46 research outputs found

    Progressive skin fibrosis is associated with a decline in lung function and worse survival in patients with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis in the European Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) cohort.

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    Objectives To determine whether progressive skin fibrosis is associated with visceral organ progression and mortality during follow-up in patients with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (dcSSc). Methods We evaluated patients from the European Scleroderma Trials and Research database with dcSSc, baseline modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS) ≥7, valid mRSS at 12±3 months after baseline and ≥1 annual follow-up visit. Progressive skin fibrosis was defined as an increase in mRSS >5 and ≥25% from baseline to 12±3 months. Outcomes were pulmonary, cardiovascular and renal progression, and all-cause death. Associations between skin progression and outcomes were evaluated by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and multivariable Cox regression. Results Of 1021 included patients, 78 (7.6%) had progressive skin fibrosis (skin progressors). Median follow-up was 3.4 years. Survival analyses indicated that skin progressors had a significantly higher probability of FVC decline ≥10% (53.6% vs 34.4%; p<0.001) and all-cause death (15.4% vs 7.3%; p=0.003) than non-progressors. These significant associations were also found in subgroup analyses of patients with either low baseline mRSS (≤22/51) or short disease duration (≤15 months). In multivariable analyses, skin progression within 1 year was independently associated with FVC decline ≥10% (HR 1.79, 95% CI 1.20 to 2.65) and all-cause death (HR 2.58, 95% CI 1.31 to 5.09). Conclusions Progressive skin fibrosis within 1 year is associated with decline in lung function and worse survival in dcSSc during follow-up. These results confirm mRSS as a surrogate marker in dcSSc, which will be helpful for cohort enrichment in future trials and risk stratification in clinical practice

    A Glycemia Risk Index (GRI) of Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Validated by Clinician Ratings

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    BackgroundA composite metric for the quality of glycemia from continuous glucose monitor (CGM) tracings could be useful for assisting with basic clinical interpretation of CGM data.MethodsWe assembled a data set of 14-day CGM tracings from 225 insulin-treated adults with diabetes. Using a balanced incomplete block design, 330 clinicians who were highly experienced with CGM analysis and interpretation ranked the CGM tracings from best to worst quality of glycemia. We used principal component analysis and multiple regressions to develop a model to predict the clinician ranking based on seven standard metrics in an Ambulatory Glucose Profile: very low-glucose and low-glucose hypoglycemia; very high-glucose and high-glucose hyperglycemia; time in range; mean glucose; and coefficient of variation.ResultsThe analysis showed that clinician rankings depend on two components, one related to hypoglycemia that gives more weight to very low-glucose than to low-glucose and the other related to hyperglycemia that likewise gives greater weight to very high-glucose than to high-glucose. These two components should be calculated and displayed separately, but they can also be combined into a single Glycemia Risk Index (GRI) that corresponds closely to the clinician rankings of the overall quality of glycemia (r = 0.95). The GRI can be displayed graphically on a GRI Grid with the hypoglycemia component on the horizontal axis and the hyperglycemia component on the vertical axis. Diagonal lines divide the graph into five zones (quintiles) corresponding to the best (0th to 20th percentile) to worst (81st to 100th percentile) overall quality of glycemia. The GRI Grid enables users to track sequential changes within an individual over time and compare groups of individuals.ConclusionThe GRI is a single-number summary of the quality of glycemia. Its hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia components provide actionable scores and a graphical display (the GRI Grid) that can be used by clinicians and researchers to determine the glycemic effects of prescribed and investigational treatments

    Data for mycorrhizal C/N ratio determines plant-derived carbon and nitrogen allocation to symbiosis

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    <p><span><span>Nutrient cycling in temperate forests is driven by carbon allocation of trees to soil via ectomycorrhizas (EM). The sink activities of different fungal taxa for host resources are unknown. Aboveground dual </span><span>labeling of young beech<span> with <sup>15</sup>N and <sup>13</sup>C was used to trace resource transport to ectomycorrhizal root tips. Isotope enrichment in EM correlated with that in the corresponding EM-attached lateral root, supporting that EM drive taxon-specific N- and C-fluxes. The enrichments with <sup>13</sup>C and <sup>15</sup>N in EM increased with decreasing C/N ratio of the symbiotic association.  Abundances of EM species were positively correlated with <sup>13</sup>C enrichment, demonstrating higher fitness of stronger than of less C-demanding symbioses. Overall, our results imply that differences among the resource traits of EM species regulate the supply of the symbioses with host-derived C and N.</span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span>Here we provide the data sets containing information on the identities of fungal species colonizing roots tips of European beech and for N, C, 15N and 13C contents in bark, coarse roots, fine roots, very fine lateral roots, ectomycorrhizal species and rhizosphere soil and for biomass of the different compartments. The data were collected 5 and 20 days after labelling.</span></span></span></p><p>Funding provided by: Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur<br>Crossref Funder Registry ID: https://ror.org/0116z8r77<br>Award Number: Biodiversity Research</p><p class="CxSpFirst">Young, healthy beech (<em>Fagus sylvatica</em>) trees (n = 40) with fully open leaves were excavated in May in a beech forest. The trees were carefully removed and placed with intact soil layers individually in pots (diameter: 183 mm, height 255 mm, corresponding to about 6.5 L soil volume) and were kept under common garden conditions in Göttingen until labelling. Three adjacent top, three middle and three bottom leaves were slightly abraded and exposed for 3 days to <sup>15</sup>NH<sub>4</sub>Cl (99% NH<sub>4</sub>Cl, Campro Scientific GmbH, Berlin, Germany). The labelled leaves were removed and the plants were exposed in gas-tight chambers for two days to <sup>12</sup>CO<sub>2</sub>, then for three days to <sup>13</sup>CO<sub>2</sub> and then for two days to <sup>12</sup>CO<sub>2. </sub> The experimental exposures were conducted in two independent runs, each with ten trees. Ten non-labelled trees were used as controls.</p> <p class="CxSpMiddle">Harvests took place immediately after removal and 15 days after removal of the trees from the chambers, corresponding to 5 and 20 days since the start of the <sup>13</sup>CO<sub>2</sub> treatment. Rhizosphere soil, bark, roots and ectomycorrhizas were harvested, used for stable isotope analyses and mycorrhizal species identification by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing. The mycorrhizal sequences were blasted in NCBI GenBank (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) and UNITE (unite.ut.ee) databases and deposited in NCBI Genbank under the accession numbers MK430999 to MK431014. The morphotypes, species assignments and abundances are listed in Table 1.</p> <p class="CxSpMiddle">The labelled and non-labelled soil, plant and fungal samples were analyzed in an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS; Delta C, Finnigan MAT, Bremen, Germany) in the Center for Stable Isotopes (KOSI, University of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany) to obtain C, N, 13C and 15N contents. The data are shown in Table 2.  </p&gt

    DataSheet_1_Contrasting distribution of enzyme activities in the rhizosphere of European beech and Norway spruce.docx

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    Recent policies and silvicultural management call for forest regeneration that involve the selection of tree species able to cope with low soil nutrient availability in forest ecosystems. Understanding the impact of different tree species on the rhizosphere processes (e.g., enzyme activities) involved in nutrient mobilisation is critical in selecting suitable species to adapt forests to environmental change. Here, we visualised and investigated the rhizosphere distribution of enzyme activities (cellobiohydrolase, leucine-aminopeptidase, and acid phosphomonoesterase) using zymography. We related the distribution of enzyme activities to the seedling root morphological traits of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies), the two most cultivated temperate tree species that employ contrasting strategies in soil nutrient acquisition. We found that spruce showed a higher morphological heterogeneity along the roots than beech, resulting in a more robust relationship between rhizoplane-associated enzyme activities and the longitudinal distance from the root apex. The rhizoplane enzyme activities decreased in spruce and increased in beech with the distance from the root apex over a power-law equation. Spruce revealed broader rhizosphere extents of all three enzymes, but only acid phosphomonoesterase activity was higher compared with beech. This latter result was determined by a larger root system found in beech compared with spruce that enhanced cellobiohydrolase and leucine-aminopeptidase activities. The root hair zone and hair lengths were significant variables determining the distribution of enzyme activities in the rhizosphere. Our findings indicate that spruce has a more substantial influence on rhizosphere enzyme production and diffusion than beech, enabling spruce to better mobilise nutrients from organic sources in heterogeneous forest soils.</p

    Image_1_Contrasting distribution of enzyme activities in the rhizosphere of European beech and Norway spruce.tif

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    Recent policies and silvicultural management call for forest regeneration that involve the selection of tree species able to cope with low soil nutrient availability in forest ecosystems. Understanding the impact of different tree species on the rhizosphere processes (e.g., enzyme activities) involved in nutrient mobilisation is critical in selecting suitable species to adapt forests to environmental change. Here, we visualised and investigated the rhizosphere distribution of enzyme activities (cellobiohydrolase, leucine-aminopeptidase, and acid phosphomonoesterase) using zymography. We related the distribution of enzyme activities to the seedling root morphological traits of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies), the two most cultivated temperate tree species that employ contrasting strategies in soil nutrient acquisition. We found that spruce showed a higher morphological heterogeneity along the roots than beech, resulting in a more robust relationship between rhizoplane-associated enzyme activities and the longitudinal distance from the root apex. The rhizoplane enzyme activities decreased in spruce and increased in beech with the distance from the root apex over a power-law equation. Spruce revealed broader rhizosphere extents of all three enzymes, but only acid phosphomonoesterase activity was higher compared with beech. This latter result was determined by a larger root system found in beech compared with spruce that enhanced cellobiohydrolase and leucine-aminopeptidase activities. The root hair zone and hair lengths were significant variables determining the distribution of enzyme activities in the rhizosphere. Our findings indicate that spruce has a more substantial influence on rhizosphere enzyme production and diffusion than beech, enabling spruce to better mobilise nutrients from organic sources in heterogeneous forest soils.</p