190 research outputs found

    Criteria for selecting areas to identify ecosystem services provided by geodiversity: a study on the coast of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Ecosystem services are essential for life. Despite traditionally focusing on biodiversity, several studies have presented the ecosystem services provided by geodiversity. However, the choice of the study area is still a step that raises doubts for the researcher. Several elements of geodiversity must occur in the area so that different ecosystem services can be identified. Thus, the selection of the study area is a crucial step of the research. This work aims to determine the criteria for the selection of potential areas for the identification of ecosystem services by geodiversity in Baixada Santista, central coast of São Paulo, Brazil. The criteria established were (i) characterization of the physical environment based on the geodiversity index map and the watershed map and (ii) description of land use based on the characterization of land use and analysis of territorial planning instruments. As a result, the watershed with high levels of geodiversity and diversity of land uses was selected. The criterion was important, as it is an area already used in soil management and different land uses can provide a variety of ecosystem services. Thus, these criteria proved to be effective in the selection of areas for the evaluation of ecosystem services by geodiversity.The article has been funded by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) by Process no. 88882.377658/2019–01 (doctoral scholarship for D.S.Q.). M.d.G.M.G. thanks the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), grant 314689/2021-4

    Atributos relevantes no transporte de granéis agrícolas: preferência declarada pelos embarcadores

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    The objective of this study was to identify the relevant attributes of the services offered for the transporter, under the point of view of the shipper. The understanding of the preferences of the users of the transport services is important for the identification of the necessities and developments waited in the market. The relevant attributes had been raised under the bedding technician of the declared preference, in the form of ranking, using the method of confusing in the application of the cards to the shippers of grains in the state of the Paraná. The results had signaled for a significant concern with the fulfillment of contracts with customers and commitments in the ports and ships. As it could be evidenced, the shippers reflect the concern of the precariousness of the infrastructure, searching more guarantees of that the contracted service is fulfilled. As the attribute in the preference of the shippers was the performance consistency, that also has relation with these concerns, wanting to say that the given service must have a regular performance with small variance. These priorities of the shippers had guided in the elaboration of new strategies of act of contract of freights, looking for legalized rendering of service, with contractual relation.Transport demand, Logistics, Brazilian agribusiness, Stated preference, Agribusiness,


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    This paper discusses the new articulation forms which were established between the agricultural and urban sectors due to the consolidation of the Brazilian agroindustrial complex in the end of the 1970’s. The following topics are highlighted in this discussion: a) the growing dependence that agriculture sector has on the urban sector as a consumer of goods and services; b) the transformation of a substantial part of agricultural output in raw material for urban industries; c) the oligopolistic and oligopsonic features of these commercial relationships; d) the integration of capitals and formation of great economic conglomerates; c) the ongoing globalization process. In such scenery, different social actors are identified as well as their differential capacity to influence the decision-making process inside the chains and in the ambit of the State. It also outlines the actors’ organizational capacity which is represented by collective actions, managerial efficiency, administrative professionalization, "systemic knowledge" and technological domain. The central question of this paper refers to the role that the agricultural cooperatives and other associativist forms can play as negotiation means inside and outside the productive chains, elevating farmers’ bargaining and claiming power. To answer this question several researches undertaken over the last two decades were examined. The most recent studies detect an effort to modernize cooperative management by turning them into more competitive organizations. However, this effort is sometimes interrupted by the process of manager’s succession. Interference of local political interests identified in the studies carried out in the 1980’s was also detected in the most recent researches and it is considered as one of the factors that limit the administrative dynamism of cooperatives. Although farmer associations are seen as an alternative means for family producers to adapt to the ongoing economic and social changes, the examined studies showed that as the business of those associations grow, managerial problems simultaneously rise.agoindustrial complex, productive chain, cooperative, social actors, interest articulation.,


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    O presente trabalho objetiva investigar as perspectivas de futuro de estudantes do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, e apurar como se dá o desenvolvimento dos processos formativos pelas instituições (família, escola, governos), visando à inclusão de seus alunos no acesso ao ensino superior e o desenvolvimento de novas perspectivas pessoais e profissionais na vida destes sujeitos. Desta forma, a pesquisa mostra-se relevante para conhecer as perspectivas de adolescentes em relação ao ensino superior de forma que as instituições formativas possam melhor atender as necessidades e perspectivas desses sujeitos. De cunho qualitativo, a pesquisa desenvolveu-se durante o mês de Agosto de 2016, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com dezesseis participantes, com faixa etária de 16 a 18 anos, de uma escola pública, localizada na zona urbana da cidade de Bragança- PA. A educação superior constitui-se o nível mais elevado da formação acadêmica, também oferecido pelas instituições públicas, com acesso através do ENEM, além de outras políticas implantadas para o acesso ao ensino superior. Constatou-se que os adolescentes apresentam perspectivas em relação ao ensino superior, mas acabam sendo frustradas pelas desigualdades existentes, não sentindo-se incluídos no processo educacional. Os governos têm investido e construído medidas efetivas de acesso ao ensino superior, mas, outras medidas precisam ser tomadas e outras ações desenvolvidas pelas instituições formativas a fim de garantir o conhecimento dos sistemas beneficiadores e o ingresso no ensino superior. Bem como as escolas precisam fornecer meios para que os estudantes possam alcançar seus objetivos, instruindo-os sobre a inserção na Educação Superior.The objective of this study is to investigate the future perspectives of third year high school students and to investigate how the development of the educational processes by the institutions (family, school, and governments) is aimed at the inclusion of their students in access to higher education and The development of new personal and professional perspectives in the life of these subjects. In this way, the research is relevant to know the perspectives of adolescents in relation to higher education so that the training institutions can better meet the needs and perspectives of these subjects. In a qualitative way, the research was carried out during the month of August 2016, through semi-structured interviews with 16 participants, aged 16 to 18 years, from a public school located in the urban area of the city of Bragança-PA. Higher education is the highest level of academic training, also offered by public institutions, with access through the ENEM, as well as other policies implemented for access to higher education. It was observed that adolescents present perspectives regarding higher education, but they are frustrated by the existing inequalities, not feeling included in the educational process. Governments have invested and built effective measures of access to higher education, but other measures need to be taken and other actions taken by training institutions to ensure knowledge of the beneficiary systems and entry into higher education. As well as schools need to provide the means for students to achieve their goals by instructing them to enter Higher Education.

    Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes in 3D Collagen I culture: an in vitro physiological environment for the study of extracellular matrix and host cell interactions

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    Leishmania amazonensis is the causative agent of American cutaneous leishmaniasis, an important neglected tropical disease. Once Leishmania amazonensis is inoculated into the human host, promastigotes are exposed to the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the dermis. However, little is known about the interaction between the ECM and Leishmania promastigotes. In this study we established L. amazonensis promastigote culture in a three-dimensional (3D) environment mainly composed of Collagen I (COL I). This 3D culture recreates in vitro some aspects of the human host infection site, enabling the study of the interaction mechanisms of L. amazonensis with the host ECM. Promastigotes exhibited “freeze and run” migration in the 3D COL I matrix, which is completely different from the conventional in vitro swimming mode of migration. Moreover, L. amazonensis promastigotes were able to invade, migrate inside, and remodel the 3D COL I matrix. Promastigote trans-matrix invasion and the freeze and run migration mode were also observed when macrophages were present in the matrix. At least two classes of proteases, metallo- and cysteine proteases, are involved in the 3D COL I matrix degradation caused by Leishmania. Treatment with a mixture of protease inhibitors significantly reduced promastigote invasion and migration through this matrix. Together our results demonstrate that L. amazonensis promastigotes release proteases and actively remodel their 3D environment, facilitating their migration. This raises the possibility that promastigotes actively interact with their 3D environment during the search for their cellular “home”—macrophages. Supporting this hypothesis, promastigotes migrated faster than macrophages in a novel 3D co-culture model


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    O presente trabalho objetiva analisar a temática envolvendo Liberdade de Expressão e Discurso de Ódio, assunto que é objeto de intensos debates nas Cortes Constitucionais. De um lado, alguns alegam a supremacia da Liberdade de Expressão e que tal garantia deve servir como proteção a qualquer manifestação de pensamento, seja ela aceita ou não pela coletividade. Assim, a liberdade de expressão funciona como instrumento para a seleção de ideias, fortalecendo o debate democrático. Outros, ainda, acreditam que a dignidade humana deve prevalecer sobre a liberdade de manifestação de pensamento, rechaçando-se qualquer manifestação de intolerância. Entretanto, toda cautela é necessária na análise da limitação de direitos fundamentais, pois embora os bens em aparente conflito sejam bastante relevantes para o cenário democrático-constitucional, os direitos fundamentais são valores passíveis de múltiplas interpretações


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    Este trabalho busca fazer uma análise sobre a importância da implementação da educação  ambiental na escola. A partir disso, surgiu a inquietação em trabalhar este tema e fazer um levantamento sobre o nível de conscientização dos 90 alunos do ensino fundamental, turno noturno, da Escola Estadual Carlos Alberto Cerqueira, no bairro do São Caetano, Salvador- BA, quanto à prevenção do mosquito Aedes Aegypti. Este trabalho trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo e quantitativo. Foram entregues questionários contendo 15 questões. Os resultados encontrados permitiram analisar que 60% dos alunos ou algum de seus familiares já tiveram a dengue e 40% dos entrevistados não tiveram. 100% dos entrevistados se comprometeram a agir na prevenção da reprodução do mosquito em seus domicílios ou próximos dele. Em suma, a educação ambiental é necessária e deve ser discutida em vários locais, seja no ambiente formal ou informal. PALAVRAS CHAVES: Consciência. Escola.  Educação Ambienta

    Câncer de Próstata: Retrato de uma realidade dos pacientes, a importância e o preconceito com o toque retal / Prostate Cancer: Portrait of a patients' reality, the importance and the prejudice with the rectal touch

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    O câncer é um desequilíbrio entre a proliferação celular e a diferenciação celular. O câncer de próstata é a neoplasia maligna mais frequente no homem, altamente prevalente e é considerado um problema de saúde pública. No Brasil, o rastreamento do câncer de próstata é preconizado para homens acima de 45 anos através do exame de toque retal e dosagem do PSA (antígeno prostático específico). O objetivo do trabalho constitui em mostrar, através de revisão de literatura, os principais métodos de diagnóstico referente ao preconceito, prevenção e tratamento para o câncer de próstata, a atribuição do enfermeiro frente a esse processo e aspectos epidemiológicos. Concluiu-se que o câncer de próstata é evidenciado pelo crescimento anormal da próstata, glândula integrante do sistema reprodutor masculino, e os principais fatores de risco estão correlacionados ao avanço da idade, influências genéticas, metabolismo hormonal, estilo de vida. Embora ainda haja preconceito com relação ao toque retal, ele é o método mais importante no rastreamento do tumor prostático. O enfermeiro, como membro da equipe multidisciplinar de saúde, tem condições de atuar não só nas atividades de controle da doença, mas também na implementação de medidas preventivas contra o câncer

    Characterisation of an ABC transporter of a resistant Candida glabrata clinical isolate

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    BACKGROUND Candida glabrata ranks second in epidemiological surveillance studies, and is considered one of the main human yeast pathogens. Treatment of Candida infections represents a contemporary public health problem due to the limited availability of an antifungal arsenal, toxicity effects and increasing cases of resistance. C. glabrata presents intrinsic fluconazole resistance and is a significant concern in clinical practice and in hospital environments. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to characterise the azole resistance mechanism presented by a C. glabrata clinical isolate from a Brazilian university hospital. METHODS Azole susceptibility assays, chemosensitisation, flow cytometry and mass spectrometry were performed. FINDINGS Our study demonstrated extremely high resistance to all azoles tested: fluconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole and itraconazole. This isolate was chemosensitised by FK506, a classical inhibitor of ABC transporters related to azole resistance, and Rhodamine 6G extrusion was observed. A mass spectrometry assay confirmed the ABC protein identification suggesting the probable role of efflux pumps in this resistance phenotype. MAIN CONCLUSIONS This study emphasizes the importance of ABC proteins and their relation to the resistance mechanism in hospital environments and they may be an important target for the development of compounds able to unsettle drug extrusion.

    Construção de um aplicativo digital para o ensino de sinais vitais

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    Objetivo: Descrever a etapa de criação de um aplicativo digital direcionado ao ensino de sinais vitais para acadêmicos de enfermagem.Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, desenvolvido entre março a outubro de 2014, no qual foram seguidas as etapas de análise, desenho e desenvolvimento da ferramenta tecnológica, com base no referencial teórico de Galvis-Panqueva. Realizou-se uma revisão narrativa da literatura sobre o tema e, em seguida, escolheu-se a melhor plataforma para a hospedagem do aplicativo.Resultados: Seguidas as fases propostas no referencial teórico, a análise permitiu delimitar conteúdo e infraestrutura tecnológica; já o desenho proporcionou a avaliação do ambiente e sua interface e operacionalização e, por fim, o desenvolvimento materializou a projeção do desenho e recursos interativos propostos na etapa anterior.Conclusão: O aplicativo constitui um suporte interativo na formação de estudantes de enfermagem, e sugere-se que seja realizada sua validação de conteúdo para aplicação prática posterior.Palavras-chave: Tecnologia educacional. Educação em enfermagem. Sinais vitais