176 research outputs found

    Latent segmentation of older adults in the use of social networks and e-banking services

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    Introduction. This study analyses heterogeneity in the online behaviour of elderly people. Previous research has centred on the socio-demographic segmentation of the elderly regarding their Internet use. Method. The novelty that this study adds is in determining this segmentation through variables that have been especially chosen for studies of the elderly and which are related to their utilitarian use of e-banking, compared to the more hedonic nature of using online social networks. Analysis. The sample was collected using 474 students over 55 years old enrolled in a class of experience in a University in the South of Europe (Spain). We use a latent class cluster model which is appropriate in situations of a posterior segmentation. Results. In dealing with such behaviour in situations of the elderly using these technologies, we have detected the presence of five groups or segments with highly differentiated use-related profiles concerning the variables analysed: venturesomeness, technology anxiety and selfconfidence in information and communication technologies use. Conclusion. We discover the existence of heterogeneity in the behaviour of the elderly regarding services available in Internet. The results support the idea proposed. The stereotype of the elderly cut off from technology is mistaken, as is shown by the different segments found

    Local fresh food products and plant-based diets: an analysis of the relation between them

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    Goal number 12 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals proposes attaining sustainable production and consumption. Public administrations, firms, and organizations must be involved in this achievement, as well as citizens as consumers. In our case, we focus on consumers and on two food-related decisions: the buying and consumption of local products, specifically vegetables and fruits, and the decision to follow a plant-based diet, concretely vegans and vegetarians. The aim is to check if there exists a relation between the two questions. We carried out empirical research in a South European city, and we found that a significant relation between these behaviors does not exist. It is necessary to increase consumer perception about the advantages of consuming local products, reducing the limitations that they come across, and transmitting clear information from administrations and industries. Greater involvement from consumers in sustainable food practices will contribute to sustainability

    La compra de productos locales de alimentación no es una cuestión de actitud. Un análisis de beneficios y limitaciones

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    Purpose – This paper aims to explore the shopping intention of local products. Using the theory of planned behavior model, the authors study the effect of egoistic and altruistic benefits and the influence of contextual limitations and people’s own limitations on the intention to buy local fresh fruits and vegetables. Methodology – This paper uses a sample of 1,200 consumers of a south European city to test the model using a structural equation modeling technique with partial least squares. Findings – Although egoistic benefits have a direct effect on the shopping intention, altruistic benefits have a much higher total effect. Surprisingly, attitude does not influence shopping intention. This paper provides elements that favor the consumption of local products froma more global, social and sustainable perspective. Value – This paper provides new empirical evidence on the influence of perceived benefits and personal limitations on local food consumption.Propósito – Este trabajo explora la intención de compra de los productos locales. Partiendo del modelo de la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado, estudiamos el efecto que los beneficios egoístas y altruistas y la influencia de las limitaciones contextuales y las propias limitaciones de las personas tienen en la intención de compra de frutas y verduras frescas locales. Metodología – Utilizamos una muestra de 1.200 consumidores de una ciudad del sur de Europa para probar el modelo, utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales con mínimos cuadrados parciales. Hallazgos – Aunque los beneficios egoístas tienen un efecto directo en la intención de compra, los beneficios altruistas tienen un efecto total mucho mayor. Sorprendentemente, la actitud no influye en la intención de compra. Originalidad – Este artículo proporciona nueva evidencia empírica de la influencia de los beneficios percibidos y las limitaciones personales en el consumo de alimentos locales.Universidad de Sevilla 3551/098

    Motivaciones hedónicas vs utilitaristas en internet: segmentación latente de mayores.

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    El presente trabajo analiza la heterogeneidad en el comportamiento online de los mayores. La literatura previa se ha centrado en la segmentación socio-demográfica de los mayores con relación al uso de Internet. La novedad que añade este estudio es tratar de determinar la segmentación mediante variables específicamente elegidas para el estudio de las personas mayores, y relacionadas con el valor utilitarista del mayor cuando utiliza banca electrónica, frente al carácter más hedónico que supone el uso de redes sociales online. Al tratar de analizar estos comportamientos en situaciones de uso de estas tecnologías entre mayores, hemos detectado la presencia de cinco grupos o segmentos con perfiles muy diferenciados con relación al uso que le dan a dichas aplicaciones en relación a las variables analizadas: audacia, ansiedad tecnológica y autoconfianza en el uso de las TIC. Utilizamos un modelo clúster de clases latentes adecuado en situaciones de segmentación a posteriori.The present work analyses heterogeneity in the online behavior of the elderly. The prior literature has centered on the socio-demographic segmentation of the elderly regarding their Internet use. However, the novelty that this study adds is to aim to determine the segmentation via variables which have been especially chosen for studies of the elderly and that are related to their utilitarian use of e-banking, compared to the more hedonic nature of using online social networks. In dealing with such behaviors in situations of the elderly using these technologies, we have detected the presence of five groups or segments with highly differentiated use-related profiles concerning the variables analyzed: venturesomeness, technological anxiety and self-confidence in ICT use. We use a latent class cluster model which is appropriate in situations of a posteriori segmentation

    Usage of online services by elderly people: an analysis of internet banking

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    El uso de servicios online por los mayores favorece el envejecimiento activo de esta población. En ese contexto, esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las variables que influyen en la aceptación y uso de la banca online, como servicio seleccionado para este segmento de mercado. Las variables analizadas como la influencia personal, el riesgo percibido y las ventajas buscadas son estudiadas sobre una muestra de 396 mayores de 60 años. Los resultados muestran el efecto positivo de los factores personales y los relativos a las ventajas buscadas, mientras que los factores asociados al riesgo juegan un papel inhibidor del uso de la banca electrónica. El modelo estructural fue valorado mediante PLS (Partial Least Squares) con un adecuado ajuste global. Los resultados permiten identificar aquellos factores que pueden favorecer o perjudicar el proceso de aceptación y uso de la banca online en los mayores.The use of online services by the elderly favours the active aging of this population. In this context, this research aims to analyse the variables that influence the acceptance and use of e-banking, as a service selected for relevance among this market segment. The variables analysed, such as social influence, perceived risk and the expected benefits, are tested on a sample of 396 people over 60 years of age. The results show the positive effect of personal factors and those related to the economic benefits, while factors associated with risk play an inhibiting role in the use of the electronic banking. The structural model was evaluated using PLS (Partial Least Squares) with an adequate global fit. The results allow identifying those factors that may favour or harm the process of acceptance and use of e-banking in the elderly

    Las mujeres mayores de 50 años y el uso de las aplicaciones TIC

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    Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) siguen siendo un importante motor de modernización económica y social. Según las previsiones de la Comisión Europea “la economía basada en Internet supondrá el 5,8% del PIB europeo en 2014”. Por otra parte, la población mundial está envejeciendo progresivamente y el empleo de las TIC puede suponer para los hombres y mujeres de mayor edad un impacto significativo en su vida. La realidad confirma que la lucha contra las desigualdades persistentes entre mujeres y hombres en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad constituye un reto a largo plazo. El Informe de Igualdad de la UE 2009 pone de manifiesto que, a pesar de los avances, todavía queda mucho camino por recorrer. Por ello, distintas entidades, políticas, sociales y económicas muestran una preocupación creciente por analizar el comportamiento de aceptación y uso de Internet por parte de las mujeres de mayor edad, estableciendo como objetivo común reducir la brecha digital en este segmento poblacional. En este trabajo analizamos si las mujeres y los hombres mayores de 50 años utilizan Internet con distinta frecuencia. Asimismo, dentro del grupo de las mujeres, estudiamos si la edad, el estado civil, los estudios realizados y la actividad laboral desarrollada influyen sobre la frecuencia de uso de distintas aplicaciones TIC

    The role of socio-demographic variables in the use of internet-based applications by older people

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    La población mundial está envejeciendo progresivamente. Se prevé que en 2050 el número de personas mayores de 60 años alcance los dos mil millones en el mundo. El empleo de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) puede suponer para la población de mayor edad un impacto significativo en su calidad de vida, contribuyendo a conseguir mayores activos, disminuyendo la marginalización y el aislamiento social. Aunque existen diferencias importantes en el uso que los Mayores hacen de Internet y sus aplicaciones respecto al resto de la población, hay que considerar que este segmento no constituye un grupo homogéneo. Este trabajo busca comprobar si dentro del grupo de los Mayores existen diferencias en la frecuencia de uso de distintas aplicaciones basadas en Internet, en función de la edad, el sexo, el nivel de estudios alcanzados y la actividad laboral desarrollada en el pasado. Los resultados demuestran que existen diferencias significativas en el empleo de algunas aplicaciones en función de las variables sociodemográficas analizadas

    A posteriori segmentation of elderly internet users: applying PLS-POS

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    Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to propose the study of the adoption and use of e-banking byadults over the age of 50, from the theoretical framework based on the unified theory of acceptance and useof technology.Design/methodology/approach–After proving the validity of the model, the authors analyse theheterogeneity of these persons by using a structural model-based latent class segmentation called partial leastsquares prediction-oriented segmentation.Findings–The results enable the identifying of four segments with different behaviours with respect to thiselectronic service. As implications of the results obtained, it is observed how sociodemographic characteristicsdo not explain their differences. However, the psychographic as well as the cognitive age, self-confidence andaudacity are discriminating and explanatory criteria for the behaviour of the four segments.Originality/value–From the academic point of view, this paper offers important contributions to the priorliterature. First, although there is an extensive literature on the use of internet banking, the authors havenevertheless found a clear lack of research studies related to the specific group of older adults. There are notmany works that exclusively deal with the elderly’s acceptation and use of technologies, and even less so inthe case of internet banking services. Also, if the elderly are focussed, then it is discovered that there is asocially shared stereotype that sees them as inexpert and cut off from technology. This is, however, an unfairview that conceals a broad diversity of behaviours as has been proved for the different segments found

    Elderly and Internet Banking: An Application of UTAUT2

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    The present study aims to explain Internet banking use by the elderly, applying the UTAUT2 approach (extension of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology in the consumer context). A sample of 415 individuals over 55 years old has been analyzed. WarpPLS 3.0 was used for the measurement models analysis and the structural model analysis. The results show that the elderly’s people’s to accept Internet banking was significantly impacted by habit, performance expectancy, price value and effort expectancy, in this order of influence of strength. The actual behavior was influenced by behavior intention and habit. However, social influence, facilitating conditions and hedonic motivation did not play a salient role in affecting the actual adoption behavior of Internet banking. Gender was proposed as a moderator variable but the results did not support this role

    Amorphization induced by pressure: results for zeolites and general implications

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    We report an {\sl ab initio} study of pressure-induced amorphization (PIA) in zeolites, which are model systems for this phenomenon. We confirm the occurrence of low-density amorphous phases like the one reported by Greaves {\sl et al.} [Science {\bf 308}, 1299 (2005)], which preserves the crystalline topology and might constitute a new type of glass. The role of the zeolite composition regarding PIA is explained. Our results support the correctness of existing models for the basic PIA mechanim, but suggest that energetic, rather than kinetic, factors determine the irreversibility of the transition.Comment: 4 pages with 3 figures embedded. More information at http://www.icmab.es/dmmis/leem/jorg