7 research outputs found

    Are Land-use Changes Reflected in Diets of Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura) in Eastern South Dakota

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    Food habits of the mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) have been extensively studied in the southern United States (McClure 1943, Korschgen 1958, Carpenter 1971) and consist primarily of vegetable matter throughout their range (Beckwith 1959). Diet studies in several states have indicated agricultural crops, specifically corn and wheat, were the most readily consumed plant seeds (Korshgen 1958, Carpenter 1971). Similarities observed in diets of doves were dependent on the agricultural crops available within the area. For example, in Missouri, some seasonal variability was documented suggesting doves forage based on food availability as much as by food preference (Korschgen 1958). However, in the agriculturally dominated landscape of east central South Dakota (SD), the two most important food items for doves were green (Setaria viridis) and yellow foxtail (S. glauca; Van’t Hul and Jenks 1992)


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    Food habits of the mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) have been extensively studied in the southern United States (McClure 1943, Korschgen 1958, Carpenter 1971) and consist primarily of vegetable matter throughout their range (Beckwith 1959). Diet studies in several states have indicated agricultural crops, specifically corn and wheat, were the most readily consumed plant seeds (Korshgen 1958, Carpenter 1971). Similarities observed in diets of doves were dependent on the agricultural crops available within the area. For example, in Missouri, some seasonal variability was documented suggesting doves forage based on food availability as much as by food preference (Korschgen 1958). However, in the agriculturally- dominated landscape of east central South Dakota (SD), the two most important food items for doves were green (Setaria viridis) and yellow foxtail (S. glauca; Van’t Hul and Jenks 1992). Large-scale land use changes have occurred in eastern South Dakota in the past few decades and several factors have contributed to increased grassland to cropland conversion (Wright and Wimberly 2013). Conversion of grasslands to agricultural crops has increased as demand for biofuels and commodity prices increased (Secchi and Babcock 2007, Searchinger et al. 2008, Fargione et al. 2009, Wright and Wimberly 2013). In east central South Dakota, corn and soybean plantings have increased from 2,400,000 ha in 1991 to 4,400,000 ha in 2013 (United States Department of Agriculture 2014). These significant land-use changes that have occurred in the intervening 20 years may influence mourning dove feeding habits. We compared mourning dove diet composition in Minnehaha County, South Dakota, USA, to those published 20 years earlier from a study conducted approximately 60 km north (Van’t Hul and Jenks 1992)

    Effects of hatchery broodstock collection on adult Muskellunge populations

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    Muskellunge Esox masquinongy stocking programs throughout North America rely on the collection of wild adult Muskellunge to acquire gametes for hatchery propagation. The process of collecting, transporting, confining, handling, and spawning broodstock Muskellunge may cause mortality that could alter Muskellunge density, size structure, and population survival rates. We used long‐term Muskellunge capture‐recapture data collected from the Iowa Great Lakes and Clear Lake in northern Iowa, USA to estimate the number and proportion of Muskellunge captured annually and initial mortality rates resulting from broodstock collection. We also evaluated whether Muskellunge apparent survival rates differed between individuals used as broodstock and those that were not captured annually. Finally, we evaluated whether the number of initial mortalities or the number of individuals captured were related to annual population survival estimates. Collectively, 7,010 adult Muskellunge (3,896 males and 3,114 females) captures occurred between 2001‐2017 and population densities within a system ranged from 0.11 to 0.39 fish/ha. An average of 33% (range: 13% ‐76%) of the population was captured during broodstock operations annually. Between 0 and 28 (0.0000 to 0.0191 fish/ha) Muskellunge died at each hatchery annually and more males died than females (total of 150 males and 68 females; 3.9% and 2.2% of captured fish, respectively). However, annual mortalities were generally a low proportion of Muskellunge in the lake (\u3c2%; \u3c0.001 fish/ha). There was some evidence of size selective mortality, particularly for males, where larger individuals (875‐975 mm) were more likely to die, but we found no evidence to suggest that broodstock collection affected annual population survival estimates. Muskellunge broodstock mortality appears to act in a compensatory manner with natural mortality, and other sources of population mortality are more likely to have a greater effect on the population

    Early psychological care of the French victims of the Costa Concordia shipwreck

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    Most of the French passengers who survived the shipwreck of the cruise ship Costa Concordia were repatriatedfrom Italy to Marseille, one of the stopovers of the cruise. The shipwreck happened during the nightof 13th–14th January 2012 and entailed the forced evacuation of 4195 passengers and crewmembers.Thirty-two persons died and 2 others are still reported missing. The massive and unexpected inflow of402 French citizens in the port of Marseille required the quick setting up of welcome facilities, not only tosolve logistical problems, but also to address psychological and sometimes even medical problems. ThePrehospital Psychological Emergency Service (CUMP) and the Prehospital Emergency Medical Service(SAMU) of Marseille examined 196 persons in total, and were able to avoid a great number of emergencyadmissions deemed necessary because of difficult psychological situations (death, missing or lost persons,acute stress). The objective of this report is to rapidly present the emergency committee as a whole andto describe in more detail the work that the CUMP accomplished during the 36 hours necessary to takecharge of the majority of the French passengers of the Costa Concordia.Most of the French passengers who survived the shipwreck of the cruise ship Costa Concordia were repatriatedfrom Italy to Marseille, one of the stopovers of the cruise. The shipwreck happened during the nightof 13th–14th January 2012 and entailed the forced evacuation of 4195 passengers and crewmembers.Thirty-two persons died and 2 others are still reported missing. The massive and unexpected inflow of402 French citizens in the port of Marseille required the quick setting up of welcome facilities, not only tosolve logistical problems, but also to address psychological and sometimes even medical problems. ThePrehospital Psychological Emergency Service (CUMP) and the Prehospital Emergency Medical Service(SAMU) of Marseille examined 196 persons in total, and were able to avoid a great number of emergencyadmissions deemed necessary because of difficult psychological situations (death, missing or lost persons,acute stress). The objective of this report is to rapidly present the emergency committee as a whole andto describe in more detail the work that the CUMP accomplished during the 36 hours necessary to takecharge of the majority of the French passengers of the Costa Concordia


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    Food habits of the mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) have been extensively studied in the southern United States (McClure 1943, Korschgen 1958, Carpenter 1971) and consist primarily of vegetable matter throughout their range (Beckwith 1959). Diet studies in several states have indicated agricultural crops, specifically corn and wheat, were the most readily consumed plant seeds (Korshgen 1958, Carpenter 1971). Similarities observed in diets of doves were dependent on the agricultural crops available within the area. For example, in Missouri, some seasonal variability was documented suggesting doves forage based on food availability as much as by food preference (Korschgen 1958). However, in the agriculturally- dominated landscape of east central South Dakota (SD), the two most important food items for doves were green (Setaria viridis) and yellow foxtail (S. glauca; Van’t Hul and Jenks 1992). Large-scale land use changes have occurred in eastern South Dakota in the past few decades and several factors have contributed to increased grassland to cropland conversion (Wright and Wimberly 2013). Conversion of grasslands to agricultural crops has increased as demand for biofuels and commodity prices increased (Secchi and Babcock 2007, Searchinger et al. 2008, Fargione et al. 2009, Wright and Wimberly 2013). In east central South Dakota, corn and soybean plantings have increased from 2,400,000 ha in 1991 to 4,400,000 ha in 2013 (United States Department of Agriculture 2014). These significant land-use changes that have occurred in the intervening 20 years may influence mourning dove feeding habits. We compared mourning dove diet composition in Minnehaha County, South Dakota, USA, to those published 20 years earlier from a study conducted approximately 60 km north (Van’t Hul and Jenks 1992)