162 research outputs found

    Polaronic distortion and vacancy-induced magnetism in MgO

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    The electronic structure of the neutral and singly charged Mg vacancy in MgO is investigated using density functional theory. For both defects, semilocal exchange correlation functionals such as the local spin density approximation incorrectly predict a delocalized degenerate ground state. In contrast functionals that take strong correlation effects into account predict a localized solution, in agreement with spin resonance experiments. Our results, obtained with the HSE hybrid, atomic self-interaction corrected and LDA+U functionals, provide a number of constraints to the possibility of ferromagnetism in hole doped MgO

    The Levy-Lieb embedding of density functional theory and its Quantum Kernel: Illustration for the Hubbard Dimer using near-term quantum algorithms

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    The constrained-search formulation of Levy and Lieb provides a concrete mapping from N-representable densities to the space of N-particle wavefunctions and explicitly defines the universal functional of density functional theory. We numerically implement the Levy-Lieb procedure for a paradigmatic lattice system, the Hubbard dimer, using a modified variational quantum eigensolver approach. We demonstrate density variational minimization using the resulting hybrid quantum-classical scheme featuring real-time computation of the Levy-Lieb functional along the search trajectory. We further illustrate a fidelity based quantum kernel associated with the density to pure-state embedding implied by the Levy-Lieb procedure and employ the kernel for learning observable functionals of the density. We study the kernel's ability to generalize with high accuracy through numerical experiments on the Hubbard dimer.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Ab initio study of electron transport in dry poly(G)-poly(C) A-DNA strands

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    The bias-dependent transport properties of short poly(G)-poly(C) A-DNA strands attached to Au electrodes are investigated with first principles electronic transport methods. By using the non- equilibrium Green's function approach combined with self-interaction corrected density functional theory, we calculate the fully self-consistent coherent I-V curve of various double-strand polymeric DNA fragments. We show that electronic wave-function localization, induced either by the native electrical dipole and/or by the electrostatic disorder originating from the first few water solvation layers, drastically suppresses the magnitude of the elastic conductance of A-DNA oligonucleotides. We then argue that electron transport through DNA is the result of sequence-specific short-range tunneling across a few bases combined with general diffusive/inelastic processes.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    First-principles study of high conductance DNA sequencing with carbon nanotube electrodes

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    Rapid and cost-effective DNA sequencing at the single nucleotide level might be achieved by measuring a transverse electronic current as single-stranded DNA is pulled through a nano-sized pore. In order to enhance the electronic coupling between the nucleotides and the electrodes and hence the current signals, we employ a pair of single-walled close-ended (6,6) carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as electrodes. We then investigate the electron transport properties of nucleotides sandwiched between such electrodes by using first-principles quantum transport theory. In particular we consider the extreme case where the separation between the electrodes is the smallest possible that still allows the DNA translocation. The benzene-like ring at the end cap of the CNT can strongly couple with the nucleobases and therefore both reduce conformational fluctuations and significantly improve the conductance. The optimal molecular configurations, at which the nucleotides strongly couple to the CNTs, and which yield the largest transmission, are first identified. Then the electronic structures and the electron transport of these optimal configurations are analyzed. The typical tunneling currents are of the order of 50 nA for voltages up to 1 V. At higher bias, where resonant transport through the molecular states is possible, the current is of the order of several μ\muA. Below 1 V the currents associated to the different nucleotides are consistently distinguishable, with adenine having the largest current, guanine the second-largest, cytosine the third and finally thymine the smallest. We further calculate the transmission coefficient profiles as the nucleotides are dragged along the DNA translocation path and investigate the effects of configurational variations. Based on these results we propose a DNA sequencing protocol combining three possible data analysis strategies.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures, 3 table