1,812 research outputs found

    Quality control of B-lines analysis in stress Echo 2020

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    El pensamiento social en la propuesta de la pedagogía del oprimido de Paulo Freire

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    consideraron cinco aspectos que son el resultado del análisis a las categorías, estos tienen que ver fundamentalmente con el proceso emancipatorio, la comunión docente-discente, la acción comunicativa, la concepción del amor, la concientización como proceso de aprendizaje, la perspectiva humanista en el aula y la pedagogía crítica.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar transversalmente las categorías referentes al paradigma de la obra “pedagogía del oprimido” de Paulo Freire, éstas fueron: sujeto, concientización, libertad y alfabetización, dicho análisis se desarrolló utilizando como herramienta metodológica a la hermenéutica crítica de Paul Ricoeur; se distinguieron tres fases de estudio: pretexto, contexto y texto que se complementaron con un análisis de tipo transversal y a partir de este se desarrolló un trabajo argumentativo de las categorías que se analizaron mediante la siguiente dinámica: Identificación de las tesis centrales de cada una de las obras de Freire, génesis de la construcción de las categorías, profundidad en cada categoría y análisis transversal

    Measurements of induced voltages and currents in a distribution power line and associated atmospheric parameters

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    The frequency and intensity of thunderstorms around the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has affected scheduled launch, landing, and other ground operations for many years. In order to protect against and provide safe working facilities, KSC has performed and hosted several studies on lightning phenomena. For the reasons mentioned above, KSC has established the Atmospheric Science Field Laboratory (ASFL). At these facilities KSC launches wire-towing rockets into thunderstorms to trigger natural lightning to the launch site. A program named Rocket Triggered Lightning Program (RTLP) is being conducted at the ASFL. This report calls for two of the experiments conducted in the summer 1988 Rocket Triggered Lightning Program. One experiment suspended an electric field mill over the launching areas from a balloon about 500 meters high to measure the space charges over the launching area. The other was to connect a waveform recorder to a nearby distribution power line to record currents and voltages wave forms induced by natural and triggered lightning

    Measuring Progress on the Control of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) at a Regional Level: The Minnesota N212 Regional Control Project (Rcp) as a Working Example.

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    Due to the highly transmissible nature of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), implementation of regional programs to control the disease may be critical. Because PRRS is not reported in the US, numerous voluntary regional control projects (RCPs) have been established. However, the effect of RCPs on PRRS control has not been assessed yet. This study aims to quantify the extent to which RCPs contribute to PRRS control by proposing a methodological framework to evaluate the progress of RCPs. Information collected between July 2012 and June 2015 from the Minnesota Voluntary Regional PRRS Elimination Project (RCP-N212) was used. Demography of premises (e.g. composition of farms with sows = SS and without sows = NSS) was assessed by a repeated analysis of variance. By using general linear mixed-effects models, active participation of farms enrolled in the RCP-N212, defined as the decision to share (or not to share) PRRS status, was evaluated and used as a predictor, along with other variables, to assess the PRRS trend over time. Additionally, spatial and temporal patterns of farmers' participation and the disease dynamics were investigated. The number of farms enrolled in RCP-N212 and its geographical coverage increased, but the proportion of SS and NSS did not vary significantly over time. A significant increasing (p<0.001) trend in farmers' decision to share PRRS status was observed, but with NSS producers less willing to report and a large variability between counties. The incidence of PRRS significantly (p<0.001) decreased, showing a negative correlation between degree of participation and occurrence of PRRS (p<0.001) and a positive correlation with farm density at the county level (p = 0.02). Despite a noted decrease in PRRS, significant spatio-temporal patterns of incidence of the disease over 3-weeks and 3-kms during the entire study period were identified. This study established a systematic approach to quantify the effect of RCPs on PRRS control. Despite an increase in number of farms enrolled in the RCP-N212, active participation is not ensured. By evaluating the effect of participation on the occurrence of PRRS, the value of sharing information among producers may be demonstrated, in turn justifying the existence of RCPs