1,354 research outputs found

    The Duty to Defend - \u3cem\u3eBrown v. Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company\u3c/em\u3e

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    This Note has five purposes. First, this Note reviews the facts of Brown v. Lumbermens Mut. Casualty Co. Second, this Note examines the judicial logic of the Brown decision. Third, this Note addresses public policy concerns left unanswered by the courts. Fourth, this Note examines Brown\u27s impact on N.C. Gen. Stat. § 20-279.21(b)(4). Finally, this Note concludes that while Brown should be applauded for extending the duty to defend, the court unnecessarily stretched basic principles of contract law to justify its decision

    Basic Conditioning Factors' Influences on Adolescents' Healthy Behaviors, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Care

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    This article reports a secondary statistical analysis of data from a study investigating the relationships among health-promoting self-care behaviors, self-care self-efficacy, and self-care agency in an adolescent population (Callaghan, 2005). The purpose of this study was to identify the influences of selected basic conditioning factors on the practice of healthy behaviors, self-efficacy beliefs, and ability for self-care in 256 adolescents. The research instruments used to collect data for this study include: Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II Scale; Self-Rated Abilities for Health Practices Scale; Exercise of Self-Care Agency Scale; demographic questionnaire assessing basic conditioning factors. The results of this analysis identified significant relationships between the following basic conditioning factors and adolescents' practice of healthy behaviors, self-efficacy of those behaviors, and self-care abilities: support system, adequate income, adequate living conditions, gender, routine practice of religion, and reported medical problems/disabilities. These findings can give adolescent health nurses direction in developing interventions that promote the self-care and health in this specific population

    The Neuropathology Of Chronic Relapsing Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis Induced In The Lewis Rat By Inoculation With Whole Spinal Cord And Treatment With Cyclosporin A

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    Chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis was induced in Lewis rats by inoculation with guinea-pig spinal cord and complete Freund's adjuvant followed by treatment with low-dose cyclosporin A. In most animals, tail and limb weakness developed in a relapsing remitting pattern but in some these signs were persistent or progressive from onset. Histological studies during the early stages of clinically active disease ( 28 days after inoculation) had extensive spinal cord demyelination but minimal PNS demyelination. In these animals, large plaques of demyelination with gliosis and prominent plasma cells occurred particularly in the thoracic spinal cord, and lesions of different ages were present within the spinal cord. CNS and PNS remyelination with oligodendocytes and Schwann cells respectively was present in all animals studied later than 18 days after inoculation (the time of the first remission, if it occurred). In both early and late clinically active disease electron microscopy revealed macrophages invading and destroying CNS myelin sheaths. Active demyelination was sometimes found in regions of CNS remyelination, suggesting that remyelinated fibres were being attacked. Axonal degeneration occurred in the spinal cord. During clinical remission there was CNS and PNS remyelination and much less inflammation; however active demyelination still occurred to a limited degree

    Assessment of Demyelination in Glycol Methacrylate Sections: a New Protocol for Cresyl Fast Violet Staining

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    A simple staining technique for nervous tissue is described. Tissue perfused with glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde and postfixed with osmium tetroxide is embedded in glycol methacrylate. One-micrometer sections are stained with 0.05% cresyl fast violet aqueous solution at 60 C for 5 min, washed with tap water and air dried. With this method the details of all nervous tissue elements are clearly demonstrated. The technique is particularly useful for assessing demyelination because the staining of the axoplasm allows demyelinated axons to be well visualised

    Long-lived photoexcited states in polydiacetylenes with different molecular and supramolecular organization

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    With the aim of determining the importance of the molecular and supramolecular organization on the excited states of polydiacetylenes, we have studied the photoinduced absorption spectra of the red form of poly[1,6-bis(3,6-didodecyl-N-carbazolyl)-2,4-hexadiyne] (polyDCHD-S) and the results compared with those of the blue form of the same polymer. An interpretation of the data is given in terms of both the conjugation length and the interbackbone separation also in relation to the photoinduced absorption spectra of both blue and red forms of poly[1,6-bis(N-carbazolyl)-2,4-hexadiyne] (polyDCHD), which does not carry the alkyl substituents on the carbazolyl side groups. Information on the above properties is derived from the analysis of the absorption and Raman spectra of this class of polydiacetylenes