortical plate of the mandibular ramus. In its horizontal part, the average diameter of the MC was 2.6 mm. It was situated more lingually in the molar region; towards the front, it approached the vestibular cortical plate, being closest to it in the region of the second premolar. Similar relationships of the MC and both cortical plates existed in edentate jaws. Relationships of the MC and tooth root apices varied; however, the MC was closest to the apices of the third molar. Mesially from the mental foramen, a clearly defined incisive canal was present in 92% of the dentale mandibles, but only in 31% of the edentate ones. The nearest to the incisive canal was the apex of the first premolar.The authors point out the importance of presented results in everyday practice, especially in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Having in mind the existing relationship between the MC and neighbouring structures, it is possible to avoid the injury of its content during several oral surgical procedures in mandibular ramus and corpus.L’analyse morphométrique du canal mandibulaire (CM) a été faite sur 105 mandibules conservées. Parmices mandibules, 70 étaient partiellement édentées et 35 totalement édentées. Les distances du CM de la couche compacte osseuse de la mandibule et des apex des racines dentaires ont été mesurées sur les coupes successives pratiquées à une distance de 0,5 cm. Dans la région de la branche montante mandibulaire les coupes successives ont été pratiquées suivant le plan horizontal, de l'orifice postérieur du canal mandibulaire à la terminaison de la partie verticale du CM. La région du corps mandibulaire a été traitée par des coupes verticales. Ces sections ont été faites successivement à travers l’espace entre chaque deux dents ou à une distance de 0,5 cm dans les régions édentées.Les résultats obtenus montrent que le CM se dirige obliquement de haut en bas et en avant, très proche de la lame osseuse linguale. Dans la partie horizontale son diamètre est de 2,6 mm en moyenne. Dans la région des dents molaires le CM est très proche de la lame osseuse linguale; en cheminant en avant, le CM s’approche de la lame osseuse buccale dont il est le plus proche dans la région de la P2. Dans les mandibules édentées, le CM a des rapports semblables.La distance du CM des apex des racines dentaires est variable, pourtant il est le plus proche des apex des racines de la M3. Mésialement du trou mentonnier, le canal incisif était clairement individualisé dans 92% des mandibules avec la denture conservée, et dans 31% des mandibules édentées. La première prémolaire était la plus proche du canal incisif.Les auteurs montrent l’importance des résultats présentés pour la stomatologie clinique, surtout pour la chirurgie orale et maxillofaciale. Compte tenu des rapports du CM avec les structures voisines on peut éviter des lésions de son contenu au cours de certaines interventions chirurgicales sur la branche montante et sur le corps de la mandibule

    Acineta persiensis sp. n. (Ciliophora, Suctorea) — a New Freshwater Suctorian Species from the Water Mites of the Genus Protzia (Acari, Hydrachnidia)

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    Acineta persiensis Dovgal et Pesic, sp. n. — a new suctorian ciliate species, was described from specimens collected in Guik stream, Khorrasan Province, Iran and in Stream Bistrica near village Crkvine, Montenegro. The suctorian was found colonizing the legs of the hydrachnid mites Protzia sepasgosariani and P. invalvaris. A new species differs from other species of the genus Acineta in the lorica structure, stalk morphology, the ability to hyperphoretic pseudocolonies formation and geographical distribution.Описан новый вид сукторий, Acineta persiensis Dovgal et Pesic, sp. n., по материалам из потока Джук, провинция Хорасан, Иран и потока Быстрица у деревни Црквин, Черногория. Инфузория была обнаружена на ногах клещей-гидрахнид Protzia sepasgosariani и P. invalvaris. От других видов рода Acineta новый вид отличается строением раковины и стебелька, способностью формировать гиперфоретические псевдоколонии, а также географическим распространением

    A new epigean false scorpion: Roncus sumadijae n. sp. (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from the Balkan Peninsula (Western Serbia)

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    A new endemic epigean species from the village of Adžina Livada, nr. Kragujevac, Mts. Gledićke Planine, western Serbia, is erected, described and thoroughly illustrated. Its main morphometric characters and important diagnostic features are analyzed and compared to the two closest congeners, Roncus ivanjicae B. Ćurčić, and R. golijae B. Ćurčić from western Serbia, respectively

    Les rapports du canal mandibulaire avec les faces externes du corps de la mandibule et risques qui en découlent de le léser

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    The investigations of relations and position of the mandibular canal (CM) were carried out on 80 mandibles (33 dentulous, 27 partly edentulous and 20 completely edentulous).The studies of relations of CM to the sides of mandibular body were accomplished by morphometric analysis of CM on consecutive transversal sections of mandibular body (54 preparations). The relation of the CM to be buccal or to the lingual side is expressed as the distance from the surface of the correspondent side of the mandibular body, which is shown in Table 1. According to these data, the position of the canal is at first proximate to the lingual side, and from the first molar tooth (M1) it approaches the buccal surface of the mandibular body.The position of the entire CM was determined by analysis of mandibular preparations (26) after removing the buccal osseous lamina. These investigations revealed that the position of the CM is predominantly buccal. Reconstruction of relations of the CM to the sides of mandibular body, according to the data obtained from transversal sections, and the real position of the CM are presented in Scheme I.The difference in direction lines of relations and of predominant position of the CM is a consequence of morphological characteristics of mandibular body.Le CM a été étudié sur 80 mandibules (dont 33 avec la denture conservée, 27 peu édentées et 20 totalement édentées). L’analyse morphométrique des rapports du CM a été faite sur les coupes frontales de la mandibule (54). La position du CM en entier a été examinée après la trépanation du corps mandibulaire (26 préparations). La reconstruction des rapports du CM d’après les données obtenues sur les coupes fait apparaître que le canal a d’abord une position linguale, ensuite il croise la M1 et se termine dans une position buccale. Dans la plupart des cas, le CM a, dans la majeure partie de son trajet, une position buccale à cause de la configuration caractéristique du corps mandibulaire

    Skin Cancer Prevention and Screening in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Skin cancer is among the most common types of cancer. The incidence of skin cancer is very high and raising worldwide, especially its most serious and aggressive form, melanoma. Severe childhood sunburn and long term sun exposure over many years are the leading risk factors for skin cancer. Macedonia is situated in the region with high UV index of radiation and has an average annual incidence of skin cancer, compared with other countries in Europe and in the world. Almost all skin cancers are preventable and they are highly curable if detected and treated early. Even malignant melanoma is almost 100 percent curable if detected early, before the cancer has invaded into the deeper layers of the skin. Since the year 2005 a new technology, dermatoscopy, has been introduced in the routine practice at the Clinic of Dermatology at the Clinical Center in Skopje. This new method of skin cancer detection makes possible diagnosis of melanoma in in situ stadium. It was the starting point for multiple activities and programs, which the Clinic has undertaken within the last two years, for prevention, screening and early detection of the skin cancer, as well as managing further appropriate cure. A new dermato-oncology unit was founded within the Clinic of Dermatology. Currently it is engaged in: clinical protocols of diagnosis and prevention, educational activities and informative campaigns, education of medical staff for working with this category of patients, selection of patients into groups (patients with low and high risk for developing skin cancer) and their followup in regular intervals, creating medical records in electronic form for each patient, promotion of dermatoscopy as a method, use of modern information and communication technologies (telemedicine, teledermatology) and active participation in the international activities for skin cancer control

    Description of a new species of the <i>Agauopsis ornata</i> group (Acari: Halacaridae) from Zanzibar, Tanzania including a key to species of the <i>ornata</i> group <i>sensu stricto</i>

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    A new halacarid species Agauopsis zanzibari sp. nov. belonging to the ornata group (Agauopsis, Halacaridae, Acari), collected from Zanzibar, Tanzania is described, using light and scanning electron microscopy images. Differences from closely related species are discussed and a key to species of the ornata group sensu stricto is presented