50 research outputs found

    Comparative genomics of regulation of heavy metal resistance in Eubacteria

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    BACKGROUND: Heavy metal resistance (HMR) in Eubacteria is regulated by a variety of systems including transcription factors from the MerR family (COG0789). The HMR systems are characterized by the complex signal structure (strong palindrome within a 19 or 20 bp promoter spacer), and usually consist of transporter and regulator genes. Some HMR regulons also include detoxification systems. The number of sequenced bacterial genomes is constantly increasing and even though HMR resistance regulons of the COG0789 type usually consist of few genes per genome, the computational analysis may contribute to the understanding of the cellular systems of metal detoxification. RESULTS: We studied the mercury (MerR), copper (CueR and HmrR), cadmium (CadR), lead (PbrR), and zinc (ZntR) resistance systems and demonstrated that combining protein sequence analysis and analysis of DNA regulatory signals it was possible to distinguish metal-dependent members of COG0789, assign specificity towards particular metals to uncharacterized loci, and find new genes involved in the metal resistance, in particular, multicopper oxidase and copper chaperones, candidate cytochromes from the copper regulon, new cadmium transporters and, possibly, glutathione-S-transferases. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that the specificity of the COG0789 systems can be determined combining phylogenetic analysis and identification of DNA regulatory sites. Taking into account signal structure, we can adequately identify genes that are activated using the DNA bending-unbending mechanism. In the case of regulon members that do not reside in single loci, analysis of potential regulatory sites could be crucial for the correct annotation and prediction of the specificity

    RegPrecise: a database of curated genomic inferences of transcriptional regulatory interactions in prokaryotes

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    The RegPrecise database (http://regprecise.lbl.gov) was developed for capturing, visualization and analysis of predicted transcription factor regulons in prokaryotes that were reconstructed and manually curated by utilizing the comparative genomic approach. A significant number of high-quality inferences of transcriptional regulatory interactions have been already accumulated for diverse taxonomic groups of bacteria. The reconstructed regulons include transcription factors, their cognate DNA motifs and regulated genes/operons linked to the candidate transcription factor binding sites. The RegPrecise allows for browsing the regulon collections for: (i) conservation of DNA binding sites and regulated genes for a particular regulon across diverse taxonomic lineages; (ii) sets of regulons for a family of transcription factors; (iii) repertoire of regulons in a particular taxonomic group of species; (iv) regulons associated with a metabolic pathway or a biological process in various genomes. The initial release of the database includes ∼11 500 candidate binding sites for ∼400 orthologous groups of transcription factors from over 350 prokaryotic genomes. Majority of these data are represented by genome-wide regulon reconstructions in Shewanella and Streptococcus genera and a large-scale prediction of regulons for the LacI family of transcription factors. Another section in the database represents the results of accurate regulon propagation to the closely related genomes

    Characterization of the Metabolically Modified Heavy Metal-Resistant Cupriavidus metallidurans Strain MSR33 Generated for Mercury Bioremediation

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    BACKGROUND: Mercury-polluted environments are often contaminated with other heavy metals. Therefore, bacteria with resistance to several heavy metals may be useful for bioremediation. Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 is a model heavy metal-resistant bacterium, but possesses a low resistance to mercury compounds. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To improve inorganic and organic mercury resistance of strain CH34, the IncP-1β plasmid pTP6 that provides novel merB, merG genes and additional other mer genes was introduced into the bacterium by biparental mating. The transconjugant Cupriavidus metallidurans strain MSR33 was genetically and biochemically characterized. Strain MSR33 maintained stably the plasmid pTP6 over 70 generations under non-selective conditions. The organomercurial lyase protein MerB and the mercuric reductase MerA of strain MSR33 were synthesized in presence of Hg(2+). The minimum inhibitory concentrations (mM) for strain MSR33 were: Hg(2+), 0.12 and CH(3)Hg(+), 0.08. The addition of Hg(2+) (0.04 mM) at exponential phase had not an effect on the growth rate of strain MSR33. In contrast, after Hg(2+) addition at exponential phase the parental strain CH34 showed an immediate cessation of cell growth. During exposure to Hg(2+) no effects in the morphology of MSR33 cells were observed, whereas CH34 cells exposed to Hg(2+) showed a fuzzy outer membrane. Bioremediation with strain MSR33 of two mercury-contaminated aqueous solutions was evaluated. Hg(2+) (0.10 and 0.15 mM) was completely volatilized by strain MSR33 from the polluted waters in presence of thioglycolate (5 mM) after 2 h. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: A broad-spectrum mercury-resistant strain MSR33 was generated by incorporation of plasmid pTP6 that was directly isolated from the environment into C. metallidurans CH34. Strain MSR33 is capable to remove mercury from polluted waters. This is the first study to use an IncP-1β plasmid directly isolated from the environment, to generate a novel and stable bacterial strain useful for mercury bioremediation

    Impact of Climate Change and Weather Variability on North Dakota Agriculture

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    This study used county-level yields and panel data (1950-2006) to explain the Impact of climate change and weather variability on North Dakota agriculture by estimating the effect of variation in temperature and precipitation on the yields of four major crops: com, durum, soybeans and wheat. In addition to yields, the study examined Impacts of climate change on crop gross revenues per acre for all 53 counties in North Dakota. An econometric model was developed to infer statistical relationships between weather variability and crop yields. Fixed and random effects models were employed to estimate the impacts of climate variables (temperature and precipitation) on crop yields. The Hausman test statistics was applied to test the preferred panel estimation approach: fixed versus random effects. Using mean values of precipitation and degree days for all counties, we calculated percentage changes in estimated crop yields for six climate change scenarios. The historical price data for the four crops (com, soybeans, spring wheat and durum) were used to generate per acre gross returns under the six weather-change scenarios in order to provide preliminary evidence about the effects of precipitation and temperature changes on farmer returns for the four crops

    Types of Values and Ethical Behavior of Young Adults Living in Latvia and Germany

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    Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot, pirmkārt, vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīga pozitīva sakarība starp ētisku uzvedību organizācijā un vērtību dimensiju pastāvošā saglabāšana; otrkārt, vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīga negatīva sakarība starp ētisku uzvedību organizācijā un vērtību dimensiju atvērtums jaunajam; treškārt, vai vērtību dimensija pastāvošā saglabāšana Latvijā ieņem augstāku vietu vērtību tipu hierarhijā nekā Vācijā; kā arī, vai vērtību dimensija –atvērtums jaunajam Vācijā ieņem augstāku vietu nekā Latvijā. Pētījumā tika arī izvirzīti trīs jautājumi, pirmkārt, vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības starp Vācijas un Latvijas izlašu vērtību tipiem; otrkārt, vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības starp Vācijas un Latvijas izlašu ētiskas uzvedības rādītājiem; treškārt, vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības starp Vācijas un Latvijas izlašu vērtību tipu un ētiskas uzvedības organizācijā korelācijas koeficientiem. Pētījumā piedalījās divas izlases - pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas studenti – 100 no četrām Latvijas un 100 no trīs Vācijas augstskolām. Respondentu vecums: 18 - 27 gadiem. Lai pārbaudītu izvirzītās hipotēzes un atbildētu uz pētījuma jautājumiem, tika izmantota Švarca Vērtību aptauja (SVS) un M.Ruttuļa anketa Biznesa ētika. Rezultātu aprēķināšanai tika izmantots Manna-Vitnija kritērijs, Pīrsona korelācijas koeficients, un Z tests. Analizējot pētījumā iegūtos rezultātus, var secināt, ka 1)Pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības starp Latvijas un Vācijas izlašu vērtību tipiem: drošības un tradīcijas. 2) Latvijas izlasē pastāv statistiski nozīmīga pozitīva sakarība starp ētisku uzvedību organizācijā un vērtību dimensiju – pastāvošā saglabāšana, bet Vācijas izlasē statistiski nozīmīga pozitīva korelācija pastāv starp vērtību tipu tradīcijas un ētisku uzvedību organizācijā. 3) Abās izlasēs nepastāv statistiski nozīmīga korelācijā starp vērtību dimensiju atvērtums jaunajam un ētisku uzvedību organizācijā. 4) Pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības starp izlašu vērtību tipu – drošība, konformisms, tradīcijas, labvēlība, universālisms, stimulācija, panākumi, vara un ētisku uzvedību organizācijā korelāciju koeficientiem. Atslēgas vārdi: vērtības, vērtību tipi, ētiska uzvedība, ētiska uzvedība organizācijās, individuālisms, kolektīvismsDas Ziel der Forschung war zu klären, ob man erstens die statistisch bedeutsame positive Bindung zwischen dem ethischen Benehmen im Unternehmen und der Dimension der Werten – der Wahrung des Bestehenden besteht, ob man zweitens die statistisch bedeutsame negative Bindung zwischen dem ethischen Benehmen im Unternehmen und der Dimension der Werten – der ģffnung zum Neuen besteht. Außerdem musste geklärt werden, ob die Dimension der Werten – der Bereitschaft das Bestehenden in Lettland hĻhere als in Deutschland ist und ob man die Dimension der Werten – der Bereitschaft sich auf etwas Neues einzulassen hĻher als in Lettland ist. In der Forschung war zu klären, ob die bedeutsame Unterschiede zwischen den Typen der Werten in der lettischen und deutschen Auslese bestehen; ob die Unterschiede zwischen den Zeigern des ethischen Benehmen in der lettischen und deutschen Auslese bestehen, ob die Unterschiede zwischen den Korrelationskoeffizienten des Typs der Werten und des Zeigers des ethischen Benehmen in der lettischen und deutschen Auslese bestehen. In der Forschung wurden 100 Studenten der Pädagogik und der Psyshologie aus 4 Hochschulen in Lettland und 100 Studenten der Pädagogik und der Psychologie aus 3 Hochschulen in Deutschland im Alter von 18 bis 27 Jahren befragt. Es wurden die Wertenbefragung (Schwartz) und der von dem M.Ruttulis ausgearbeite Fragebogen “Die Ethik des Business” (Ruttulis) benutzt. Aus der Ergebnissanalyse kann folgendes entnommen werden: 1)die statistisch bedeutsame Unterschiede bestehen zwischen den Typen der Werten in der lettischen und deutschen Auslesen – Sicherheit und Traditionen; 2) in der lettischen Auslese besteht die statistisch bedeutsame positive Bindung zwischen dem ethischen Benehmen im Unternehmen und der Dimension der Werten – die Wahrung des Bestehen, aber in deutsche Auslese besteht die statistisch bedeutsame positive Bindung zwischen dem ethischem Benehmen im Unternehmen und dem Typ der Werten – Traditionen; 3) in den Auslesen besteht nicht die bedeutsame negative Bindung zwischen dem ethischen Benehmen im Unternehmen und der Dimension der Werten – der ģffnung zum Neuen; 4) die statistisch bedeutsame Unterschiede bestehen zwischen den Korrelationskoeffizienten des Typs der Werten (Sicherheit, Konformism, Traditionen, Gunst, Universalität, Stimulation, Erfolge, Verwaltung) und des Zeigers des ethischen Benehmen in der lettischen und deutschen Auslesen. SchlŅsselworte: Werten, die Typs der Werten, das ethische Benehmen, das ethische Benehmen im Unternehmen, Indivualismus, Kollektivismu


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    Perkembangan tehnologi multimedia telah menjanjikan potensi besar dalam merubah konsep dan cara belajar para siswa. Dan pada saat ini banyak anak yang memiliki pemahaman menggunakan sistem komputer. Media pembelajaran interaktif adalah sebuah alat yang berfungsi untuk menyampaikan pesan pembelajaran sehingga pada dasarnya dalam proses belajar merupakan komunikasi, dimana siswa mampu memahami materi yang ada dan dapat mengembangkannya. Pada media ini akan diciptakan aplikasi yang berbasis flash dimana mencakup materi Bahasa Inggris sub pokok bahasan Narrative. Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Bahasa Inggris sub pokok bahasan Narrative ini berdasar pada silabus Sekolah Menengah Pertama kelas IX. Materi Membahas tentang Narrative yaitu sebuah cerita yang di bacakan/reading, dan di dengarkan/listening kepada siswa, yang kemudian siswa akan diberikan soal-soal umpan balik untuk menguji ke fokusan siswa dalam menyimak cerita. Dalam proses perencanaan, perancangan dan pengimplementasian media ini menggunakan konsep pengembangan multimedia. Media ini nantinya akan dibuat menggunakan software Adobe Flash CS.3 dan di kemas dalam bentuk CD/DVD yang dapat di jalankan pada komputer dan laptop

    Perspectives of tourism development in selected region of Russia

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je zjištění a zhodnocení současné situace cestovního ruchu ve vybraném regionu Ruska, a to ve Východní Sibiři. Práce se soustřeďuje hlavně na domácí a příjezdový cestovní ruch. Teoretická část se věnuje charakteristice celého Ruska obecně, rozvoji cestovního ruchu, jeho roli pro zemi a turistickým zdrojům Ruska. Následně se pak práce zaměřuje region Východní Sibiře, její charakteristiku a atraktivity. Bude rozebrán stav cestovního ruchu a turistické infrastruktury v oblasti. V poslední části poté bude použitá SWOT analýza pro celkové zhodnocení dané oblasti a na základě zjištěných poznatků budou dány doporučení k dalšímu rozvoji území.The aim of this Bachelor Thesis is to find out and evaluate the current situation of tourism in a selected region of Russia, in Eastern Siberia. It is concentrated mainly on domestic and inbound tourism. The theoretical part includes the characteristics of the whole Russia in general, tourism development, its role for the country and tourism resources of Russia. Subsequently, the thesis focuses on the region of Eastern Siberia, its characteristics and attractiveness. The current situation of tourism and tourism infrastructure in the area will be analyzed. The SWOT analysis for general assessment of the area will be used in the last part and on the basis of results recommendations for further development of the region will be given

    Efektivitas Metode Dinamika Kelompok dan Ceramah dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Siswa SMP Mengenai Bahaya Makanan jajanan (Studi pada SMP N 14 Semarang)

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    Latar belakang : Kebiasaan anak sekolah makan jajanan sembarangan di sekolah maupun di luar dapat berakibat buruk bagi kesehatan dan pertumbuhannya. Keamanan makanan jajanan baik dari segi mikrobiologi maupun kimiawi belum terjamin. Maka dari itu, pendidikan gizi perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap siswa SMP mengenai bahaya makanan jajanan. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektivitas metode dinamika kelompok dan ceramah dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap siswa SMP mengenai bahaya makanan jajanan. Metode : penelitian ini merupakan penelitian true eksperimental dengan desain cluster randomized pre post test control design. Jumlah subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 27 untuk tiap-tiap kelompok yang dipilih melalui teknik simple random sampling. Hasil : Kondisi awal kelompok dinamika kelompok dan ceramah tidak homogen karena terdapat perbedaan sikap awal (p0,05). Variabel umur tidak mempengaruhi pengetahuan akhir (p>0,05) tetapi berpengaruh terhadap sikap akhir (p>0,05). Perbedaan metode penyuluhan yang digunakan tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengetahuan akhir (p>0,05) tetapi berpengaruh terhadap sikap akhir (p<0,05). Simpulan : Pendidikan gizi dengan metode dinamika kelompok tidak lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai bahaya makanan jajanan pada siswa-siswi SMP tetapi lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan sikap mengenai bahaya makanan jajanan pada siswa-siswi SMP bila dibandingkan dengan metode ceramah