377 research outputs found

    An XPS study of the stability of Fomblin Z25 on the native oxide of aluminum

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    Thin films of Fomblin Z25, a perfluoropolyalkylether lubricant, were vapor deposited onto clean, oxidized aluminum and sapphire surfaces, and their behavior at different temperatures was studied using x ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS). It was found that the interfacial fluid molecules decompose on the native oxide at room temperature, and continue to decompose at elevated temperatures, as previous studies had shown to occur on clean metal. TDS indicated that different degradation mechanisms were operative for clean and oxidized aluminum. On sapphire substrates, no reaction was observed at room temperature. Our conclusion is that the native oxide of aluminum is neither passive nor protective towards Fomblin Z25. At high temperatures (150 C) degradation of the polymer on sapphire produced a debris layer at the interface with a chemical composition similar to the one formed on aluminum oxide. Rubbing a Fomblin film on a single crystal sapphire also induced the decomposition of the lubricant in contact with the interface and the formulation of a debris layer

    Interfacial chemistry of a perfluoropolyether lubricant studied by XPS and TDS

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    The interfacial chemistry of Fomblin Z25, a commercial perfluoropolyether used as lubricant for space applications, with different metallic surfaces: 440C steel, gold and aluminum was studied. Thin layers of Fomblin Z25 were evaporated onto the oxide-free substrates and the interfacial chemistry studied using XPS and TDS. The reactions were induced by heating the substrate and by rubbing the substrate with a steel ball. Gold was found to be completely unreactive towards Fomblin at any temperature. Reaction at room temperature was observed only in the case of the aluminum substrate, the most reactive towards Fomblin Z25 of the substrates studied. It was necessary to heat the 440C steel substrate to 190 degree C to induce decomposition of the fluid. The degradation of the fluid was indicated by the formation of a debris layer at the interface. This debris layer, composed of inorganic and organic reaction products, when completely formed, passivated the surface from further attack to the Fromblin on top. The tribologically induced reactions on 440C steel formed a debris layer of similar chemical characteristics to the thermally induced layer. In all cases, the degradation reaction resulted in preferential consumption of the difluoroformyl carbon (-OCF2O-)

    Usefulness and Usability of a Multilingual Electronic Meeting System

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    Communication in multilingual meetings is difficult, and interpersonal barriers increase with the number of languages used in the discussion. In this paper, we show how participants in pseudo-oral and electronic, multilingual meetings were able to comprehend previously prepared comments in up to five languages, but the electronic meetings took much less time. In addition, there were no significant differences between the two types of meetings in terms of ease of use or usefulness, which leads us to the conclusion that for certain sets of languages and topics, an electronic meeting with machine translation is a viable alternative to the more traditional, oral set ting