29 research outputs found

    Breeding and sports scores Equestrian Club Ramarin

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    Cilj rada je upoznati se s radom konjičkog kluba „Ramarin“ koji je smješten na ranču „Marin“ u Garčinu, s naglaskom na uzgoj i selekciju konja, trening i sportska dostignuća, te turizam ranča na kojemu obitavaju i pogled u budućnost. Daljinsko jahanje je ispit izdržljivosti za konja i jahača, koji u određenom vremenu mora prijeći zadanu udaljenost (od 40 do 160 km). Natjecanja se odvijaju u obliku Croatia Cup-a i Državnog prvenstva, a jahači moraju biti licencirani da bi mogli sudjelovati na natjecanjima. Konjički klub „Ramarin“ osnovan je 2008. godine te je jedan od mlađih klubova koji se prepoznao baš u ovom vidu natjecanja. Jedini je u Brodsko-posavskoj županiji koji se natječe na raznim državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima u konjičkom sportu. Imaju odličan prostor za rad koji se nalazi na ranču „Marin“, dobre konje iz vlastitog uzgoja i uvoza te sjajne mlade jahače željne rada i učenja. Iz godine u godinu osvajaju sve više nagrada i priznanja. Uspješno savladavaju hranidbu i trening konja. Planiraju podići razinu daljinskog jahanja te okušati se u preponskom i dresurnom jahanju. Na ranču je organizirana škola jahanja uz pregršt drugih aktivnosti kao što je ribolov na 4 jezera.The aim of the work is to get acquainted with the work of the horse racing club "Ramarin", which lives on the "Marin" ranch in Garcina, with emphasis on horses breeding and selection, training and sports achievements, and ranch tourism where they live and look to the future. Remote riding is an endurance test for horses and riders, who must at a certain time exceed the default distance (from 40 to 160 km). The competitions take place in the form of the Croatia Cup and the State Championship, and riders must be licensed to participate in the competitions. The Horse Club "Ramarin" was founded in 2008 and is one of the younger clubs recognized in this kind of competition. It is the only one in the Brodsko-Posavska County who competes in various national and international competitions in horse sport. They have a great space for work on Marin's ranch, good horses from their own breeding and imports, and a great young rider who is looking for work and learning. From year to year, they receive more and more prizes and awards. They have successfully mastered horse training and feeding. They are planning to improve in remote hunting and try out in the swim and jumbo ride. On the ranch is organized a riding school with a handful of other activities such as fishing on 4 lakes

    Breeding and sports scores Equestrian Club Ramarin

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    Cilj rada je upoznati se s radom konjičkog kluba „Ramarin“ koji je smješten na ranču „Marin“ u Garčinu, s naglaskom na uzgoj i selekciju konja, trening i sportska dostignuća, te turizam ranča na kojemu obitavaju i pogled u budućnost. Daljinsko jahanje je ispit izdržljivosti za konja i jahača, koji u određenom vremenu mora prijeći zadanu udaljenost (od 40 do 160 km). Natjecanja se odvijaju u obliku Croatia Cup-a i Državnog prvenstva, a jahači moraju biti licencirani da bi mogli sudjelovati na natjecanjima. Konjički klub „Ramarin“ osnovan je 2008. godine te je jedan od mlađih klubova koji se prepoznao baš u ovom vidu natjecanja. Jedini je u Brodsko-posavskoj županiji koji se natječe na raznim državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima u konjičkom sportu. Imaju odličan prostor za rad koji se nalazi na ranču „Marin“, dobre konje iz vlastitog uzgoja i uvoza te sjajne mlade jahače željne rada i učenja. Iz godine u godinu osvajaju sve više nagrada i priznanja. Uspješno savladavaju hranidbu i trening konja. Planiraju podići razinu daljinskog jahanja te okušati se u preponskom i dresurnom jahanju. Na ranču je organizirana škola jahanja uz pregršt drugih aktivnosti kao što je ribolov na 4 jezera.The aim of the work is to get acquainted with the work of the horse racing club "Ramarin", which lives on the "Marin" ranch in Garcina, with emphasis on horses breeding and selection, training and sports achievements, and ranch tourism where they live and look to the future. Remote riding is an endurance test for horses and riders, who must at a certain time exceed the default distance (from 40 to 160 km). The competitions take place in the form of the Croatia Cup and the State Championship, and riders must be licensed to participate in the competitions. The Horse Club "Ramarin" was founded in 2008 and is one of the younger clubs recognized in this kind of competition. It is the only one in the Brodsko-Posavska County who competes in various national and international competitions in horse sport. They have a great space for work on Marin's ranch, good horses from their own breeding and imports, and a great young rider who is looking for work and learning. From year to year, they receive more and more prizes and awards. They have successfully mastered horse training and feeding. They are planning to improve in remote hunting and try out in the swim and jumbo ride. On the ranch is organized a riding school with a handful of other activities such as fishing on 4 lakes

    The influence of surface mould on the safety and quality of traditional fermented sausages

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    Slavonski kulen i Slavonska kobasica su trajne kobasice koje se u seoskim domaćinstvima proizvode tradicionalnim tehnologijama, pri čemu se tijekom zrenja na površini proizvoda razvijaju plijesni. Cilj ovog rada bio je tradicionalnom i molekularnom metodom identificirati površinske plijesni te utvrditi njihov utjecaj na kvalitetu proizvoda i pojavnost mikotoksina okratoksina A (OTA) i aflatoksina B1 (AFB1). Reprenzentativnost uzorkovanja postignuta je odabirom pet proizvodnih lokaliteta na području Slavonije na kojima je pripremljeno 30 uzoraka Slavonskog kulena analiziranih nakon tri i šest mjeseci te 15 uzoraka Slavonske kobasice analiziranih nakon tri mjeseca proizvodnje. Prije faze zrenja, na tri uzorka namjerno su oštećeni ovitci. Ukupno je u oba proizvoda identificirano 322 izolata, uključujući 18 različitih vrsta plijesni, među kojima je dominirao rod Penicillium. Osim 11 Penicillium vrsta, izolirane su po dvije vrste iz rodova Aspergillus i Mucor te po jedna vrsta iz rodova Alternaria, Cladosporium i Eurotium. Identificirani su i mogući producenti OTA i AFB1, Penicillium verrucosum i Aspergillus flavus. OTA je određen u Slavonskom kulenu nakon šest mjeseci proizvodnje, a OTA i AFB1 u obje vrste uzoraka kojima su prethodno oštećeni ovitci. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je kontaminacija Slavonskog kulena i Slavonske kobasice mikotoksinima koje produciraju površinske plijesni moguća isključivo tijekom produženog zrenja ili kao posljedica oštećenosti ovitka.Slavonian kulen and Slavonian sausage are dry fermented sausages produced by traditional technologies in rural households, which results in the development of mould on the product surface during the ripening phase. The aim of this paper was to identify the surface moulds by the use of traditional and molecular methods and to determine their effect on product quality and occurrence of mycotoxins ochratoxin A (OTA) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). Representative sampling was achieved by selecting five production sites in Slavonia where 30 samples of Slavonian kulen were analyzed after three and six months and 15 samples of Slavonian sausage after three months of production. Before the ripening phase, the casings of three samples were deliberately damaged. A total of 322 isolates were identified in both products, including 18 different species of moulds, among which genus Penicillium dominated. In addition to the 11 Penicillium species, two species of Aspergillus and Mucor species and one species of Alternaria, Cladosporium and Eurotium were isolated. Also, possible producers of OTA and AFB1, Penicillium verrucosum and Aspergillus flavus, were identified. The OTA was determined in the Slavonian kulen after six months of production, and OTA and AFB1 in both types of samples that were previously damaged. The investigation has shown that the contamination of Slavonian kulen and Slavonian sausage with mycotoxins that produce surface moulds is possible only during an extended ripening or as a result of the casing damage


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    U radu se iznosi važnost obilježavanja Božića i Nove godine u podučavanju engleskog jezika u nižim razredima osnovne škole. Obilježavanje blagdana je dobar način uvođenja stranog jezika u ranoj dobi. Kao učitelje jezika mora nas zanimati podučavanje kulture kao jedan neizostavni dio ranog učenja engleskog jezika. Božić i Novu godinu kao dva najuobičajenija blagdana trebalo bi podučavati u svim razredima, počevši njihovim uvođenjem (u prvom razredu), te ponavljanjem njihovih elemenata naučenih godinu ranije (u drugom, trećem i četvrtom razredu). Njihovim obilježavanjem učitelj potiče učenike da usvoje i nauče strani jezik s lakoćom i užitkom.The article deals with celebrating Christmas and New Year in English teaching in junior classes of elementary school. Celebrating holidays is a good way of introducing a foreign language to young learners. As teachers we must be interested in teaching culture as an indispensable part of early English language teaching. Christmas and New Year are the two most common holidays and they should be taught in all grades beginning with their introduction (in the first grade) and then repeating their elements learned the year before (second, third and fourth grade). By celebrating them the teacher stimulates learners to acquire and learn a foreign language with ease and great fun

    Impact of pumpkin seed oil and coffee treatment on the characteristics of semi-hard cheese

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    Semi-hard cheese was made from fresh domestic cow milk and treated with pumpkin seed oil and coffee during its ageing. The energy value and composition of the cheese were examined by determining the content of dry matter, minerals, proteins, fat, caffeine and fatty acids. During the ageing period, the cheese was dipped into a sweet, freshly-prepared, high-quality coffee drink and coated with a mixture of milled coffee grains and cold pressed pumpkin seed oil to improve the sensory properties of the cheese, but also to improve its nutritional value. It is considered that treated cheese could have greater nutritional and pro-health properties then untreated cheese, due to nutritional and healing properties of pumpkin seed oil and coffee used during the maturation period. Pumpkin seed oil contains carbohydrates, minerals, proteins, and important unsaturated fatty acids, while coffee is rich in antioxidants and helps in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson\u27s and Alzheimer\u27s disease, and high cholesterol. To determine the impact of the treatment, the fatty acid and caffeine contents were determined by the GC-FID and the UPLC-DAD method. The cheese treated with pumpkin seed oil and coffee had a higher amount of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) and a lower amount of saturated fatty acids (SFA) than the untreated cheese. The proportions of long-chain UFA, such as the C18:2n6c (Omega 6) and the C18:3n3 (Omega 3), were higher in the treated cheese than those in the untreated cheese, as well as the C20:1, the C22:2 and the C24:1, which were not detected in the untreated cheese. Caffeine concentration in the treated cheese was 33.08 mg/L

    Razlike u mikoflori na ovitcima trajnih fermentiranih kobasica prije i šest mjeseci nakon skladištenja u hladnjaku

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    During the curing period of dry-fermented sausages, the surface mycoflora changes according to the environmental conditions and intrinsic factors, such as nutrient content, water activity, pH value and the presence of antimicrobial substances (starter cultures). In this study, 25 samples of dry-fermented sausages from Croatian family small holdings were examined, the casings peeled off and examined for mycobiota before and after six months of refrigerated storage in plastic bags, at +4 °C in darkness, at a low humidity and evaporation rate. For mycobiota identification, traditional (macroscopic and microscopic) and molecular (Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR) methods were combined. At the beginning of the study (after sausage curing), the prevalent isolated species were from the genera Penicillium (74%), Aspergillus 14% and Mucor (12%). After the six month period, a different mould structure was observed, with the dominant isolation of Aspergillus genus (64%), followed by the genera Penicillium (34%) and Mucor (2%). In comparison with the literature data, it can be concluded that the casing mycoflora on dry-fermented sausages stored in the refrigerator changed in the same way as if they not been refrigerated, though the process of mycoflora change was slower with refrigeration.Tijekom razdoblja zrenja trajnih fermentiranih kobasica mikoflora koja obrasta i prekriva njihovu površinu mijenja se u ovisnosti o uvjetima okoliša i “unutarnjim čimbenicima”, koji uključuju sadržaj hranjivih sastojaka, aktivitet vode, pH vrijednost i prisutnost antimikrobnih tvari (starter kulture). U ovom je istraživanju uzorkovano dvadeset i pet parova trajnih fermentiranih kobasica s malih hrvatskih obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava, odljušten je njihov ovitak te je ispitivana mikoflora prije i nakon skladištenja u hladnjaku tijekom šest mjeseci, u plastičnim vrećicama, na +4 °C, u tami, pri maloj vlažnosti i brzini isparavanja. Za identifikaciju plijesni kombinirane su tradicionalne (makroskopske i mikroskopske) i molekularne (lančana reakcija polimeraze, PCR) metode. Na početku istraživanja (nakon sazrijevanja i uzimanja uzoraka kobasica) prevladavale su izolirane vrste iz roda Penicillium (74 %), Aspergillus 14 % i Mucor (12 %). Nakon razdoblja od šest mjeseci uočena je drugačija struktura plijesni, pri čemu je pretežno izoliran rod Aspergillus (64 %), a zatim Penicillium (34 %) i Mucor (2 %). Sagledavajući literaturne podatke može se zaključiti da se mikoflora na ovitcima trajnih fermentiranih kobasica pohranjenih u hladnjaku mijenjala na isti način kao što bi se i mijenjala bez pohranjene u hladnjaku, jedino što bi proces promjena mikoflore vremenski trajao kraće

    Micotoxinas aflatoxinas y ocratoxinas – la amenaza para la seguridad de los productos cárnicos tradicionales

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    Tijekom dugotrajnog zrenja površinu trajnih tradicionalnih mesnih proizvoda (TMP) uobičajeno obrastaju plijesni. Među njima, toksikotvorne vrste produciraju sekundarne metabolite mikotoksine, koji imaju izrazite štetne posljedice po zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Aflatoksini i okratoksini imaju dokazane karcinogene i mutagene učinke u organizmu, a njihova pojavnost u TMP najčešće je posljedica prekomjernog rasta površinske plijesni. Osim ovim izravnim putem, mikotoksini u TMP mogu biti prisutni i neizravno, putem kontaminirane stočne hrane, čija uporaba na farmskim životinjama rezultira prijenosom (carry-over efektom) u finalne mesne proizvode. Zbog učestalosti kontaminacije važan je razvoj potvrdnih analitičkih metoda za detekciju mikotoksina te primjena metoda za identifikaciju površinskih plijesni. Kako bi se spriječila kontaminacija TMP i mogući štetni učinci po zdravlje potrošača, potrebno je poduzeti sve preventivne radnje i provoditi sustavnu kontrolu ovih kontaminanata. Ovaj rad daje pregled svojstava aflatoksina i okratoksina kao mikotoksina od najvećeg značaja za pojavnost u mesnim proizvodima, plijesni koje ih produciraju te metoda detekcije, prevencije i redukcije kontaminacije TMP.During long-lasting ripening, the surface of dry traditional meat products (TMP) is usually owergrown by moulds. Among them, toxicogenic species produce mycotoxins as secondary metabolites, which have significant adverse effects on human and animal health. Aflatoxins and ochratoxins have proven carcinogenic and mutagenic effects in the body, and their occurrence in TMP is the most common consequence of overexpression of surface moulds. In addition to this direct route, mycotoxins in TMP may also be present indirectly through contaminated animal feed, whose use in farm animals results in carry-over effects in final meat products. Due to the frequency of contamination, development of confirmatory analytical methods for mycotoxin detection and the application of surface moulds identification methods is important. To prevent TMP contamination and possible adverse effects on consumer health, all preventive actions should be taken and systematic control of these contaminants should be undertaken. This paper gives an overview of the properties of aflatoxins and ochratoxins as mycotoxins of the greatest importance for the occurrence of meat products, the moulds which produce tham and the methods of detection, prevention and reduction of TMP contamination.Während einer langen Reifung wird die Oberfläche traditioneller Dauerfleischprodukte (TMP) normalerweise durch Schimmelpilze befallen. Unter ihnen produzieren toxikogenetische Spezies Mykotoxine als Sekundärmetabolite, die sich sehr nachteilig auf die Gesundheit von Mensch und Tier auswirken. Aflatoxine und Ochratoxine haben im Körper nachweislich karzinogene und mutagene Wirkungen; ihr Auftreten in Dauerfleischprodukten ergibt sich am häufigsten aus einem übermäßigen Wachstum von Schimmelpilzen. Neben diesem direkten Weg können Mykotoxine in Dauerfleischprodukten auch indirekt durch kontaminierte Futtermittel vorhanden sein, deren Verwendung bei Nutztieren zu Verschleppungseffekten in Fleischerzeugnissen führt. Aufgrund der Häufigkeit der Kontamination sind die Entwicklung von Analyseverfahren zum Nachweis von Mykotoxinen und die Anwendung von Methoden zur Identifizierung von Oberflächenschimmel von großer Bedeutung. Um eine Fleischkontamination und mögliche nachteilige Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der Verbraucher zu verhindern, sollten alle vorbeugenden Maßnahmen ergriffen und eine systematische Kontrolle dieser Kontaminanten vorgenommen werden. Diese Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die Eigenschaften von Aflatoxinen und Ochratoxinen, die als Mykotoxine von größter Bedeutung für das Auftreten in Fleischprodukten sind, die Schimmelpilze, die diese produzieren, sowie die Methoden zum Nachweis, zur Verhinderung und Verringerung der Kontamination von Dauerfleischprodukten.Nel corso del lungo processo di stagionatura, la superficie dei tradizionali prodotti secchi a base di carne (TPC) viene solitamente ricoperta di muffa. Tra esse, le specie tassicogene producono metaboliti secondari delle micotossine che hanno conseguenze estremamente nocive per la salute dell’uomo e degli animali. Le aflatossine e le ocratossine hanno comprovati effetti cancerogeni e mutageni nell’organismo, e la loro presenza nei TPC è il più delle volte conseguenza dell’eccessiva crescita delle muffe superficiali. Oltre che direttamente, le micotossine possono essere presenti nei TPC anche indirettamente, mediante il mangime contaminato assunto degli animali, il cui impiego in zootecnia comporta la trasmissione (effetto carry-over) nei prodotti finali a base di carne. A causa della frequenza delle contaminazioni, è importante lo sviluppo dei metodi analitici di conferma per la rilevazione delle micotossine e l’applicazione del metodo per l’identificazione delle muffe superficiali. Per prevenire la contaminazione dei TPC e i possibili effetti nocivi per la salute del consumatore, è necessario adottate tutte le misure preventive e eseguire un controllo sistematico di questi agenti contaminanti. Questo studio dà un quadro delle proprietà delle aflatossine e delle ocratossine quali micotossine di maggior rilievo per la loro presenza nei prodotti a base di carne, delle muffe che le producono e dei metodi di rilevazione, prevenzione e riduzione della contaminazione dei TPC.Durante la larga maduración, la superficie de los productos cárnicos tradicionales crudo-curados (PCT) normalmente está cubierto de molde. Entre ellos, los tipos de molde toxicogénicos producen las micotoxinas como metabolitos secundarios, los cuales tienen efectos sumamente adversos sobre la salud humana y animal. Las aflatoxinas y ocratoxinas tienen efectos carcinogénicos y mutagénicos en el organismo comprobados su manifestación en los PCT en general es la consecuencia del crecimiento excesivo del molde sobre la superficie. Además de esta manera directa, las micotoxinas pueden aparecer en PCT indirectamente a través del pienso contaminado usado para los animales de granja y a través del efecto residual (carry-over effect) en los productos cárnicos finales. Debido a la frecuencia de la contaminación es importante desarrollar los métodos analíticos confirmatorios para la detección de las micotoxinas, y la aplicación de los métodos de identificación de los moldes en la superficie. Para evitar la contaminación de los PCT y posibles efectos nocivos sobre la salud de los consumidores, es necesario tomar medidas de prevención y llevar a cabo un control sistemático de estos contaminantes. Este trabajo da un resumen de las propiedades de las aflatoxinas y ocratoxinas como tipos de micotoxinas de mayor importancia para la manifestación en los productos cárnicos, de los moldes que les producen y de los métodos de detección, de prevención y de reducción de la contaminación de los PCT

    Toxicogenic fungi and the occurrence of mycotoxins in traditional meat products

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    During ripening, the surface of dry traditional meat products (TMPs) becomes overgrown by fungi of the Penicillium spp., Aspergillus spp. and Eurotium spp. whose spores mostly come from the environment in which the ripening chambers are placed. Certain fungi species is often responsible for the occurrence of toxic compounds termed the mycotoxins, among which of the outermost importance in connection with meat products are aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and ochratoxin A (OTA). Besides, some other mycotoxins such as citrinin (CIT), cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and sterigmatocystin (STC) can also be present, but their impact on the quality and safety of meat products, and therefore also on human health, has still not been fully clarified. As control and prevention of toxicogenic fungi growth are key factors to the prevention of mycotoxin presence in dry-cured TMPs, levels of mycotoxin contamination, mycotoxin-producing mould species and factors of relevance for mycotoxin production, such as climate, should be determined

    Plasma Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Concentration and BDNF/TrkB Gene Polymorphisms in Croatian Adults with Asthma

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) receptor might contribute to normal lung functioning and immune responses ; however, their role in asthma remains unclear. Plasma BDNF concentrations, as well as BDNF and NTRK2 (TrkB gene) polymorphisms, were investigated in 120 asthma patients and 120 healthy individuals using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase chain reaction, respectively. The genotype and allele frequencies of BDNF Val66Met (rs6265) and NTRK2 rs1439050 polymorphisms did not differ between healthy individuals and asthma patients, nor between patients grouped according to severity or different asthma phenotypes. Although plasma BDNF concentrations were higher among healthy subjects carrying the BDNF Val66Met GG genotype compared to the A allele carriers, such differences were not detected in asthma patients, suggesting the influences of other factors. Plasma BDNF concentration was not affected by NTRK2 rs1439050 polymorphism. Asthma patients had higher plasma BDNF concentrations than control subjects ; however, no differences were found between patients subdivided according to asthma severity, or Type-2, allergic, and eosinophilic asthma. Higher plasma BDNF levels were observed in asthma patients with aspirin sensitivity and aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease. These results suggest that plasma BDNF may serve as a potential peripheral biomarker for asthma, particularly asthma with aspirin sensitivity