184 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we propose several solutions for approximating the Q-function using one exponential function or the sum of two exponential functions. As the novel Q-function approximations have simple analytical forms and are therefore very suitable for further derivation of expressions in closed forms, a large number of applications are feasible. The application of the novel exponential type approximations of the Q-function is especially important for overcoming issues arising in designing scalar companding quantizers for the Gaussian source, which are caused by the non-existence of a closed form expression for the Q-function. Since our approximations of the Q-function have simple analytical forms and are more accurate than the approximations of the Q-function previously used for the observed problem in the scalar companding quantization of the Gaussian source, their application, especially for this problem is of great importance

    Analysis of Transport Layer Protocol Functions within TCP/IP Protocol Stack

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    Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol složaj (TCP/IP) je skup Internet protokola koji je razvijen kao nadopuna Open System Interconnection referentnom modelu (OSI RM) i prikazuje kako dva različita sustava mogu komunicirati jedan sa drugim. U radu su prikazane funkcije i razlike između slojeva ranije navedenih modela. Ipak, u završnom radu naglasak je na protokolima transportnog sloja TCP/IP složaja. Transportni sloj zadužen je za siguran i pouzdan prijenos podataka od početne do krajnje točke u mreži, te se za taj prijenos najčešće koriste Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP) i Stream Control Protocol (SCTP). Na samom kraju rada prikazana je komparacija funkcionalnosti protokola transportnog sloja TCP/IP složaja.TCP/IP model is a set of Internet protocols which is developed as a complement to the Open System Interconnection - Reference Model and it shows communication between two different systems. Functions and differences between the layers of the previously mentioned models are presented in the thesis. However, in the bachelor thesis, the emphasis is on TCP/IP transport layer protocols. The transport layer is responsible for secure and reliable data transmission from point-to-point network. Transmission Control Protocol, User Datagram Protocol i Stream Control Protocol are most commonly used for this transfer. At the end of the thesis is a comparison of the TCP/IP model transport layer protocol functionality

    Occasional drama in serbian literature in 18th and 19th century Подходящая драма в сербская литература в 18-м и 19-м веке

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    Предмет нашег научног истраживања јесу пригодне драме у српској књижевности. Овим радом смо осветлили њихов постанак, развој, и ауторе који су писали ову врсту драмске књижевности, а који су у највећем броју заборављени или мало знани. Истакли смо у раду и то, да упркос различитости прилика које су условиле њихов настанак, у српској књижевности 18. и 19. века, пригодне драме имају једну заједничку особину. На основу оних драма које смо у раду анализирали дошли смо до закључка да су пригодне драме најчешће извођене као драмске алегорије, невезано за повод њиховог настанка као драмског дела. Тај повод је могао да буде догађај из културноисторијског, политичког, научног или уметничког живота одређене заједнице. Пригодне драме су своја основна значења утемељивала на симболичкој повезаности тренутка свог настанка и прошлости. Овај тип драме писао се и да би био изведен поводом одређеног церемонијала као саставног дела прослављања неког догађаја, те самим тим структура догађаја изводи дело из књижевно-позоришног аспекта, а дело добија посебан, свечарски карактер. Потребно је напоменути и важност поруке коју текст одређене врсте пригодне драме има за средину или тренутак у коме се она први пут пише или изводи. Трајање и успех неких облика пригодне драме зависи такође и од актуелности њиховог идеолошког садржаја, али и од премоћи сценског и извођачког елемента над текстуалним. Некада је вредност идеолошке садржине важнија од њиховог уметничког квалитета, и оцене су се драстично мењале у зависности од промена у животу читалишта и гледалишта. У раду је пажња посвећена и историјској драми, јер је пригодна драма само један њен облик, а то смо овим радом желели да покажемо и докажемо.У оквиру драме као књижевног рода, и театра као феномена, који у себи уједињује литерарни и извођачки елеменат, историјска драма се богатила додиром са многим другим драмским врстама. Циљ нашег истраживања је да у истражимо и дефинишемо појам пригодне драме у српској књижевности.Такође, желимо радом да покажемо због чега је вредност идеолошке садржине ових драма у неким моментима био далеко важнији од њиховог уметничког квалитета. Исто тако, важно је истаћи да су текстови пригодних драма били намењени управо за пригодне свечаности, прославе или школске приредбе. Аутор пригодне драме директно се обраћао постојећем снажном осећају у публици, и јасно дефинисаном саставу гледалаца, те нам је од великог значаја и повезаност историјских и политичких прилика са моментом настанка ових дела. Намера нам је била да осветлимо мање познате или готово непознате текстове оних аутора који су се бавили стварањем пригодних драма попут Јована Стерије Поповића, Јована Ђорђевића, Атанасија Николића, Милоша Цветића...The subject of our scientific research is the occasional drama in Serbian literature. We wish that this work highlights its origin, development, and authors who have written this type of plays, which are mostly forgotten or lesser-known. Despite the diversity of occasions that caused their beginning, in the Serbian literature of the 18th and 19th century, occasional plays have one thing in common. No matter what the occasion was, occasional plays were usually played as dramatic allegories. The basic meanings of Occasional drama were established in the symbolic connection between the moment of their beginning and the history, in favour of the experience for the new, future generations. Allegorization followed the forms of occasional drama from its beginning, and with the change of the epoch, its range of features was wider. So, we can usually distinguish between national and historical, political, edificatory and religious context of the occasional play development. We emphasize that this type of drama has been written to be performed on the occasion of a certain ceremony as a part of an event celebration, and therefore the structure of the event has taken the work out of literary-theatrical approach. The duration and success of some forms of occasional drama depend also on the actuality of their ideological content, as well as on the power of the scenic or performing element over the textual. Sometimes the value of the ideological content is more important than the artistic quality, and the ratings have drastically changed depending on the changes in life of the readers and the audience. We will give thought to historical drama, because occasional drama is only one of its types, and we would like to use this paper to show and prove that. Within drama as a literature genre and theatre as a phenomenon that unites literary and performing element, the historical drama has been enriched by contact with many other types of drama. The aim of our research is to explore and define the concept of occasional drama in Serbian literature. We also want to show why the value of the ideological content of these plays at times was far more important than their artistic quality. Furthermore it is important to point out that the texts of occasional play were intended specifically for the festivities, celebrations or school events. Author of the occasional drama directly addressed the existing strong feeling in the audience, and a clearly defined party of viewers, so the connection of the historical and political circumstances to the moment these plays were created. Our intention is to highlight lesser-known or almost unknown texts of the authors who have written occasional play as Jovan Sterija Popović, Jovan Đordjević, Atanasije Nikolić, Miloš Cvetić..

    Molecular profile of thymoma

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    Timomi, timusni karcinomi (TC) i timusni neuroendokrini kanceri su najčešce neoplazije lokalizovane u timusu i pripadaju retkim formama tumora. Timomi su indolentne forme tumora, a klasifikovani su u A, AB, B1,B2, B3 kategorije. Novije genetičke studije timoma pokazale su da je jedan od dominantnih markera ove bolesti , gen GTF2I sa najčešćim ’drajver’ varijantama Chr7 c.1211T> A, p. Leu404His i c.1271T>A, p. Leu424His. Pored GTF2I, u patogenezu timoma su uključeni EGFR, TP53, kao i Ras signalni putevi. Molekularna pozadina timoma jos uvek nije dovoljno istražena, međutim sa sve većim napretkom novih tehnologija, poput sekvenciranja nove generacije (eng. NGS) došlo se do novih informacija koje ukazuju na uzrok, detektuju nove molekularne markere, a samim tim omogućuju uspešnije terapijske pristupe ovoj patologiji.Thymoma, thymic carcinoma (TC), and thymic neuroendocrine carcinoma are rare thymic epithelial tumors (TETs) and the most frequent thymus-specific neoplasia. Thymomas are indolent or the less aggressive forms of TETs classified into the following subgroups A, AB, B1, B2, and B3. The most recent studies suggest thymoma specific gene GTF2I, with Chr7 c.1211T> A, p. Leu404His and c.1271T>A, p. Leu424His, is considered driver variants for this disease. Additionally, in thymoma pathogenesis are included EGFR, TP53 and Ras signaling pathways. The molecular background of thymoma is still obscure, but the advance of new technologies such as next-generation sequencing (eng. NGS) brings new information related to the molecular milieu of thymoma and other cancers. New information help to explore the cause of the disease, detection of new molecular markers, and better therapy approaches for thymoma

    Analysis of Transport Layer Protocol Functions within TCP/IP Protocol Stack

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    Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol složaj (TCP/IP) je skup Internet protokola koji je razvijen kao nadopuna Open System Interconnection referentnom modelu (OSI RM) i prikazuje kako dva različita sustava mogu komunicirati jedan sa drugim. U radu su prikazane funkcije i razlike između slojeva ranije navedenih modela. Ipak, u završnom radu naglasak je na protokolima transportnog sloja TCP/IP složaja. Transportni sloj zadužen je za siguran i pouzdan prijenos podataka od početne do krajnje točke u mreži, te se za taj prijenos najčešće koriste Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP) i Stream Control Protocol (SCTP). Na samom kraju rada prikazana je komparacija funkcionalnosti protokola transportnog sloja TCP/IP složaja.TCP/IP model is a set of Internet protocols which is developed as a complement to the Open System Interconnection - Reference Model and it shows communication between two different systems. Functions and differences between the layers of the previously mentioned models are presented in the thesis. However, in the bachelor thesis, the emphasis is on TCP/IP transport layer protocols. The transport layer is responsible for secure and reliable data transmission from point-to-point network. Transmission Control Protocol, User Datagram Protocol i Stream Control Protocol are most commonly used for this transfer. At the end of the thesis is a comparison of the TCP/IP model transport layer protocol functionality


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    Grad Zadar je grad na Jadranskoj obali. Predstavlja središte Zadarske županije i po broju stanovnika je drugi u Dalmaciji i peti u Hrvatskoj. Ovaj završni rad temelji se na lokalnoj samoupravi,ponajviše pravnim okvirima lokalne samouprave i samog sastava lokalne samouprave Zadra, kako je nastajala s vremenom u Republici Hrvatskoj (tri faze), pa kasnije želja za uvođenjem regija. Isto tako kroz ovaj završni rad obuhvatila sam sve upravne odjele grada Zadra, sama načela po kojima se oni vode, kao i stručna vodstva grada Zadra. Modernizacijom javne uprave uvodi se dosta noviteta koji su i zahvatili Zadar i Zadarsku županiju sa svojim unaprjeđivanjem , od stvaranja novih upravnih odjela koji su uvelike potrebni za rad jedinice lokalne samouprave pa i cijelog boljitka i razvoja stanovništva, kao i širenjem gradskog ruba. Sažeto time ovaj rad se najviše fokusira na opis lokalne samouprave (Zadra) kao i istoimenog kolegija.Zadar is a city situated on the shore of the Adriatic Sea. It is the seat of Zadar County and it ranks second by population in the region of Dalmatia and fifth in Croatia. This final paper focuses on local administration, and most of all, on the legal framework and the structure itself of the local administration of Zadar, its development through time in the Republic of Croatia (three phases), and the later desire to introduce regions. Furthermore, this final paper encompasses all the administrative departments of the city of Zadar, the principles governing them, as well as the management of the city. Modernization of the public administration introduces novelties that contribute to the improvements in Zadar and the County itself, as well as to the expansion of the city's boundary, from the creation of new administrative departments that are largely needed for proper functioning of the local administration, but also for the overall betterment and development of the population. Thus, this paper focuses on the description of the local administration (of Zadar), as well as of the course by the same name

    Analysis of Transport Layer Protocol Functions within TCP/IP Protocol Stack

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    Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol složaj (TCP/IP) je skup Internet protokola koji je razvijen kao nadopuna Open System Interconnection referentnom modelu (OSI RM) i prikazuje kako dva različita sustava mogu komunicirati jedan sa drugim. U radu su prikazane funkcije i razlike između slojeva ranije navedenih modela. Ipak, u završnom radu naglasak je na protokolima transportnog sloja TCP/IP složaja. Transportni sloj zadužen je za siguran i pouzdan prijenos podataka od početne do krajnje točke u mreži, te se za taj prijenos najčešće koriste Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP) i Stream Control Protocol (SCTP). Na samom kraju rada prikazana je komparacija funkcionalnosti protokola transportnog sloja TCP/IP složaja.TCP/IP model is a set of Internet protocols which is developed as a complement to the Open System Interconnection - Reference Model and it shows communication between two different systems. Functions and differences between the layers of the previously mentioned models are presented in the thesis. However, in the bachelor thesis, the emphasis is on TCP/IP transport layer protocols. The transport layer is responsible for secure and reliable data transmission from point-to-point network. Transmission Control Protocol, User Datagram Protocol i Stream Control Protocol are most commonly used for this transfer. At the end of the thesis is a comparison of the TCP/IP model transport layer protocol functionality

    Kinetic Aspects of the Gibbsite Digestion Process in Aqueous Solution of Sodium Hydroxide

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    In order to study the kinetics and mechanism of the reaction, laboratory digestions were carried out of industrially produced gibbsite mineral y-Al(OHl3 in aqueous solutions containing an excess of sodium hydroxide. Reaction temperature, duration and base concentration were varied. From the results obtained basic kinetic parameters were computed: reaction rate constants (k)and process activation energy (Ea)

    Proposal of Simple and Accurate Two-Parametric Approximation for the Q

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    The approximations for the Q-function reported in the literature so far have mainly been developed to overcome not only the difficulties, but also the limitations, caused in different research areas, by the nonexistence of the closed form expression for the Q-function. Unlike the previous papers, we propose the novel approximation for the Q-function not for solving some particular problem. Instead, we analyze this problem in one general manner and we provide one general solution, which has wide applicability. Specifically, in this paper, we set two goals, which are somewhat contrary to each other. The one is the simplicity of the analytical form of Q-function approximation and the other is the relatively high accuracy of the approximation for a wide range of arguments. Since we propose a two-parametric approximation for the Q-function, by examining the effect of the parameters choice on the accuracy of the approximation, we manage to determine the most suitable parameters of approximation and to achieve these goals simultaneously. The simplicity of the analytical form of our approximation along with its relatively high accuracy, which is comparable to or even better than that of the previously proposed approximations of similar analytical form complexity, indicates its wide applicability


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    Environmental pollution with crude oil and its derivates has become a growing problem due to their toxic and carcinogenic effects on live organisms. Proper collection and treatment of oily wastewaters is very important for prevention and disabling of harmful effects on the environment. The most important step in the oily wastewater treatment process is separation of oil and aqueous phase. Consequently, it is important to examine the conditions which enable the maximum separation effect and provide satisfactory quality of the aqueous phase before discharge into natural recipients. This paper examines the effects of temperature and addition of demulsifier and dewatering agent on phase separation in oily wastewaters. The best separation rate and the highest quantity of the aqueous phase are achieved with the addition of demulsifier in concentration of 500 mg/l and the dewatering agent in concentration of 500 mg/l at 60 °C. The quality of the aqueous phase after separation shows low values of mineral oils and high COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) values due to the remaining demulsifier and dewatering agent in aqueous phase. For that reason it is necessary to use additional treatments, such as adsorption on active carbon or biological treatment before discharge into natural waters