888 research outputs found

    Early Drosophila Oogenesis: A Tale of Centriolar Asymmetry

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    Among the morphological processes that characterize the early stages of Drosophila oogenesis, the dynamic of the centrioles deserves particular attention. We re-examined the architecture and the distribution of the centrioles within the germarium and early stages of the vitellarium. We found that most of the germ cell centrioles diverge from the canonical model and display notable variations in size. Moreover, duplication events were frequently observed within the germarium in the absence of DNA replication. Finally, we report the presence of an unusually long centriole that is first detected in the cystoblast and is always associated with the developing oocyte. This centriole is directly inherited after the asymmetric division of the germline stem cells and persists during the process of oocyte selection, thus already representing a marker for oocyte identification at the beginning of its formation and during the ensuing developmental stages

    Sas-4 colocalizes with the ciliary rootlets of the drosophila sensory organs

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    The Drosophila eye displays peculiar sensory organs of unknown function, the mechanosensory bristles, that are intercalated among the adjacent ommatidia. Like the other Drosophila sensory organs, the mechanosensory bristles consist of a bipolar neuron and two tandemly aligned centrioles, the distal of which nucleates the ciliary axoneme and represents the starting point of the ciliary rootlets. We report here that the centriole associated protein Sas-4 colocalizes with the short ciliary rootlets of the mechanosensory bristles and with the elongated rootlets of chordotonal and olfactory neurons. This finding suggests an unexpected cytoplasmic localization of Sas-4 protein and points to a new underscored role for this protein. Moreover, we observed that the sheath cells associated with the sensory neurons also display two tandemly aligned centrioles but lacks ciliary axonemes, suggesting that the dendrites of the sensory neurons are dispensable for the assembly of aligned centrioles and rootlets

    Cell-to-Cell Interactions during Early Drosophila Oogenesis: An Ultrastructural Analysis

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    Drosophila oogenesis requires the subsequent growth of distinct egg chambers each containing a group of sixteen germline cells surrounded by a simple epithelium of follicle cells. The oocyte occupies a posterior position within the germ cells, thus giving a distinct asymmetry to the egg chamber. Although this disposition is critical for the formation of the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo, the interplay between somatic and germ cells during the early stages of oogenesis remains an open question. We uncover by stage 2, when the egg chambers leaved the germarium, some unique spatial interactions between the posterior follicle cells and the oocyte. These interactions are restricted to the surface of the oocyte over the centriole cluster that formed during early oogenesis. Moreover, the posterior follicle cells in front of the oocyte display a convoluted apical membrane with extensive contacts, whereas the other follicle cells have a flat apical surface without obvious surface protrusions. In addition, the germ cells located at the posterior end of the egg chamber have very elongated protrusions that come into contact with each other or with facing follicle cells. These observations point to distinct polarization events during early oogenesis supporting previous molecular data of an inherent asymmetry between the anterior and the posterior regions of the egg chambers

    The Microtubule-Depolymerizing Kinesin-13 Klp10A Is Enriched in the Transition Zone of the Ciliary Structures of Drosophila melanogaster

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    The precursor of the flagellar axoneme is already present in the primary spermatocytes of Drosophila melanogaster. During spermatogenesis each primary spermatocyte shows a centriole pair that moves to the cell membrane and organizes an axoneme-based structure, the cilium-like region (CLR). The CLRs persist through the meiotic divisions and are inherited by young spermatids. During spermatid differentiation the ciliary caps elongate giving rise to the sperm axoneme. Mutations in Klp10A, a kinesin-13 of Drosophila, results in defects of centriole/CLR organization in spermatocytes and of ciliary cap assembly in elongating spermatids. Reduced Klp10A expression also results in strong structural defects of sensory type I neurons. We show, here, that this protein displays a peculiar localization during male gametogenesis. The Klp10A signal is first detected at the distal ends of the centrioles when they dock to the plasma membrane of young primary spermatocytes. At the onset of the first meiotic prometaphase, when the CLRs reach their full size, Klp10A is enriched in a distinct narrow area at the distal end of the centrioles and persists in elongating spermatids at the base of the ciliary cap. We conclude that Klp10A could be a core component of the ciliary transition zone in Drosophila

    Metastatic tumors to the stomach: clinical and endoscopic features.

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    AIM: To evaluate the clinical and endoscopic patterns in a large series of patients with metastatic tumors in the stomach. METHODS: A total of 64 patients with gastric metastases from solid malignant tumors were retrospectively examined between 1990 and 2005. The clinicopathological findings were reviewed along with tumor characteristics such as endoscopic pattern, location, size and origin of the primary sites. RESULTS: Common indications for endoscopy were anemia, bleeding and epigastric pain. Metastases presented as solitary (62.5%) or multiple (37.5%) tumors were mainly located in the middle or upper third of stomach. The main primary metastatic tumors were from breast and lung cancer and malignant melanoma. CONCLUSION: As the prognosis of cancer patients has been improving gradually, gastrointestinal (GI) metastases will be encountered more often. Endoscopic examinations should be conducted carefully in patients with malignancies, and endoscopic biopsies and information on the patient's clinical history are useful for correct diagnosis of gastric metastases

    A colour atlas of diseases of the vulva and perigenital area

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    This international congress will put a lot of work into female health. We therefore de\uaccided to present our clinical experience about an issue that is rarely discussed in der\uacmatological congresses, i.e. the diseases of the vulva and perigenital area. The diseases will be divided into different chapters: hereditary diseases (Darier disease); infectious diseases (herpes genitalis, genital warts, candidiasis, impetigo, erysipelas, syphilis); inflammatory diseases (allergic contact dermatitis, fixed drug eruption, psoriasis, lichen planus, lichen sclerosus, pemphigus) and neoplastic dis\uaceases (bowenoid papulosis, basal cell carcinoma, Bowen's disease, squamous cell carcinoma, extra-mammary Paget's disease, melanoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, T-cell lym\uacphoma and Langerhans' cell histiocytosis). All these diseases will be discussed ac\uaccording to clinical, histopathological and therapeutical points of view

    Nonlocal field correlations and dynamical Casimir-Polder forces between one excited- and two ground-state atoms

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    The problem of nonlocality in the dynamical three-body Casimir-Polder interaction between an initially excited and two ground-state atoms is considered. It is shown that the nonlocal spatial correlations of the field emitted by the excited atom during the initial part of its spontaneous decay may become manifest in the three-body interaction. The observability of this new phenomenon is discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, sub. to Phys. Rev.

    Nitrogen Experiments on a Supersonic Linear Cascade For ORC Applications

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    A novel experiment has been conceived at Politecnico di Milano for the study of the flow within and downstream of supersonic cascades of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbines. This paper documents the first phase of the research, focused on the preliminary tests and studies performed by operating the facility with nitrogen as working fluid, to demonstrate the technical relevance of the experiment and the validity of the measurement system in a simplified thermodynamic condition. The set of measured data includes, beside the inlet total thermodynamic state, eight static pressure values obtained via taps manufactured on the test section rear end-wall, both within the bladed and semi-bladed region of the cascade, as well as a total pressure probe to retrieve the cascade performance. A double-passage Schlieren equipment was also employed to visualize the density gradients. Experiments show an outstanding repeatability, indicate a quasi -steady cascade operation during the blow-down process for all the pressure signal considered, and demonstrate a remarkable periodicity among two consecutive channels also in off-design conditions. Experimental data were also compared with CFD simulations, resulting in an excellent agreement for the pressure data acquired both within and downstream of the cascade

    HCV antiviral therapy in injection drug users: difficult to treat or easy to cure?

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    Background and rationale of the study. Hepatitis C infection is very common among injection drug users(IDUs). In clinical practice there is reluctance to treat IDUs, because considered difficult-to-treat. Aim of this study was to evaluate the response to antiviral treatment in IDUs compared to non-IDUs. Main results. In this observational retrospective study, 204 non cirrhotic patients(112 IDUs, 92 non-IDUs) with chronic hepatitis C, treated with PEG-IFN and ribavirin in a tertiary centre for IDUs of Southern Italy from 2008 to 2011 were analyzed. Age, sex, genotype, steatosis, response to previous therapy, rapid(RVR), early(EVR), end-of-treatment(ETR), sustained(SVR) virological response were evaluated. IDUs were mainly young and males, with prevalence of genotype 3. A higher SVR rate in IDUs group compared to non-IDUs only in PerProtocol(PP) analysis (90% vs. 78,9% ;p = 0.04). On the contrary, in IntentionToTreat(ITT) analysis, no significant difference was relieved. A higher SVR rate at ITT analyses in naive non-IDUs patients was found (76,13% vs. 90%, p = 0.021), but at PP analysis wasn't confirmed. Treatment was well tolerated; a higher dropout rate was reported in IDUs (24 patients) compared to non-IDUs (2 patients). In order to exclude the effect of viral genotypes on SVR a genotype matched statistical analysis was done and no difference was found. Conclusions. IDUs naive patients, due to young age and high prevalence of genotype 3, appear good candidates to dual antiviral therapy with high SVR rates. Dropout is the main non-response cause among these subjects, but through an optimal monitoring program with a multidisciplinary setting, their "difficult to treat" characteristics can be overcome
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