182 research outputs found

    Analysis of Meteorological Data Obtained During Flight in a Supercooled Stratiform Cloud of High Liquid-Water Content

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    Flight icing-rate data obtained in a dense and. abnormally deep supercooled stratiform cloud system indicated the existence of liquid-water contents generally exceeding values in amount and extent previously reported over the midwestern sections of the United States. Additional information obtained during descent through a part of the cloud system indicated liquid-water contents that significantly exceeded theoretical values, especially near the middle of the cloud layer.. The growth of cloud droplets to sizes that resulted in sedimentation from the upper portions of the cloud is considered to be a possible cause of the high water contents near the center of the cloud layer. Flight measurements of the vertical temperature distribution in the cloud layer indicated a rate of change of temperature with altitude exceeding that of the moist adiabatic lapse rate. This excessive rate of change is considered to have contributed to the severity of the condition

    Doctor of Pharmacy

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    dissertationThe ability of America's medical care system to identify and eliminate inefficiency and waste is essential if this nation is to continue to enjoy its present high standard of health care. Drug use review is a control mechanism which represents one approach to the problem of assuring the quality and economy of the drug use process. A Drug Utilization Review Program is an authorized, structured, and on-going program that reviews, analyzes and interprets patterns of drug usage in health care delivery systems against predetermined standards. The program identifies areas of suboptimal drug therapy and prescribes measures aimed at correcting deficiencies in an effort to maintain the highest quality of patient care attainable. The objectives of the study are: 1.) To develop criteria for appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis for cesarean section; 2.) To conduct a Drug Utilization Review of antibiotic prophylaxis for cesarean deliveries at the University of Utah Hospital during the first six months of 1983.; 3.) To present findings of the DUR and a review of supporting literature to OB-GYN housestaff; 4.) To conduct a subsequent DUR to evaluate the effects of the presentation on antibiotic prophylaxis; and 5.) To recommend additional measures if indicated to increase the incidence of appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis for cesarean section

    Dual-band infrared imaging applications: locating buried minefields, mapping sea ice and inspecting aging aircraft

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    We discuss the use of dual-band infrared (DBIR) imaging for three quantitative NDE applications: locating buried surrogate mines, mapping sea ice thicknesses and inspecting subsurface flaws in aging aircraft parts. Our system of DBIR imaging offers a unique combination of thermal resolution, detectability, and interpretability. Pioneered at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, it resolves 0.2 °C differences in surface temperatures needed to identify buried mine sites and distinguish them from surface features. It produces both surface temperature and emissivity-ratio images of sea ice, needed to accurately map ice thicknesses (e.g., by first removing clutter due to snow and surface roughness effects). The DBIR imaging technique depicts subsurface flaws in composite patches and lap joints of aircraft, thus providing a needed tool for aging aircraft inspections

    Progression to AIDS: The effects of stress, depressive symptoms, and social support

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    Objective: We examined the effects of stress, depressive symptoms, and social support on the progression of HIV infection. Methods: Eighty-two HIV- infected gay men without symptoms or AIDS at baseline were followed up every 6 months for up to 5.5 years. Men were recruited from rural and urban areas in North Carolina as part of the Coping in Health and Illness Project. Disease progression was defined using criteria for AIDS (CD4+ lymphocyte count of less than 200/μl and/or an AIDS-indicator condition). Results: We used Cox regression models with time-dependent covariates, adjusting for age, education, race, baseline CD4+ count, tobacco use, and number of antiretroviral medications. Faster progression to AIDS was associated with more cumulative stressful life events (p = .002), more cumulative depressive symptoms (p = .008), and less cumulative social support (p = .0002). When all three variables were analyzed together, stress and social support remained significant in the model. At 5.5 years, the probability of getting AIDS was about two to three times as high among those above the median on stress or below the median on social support compared with those below the median on stress or above the median on support, respectively. Conclusions: These data are among the first to demonstrate that more stress and less social support may accelerate the course of HIV disease progression. Additional study will be necessary to elucidate the mechanisms that underlie these relationships and to determine whether interventions that address stress and social support can alter the course of HIV infection

    Stature estimation equations for South Asian skeletons based on DXA scans of contemporary adults.

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    OBJECTIVES: Stature estimation from the skeleton is a classic anthropological problem, and recent years have seen the proliferation of population-specific regression equations. Many rely on the anatomical reconstruction of stature from archaeological skeletons to derive regression equations based on long bone lengths, but this requires a collection with very good preservation. In some regions, for example, South Asia, typical environmental conditions preclude the sufficient preservation of skeletal remains. Large-scale epidemiological studies that include medical imaging of the skeleton by techniques such as dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) offer new potential datasets for developing such equations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We derived estimation equations based on known height and bone lengths measured from DXA scans from the Andhra Pradesh Children and Parents Study (Hyderabad, India). Given debates on the most appropriate regression model to use, multiple methods were compared, and the performance of the equations was tested on a published skeletal dataset of individuals with known stature. RESULTS: The equations have standard errors of estimates and prediction errors similar to those derived using anatomical reconstruction or from cadaveric datasets. As measured by the number of significant differences between true and estimated stature, and the prediction errors, the new equations perform as well as, and generally better than, published equations commonly used on South Asian skeletons or based on Indian cadaveric datasets. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the utility of DXA scans as a data source for developing stature estimation equations and offer a new set of equations for use with South Asian datasets

    Experimental Test of Connector Rotation during DNA Packaging into Bacteriophage ϕ29 Capsids

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    The bacteriophage ϕ29 generates large forces to compact its double-stranded DNA genome into a protein capsid by means of a portal motor complex. Several mechanical models for the generation of these high forces by the motor complex predict coupling of DNA translocation to rotation of the head-tail connector dodecamer. Putative connector rotation is investigated here by combining the methods of single-molecule force spectroscopy with polarization-sensitive single-molecule fluorescence. In our experiment, we observe motor function in several packaging complexes in parallel using video microscopy of bead position in a magnetic trap. At the same time, we follow the orientation of single fluorophores attached to the portal motor connector. From our data, we can exclude connector rotation with greater than 99% probability and therefore answer a long-standing mechanistic question

    Honour and debt release in the parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Mt 18:23–33): A social-scientific and realistic reading

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    This article presents a social-scientific and realistic reading of the parable of the Unmerciful Servant. The parables of Jesus are realistic stories about everyday events in 1st-century Palestine that evoke specific social realia and practices known to its first hearers. As recent studies on the parables have shown, papyri from early Roman Egypt provide detailed information on the implied social realities and practices assumed in the parables. In reading the parable through the lens of patronage and clientism and against the background of the relationship between royal ideology and debt release attested in documented papyri, it is argued that the parable suggests that in the basileia of God debt should be released in terms of general reciprocity, emulating the way in which patrons release debt for the sake of honour

    Swept Under the Rug? A Historiography of Gender and Black Colleges

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