166 research outputs found

    Demonstrating the efficacy of learning ecology in an outdoor science education program on 5th grade science Oklahoma core curriculum test scores.

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    Science education is in need of reform in order to better meet the learning needs of the students. The goal of this research was to determine if the implementation of an outdoor education program has a significant impact on the learning of ecological material in fifth grade students as measured by a state administered exam. After controlling for several demographic factors, schools that participated in a local outdoor education program were included in the experimental group (n=5 schools) and those who did not attend were members of the control group (n=5 schools). Through analysis of scores on the portion of the exam specific to ecology as well as overall science scores, it was determined that there is no significant difference between groups. Thus, outdoor education does not appear to have a significant impact on student learning. However, there were numerous limitations of this study and further research is required

    Encosi Africa 2014 Service Learning Design Build Internship

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    Encosi Africa 2014 will be a multifaceted service learning design/build internship. This trip will give us the opportunity to exercise Cal Poly’s learn by doing motto on an international stage. We will engage in service learning projects that will build on work done by previous Cal Poly student groups in the past as well as manifest new projects to benefit various local communities. This will combine classroom instruction with meaningful community service. We will work at three different project sites in South Africa, one urban and two in rural settings. The urban project involves revisiting a playground in Alexandra built by Cal Poly students last summer to evaluate its condition and make improvements. We will visit Baviaanskloof, a rural landscape reclamation project where we will partner with graduate students working on water security issues for the South African government. The third site is in Elliot, a small village in rural South Africa in need of a central gathering area and the ability to collect clean water. We will conduct community workshops and design charrettes with the residents to gain information to inform future work trips. We will also build some playground pieces for the local school before leaving. Encosi Africa will be an invaluable experience that will shape our professional lives in the future, and give us the opportunity to give back meaningful service, and gain extensive real world experiences

    The spectrum of eye disease in hospitalized adults living with HIV, 1995-2010.

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    Eye disease is a well-documented complication of HIV infection. Opportunistic infections generally comprised the majority of pre-antiretroviral therapy (ART) eye complications. With the introduction of ART, opportunistic infections diminished. However, early ART regimens were cumbersome regarding side effects and pill burden, making patient compliance difficult. Newer ART regimens are better tolerated and consist of fewer pills, theoretically making compliance easier and therapy more effective. The aim of this chart review study is to examine eye disease epidemiology in HIV patients as ART has evolved. We reviewed 222 admissions at Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals for 188 patients. These cases were divided into two groups. The first group was comprised of patients admitted from 1995 through 2003, while the second group consisted of patients admitted from 2003 to 2010. Eye disease epidemiology was compared between the two groups. Our study did note a significant decrease in eye diseases caused by opportunistic infections in the 2003-2010 patient group. Noninfectious eye disease is a significant complication in this group

    Learning While Black: A Qualitative Analysis of the Impact of Race in a U.S. High School

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    One of the major contributing factors to the Black-White achievement gap is school context. While many factors can affect academic achievement amongst Black youth, school climate and inter-racial relations are among the root causes which impact Black students’ development. In this qualitative study, we conducted secondary analysis of existing data consisting of interview transcripts and focus group discussions held in 2013 with 21 Black students who attended a public charter high school in Michigan. Open access data were downloaded from the University of Michigan Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) database. We analyzed qualitative data for themes and constructs related to school context and such influences on Black youth development. The following three constructs were identified: racial identity of Black youth, the impact of teachers on Black students’ racial identity and development, and lastly, exploring the dominant culture of the U.S. education system. For researchers, this data highlights a need for more studies on the intersection of race, school environment, and youth development. For administrators and policy makers, the results emphasize the need for investment and engagement in the daily experiences of Black students, reducing racism, and increasing diversity of curriculum. Teachers and school administrators may benefit from specialized training to better address cultural, educational, and developmental needs of Black youth in the context of their role in school

    Risk Factors, Molecular Epidemiology and Outcomes of Ertapenem-Resistant, Carbapenem-Susceptible Enterobacteriaceae: A Case-Case-Control Study

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    Background: Increasing prevalence of ertapenem-resistant, carbapenem-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae (ERE) in Singapore presents a major therapeutic problem. Our objective was to determine risk factors associated with the acquisition of ERE in hospitalized patients; to assess associated patient outcomes; and to describe the molecular characteristics of ERE. Methods: A retrospective case-case-control study was conducted in 2009 at a tertiary care hospital. Hospitalized patients with ERE and those with ertapenem-sensitive Enterobacteriaceae (ESE) were compared with a common control group consisting of patients with no prior gram-negative infections. Risk factors analyzed included demographics; co-morbidities; instrumentation and antibiotic exposures. Two parallel multivariate logistic regression models were performed to identify independent variables associated with ERE and ESE acquisition respectively. Clinical outcomes were compared between ERE and ESE patients. Results: Twenty-nine ERE cases, 29 ESE cases and 87 controls were analyzed. Multivariate logistic regression showed that previous hospitalization (Odds ratio [OR], 10.40; 95 % confidence interval [CI], 2.19–49.20) and duration of fluoroquinolones exposure (OR, 1.18 per day increase; 95 % CI, 1.05–1.34) were unique independent predictors for acquiring ERE. Duration of 4 th-generation cephalosporin exposure was found to predict for ESE acquisition (OR, 1.63 per day increase; 95 % CI, 1.05– 2.54). In-hospital mortality rates and clinical response rates were significantly different between ERE and ESE groups

    Profiling Circulating and Urinary Bile Acids in Patients with Biliary Obstruction before and after Biliary Stenting

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    Bile acids are considered as extremely toxic at the high concentrations reached during bile duct obstruction, but each acid displays variable cytotoxic properties. This study investigates how biliary obstruction and restoration of bile flow interferes with urinary and circulating levels of 17 common bile acids. Bile acids (conjugated and unconjugated) were quantified by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry in serum and urine samples from 17 patients (8 men and 9 women) with biliary obstruction, before and after biliary stenting. Results were compared with serum concentrations measured in 40 age- and sex-paired control donors (20 men and 20 women). The total circulating bile acid concentration increases from 2.7 µM in control donors to 156.9 µM in untreated patients with biliary stenosis. Serum taurocholic and glycocholic acids exhibit 304- and 241-fold accumulations in patients with biliary obstruction compared to controls. The enrichment in chenodeoxycholic acid species reached a maximum of only 39-fold, while all secondary and 6α-hydroxylated species –except taurolithocholic acids – were either unchanged or significantly reduced. Stenting was efficient in restoring an almost normal circulating profile and in reducing urinary bile acids