8 research outputs found

    Localized thinning for strain concentration in suspended germanium membranes and optical method for precise thickness measurement

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    We deposited Ge layers on (001) Si substrates by molecular beam epitaxy and used them to fabricate suspended membranes with high uniaxial tensile strain. We demonstrate a CMOS-compatible fabrication strategy to increase strain concentration and to eliminate the Ge buffer layer near the Ge/Si hetero-interface deposited at low temperature. This is achieved by a two-steps patterning and selective etching process. First, a bridge and neck shape is patterned in the Ge membrane, then the neck is thinned from both top and bottom sides. Uniaxial tensile strain values higher than 3% were measured by Raman scattering in a Ge membrane of 76 nm thickness. For the challenging thickness measurement on micrometer-size membranes suspended far away from the substrate a characterization method based on pump-and-probe reflectivity measurements was applied, using an asynchronous optical sampling technique.EC/FP7/628197/EU/Heat Propagation and Thermal Conductivity in Nanomaterials for Nanoscale Energy Management/HEATPRONAN

    La estimaci贸n de proporciones mediante t茅cnicas Bayesianas

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    The estimation procedures based on Bayes' Theorem are still an unusual option in many of the environments of classic parametric inference. The aim of this paper is to show an effective scheme for the use of Bayesian estimation of unknown parameters. We have opted to focus on the estimation of parameters under the assumption of a binomial model, so that it can be followed by all those situations that meet the aforementioned probabilistic model. This approximation was studied in comparison with the classic parametric approximation, both in its point version and by means of interval estimation. On a study, by simulating samples of several sizes, we obtained empirical evidence regarding the advantage of the Bayesian procedure.ResumenLos procedimientos de estimaci贸n basados en el teorema de Bayes son inusuales en los diferentes 谩mbitos de aplicaci贸n de la inferencia param茅trica cl谩sica. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un esquema para la estimaci贸n bayesiana de par谩metros bajo los supuestos de un modelo binomial. El procedimiento Bayes se estudia en comparaci贸n con la aproximaci贸n param茅trica cl??sica, ambas opciones, en su versi贸n puntual y mediante intervalos de estimaci贸n. Se presenta tambi茅n un estudio de simulaci贸n con diferentes tama帽os muestrales en el que se ponen de manifiesto las ventajas del procedimiento bayesiano.AbstractThe estimation procedures based on Bayes' Theorem are still an unusual option in many of the environments of classic parametric inference. The aim of this paper is to show an effective scheme for the use of Bayesian estimation of unknown parameters. We have opted to focus on the estimation of parameters under the assumption of a binomial model, so that it can be followed by all those situations that meet the aforementioned probabilistic model. This approximation was studied in comparison with the classic parametric approximation, both in its point version and by means of interval estimation. On a study, by simulating samples of several sizes, we obtained empirical evidence regarding the advantage of the Bayesian procedure