2,266 research outputs found

    A Review of International Space Station Habitable Element Equipment Offgassing Characteristics

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    Crewed spacecraft trace contaminant control employs both passive and active methods to achieve acceptable cabin atmospheric quality. Passive methods include carefully selecting materials of construction, employing clean manufacturing practices, and minimizing systems and payload operational impacts to the cabin environment. Materials selection and manufacturing processes constitute the first level of equipment offgassing control. An element-level equipment offgassing test provides preflight verification that passive controls have been successful. Offgassing test results from multiple International Space Station (ISS) habitable elements and cargo vehicles are summarized and implications for active contamination control equipment design are discusse

    Building 4755 Test Facility Overview

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    The Impacts of Cabin Atmosphere Quality Standards and Control Loads on Atmosphere Revitalization Process Design

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    Maintaining the cabin atmospheres pressure, composition, and quality within specified parameters is a necessity for successful crewed space exploration missions. A properly maintained environment minimizes health impacts on the occupants and maximizes their comfort. The challenge is to accomplish this outcome economically. The insight gained during the International Space Stations (ISS) operational lifetime is driving toward more challenging cabin atmospheric quality standards for future exploration missions. At the same time, the metabolic loads are increasing to accommodate a broader crew body size range and more rigorous exercise protocols to mitigate health effects associated with long duration microgravity exposure. Compounding this situation is new process equipment for handling trash and waste that may vent contaminants into the cabin. The limits placed on the cabin atmospheric quality parameters combined with the contaminant load define the design space for the atmosphere revitalization (AR) subsystem technologies to be deployed aboard the spacecraft. The impacts of changes to cabin atmospheric quality standards and contamination loads are evaluated and implications to future crewed exploration missions are explored

    Methane and Carbon Monoxide Concentration Dynamics of the International Space Station Cabin Atmosphere

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    Methane and carbon monoxide are gaseous contaminants commonly found in a crewed spacecrafts cabin environment that are of interest to trace contaminant control equipment design. Generation sources include crew metabolism and equipment offgassing. Sources and generation rates of methane and carbon monoxide aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are examined. Cabin atmosphere concentration dynamics covering 19 years of ISS crewed operations are presented and correlation with octafluoropropane (Freon 218) concentration levels is analyzed

    Winston J. Craig

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    An Environmental Impact Assessment of Perfluorocarbon Thermal Working Fluid Use On Board Crewed Spacecraft

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    The design and operation of crewed spacecraft requires identifying and evaluating chemical compounds that may present reactivity and compatibility risks with the environmental control and life support (ECLS) system. Such risks must be understood so that appropriate design and operational controls, including specifying containment levels, can be instituted or an appropriate substitute material selected. Operational experience acquired during the International Space Station (ISS) program has found that understanding ECLS system and environmental impact presented by thermal control system working fluids is imperative to safely operating any crewed space exploration vehicle. Perfluorocarbon fluids are used as working fluids in thermal control fluid loops on board the ISS. Also, payload hardware developers have identified perfluorocarbon fluids as preferred thermal control working fluids. Interest in using perfluorocarbon fluids as thermal control system working fluids for future crewed space vehicles and outposts is high. Potential hazards associated with perfluorocarbon fluids are discussed with specific attention given to engineering assessment of ECLS system compatibility, compatibility testing results, and spacecraft environmental impact. Considerations for perfluorocarbon fluid use on crewed spacecraft and outposts are summarized

    Considering Intermittent Dormancy in an Advanced Life Support Systems Architecture

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    Many advanced human space exploration missions being considered by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) include concepts in which in-space systems cycle between inhabited and uninhabited states. Managing the life support system (LSS) may be particularly challenged during these periods of intermittent dormancy. A study to identify LSS management challenges and considerations relating to dormancy is described. The study seeks to define concepts suitable for addressing intermittent dormancy states and to evaluate whether the reference LSS architectures being considered by the Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Life Support Systems Project (LSSP) are sufficient to support this operational state. The primary focus of the study is the mission concept considered to be the most challenging-a crewed Mars mission with an extensive surface stay. Results from this study are presented and discussed

    Evaluation of a Candidate Trace Contaminant Control Subsystem Architecture: The High Velocity, Low Aspect Ratio (HVLA) Adsorption Process

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    Traditional gas-phase trace contaminant control adsorption process flow is constrained as required to maintain high contaminant single-pass adsorption efficiency. Specifically, the bed superficial velocity is controlled to limit the adsorption mass-transfer zone length relative to the physical adsorption bed; this is aided by traditional high-aspect ratio bed design. Through operation in this manner, most contaminants, including those with relatively high potential energy are readily adsorbed. A consequence of this operational approach, however, is a limited available operational flow margin. By considering a paradigm shift in adsorption architecture design and operations, in which flows of high superficial velocity are treated by low-aspect ratio sorbent beds, the range of well-adsorbed contaminants becomes limited, but the process flow is increased such that contaminant leaks or emerging contaminants of interest may be effectively controlled. To this end, the high velocity, low aspect ratio (HVLA) adsorption process architecture was demonstrated against a trace contaminant load representative of the International Space Station atmosphere. Two HVLA concept packaging designs (linear flow and radial flow) were tested. The performance of each design was evaluated and compared against computer simulation. Utilizing the HVLA process, long and sustained control of heavy organic contaminants was demonstrated

    Life Support Filtration System Trade Study for Deep Space Missions

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) technical developments for highly reliable life support systems aim to maximize the viability of long duration deep space missions. Among the life support system functions, airborne particulate matter filtration is a significant driver of launch mass because of the large geometry required to provide adequate filtration performance and because of the number of replacement filters needed to a sustain a mission. A trade analysis incorporating various launch, operational and maintenance parameters was conducted to investigate the trade-offs between the various particulate matter filtration configurations. In addition to typical launch parameters such as mass, volume and power, the amount of crew time dedicated to system maintenance becomes an increasingly crucial factor for long duration missions. The trade analysis evaluated these parameters for conventional particulate matter filtration technologies and a new multi-stage particulate matter filtration system under development by NASAs Glenn Research Center. The multi-stage filtration system features modular components that allow for physical configuration flexibility. Specifically, the filtration system components can be configured in distributed, centralized, and hybrid physical layouts that can result in considerable mass savings compared to conventional particulate matter filtration technologies. The trade analysis results are presented and implications for future transit and surface missions are discussed

    Ammonia Stability in a Simulated Trace Contaminant Rich Cabin Environment

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    The off-gassing of ammonia from hardware and metabolic sources presents a unique challenge to trace contaminant control system design, driving process flowrates to meet crewed air quality requirements. Accurately simulating representative trace contaminant cabin loads during ground testing is necessary to validate component design as well as understand potential contaminant propagation across life-support system process interface boundaries. This effort is complicated by the observed temporal concentration instability of gaseous ammonia in ground test chambers. To this end, ammonia concentration decay rates were characterized under controlled environmental conditions to better understand underlying phenomena and quantify incidental mass losses. The suspected chemical interaction between ammonia and trace acetaldehyde was investigated and its effect on species quantification was examined by both gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Recommendations for ground test procedures were made in order to best compensate for undesirable ammonia mass losses and mitigate test artifacts