1,019 research outputs found

    Development of automatic manipulators for plastic injection machines

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    The automotive industry is a competitive sector, always asking for improvements in productivity, efficiency and quality. This is the reason why the demand for automation of processes arises, resulting in relying less on manpower. Bowden cables are mechanical elements that allow the transmission of motion between two or more systems. They are most of the time not visible for the user. Some examples of applications inside the car are opening doors, windows, seat’s adjustment, among many others. At present, the production of Bowden cables is done by multiple working stations with multiple operators. This work is focused on the workstation where the end of the conduit is injected. At the moment, there are injection machines with a capacity of 8 conduits at the same time and one operator at every injection machine. These injection machines need a lot of space, spend a lot of energy and usually present persistent breakdown problems, needing maintenance. The future outlook of the company is, to have smaller injection machines with a capacity of 4 conduits at a time and one operator for 2 injection machines. These injection machines are easier in maintenance and also occupy less space, consuming less energy as well. The main goal for this project is to make it possible to have 1 operator at 2 injection machines. The possibility to fully automate was rejected as it is really hard to automate the feeding of the conduits in the injection machines due to low stiffness of the conduits, becoming hard to align them in the mould. The proposed solution to make this happens is to design a manipulator to take out the 4 conduits and the scrap out of the mould. The scrap and the conduits then need to be separated, scrap to a recycling box and the conduits to a production/supply chain box. The manipulator has been successfully designed, after a thorough comparison of a variety of possibilities. All the components that were needed for this concept have successfully been defined, calculated, selected and integrated into the design. After the designing process, a budget and payback calculation has been done, as well as a return of investment. Lastly, a maintenance manual and an assembly manual has been elaborated in order to ease the assembly of all the components. The results after implementing the designed solutions are a reduction in energy consumption of the injection peocess (79,8%) and an improvement in productivity (12,0%).A indústria automóvel é um setor competitivo, mas sempre ávido por melhorias de produtividade, eficiência e qualidade. É por esse motivo que surge a procura pela automação de processos, resultando na necessidade de menos recursos humanos. Os cabos de comando são elementos mecânicos que permitem a transmissão de movimento entre dois ou mais sistemas. Na maioria das vezes, eles não são visíveis para o utilizador. Alguns exemplos de aplicações dentro do carro são abrir portas, janelas, ajuste de assentos, entre muitos outros. Atualmente, a produção de cabos de comando é feita em várias estações de trabalho através de vários operadores. Este trabalho está focado na estação de trabalho onde a espiral é sujeita à injeção de terminais. Atualmente, existem máquinas de injeção com capacidade para 8 espirais ao mesmo tempo e um operador em cada máquina de injeção. Essas máquinas de injeção ocupam muito espaço e apresentam problemas constantes de manutenção. A perspectiva futura da empresa é ter máquinas de injeção com menor volume e capacidade para injetar em 4 espirais de cada vez e necessitando apenas de um operador para cada duas máquinas de injeção. Essas máquinas de injeção são mais fáceis de gerir em termos de manutenção e também ocupam menos espaço. O principal objetivo deste projeto é tornar possível um operador em duas máquinas de injeção. A possibilidade de automatizar completamente o processo foi rejeitada, pois é realmente difícil automatizar a alimentação das espirais nas máquinas de injeção. A razão por detrás disso é o alinhamento de alguns tipos de espiral. A solução proposta para fazer isso acontecer é projetar um manipulador para retirar as 4 espirais e os canais de alimentação/gitos do molde. A sucata e as espirais precisam ser separadas, sendo a sucata encaminhada para uma caixa para reciclagem e as espirais para uma caixa de produção/logística interna. Os resultados após a implementação das soluções projetadas são uma redução no consumo de energia do processo de injeção (79,8%) e uma melhoria na produtividade (12,0%)

    Anguish, Abandonment, Despair: Existentialism’s Promise of Hope in a Time of Crisis

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    Explaining complex ideas with clarity, William Penne contrasts Simone de Beauvoir’s existentialist philosophy to that of Jean-Paul Sartre. Though Sartre is more recognized as an existentialist thinker, Penne explains why Beauvoir’s existentialist perspective is more compassionate, consistent, and optimistic. Penne contrasts the radical freedom in Sartre’s conception—in which the Other is a threat to one’s freedom—to Beauvoir’s recognition that we are free only by virtue of our respect for the Other’s equal claims to create meaning, live freely, and flourish

    Interactive Camera Network Design using a Virtual Reality Interface

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    Traditional literature on camera network design focuses on constructing automated algorithms. These require problem specific input from experts in order to produce their output. The nature of the required input is highly unintuitive leading to an unpractical workflow for human operators. In this work we focus on developing a virtual reality user interface allowing human operators to manually design camera networks in an intuitive manner. From real world practical examples we conclude that the camera networks designed using this interface are highly competitive with, or superior to those generated by automated algorithms, but the associated workflow is much more intuitive and simple. The competitiveness of the human-generated camera networks is remarkable because the structure of the optimization problem is a well known combinatorial NP-hard problem. These results indicate that human operators can be used in challenging geometrical combinatorial optimization problems given an intuitive visualization of the problem.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Global Studies Initiative Faculty Report: Interdisciplinary Collaborations

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