4,471 research outputs found

    Intergenerational change and familial aggregation of body mass index

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    The relationship between parental BMI and that of their adult offspring, when increased adiposity can become a clinical issue, is unknown. We investigated the intergenerational change in body mass index (BMI) distribution, and examined the sex-specific relationship between parental and adult offspring BMI. Intergenerational change in the distribution of adjusted BMI in 1,443 complete families (both parents and at least one offspring) with 2,286 offspring (1,263 daughters and 1,023 sons) from the west of Scotland, UK, was investigated using quantile regression. Familial correlations were estimated from linear mixed effects regression models. The distribution of BMI showed little intergenerational change in the normal range (\25 kg/m2), decreasing overweightness (25– \30 kg/m2) and increasing obesity (C30 kg/m2). Median BMI was static across generations in males and decreased in females by 0.4 (95% CI: 0.0, 0.7) kg/m2; the 95th percentileincreased by 2.2 (1.1, 3.2) kg/m2 in males and 2.7 (1.4, 3.9) kg/m2 in females. Mothers’ BMI was more strongly associated with daughters’ BMI than was fathers’ (correlation coefficient (95% CI): mothers 0.31 (0.27, 0.36), fathers 0.19 (0.14, 0.25); P = 0.001). Mothers’ and fathers’ BMI were equally correlated with sons’ BMI (correlation coefficient: mothers 0.28 (0.22, 0.33), fathers 0.27 (0.22, 0.33). The increase in BMI between generations was concentrated at the upper end of the distribution. This, alongside the strong parent-offspring correlation, suggests that the increase in BMI is disproportionally greater among offspring of heavier parents. Familial influences on BMI among middle-aged women appear significantly stronger from mothers than father

    Contribution of cyanobacterial alkane production to the ocean hydrocarbon cycle.

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    Hydrocarbons are ubiquitous in the ocean, where alkanes such as pentadecane and heptadecane can be found even in waters minimally polluted with crude oil. Populations of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, which are responsible for the turnover of these compounds, are also found throughout marine systems, including in unpolluted waters. These observations suggest the existence of an unknown and widespread source of hydrocarbons in the oceans. Here, we report that strains of the two most abundant marine cyanobacteria, Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus, produce and accumulate hydrocarbons, predominantly C15 and C17 alkanes, between 0.022 and 0.368% of dry cell weight. Based on global population sizes and turnover rates, we estimate that these species have the capacity to produce 2-540 pg alkanes per mL per day, which translates into a global ocean yield of ∼ 308-771 million tons of hydrocarbons annually. We also demonstrate that both obligate and facultative marine hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria can consume cyanobacterial alkanes, which likely prevents these hydrocarbons from accumulating in the environment. Our findings implicate cyanobacteria and hydrocarbon degraders as key players in a notable internal hydrocarbon cycle within the upper ocean, where alkanes are continually produced and subsequently consumed within days. Furthermore we show that cyanobacterial alkane production is likely sufficient to sustain populations of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, whose abundances can rapidly expand upon localized release of crude oil from natural seepage and human activities

    Vortex nucleation as a case study of symmetry breaking in quantum systems

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    Mean-field methods are a very powerful tool for investigating weakly interacting many-body systems in many branches of physics. In particular, they describe with excellent accuracy trapped Bose-Einstein condensates. A generic, but difficult question concerns the relation between the symmetry properties of the true many-body state and its mean-field approximation. Here, we address this question by considering, theoretically, vortex nucleation in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate. A slow sweep of the rotation frequency changes the state of the system from being at rest to the one containing one vortex. Within the mean-field framework, the jump in symmetry occurs through a turbulent phase around a certain critical frequency. The exact many-body ground state at the critical frequency exhibits strong correlations and entanglement. We believe that this constitutes a paradigm example of symmetry breaking in - or change of the order parameter of - quantum many-body systems in the course of adiabatic evolution.Comment: Minor change

    Comparative study of Selva and Camarosa strawberries for the commercial market

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    Selva and Camarosa strawberry varieties were characterized chemically and physically. The importance of keeping the stem until processing, the influence of different transport periods under refrigerated conditions, the effects of freezing and exposure to air of damaged surfaces were evaluated. During freezing, losses of ascorbic acid, sucrose, fructose and glucose were reported for both varieties. However, keeping the stem intact minimizes the losses of ascorbic acid in frozen fruits. The exposure to air of cut surfaces affects ascorbic acid content of fresh fruits, with the highest losses reported in Camarosa. Selva showed properties important for commercial use, as compared to Camarosa, with regard to a higher resistance to thawing and higher contents of total phenolics, total protein, and ascorbic acid

    Rare Z-decay into light CP-odd Higgs bosons: a comparative study in different new physics models

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    Various new physics models predict a light CP-odd Higgs boson (labeled as aa) and open up new decay modes for Z-boson, such as ZfˉfaZ \to \bar{f} f a, ZaγZ\to a\gamma and ZaaaZ\to aaa, which could be explored at the GigaZ option of the ILC. In this work we investigate these rare decays in several new physics models, namely the type-II two Higgs doublet model (type-II 2HDM), the lepton-specific two Higgs doublet model (L2HDM), the nearly minimal supersymetric standard model (nMSSM) and the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM). We find that in the parameter space allowed by current experiments, the branching ratios can reach 10410^{-4} for ZfˉfaZ \to \bar{f} f a (f=b,τf=b,\tau), 10910^{-9} for ZaγZ\to a\gamma and 10310^{-3} for ZaaaZ\to aaa, which implies that the decays ZfˉfaZ \to \bar{f} f a and ZaaaZ \to a a a may be accessible at the GigaZ option. Moreover, since different models predict different patterns of the branching ratios, the measurement of these rare decays at the GigaZ may be utilized to distinguish the models.Comment: Version in JHEP (discussions added, errors corrected

    General Messenger Gauge Mediation

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    We discuss theories of gauge mediation in which the hidden sector consists of two subsectors which are weakly coupled to each other. One sector is made up of messengers and the other breaks supersymmetry. Each sector by itself may be strongly coupled. We provide a unifying framework for such theories and discuss their predictions in different settings. We show how this framework incorporates all known models of messengers. In the case of weakly-coupled messengers interacting with spurions through the superpotential, we prove that the sfermion mass-squared is positive, and furthermore, that there is a lower bound on the ratio of the sfermion mass to the gaugino mass.Comment: 37 pages; minor change

    Constraints from muon g-2 and LFV processes in the Higgs Triplet Model

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    Constraints from the muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment and lepton flavor violating processes are translated into lower bounds on v_Delta*m_H++ in the Higgs Triplet Model by considering correlations through the neutrino mass matrix. The discrepancy of the sign of the contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment between the measurement and the prediction in the model is clarified. It is shown that mu to e gamma, tau decays (especially, tau to mu e e), and the muonium conversion can give a more stringent bound on v_Delta*m_H++ than the bound from mu to eee which is expected naively to give the most stringent one.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure

    Bounds on SCFTs from Conformal Perturbation Theory

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    The operator product expansion (OPE) in 4d (super)conformal field theory is of broad interest, for both formal and phenomenological applications. In this paper, we use conformal perturbation theory to study the OPE of nearly-free fields coupled to SCFTs. Under fairly general assumptions, we show that the OPE of a chiral operator of dimension Δ=1+ϵ\Delta = 1+\epsilon with its complex conjugate always contains an operator of dimension less than 2Δ2 \Delta. Our bounds apply to Banks-Zaks fixed points and their generalizations, as we illustrate using several examples.Comment: 36 pages; v2: typos fixed, minor change

    Phase transitions in biological membranes

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    Native membranes of biological cells display melting transitions of their lipids at a temperature of 10-20 degrees below body temperature. Such transitions can be observed in various bacterial cells, in nerves, in cancer cells, but also in lung surfactant. It seems as if the presence of transitions slightly below physiological temperature is a generic property of most cells. They are important because they influence many physical properties of the membranes. At the transition temperature, membranes display a larger permeability that is accompanied by ion-channel-like phenomena even in the complete absence of proteins. Membranes are softer, which implies that phenomena such as endocytosis and exocytosis are facilitated. Mechanical signal propagation phenomena related to nerve pulses are strongly enhanced. The position of transitions can be affected by changes in temperature, pressure, pH and salt concentration or by the presence of anesthetics. Thus, even at physiological temperature, these transitions are of relevance. There position and thereby the physical properties of the membrane can be controlled by changes in the intensive thermodynamic variables. Here, we review some of the experimental findings and the thermodynamics that describes the control of the membrane function.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    SUSY Stops at a Bump

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    We discuss collider signatures of the "natural supersymmetry" scenario with baryon-number violating R-parity violation. We argue that this is one of the few remaining viable incarnations of weak scale supersymmetry consistent with full electroweak naturalness. We show that this intriguing and challenging scenario contains distinctive LHC signals, resonances of hard jets in conjunction with relatively soft leptons and missing energy, which are easily overlooked by existing LHC searches. We propose novel strategies for distinguishing these signals above background, and estimate their potential reach at the 8 TeV LHC. We show that other multi-lepton signals of this scenario can be seen by currently existing searches with increased statistics, but these opportunities are more spectrum-dependent.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. V2: spectrum discussion corrected, most of the changes are in Sec. 2. Benchmarks, analysis and conclusions unchanged. References adde