245 research outputs found

    La geoetica al congresso dell'European Geosciences Union

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    Il 9 aprile scorso, a Vienna, nell'ambito del congresso annuale organizzato dall'EGU, si è tenuta una sessione di geoetica incentrata sulle pericolosità geologiche e sul ruolo e le responsabilità dei geologi, quali studiosi ed esperti del territorio. L'evento è stato organizzato dalla neonata associazione IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics, che ha la sua sede in Italia. La sessione ha riscosso un successo enorme: più di 200 partecipanti in sala e 300 persone collegate tramite internet da tutto il mondo

    Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 7: Education, Professional Ethics and Public Recognition of Engineering Geology

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    This book is one out of 8 IAEG XII Congress volumes, and deals with education and the professional ethics, which scientists, regulators, and practitioners of engineering geology inevitably have to face through the purposes, methods, limitations, and findings of their works. This volume presents contributions on the professional responsibilities of engineering geologists; the interaction of engineering geologists with other professionals; recognition of the engineering geological profession and its particular contribution to society, culture, and economy; and implications for the education of engineering geologists at tertiary level and in further education schemes. Issues treated in this volume are: the position of engineering geology within the geo-engineering profession; professional ethics and communication; resource use and re-use; managing risk in a litigious world; engineering and geological responsibility; and engineering geology at tertiary level. The Engineering Geology for Society and Territory volumes of the IAEG XII Congress held in Torino from September 15-19, 2014, analyze the dynamic role of engineering geology in our changing world and build on the four main themes of the congress: Environment, processes, issues, and approaches

    Che cosa significa “Geoetica”? Dentro le parole, il senso dell’attività del geologo

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    Geoethics is born with the intent to highlight the social role of Geosciences, to encourage a critical analysis on the use of natural resources, to promote the enhancement and protection of the Geosphere, the correct information on risks, the involvement of the scientific community in the idea of a common and shared “geological” heritage. But what is the deep meaning of the word “geoethics”, its origins, its use? On the one hand Geoethics can be defined as the investigation and reflection on the behaviour of men towards the Geosphere, on the other hand as the analysis of the relationship between the geologist who acts and his own action, with clear implications of responsibility both in scientific research and in professional practice. Starting from the etymology of the words, we can try to grasp the meaning of the geologist’s activity

    Il paesaggio geologico di Camiz

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    La geologia è essenzialmente studio di come la pressione agisce nel tempo, plasmando la materia e configurando lo spazio, è ricerca delle cause del determinismo che guida l'evoluzione di un luogo fisico fino alla sua forma attuale. Il geologo conosce il “come”, il “dove”, il “quando” una montagna si è formata, ma non sa spiegare perché quella visione, quella bellezza lo emoziona. La montagna, "geosimbolo" per eccellenza, è espressione del sacro e del soprannaturale, luogo di solitudine estrema, dove è facile percepire la forza spirituale ed essenziale della natura. Le sue luci e le sue ombre, le superfici tormentate, gli anfratti tortuosi e i profili taglienti esprimono la dinamica del processo geologico che ha portato nel tempo alla loro formazione, comunicano il movimento inarrestabile di quella potente energia con precisa direzione, che già contiene e configura una diversa condizione spazio-temporale

    Reflection cues on the cultural and social responsibility of the geologist in the third millennium

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    Geoethics aims at discussing the problems involved in the relations between mankind and the geological environment. Its goals include encouraging critical analyses of the use of natural resources, stressing the immense value of the Geosphere and the need for protecting it, providing correct information about natural risks. In Italy the debate on the new cultural and social role that the researches in Earth Sciences have acquired in recent years, has concurred to fix some shared points on the topics of the scientific responsibility of the Geosciences researcher

    Geoetica: dibattito in corso e nuove prospettive

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    Il meraviglioso insieme di discipline denominate “Scienze della Terra”, il cui oggetto di studio è il pianeta che abitiamo e i fenomeni che su esso si verificano, si sono trasformate nel tempo, in risposta alle esigenze del progresso dell’uomo. E così da scienze puramente descrittive, incentrate sulla semplice osservazione e classificazione dei fenomeni naturali, sono divenute scienze in grado di quantificare quei fenomeni, di riprodurli attraverso modelli, con l’utilizzo di tecnologie e metodologie sofisticate, con l’obiettivo di prevedere il loro verificarsi e di trovare soluzioni tecniche sempre più efficaci per il controllo e l’intervento sui loro effetti. Da alcuni anni in Italia sta crescendo l’interesse per argomenti riguardanti le implicazioni etiche, sociologiche e culturali delle Scienze della Terra. La Geoetica si occupa delle problematiche relative al modo di rapportarsi dell’uomo all’ambiente geologico. Tra i suoi principali obiettivi vi è quello di evidenziare il ruolo e la responsabilità sociale del geologo, di incoraggiare l’analisi critica sull’uso delle risorse naturali, la valorizzazione e la salvaguardia del territorio, la corretta informazione sui rischi geologici, oltre che di coinvolgere la società nell’idea di un “patrimonio geologico” comune e condiviso

    Ethical and cultural value of the Earth sciences. Interview with Prof. Giulio Giorello

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    Prof. Giulio Giorello is amongst the most prominent philosophers of science in Italy and in the world. He is currently Professor of the Philosophy of Science at the University of Milan, Director of the Series ‘Science and Ideas’ (Raffaele Cortina Books Editor), and Literary Journalist of the cultural pages of the Corriere della Sera, one of the most important of the Italian newspapers. In this keynote presentation, in interview form, he talks about the value that the Earth sciences have had through history, framing this group of disciplines in ethical and epistemological terms, and highlighting some important elements that have to be considered in geological activities

    Database relativo agli 8.101 comuni italiani, contenente informazioni di pericolosità di base e locale, in formato Microsoft Access

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    Nell’ambito della attività del Task 5/7 “Reti neuronali” è stato messo a punto un database (file in formato Microsoft ACCESS, denominato “Prodotto 1_UO Geologica INGV Roma - UR CNR ITC L'Aquila.accdb”, allegato al presente rapporto) che, per ciascuno degli 8.101 comuni italiani nell’elenco dell’Istat (http://www.istat.it/strumenti/definizioni/comuni/), contiene informazioni sulla pericolosità sismica di base e locale. I dati inseriti sono finalizzati alle elaborazioni previste per il Livello 0. Tutti i parametri di pericolosità sismica sono stati calcolati considerando il comune come un punto, avente coordinate geografiche riferite ad un elemento caratteristico posizionato nel centro abitato capoluogo

    Philosophical and epistemological debate in Italy within an ethical perspective of Earth sciences

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    During the recent "Geoitalia" national congress, the Italian scientific community tackled questions concerning the philosophy and sociology of Earth Sciences. The topics discussed and reported in this article were: the overall identity of E.S.; the validation procedures of data, theories and models; the power of attraction exerted by the philosophy of physics - exact science par excellence - with respect to E.S

    Geoethics and geological culture: awareness, responsibility and challenges

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    The international debate in the field of geoethics focuses on some of the most important environmental emergencies, while highlighting the great responsibilities of geoscientists, whatever field they work in, and the important social, cultural and economic repercussions that their choices can have on society. The GeoItalia 2009 and 2011 conferences that were held in Rimini and Turin, respectively, and were organized by the Italian Federation of Earth Science, were two important moments for the promotion of geoethics in Italy. They were devoted to the highlighting of how, and with what tools and contents, can the geosciences contribute to the cultural renewal of society. They also covered the active roles of geoscientists in the dissemination of scientific information, contributing in this way to the correct construction of social knowledge. Geology is culture, and as such it can help to dispel misconceptions and cultural stereotypes that concern natural phenomena, disasters, resources, and land management. Geological culture consists of methods, goals, values, history, ways of thinking about nature, and specific sensitivity for approaching problems and their solutions. So geology has to fix referenced values, as indispensable prerequisites for geoethics. Together, geological culture and geoethics can strengthen the bond that joins people to their territory, and can help to find solutions and answers to some important challenges in the coming years regarding natural risks, resources, and climate change. Starting from these considerations, we stress the importance of establishing an ethical criterion for Earth scientists, to focus attention on the issue of the responsibility of geoscientists, and the need to more clearly define their scientific identity and the value of their specificities