6,979 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in pain management of patients with vertebral fracture: A comparative clinical study

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    Purpose: To study the effectiveness of various nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in patients with vertebral fractures.Methods: A total of 78 patients (17 males and 61 females) with a mean age of 69.5 years were included. The major inclusion criterion was an osteoporotic vertebral fracture between T7 and L3. The exclusion criteria included fractures above T7 and below L3; and other bone disorders such as disc herniation, spondylolisthesis, an infection, or a tumour. Pain intensity was assessed with the aid of a 10-point visual analogue scale (VAS). Bone mineral density (BMD) data, delay in reunion, and any other matter of significance, were discussed with the treating doctors and cross-checked with independent doctors. The NSAIDs given were non-selective cyclo-oxygenase (COX) inhibitors (naproxen, indomethacin and flurbiprofen) and selective COX 2 inhibitors (piroxicam, celecoxib, and rofecoxib). All data were compiled and appropriately analysed.Results: Some NSAIDs interfered with bone healing. No male required surgery, but two females taking naproxen, one taking flurbiprofen, and another taking celecoxib, required surgery. In terms of bone healing, non-union and delay in reunion were more evident in those taking naproxen, indomethacin or flurbiprofen than in those taking piroxicam, celecoxib, or rofecoxib. All T scores were lower than -2.5, indicating that all the patients were osteoporotic. Positive changes in T scores after 12 weeks were evident only in those taking rofecoxib, celecoxib, or piroxicam. VAS scores were also better in these patients.Conclusions: Celecoxib seems to be the best of the six NSAIDs in terms of both analgesia and bone health. The study recommends the use of celecoxib in patients with vertebral fractures.Keywords: Orthopaedic, NSAID, COX, Bone reunion, Analgesic activity, Pain management, T scor

    Peccei-Quinn Symmetry Breaking via Asymptotically Safe Dynamical Scalegenesis: A Walking Axicolor and Axion

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    Pecci-Quinn (PQ) symmetry breaking by perturbative dynamics would suffer from a hierarchy problem, just like the electroweak symmetry breaking in the standard model. The dynamics of the axion, associated with the PQ symmetry breaking, would also involve a triviality problem. We provide a paradigm to resolve those two problems potentially existing in the PQ symmetry breaking scenario, with keeping successful axion relaxation for the QCD strong CP phase. The proposed theory includes an axicolor dynamics with the axicolored fermions partially gauged by the QCD color, and is shown to be governed by an asymptotically safe (AS) fixed point: quantum scale invariance is built. The AS axicolor is actually a ``walking" dynamics, which dynamically breaks a PQ symmetry, a part of the chiral symmetry carried by the axicolored fermions. The PQ scale generation is then triggered by the nonperturbative dimensional transmutation in the ``walking" dynamics. A composite axion emerges as the assosiated Nambu-Goldstone boson. That is, no hierarchy or triviality problem is present there. The composite axion can potentially be light due to the characteristic feature of the AS axicolor (``walking" axicolor), becomes the QCD axion in the anti-Veneziano limit, and gets heavier by the subleading correction. The composite axion relaxes the QCD theta parameter, involving heavier relaxation partners such as axicolored pseudoscalar mesons, and the ultraviolet correction to the relaxation mechanism is protected by the established (near) scale invariance during the ``walking" regime.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; minor revisions mad

    Quantum electrodynamics in a whispering-gallery microcavity coated with a polymer nanolayer

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    Quasi-transverse-electric and -transverse-magnetic fundamental whispering gallery modes in a polymer-coated silica microtoroid are theoretically investigated and demonstrated to possess very high-quality factors. The existence of a nanometer-thickness layer not only evidently reduces the cavity mode volume but also draws the maximal electric field's position of the mode to the outside of the silica toroid, where single quantum dots or nanocrystals are located. Both effects result in a strongly enhanced coherent interaction between a single dipole (for example, a single defect center in a diamond crystal) and the quantized cavity mode. Since the coated microtoroid is highly feasible and robust in experiments, it may offer an excellent platform to study strong-coupling cavity quantum electrodynamics, quantum information, and quantum computation

    Bis(isocyanato-κN)bis­(1,10-phenanthroline-κ2 N,N′)cobalt(II)

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    In the title complex, [Co(NCO)2(C12H8N2)2], the CoII atom, lying on a twofold rotation axis, is coordinated in a distorted octa­hedral environment by four N atoms from two chelating phenanthroline ligands and two N atoms from two isocyanate ligands in cis positions

    Global analysis of measured and unmeasured hadronic two-body weak decays of antitriplet charmed baryons

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    A large amount of data on hadronic two body weak decays of anti-triplet charmed baryons Tc3ˉT_{c\bar 3} to an octet baryon T8T_8 and an octet or singlet pseudoscalar meson PP, Tc3ˉ→T8PT_{c \bar 3} \to T_8 P, have been measured. The SU(3) flavor symmetry has been applied to study these decays to obtain insights about weak interactions for charm physics. However not all such decays needed to determine the SU(3) irreducible amplitudes have been measured forbidding a complete global analysis. Previously, it has been shown that data from measured decays can be used to do a global fit to determine all except one parity violating and one parity conserving amplitudes of the relevant SU(3) irreducible amplitudes causing 8 hadronic two body weak decay channels involving Ξc0\Xi^0_c to η\eta or η′\eta' transitions undetermined. It is important to obtain information about these decays in order to guide experimental searches. In this work using newly measured decay modes by BESIII and Belle in 2022, we carry out a global analysis and parameterize the unknown amplitudes to provide the ranges for the branching ratios of the 8 undetermined decays. Our results indicate that the SU(3) flavor symmetry can explain the measured data exceptionally well, with a remarkable minimal χ2/d.o.f.\chi^2/d.o.f. of 1.21 and predict 80 observables in 45 decays for future experimental data to test. We then vary the unknown SU(3) amplitudes to obtain the allowed range of branching ratios for the 8 undetermined decays. We find that some of them are within reach of near future experimental capabilities. We urge our experimental colleagues to carry out related searches.Comment: 9pages, 2 figures, 3 table
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