32 research outputs found

    Le chien errant en Guadeloupe

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    Les chiens errants se multiplient en Guadeloupe en profitant des avantages climatiques et géographiques de l'archipel. Ce climat tropical ne leur est pourtant pas toujours favorable car il favorise le développement de nombreuses pathologies infectieuses et parasitaires. D'autre part, leur prolifération représente pour l'île une source potentielle de nuisances et de zoonoses non négligeable pour ses habitants et ses touristes. La gestion des chiens errants en Guadeloupe enfin est complexe car elle fait appel à des structures identiques à celles de la métropole mais s'inscrit en contre partie dans un contexte tropical tout à fait particulier

    Glucose-Dependent Regulation of NR2F2 Promoter and Influence of SNP-rs3743462 on Whole Body Insulin Sensitivity

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    Background: The Nuclear Receptor 2F2 (NR2F2/COUP-TFII) heterozygous knockout mice display low basal insulinemia and enhanced insulin sensitivity. We previously established that insulin represses NR2F2 gene expression in pancreatic β-cells. The cis-regulatory region of the NR2F2 promoter is unknown and its influence on metabolism in humans is poorly understood. The present study aimed to identify the regulatory regions that control NR2F2 gene transcription and to evaluate the effect of NR2F2 promoter variation on glucose homeostasis in humans. Methodology/Principal Findings: Regulation of the NR2F2 promoter was assessed using gene reporter assays, ChIP and gel shift experiments. The effects of variation at SNP rs3743462 in NR2F2 on quantitative metabolic traits were studied in two European prospective cohorts. We identified a minimal promoter region that down-regulates NR2F2 expression by attenuating HNF4α activation in response to high glucose concentrations. Subjects of the French DESIR population, who carried the rs3743462 T-to-C polymorphism, located in the distal glucose-responsive promoter, displayed lower basal insulin levels and lower HOMA-IR index. The C-allele at rs3743462 was associated with increased NR2F2 binding and decreased NR2F2 gene expression. Conclusions/Significance: The rs3743462 polymorphism affects glucose-responsive NR2F2 promoter regulation and thereby may influence whole-body insulin sensitivity, suggesting a role of NR2F2 in the control of glucose homeostasis in humans. © 2012 Boutant et al

    Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG at the first epidemic peak in French Guiana, July 2020.

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    Funder: National Research AgencyFunder: Regional Health Agency of French GuianaFunder: Institut Pasteur Urgence COVID-19 fundraisingBACKGROUND: While Latin America has been heavily affected by the pandemic, only a few seroprevalence studies have been conducted there during the first epidemic wave in the first half of 2020. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A cross-sectional survey was performed between 15 July 2020 and 23 July 2020 among individuals who visited 4 medical laboratories or 5 health centers for routine screening or clinical management, with the exception of symptomatic suggestive cases of covid-19. Samples were screened for the presence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG directed against domain S1 of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein using the anti-SARS-CoV-2 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) from Euroimmun. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The overall seroprevalence was 15.4% [9.3%-24.4%] among 480 participants, ranging from 4.0% to 25.5% across the different municipalities. The seroprevalence did not differ according to gender (p = 0.19) or age (p = 0.51). Among SARS-CoV-2 positive individuals, we found that 24.6% [11.5%-45.2%] reported symptoms consistent with COVID-19. Our findings revealed high levels of infection across the territory but a low number of resulting deaths, which can be explained by French Guiana's young population structure

    The Nutritional Induction of COUP-TFII Gene Expression in Ventromedial Hypothalamic Neurons Is Mediated by the Melanocortin Pathway

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    BACKGROUND: The nuclear receptor chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor II (COUP-TFII) is an important coordinator of glucose homeostasis. We report, for the first time, a unique differential regulation of its expression by the nutritional status in the mouse hypothalamus compared to peripheral tissues. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps and insulinopenic mice, we show that insulin upregulates its expression in the hypothalamus. Immunofluorescence studies demonstrate that COUP-TFII gene expression is restricted to a subpopulation of ventromedial hypothalamic neurons expressing the melanocortin receptor. In GT1-7 hypothalamic cells, the MC4-R agonist MTII leads to a dose dependant increase of COUP-TFII gene expression secondarily to a local increase in cAMP concentrations. Transfection experiments, using a COUP-TFII promoter containing a functional cAMP responsive element, suggest a direct transcriptional activation by cAMP. Finally, we show that the fed state or intracerebroventricular injections of MTII in mice induce an increased hypothalamic COUP-TFII expression associated with a decreased hepatic and pancreatic COUP-TFII expression. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These observations strongly suggest that hypothalamic COUP-TFII gene expression could be a central integrator of insulin and melanocortin signaling pathway within the ventromedial hypothalamus. COUP-TFII could play a crucial role in brain integration of circulating signal of hunger and satiety involved in energy balance regulation

    Rare variants in NR2F2 cause congenital heart defects in humans

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    Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are the most common birth defect worldwide and are a leading cause of neonatal mortality. Nonsyndromic atrioventricular septal defects (AVSDs) are an important subtype of CHDs for which the genetic architecture is poorly understood. We performed exome sequencing in 13 parent-offspring trios and 112 unrelated individuals with nonsyndromic AVSDs and identified five rare missense variants (two of which arose de novo) in the highly conserved gene NR2F2, a very significant enrichment (p = 7.7 × 10?7) compared to 5,194 control subjects. We identified three additional CHD-affected families with other variants in NR2F2 including a de novo balanced chromosomal translocation, a de novo substitution disrupting a splice donor site, and a 3 bp duplication that cosegregated in a multiplex family. NR2F2 encodes a pleiotropic developmental transcription factor, and decreased dosage of NR2F2 in mice has been shown to result in abnormal development of atrioventricular septa. Via luciferase assays, we showed that all six coding sequence variants observed in individuals significantly alter the activity of NR2F2 on target promoters

    Le facteur de transcription COUP-TFII, un nouvel acteur dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie glucidique dans le foie et le pancréas

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    La régulation de l'homéostasie glucidique est notamment contrôlée au niveau génique. Nous avions montré que la délétion de COUP-TFII (Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor II) dans les cellules insuliniques chez la souris entraîne un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline. Ce travail montre que 1) l'expression de COUP-TFII est contrôlée négativement par le glucose et l'insuline dans les cellules bêta du pancréas et les hépatocytes in vivo et in vitro via la signalisation des facteurs ChREBP et Foxo-1; 2) COUP-TFII inhibe la transcription, le contenu et la sécrétion d'insuline et Festérifïcation des acides gras dans la lignée de cellules bêta INS-1 832/13; 3) il existe une activation réciproque entre l'expression des gènes COUP-TFII et HNF-4a (MODY-1) dans les cellules bêta. Ces résultats permettent de proposer COUP-TFII comme une acteur majeur dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie glucidique à jeun, et donc potentiellement dans des pathologies comme le diabète de type 2.Metabolic pathways concerned in the regulation of glucose homeostasis in liver and pancreas are precisely controlled at gene level. We showed that COUP-TFII (Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor II) deletion from pancreatic beta cells in heterozygous mice led to abnormal insulin secretion. This work reveals that 1) COUP-TFII expression is negatively controlled by glucose and insulin in pancreatic beta cells and hepatocytes, in vivo and in vitro, via ChREBP and Foxo-1 signaling; 2) COUP-TFII inhibates insulin genes transcription, as well as insulin content and insulin secretion in beta 832/13 ENS-1 cell line, and decreases the fatty acid esterification capacity in these cells; 3) COUP-TFII and HNF-4alpha (MODY-1) activate one another their expression in pancreatic beta cells. These results conduct and argue to propose an important contribution of COUP-TFII hi the control of glucose homeostasis in the fasted state, and potentially in pathologies as type 2 diabetes.PARIS5-BU Méd.Cochin (751142101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Le chien errant en Guadeloupe

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocTOULOUSE-EN Vétérinaire (315552301) / SudocSudocFranceF