43 research outputs found

    Reduction of Sulfur Dioxide on Carbons Catalyzed by Salts

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    The reduction of SO2 on different carbons in the presence of the nitrates and sulfides of sodium, potassium and calcium and potassium polysulfides was studied. The presence of salts increased the initial rate 2-5 fold for all of them and did not change the product distribution. The catalysis was not determined by the cation and there was no difference in the catalytic reactivity between nitrates and sulfides. The sulfur content of the activated carbon increased during the reaction on account of the stable reactive intermediates in the reduction of SO2. In the presence of NaNO3 or Na2S, the amount of sulfur incorporated was in the molar ratio Na:S = 3 ± 0.3, and the XPS spectra of the residual carbon showed an increase of ca. 9% of the non-oxidized form of sulfur in the intermediates. In the absence of salt, it is proposed that after the adsorption of SO2 on the carbon, a 1,3,2-dioxathiolane or 1,2-oxathietene 2-oxide are formed and that decompose to produce CO2 and atomic sulfur. The non-oxidized sulfur intermediate would be an episulfide 3, formed from the reaction of the atomic sulfur with the nearest double bond and followed by consecutive reactions of insertion of atomic sulfur to form a trisulfide. Extrusion of S2 from the trisulfide would regenerate the episulfide, establishing a sulfidedisulfide-trisulfide equilibrium that worked as a capture-release cycle of sulfur. In the presence of salt, the results are consistent with the assumption that the episulfide 3 reacts with the corresponding sulfide anion to form a disulfide anion, which upon reaction with atomic sulfur forms a trisulfide anion that decomposes releasing diatomic sulfur S2, transporting the sulfur and generating a thiolate that is part of the catalytic cycle

    Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators controlling the hypoxic respiratory response in anaesthetized cats

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    The contributions of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators to the responses of the respiratory network to acute hypoxia were analysed in anaesthetized cats.Samples of extracellular fluid were collected at 1–1.5 min time intervals by microdialysis in the medullary region of ventral respiratory group neurones and analysed for their content of glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), serotonin and adenosine by high performance liquid chromatography. Phrenic nerve activity was correlated with these measurements.Levels of glutamate and GABA increased transiently during early periods of hypoxia, coinciding with augmented phrenic nerve activity and then fell below control during central apnoea. Serotonin and adenosine increased slowly and steadily with onset of hypoxic depression of phrenic nerve activity.The possibility that serotonin contributes to hypoxic respiratory depression was tested by microinjecting the 5-HT-1A receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT into the medullary region that is important for rhythmogenesis. Hypoxic activation of respiratory neurones and phrenic nerve activity were suppressed. Microinjections of NAN-190, a 5-HT-1A receptor blocker, enhanced hypoxic augmentation resulting in apneustic prolongation of inspiratory bursts.The results reveal a temporal sequence in the release of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators and suggest a specific role for each of them in the sequential development of hypoxic respiratory disturbances