6 research outputs found

    Abundances and density structure of the inner circumstellar ring around SN 1987A

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    We present optical spectroscopic data of the inner circumstellar ring around SN 1987A from the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) between ~1400 and ~5000 days post-explosion. We also assembled the available optical and near-infrared line fluxes from the literature between ~300 and ~2000 days. These line light curves were fitted with a photoionization model to determine the density structure and the elemental abundances for the inner ring. We found densities ranging from 1x10^3 to 3x10^4 atoms cm^-3 and a total mass of the ionized gas of ~0.058 Msun within the inner ring. Abundances inferred from the optical and near-infrared data were also complemented with estimates of Lundqvist & Fransson (1996) based on ultraviolet lines. This way we found an He/H-ratio (by number of atoms) of 0.17+-0.06 which is roughly 30% lower than previously estimated and twice the solar and the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) value. We found an N/O-ratio of 1.5+-0.7, and the total (C+N+O)/(H+He) abundance about 1.6 times its LMC value or roughly 0.6 times the most recent solar value. An iron abundance of 0.20+-0.11 times solar was found which is within the range of the estimates for the LMC. We also present late time (~5000 - 7500 days) line light curves of [O III], [Ne III], [Ne IV], [Ar III], [Ar IV], and [Fe VII] from observations with the VLT. We compared these with model fluxes and found that an additional 10^2 atoms cm^-3 component was required to explain the data of the highest ionization lines. Such low density gas is expected in the H II-region interior to the inner ring which likely extends also to larger radii at higher latitudes (out of the ring plane). At epochs later than ~5000 days our models underproduce the emission of most of these lines as expected due to the contribution from the interaction of the supernova ejecta with the ring.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The rebirth of Supernova 1987A : a study of the ejecta-ring collision

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    Supernovae are some of the most energetic phenomena in the Universe and they have throughout history fascinated people as they appeared as new stars in the sky. Supernova (SN) 1987A exploded in the nearby satellite galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), at a distance of only 168,000 light years. The proximity of SN 1987A offers a unique opportunity to study the medium surrounding the supernova in great detail. Powered by the dynamical interaction of the ejecta with the inner circumstellar ring, SN 1987A is dramatically evolving at all wavelengths on time scales less than a year. This makes SN 1987A a great ``laboratory'' for studies of shock physics. Repeated observations of the ejecta-ring collision have been carried out using the UVES echelle spectrograph at VLT. This thesis covers seven epochs of high resolution spectra taken between October 1999 and November 2007. Three different emission line components are identified from the spectra. A narrow (~10 km/s) velocity component emerges from the unshocked ring. An intermediate (~250 km/s) component arises in the shocked ring, and a broad component extending to ~15,000 km/s comes from the reverse shock. Thanks to the high spectral resolution of UVES, it has been possible to separate the shocked from the unshocked ring emission. For the unshocked gas, ionization stages from neutral up to Ne V and Fe VII were found. The line fluxes of the low-ionization lines decline during the period of the observations. However, the fluxes of the [O III] and [Ne III] lines appear to increase and this is found to be consistent with the heating of the pre-shock gas by X-rays from the shock interactions. The line emission from the ejecta-ring collision increases rapidly as more gas is swept up by the shocks. This emission comes from ions with a range of ionization stages (e.g., Fe II-XIV). The low-ionization lines show an increase in their line widths which is consistent with that these lines originate from radiative shocks. The high-ionization line profiles (Fe X-XIV) initially show larger spectral widths, which indicates that at least a fraction of the emission comes from non-radiative shocks