8 research outputs found
Formative and Summative Assessment in Online Education
Assessment is an integral part of both traditional and online education, especially when determining student learning outcomes. In the online learning environment, both formative and summative assessment practices require an understanding of the features and tools inherent to the electronic medium. Creating assessments for online education, either formative or summative, also requires application of constructivist learning principles to our collective understanding of the educational process and related goals. In this paper, we offer an overview of formative and summative assessment approaches suited to the online education environment
Shared and Unique Competencies in Interprofessional Behavioral Health: Implications for Counselor Education
Behavioral health reform in the U.S. recommends interprofessional education and practice grounded in clinical training in competencies relevant to practice. In tandem, counselor education requires training to learn roles and responsibilities as members of interdisciplinary teams. This pilot explored participants’ (N=19) understanding of professional identities and competencies among clinical mental health counseling (CMHC), marriage & family therapy (MFT), psychiatric mental health nursing (PMHNP) and social work (MSW) students in an interprofessional education (IPE) program. Participants identified unique profiles of each of the four behavioral health disciplines that align with professions’ histories and theoretical orientations as well as a common profile of overlapping skills and knowledge domains across disciplines. The common domains such as assessment, individual intervention, evidence-based practice, and strong oral communication skills, align with overlapping accreditation competencies. Greater common profiling was seen for CMHC, MFT, & MSW versus PMHNP. Our findings indicate implications for counselor education and supervision, and directions for future research
Shared and Unique Competencies in Interprofessional Behavioral Health: Implications for Counselor Education
Behavioral health reform in the U.S. recommends interprofessional education and practice grounded in clinical training in competencies relevant to practice. In tandem, counselor education requires training to learn roles and responsibilities as members of interdisciplinary teams. This pilot explored participants’ (N=19) understanding of professional identities and competencies among clinical mental health counseling (CMHC), marriage & family therapy (MFT), psychiatric mental health nursing (PMHNP) and social work (MSW) students in an interprofessional education (IPE) program. Participants identified unique profiles of each of the four behavioral health disciplines that align with professions’ histories and theoretical orientations as well as a common profile of overlapping skills and knowledge domains across disciplines. The common domains such as assessment, individual intervention, evidence-based practice, and strong oral communication skills, align with overlapping accreditation competencies. Greater common profiling was seen for CMHC, MFT, & MSW versus PMHNP. Our findings indicate implications for counselor education and supervision, and directions for future research
The Development and Evaluation of the French Version of the Schwartz Outcome Scale-10 (SOS-10-F)
The Schwartz Outcome Scale-10 (SOS-10; Blais et al., 1999) is an effective measure of change in inpatient (Blais et al.) and outpatient populations (Hilsenroth, Ackerman, & Blagys, 2001), as well student counselling centers, chemically dependent populations, and in research projects (Laux & Ahern, 2003; Young, Waehler, Laux, McDaniel, & Hilsenroth, 2003). The utility of the SOS-10 in Canada is limited because there is currently no French version of this instrument. This study reports on a three-phase process (initial translation from English to French, evaluation of the on-line English SOS-10, and establishing equivalency between English on-line and French on-line versions) of development and validation of a French version of the SOS-10.Cette étude qualitative et phénoménologique avait pour but d’examiner les expériences subjectives de six toxicomanes en voie de rétablissement pendant leur réflexion sur la façon dont leurs interactions avec autrui ont facilité ou nui à leur guérison. L’étude comprend des entrevues approfondies avec six participants qui se sont rétablis d’une toxicomanie importante. Les sept thèmes communs à tous les participants comprennent : pertes et gains; appui et découragement; compréhension et incompréhension; entiment d’appartenance ou de non appartenance; sens et absence de sens; espoir et désespoir; et perceptions positives et négatives de soi et d’autrui. Des répercussions sur le counseling des toxicomanes au cours du processus de rétablissement sont discutées en se basant sur ces résultats
LGBTQ+ Affirmative Counseling: A Student and Practitioner Handbook
Addressing a need for LGBTQ+ affirmative counselling in training, this meticulously crafted book is designed for graduate counselling students, new practitioners, and cross-disciplinary professionals. Authored by top researchers and clinicians, this collection synthesizes best practices in training and intervention, presenting a blueprint to seamlessly integrate affirmative counselling into academic curricula. Individual chapters cover topics including history, culture, assessment, treatment planning, crisis response, international perspectives, technology, and training. Enriched with resources, real-life case examples, and thoughtful reflection questions, the book moves beyond theory to provide actionable insights for effective LGBTQ+ affirmative counselling in diverse organizational settings. Tailored for graduate programs, this book equips future practitioners to adeptly navigate the complexities of affirmative counselling. [Amazon.com]https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/chs_books/1051/thumbnail.jp