5 research outputs found

    Resonant elastic X-ray scattering of antiferromagnetic superstructures in EuPtSi3_{3}

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    We report resonant elastic X-ray scattering (REXS) of long-range magnetic order in EuPtSi3_{\text{3}}, combining different scattering geometries with full linear polarization analysis to unambiguously identify magnetic scattering contributions. At low temperatures, EuPtSi3_{\text{3}} stabilizes type A antiferromagnetism featuring various long-wavelength modulations. For magnetic fields applied in the hard magnetic basal plane, well-defined regimes of cycloidal, conical, and fan-like superstructures may be distinguished that encompass a pocket of commensurate type A order without superstructure. For magnetic field applied along the easy axis, the phase diagram comprises the cycloidal and conical superstructures only. Highlighting the power of polarized REXS, our results reveal a combination of magnetic phases that suggest a highly unusual competition between antiferromagnetic exchange interactions with Dzyaloshinsky--Moriya spin--orbit coupling of similar strength

    Hidden Charge Order in an Iron Oxide Square-Lattice Compound

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    Since the discovery of charge disproportionation in the FeO2 square-lattice compound Sr3Fe2O7 by Mössbauer spectroscopy more than fifty years ago, the spatial ordering pattern of the disproportionated charges has remained “hidden” to conventional diffraction probes, despite numerous x-ray and neutron scattering studies. We have used neutron Larmor diffraction and Fe K-edge resonant x-ray scattering to demonstrate checkerboard charge order in the FeO2 planes that vanishes at a sharp second-order phase transition upon heating above 332 K. Stacking disorder of the checkerboard pattern due to frustrated interlayer interactions broadens the corresponding superstructure reflections and greatly reduces their amplitude, thus explaining the difficulty of detecting them by conventional probes. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on “hidden order” in other materials

    Electronic structure and lattice dynamics of 1T-VSe2_2: origin of the 3D-CDW

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    In order to characterize in detail the charge density wave (CDW) transition of 1TT-VSe2_2, its electronic structure and lattice dynamics are comprehensively studied by means of x-ray diffraction, angle resolved photoemission (ARPES), diffuse and inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS), and state-of-the-art first principles density functional theory calculations. Resonant elastic x-ray scattering (REXS) does not show any resonant enhancement at either V or Se K-edges, indicating that the CDW peak describes a purely structural modulation of the electronic ordering. ARPES identifies (i) a pseudogap at T>>TCDW_{CDW}, which leads to a depletion of the density of states in the ML−Mâ€ČLâ€ČML-M'L' plane at T<<TCDW_{CDW}, and (ii) anomalies in the electronic dispersion reflecting a sizable impact of phonons on it. A diffuse scattering precursor, characteristic of soft phonons, is observed at room temperature (RT) and leads to the full collapse of the low-energy phonon (ω1\omega_1) with propagation vector (0.25 0 -0.3) r.l.u. We show that the frequency and linewidth of this mode are anisotropic in momentum space, reflecting the momentum dependence of the electron-phonon interaction (EPI), hence demonstrating that the origin of the CDW is, to a much larger extent, due to the momentum dependence EPI with a small contribution from nesting. The pressure dependence of the ω1\omega_1 soft mode remains nearly constant up to 13 GPa at RT, with only a modest softening before the transition to the high-pressure monoclinic C2/mC2/m phase. The wide set of experimental data are well captured by our state-of-the art first-principles anharmonic calculations with the inclusion of van der Waals (vdW) corrections in the exchange-correlation functional. The description of the electronics and dynamics of VSe2_2 reported here adds important pieces of information to the understanding of the electronic modulations of TMDs

    Hidden Charge Order in an Iron Oxide Square-Lattice Compound

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    Since the discovery of charge disproportionation in the FeO2 square-lattice compound Sr3Fe2O7 by Mossbauer spectroscopy more than fifty years ago, the spatial ordering pattern of the disproportionated charges has remained "hidden" to conventional diffraction probes, despite numerous x-ray and neutron scattering studies. We have used neutron Larmor diffraction and Fe K-edge resonant x-ray scattering to demonstrate checkerboard charge order in the FeO2 planes that vanishes at a sharp second-order phase transition upon heating above 332 K. Stacking disorder of the checkerboard pattern due to frustrated interlayer interactions broadens the corresponding superstructure reflections and greatly reduces their amplitude, thus explaining the difficulty of detecting them by conventional probes. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on "hidden order" in other materials

    Electronic structure and lattice dynamics of 1T-VSe2:Origin of the three-dimensional charge density wave

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    To characterize in detail the charge density wave (CDW) transition of 1T-VSe2, its electronic structure and lattice dynamics are comprehensively studied by means of x-ray diffraction, muon spectroscopy, angle resolved photoemission (ARPES), diffuse and inelastic x-ray scattering, and state-of-the-art first-principles density functional theory calculations. Resonant elastic x-ray scattering does not show any resonant enhancement at either V or Se, indicating that the CDW peak at the K edges describes a purely structural modulation of the electronic ordering. ARPES experiments identify (i) a pseudogap at T&gt;T-CDW, which leads to a depletion of the density of states in the ML-M'L' plane at