9 research outputs found


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    Water courses guarantee water to the rural and urban population through springs. Inappropriate soil management causes sandy soils, with a high slope, uncovered by vegetation and compacted, consequently impermeable, erosions result in silted streams and rivers, thus reducing the amount of drinking water. The present work aimed to diagnose the environmental impacts on springs in the Jaraguá Goiás municipality. In 2019, through the extension project “Preservation of the Environment, with a focus on saving water, energy, preservation and recovery of springs”, diagnostics, with photographic records and filming in six springs, with the support of academic volunteers from the Agronomy, Environmental and Sanitary Engineering course, scholarship holders from the Pedagogy and Accounting Sciences course, from the Environment Secretariat and from the professor proposing the action. The macroscopic parameters evaluated were: erosion in the springs and permanent preservation areas, coloring, odor, garbage, floating materials, foams and oils, sewage, vegetation, use by animals, anthropic use, protection, identification, residences and type of insertion area . The classification of springs by degree of preservation was carried out by means of notes, which indicates the preservation rates as preserved springs, moderately preserved and degraded according to the scale of the notes, with springs having an index of 20 to 32 points being considered preserved, those that scored 33 to 46 points are moderately preserved springs and those that scored 47 to 60 points are degraded. Each of the six springs visited by the extension project in 2019 presented different aspects of degradation, but with some similar characteristics. In this context, it is clear that most springs do not have enough native vegetation and / or none. In all diagnoses, large animals were found in the area, compromising the life of the springs. it is understood the need and urgency in the continuity of work in this aspect involving the other spheres of society.Os cursos hídricos garantem água à população rural e urbana por meio das nascentes. O manejo inapropriado do solo provoca solos arenosos, com alta declividade, descobertos de vegetação e compactados, consequentemente impermeáveis, as erosões acarretam em córregos e rios assoreados diminuindo assim a quantidade de água potável. O presente trabalho visou diagnosticar os impactos ambientais em nascentes no município Jaraguá Goiás. No ano de 2019, por meio do projeto de extensão “Preservação do Meio Ambiente, com foco em economia de água, energia, preservação e recuperação de nascentes”, Foram realizados diagnósticos, com registros fotográficos e filmagens em seis nascentes, com apoio de acadêmicos voluntários do curso de Agronomia, Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária, bolsistas do curso de Pedagogia e Ciências Contábeis, da Subsecretaria do Meio Ambiente e do professor proponente da ação. Os parâmetros macroscópicos avaliados foram: erosões nas nascentes e áreas de preservação permanentes, coloração, odor, lixo, materiais flutuantes, espumas e óleos, esgoto, vegetação, uso por animais, uso antrópico, proteção, identificação, residências e tipo de área de inserção. A classificação das nascentes por grau de preservação foi realizado por meio de notas, que indica os índices de preservação como nascentes preservadas, moderadamente preservadas e degradadas de acordo com a escala de notas, sendo que as nascentes que possuem índice de 20 a 32 pontos são consideradas preservadas, as que alcançaram uma pontuação de 33 a 46 pontos são nascentes moderadamente preservadas e as que pontuaram de 47 a 60 pontos são degradadas. Cada uma das seis nascentes visitadas pelo projeto de extensão no ano de 2019 apresentou aspectos distintos de degradação, porém com algumas características semelhantes. Neste contexto, percebe-se que a maioria das nascentes não possui vegetação nativa suficiente e/ou nenhuma. Em todos os diagnósticos foram constatada a presença de animais de grande porte no local, comprometendo a vida das nascentes.  Entende-se a necessidade e urgência na continuidade de trabalhos nessa vertente envolvendo as demais esferas da sociedade

    Desarrollo y morfología de la raíz del maracuyá en diferentes substratos

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 514-520).Entre los factores que contribuyen para un correcto desarrollo inicial de las plantas, está el sustrato utilizado, por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto del sustrato en la formación inicial y morfología de las raíces de dos especies de maracuyá. El experimento fue realizado en vivero con polisombra de interceptación luminosa (60%), en la Universidad Federal de Goiás (UFG), Regional Jataí, Brasil. Los materiales utilizados fueron maracuyá (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) y el cultivar FB 200 (Flora Brasil). Se utilizaron semillas de frutos recolectados del huerto experimental de la UFG. Se sembraron en tres tipos de sustratos: Suelo I (mezcla de 2 partes de suelo + 1 parte de gallinaza + 1 parte de arena), Suelo II (suelo de barranco) y Bioplant®; se utilizó bolsas perforadas para plántulas con capacidad de 1,5 L. El diseño experimental utilizado fue completamente aleatorio con seis tratamientos, ocho repeticiones y cuatro plántulas por parcela. Después de 30 días de siembra, se evaluó: peso fresco de la raíz, peso seco de raíz y morfología de la raíz. El sustrato tuvo efecto en el desarrollo inicial de las plantas de maracuyá, donde se obtuvo los mejores resultados con Bioplant®. Este sustrato sobresalió en todas las características evaluadas mostrando su potencialidad en la propagación de esta especie.Among the factors that contribute to better initial development of plants, it is the substrate used. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of substrate in initial formation and morphology of the roots of two species of passion fruits. The analyses were done in the nursery of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Regional Jataí, Brazil, with a light interception of 60%. The material used were seeds of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) and the cultivar FB 200 (Flora Brasil), harvested in the UFG experimental field. They were sown in three types of substrates: Soil I (mixture of soil, chicken manure and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1 by volume), soil II (steep bank), and Bioplant®, using for plants perforated bags with a capacity of 1.5 L. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with six treatments, eight replications and four plants per plot. After 30 days of sowing, fresh matter of root, root dry matter and morphology were evaluated. The substrate affected the initial development of yellow passion fruit, obtaining the best results with Bioplant®, showing as promising for the development of all the evaluated characteristics.Bibliografía: página 52

    Development and maturation of mango fruits cv. ‘Ubá’ in Visconde do Rio Branco, Minas Gerais state, Brazil

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    Several criteria have been used to determine fruit maturity, which are based on the appearance and chemical composition of the produce at harvest time. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical, chemical and physiological changes that occur during the development of mango cv. ‘Ubá’, aiming to determine the stages of fruit development until complete maturation. The experiment was carried out in an approximately 30-year-old orchard in Visconde do Rio Branco, MG (21º00'37"S, 42º50'26"W and 352 m altitude). Weekly, 25 fruits of 15 hoses were collected from the anthesis to the complete maturation in the plant. Samplings took place from August 2007 to January 2008. The characteristics evaluated were length, smaller and larger diameter; CO2 production; color parameters L*, a*, and b* of skin and pulp; fresh and dry mass (fruit, skin, pulp, and seed); solute leakage; pulp firmness; soluble solids (SS); titratable acidity (TA); SS/TA ratio; Vitamin C; carotenoids, starch, and soluble sugars. The development of mango fruit cv. ‘Ubá’ took 23 weeks. The developmental pattern fit a simple sigmoidal model. Fruits attached to the plant reached the respiratory climacteric stage between 20 and 21 weeks after anthesis.Vários critérios têm sido utilizados na determinação da maturidade de frutos, baseados na aparência e na composição química do produto na época da colheita. Objetivou-se avaliar as mudanças físicas, químicas e fisiológicas ocorridas durante o desenvolvimento da manga ‘Ubá’, visando estabelecer as fases de desenvolvimento do fruto para o completo amadurecimento. O experimento foi desenvolvido em pomar com cerca de 30 anos de idade em Visconde do Rio Branco, MG (21º00’37”S, 42º50’26”O e altitude de 352 m). Semanalmente, desde a antese até o completo amadurecimento na planta, foram coletados 25 frutos de 15 mangueiras. As amostragens ocorreram de agosto de 2007 a janeiro de 2008. As características avaliadas foram: comprimento, menor e maior diâmetro; produção de CO2; parâmetros de cor L*, a* e b* da casca e da polpa; massa fresca e seca (fruto, casca, polpa e semente); extravasamento de solutos; consistência da polpa; sólidos solúveis (SS); acidez titulável (AT); ratio (razão SS/AT); vitamina C; carotenoides, amido e açúcares solúveis. O desenvolvimento da manga ‘Ubá’ estendeu-se por 23 semanas. O padrão de desenvolvimento ajustou-se a um modelo sigmoidal simples. O climatérico respiratório dos frutos ligados à planta foi atingido entre a 20a e a 21a semana após a antese

    Chlorophyll content and degrees day accumulation in passion fruit species in the Southwest of Goias, Brazil

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    Brazil is considered the world’s largest passion fruit producer, which benefits the entire crop chain of production and generates demand for production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth, thermal requirements and leaf morphological aspects of passion fruit species. The experiment was conducted at the Federal University of Goias (UFG)- Jataí, evaluating the following characteristics: leaf area, chlorophyll content (TCC) and thermal accumulation, being expressed in days after planting. To determine the total chlorophyll content, assessments were made in the middle third of the leaf blade, evaluating the accumulation of thermal units until flowering, from the average temperatures of the region. The daily temperature data were obtained from the meteorological station of the UFG - Jataí (17º53’08” S and 51º40’12” O). The cultivar FB 200 and Maracujazeiro-azedo presented higher leaf area, having the last one higher chlorophyll content in leaves and FB 200 presented lower demand in thermal units accumulation, proving its precocity

    Development and maturation of mango fruits cv. ‘Ubá’ in Visconde do Rio Branco, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT Several criteria have been used to determine fruit maturity, which are based on the appearance and chemical composition of the produce at harvest time. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical, chemical and physiological changes that occur during the development of mango cv. ‘Ubá’, aiming to determine the stages of fruit development until complete maturation. The experiment was carried out in an approximately 30-year-old orchard in Visconde do Rio Branco, MG (21º00'37"S, 42º50'26"W and 352 m altitude). Weekly, 25 fruits of 15 hoses were collected from the anthesis to the complete maturation in the plant. Samplings took place from August 2007 to January 2008. The characteristics evaluated were length, smaller and larger diameter; CO2 production; color parameters L*, a*, and b* of skin and pulp; fresh and dry mass (fruit, skin, pulp, and seed); solute leakage; pulp firmness; soluble solids (SS); titratable acidity (TA); SS/TA ratio; Vitamin C; carotenoids, starch, and soluble sugars. The development of mango fruit cv. ‘Ubá’ took 23 weeks. The developmental pattern fit a simple sigmoidal model. Fruits attached to the plant reached the respiratory climacteric stage between 20 and 21 weeks after anthesis

    Desarrollo y morfología de la raíz del maracuyá en diferentes substratos

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    Among the factors that contribute to better initial development of plants, it is the substrate used. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of substrate in initial formation and morphology of the roots of two species of passion fruits. The analyses were done in the nursery of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Regional Jataí, Brazil, with a light interception of 60%. The material used were seeds of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) and the cultivar FB 200 (Flora Brasil), harvested in the UFG experimental field. They were sown in three types of substrates: Soil I (mixture of soil, chicken manure and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1 by volume), soil II (steep bank), and Bioplant®, using for plants perforated bags with a capacity of 1.5 L. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with six treatments, eight replications and four plants per plot. After 30 days of sowing, fresh matter of root, root dry matter and morphology were evaluated. The substrate affected the initial development of yellow passion fruit, obtaining the best results with Bioplant®, showing as promising for the development of all the evaluated characteristics.Entre los factores que contribuyen para un correcto desarrollo inicial de las plantas, está el sustrato utilizado, por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto del sustrato en la formación inicial y morfología de las raíces de dos especies de maracuyá. El experimento fue realizado en vivero con polisombra de interceptación luminosa (60%), en la Universidad Federal de Goiás (UFG), Regional Jataí, Brasil. Los materiales utilizados fueron maracuyá (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) y el cultivar FB 200 (Flora Brasil). Se utilizaron semillas de frutos recolectados del huerto experimental de la UFG. Se sembraron en tres tipos de sustratos: Suelo I (mezcla de 2 partes de suelo + 1 parte de gallinaza + 1 parte de arena), Suelo II (suelo de barranco) y Bioplant®; se utilizó bolsas perforadas para plántulas con capacidad de 1,5 L. El diseño experimental utilizado fue completamente aleatorio con seis tratamientos, ocho repeticiones y cuatro plántulas por parcela. Después de 30 días de siembra, se evaluó: peso fresco de la raíz, peso seco de raíz y morfología de la raíz. El sustrato tuvo efecto en el desarrollo inicial de las plantas de maracuyá, donde se obtuvo los mejores resultados con Bioplant®. Este sustrato sobresalió en todas las características evaluadas mostrando su potencialidad en la propagación de esta especie