116 research outputs found

    Evolution of IGF-1 in children born small for gestational age and with growth retardation, treated by growth hormone adapted to IGF-1 levels after 1 year

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    AIM: This study was designed to estimate the percentage of growth hormone (GH)-treated children born small for gestational age (SGA), with serum IGF-1 >2 SDS before and after GH dose adaptation. METHODS: SGA boys aged 4-9 and girls aged 4-7 with a height <-2 SDS and an annual growth rate below the mean received a subcutaneous GH dose of 57 mug/kg/day for 2 years. The GH dose was to be decreased by 30% in children with serum IGF-1 >2 SDS at 12 months and on the previous sample. The GH dose could be reduced a second time to 35 mug/kg.day. IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 dosages were centralized. RESULTS: Among the 49 (21 boys) children included in the study, 8 (16.3%) had an IGF-1 >2 SDS consecutively at 9 and 12 months (95% CI 7.3, 29.7). The GH dose was decreased in 6/8 children. However, IGF-1 levels were elevated at several nonconsecutive determinations in 45% (95% CI 28.4, 56.6) of the patients. CONCLUSION: A high IGF-1 level is observed in 45% of the GH SGA-treated children with a relatively high dose of GH. A 30% reduction in the GH dose causes a decrease in IGF-1 below 2 SDS in most children

    User assessment of Norditropin NordiFlex((R)), a new prefilled growth hormone pen: a Phase IV multicenter prospective study

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    BACKGROUNDAIM: In growth disorders, ensuring long-term growth hormone therapy (GHT) remains a challenge that might compromise the clinical outcome. Consequently, strategies aiming at alleviating the burden of daily injection might improve the treatment benefit. The study reported here was performed to assess the ease of use of Norditropin NordiFlex((R)) (Novo Nordisk, Princeton, NJ, USA) compared with that of the devices previously used in children treated with GHT with recombinant somatropin. METHODS: This Phase IV prospective, multicenter, open-label study was conducted in France. All patients received Norditropin NordiFlex for 6 weeks. Oral questionnaires were administered by the physician to the patients and/or the parents at inclusion and at the final visit. RESULTS: This study included 103 patients aged between 6 and 17 years. The patients assessed Norditropin NordiFlex as significantly easier to use than their previous device (median value = 7.5, P < 0.001). Almost three-quarters of patients (64.4%) preferred Norditropin NordiFlex to their previous device. Among physicians and nurses, 73% assessed Norditropin NordiFlex training as "very easy" and 26% as "easy." Norditropin NordiFlex improved patient autonomy, with 41% of patients able to self-inject the treatment. CONCLUSION: This study has shown that Norditropin NordiFlex is reliable, safe, and easy to use and most study patients preferred it to their previous device. These characteristics may improve the adherence to GHT

    Nucleotide-dependence of G-actin conformation from multiple molecular dynamics simulations and observation of a putatively polymerisation-competent superclosed state

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    The assembly of monomeric G-actin into filamentous F-actin is nucleotide dependent: ATP-G-actin is favored for filament growth at the “barbed end” of F-actin, whereas ADP-G-actin tends to dissociate from the “pointed end.” Structural differences between ATP- and ADP-G-actin are examined here using multiple molecular dynamics simulations. The “open” and “closed” conformational states of G-actin in aqueous solution are characterized, with either ATP or ADP in the nucleotide binding pocket. With both ATP and ADP bound, the open state closes in the absence of actin-bound profilin. The position of the nucleotide in the protein is found to be correlated with the degree of opening of the active site cleft. Further, the simulations reveal the existence of a structurally well-defined, compact, “superclosed” state of ATP-G-actin, as yet unseen crystallographically and absent in the ADP-G-actin simulations. The superclosed state resembles structurally the actin monomer in filament models derived from fiber diffraction and is putatively the polymerization competent conformation of ATP-G-actin

    Unique Properties of Eukaryote-Type Actin and Profilin Horizontally Transferred to Cyanobacteria

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    A eukaryote-type actin and its binding protein profilin encoded on a genomic island in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806 co-localize to form a hollow, spherical enclosure occupying a considerable intracellular space as shown by in vivo fluorescence microscopy. Biochemical and biophysical characterization reveals key differences between these proteins and their eukaryotic homologs. Small-angle X-ray scattering shows that the actin assembles into elongated, filamentous polymers which can be visualized microscopically with fluorescent phalloidin. Whereas rabbit actin forms thin cylindrical filaments about 100 µm in length, cyanobacterial actin polymers resemble a ribbon, arrest polymerization at 5-10 µm and tend to form irregular multi-strand assemblies. While eukaryotic profilin is a specific actin monomer binding protein, cyanobacterial profilin shows the unprecedented property of decorating actin filaments. Electron micrographs show that cyanobacterial profilin stimulates actin filament bundling and stabilizes their lateral alignment into heteropolymeric sheets from which the observed hollow enclosure may be formed. We hypothesize that adaptation to the confined space of a bacterial cell devoid of binding proteins usually regulating actin polymerization in eukaryotes has driven the co-evolution of cyanobacterial actin and profilin, giving rise to an intracellular entity

    The Actin-Binding Protein Capulet Genetically Interacts with the Microtubule Motor Kinesin to Maintain Neuronal Dendrite Homeostasis

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    BACKGROUND: Neurons require precise cytoskeletal regulation within neurites, containing microtubule tracks for cargo transport in axons and dendrites or within synapses containing organized actin. Due to the unique architecture and specialized function of neurons, neurons are particularly susceptible to perturbation of the cytoskeleton. Numerous actin-binding proteins help maintain proper cytoskeletal regulation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: From a Drosophila forward genetic screen, we identified a mutation in capulet--encoding a conserved actin-binding protein--that causes abnormal aggregates of actin within dendrites. Through interaction studies, we demonstrate that simultaneous genetic inactivation of capulet and kinesin heavy chain, a microtubule motor protein, produces elongate cofilin-actin rods within dendrites but not axons. These rods resemble actin-rich structures induced in both mammalian neurodegenerative and Drosophila Alzheimer's models, but have not previously been identified by loss of function mutations in vivo. We further demonstrate that mitochondria, which are transported by Kinesin, have impaired distribution along dendrites in a capulet mutant. While Capulet and Cofilin may biochemically cooperate in certain circumstances, in neuronal dendrites they genetically antagonize each other. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The present study is the first molecularly defined loss of function demonstration of actin-cofilin rods in vivo. This study suggests that simultaneous, seemingly minor perturbations in neuronal dendrites can synergize producing severe abnormalities affecting actin, microtubules and mitochondria/energy availability in dendrites. Additionally, as >90% of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's cases are sporadic this study suggests mechanisms by which multiple mutations together may contribute to neurodegeneration instead of reliance on single mutations to produce disease

    Conformational Dynamics of Actin: Effectors and Implications for Biological Function

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    Actin is a protein abundant in many cell types. Decades of investigations have provided evidence that it has many functions in living cells. The diverse morphology and dynamics of actin structures adapted to versatile cellular functions is established by a large repertoire of actin-binding proteins. The proper interactions with these proteins assume effective molecular adaptations from actin, in which its conformational transitions play essential role. This review attempts to summarise our current knowledge regarding the coupling between the conformational states of actin and its biological function