19 research outputs found

    Haplotype analyses reveal novel insights into tomato history and domestication driven by long-distance migrations and latitudinal adaptations

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    [EN] A novel haplotype-based approach that uses Procrustes analysis and automatic classification was used to provide further insights into tomato history and domestication. Agrarian societies domesticated species of interest by introducing complex genetic modifications. For tomatoes, two species, one of which had two botanical varieties, are thought to be involved in its domestication: the fully wild Solanum pimpinellifolium (SP), the wild and semi-domesticated Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme (SLC) and the cultivated S. l. var. lycopersicum (SLL). The Procrustes approach showed that SP evolved into SLC during a gradual migration from the Peruvian deserts to the Mexican rainforests and that Peruvian and Ecuadorian SLC populations were the result of more recent hybridizations. Our model was supported by independent evidence, including ecological data from the accession collection site and morphological data. Furthermore, we showed that photosynthesis-, and flowering time-related genes were selected during the latitudinal migrations.This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of the USA Varitome Project (NSF IOS 1564366).Blanca Postigo, JM.; Sånchez-Matarredona, D.; Ziarsolo, P.; Montero-Pau, J.; Van Der Knaap, E.; Díez Niclós, MJTDJ.; Cañizares Sales, J. (2022). Haplotype analyses reveal novel insights into tomato history and domestication driven by long-distance migrations and latitudinal adaptations. Horticulture Research. 9:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhac030114

    The first de novo transcriptome of pepino (Solanum muricatum): assembly, comprehensive analysis and comparison with the closely related species S. caripense, potato and tomato

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    [EN] Background Solanum sect. Basarthrum is phylogenetically very close to potatoes (Solanum sect. Petota) and tomatoes (Solanum sect. Lycopersicon), two groups with great economic importance, and for which Solanum sect. Basarthrum represents a tertiary gene pool for breeding. This section includes the important regional cultigen, the pepino (Solanum muricatum), and several wild species. Among the wild species, S. caripense is prominent due to its major involvement in the origin of pepino and its wide geographical distribution. Despite the value of the pepino as an emerging crop, and the potential for gene transfer from both the pepino and S. caripense to potatoes and tomatoes, there has been virtually no genomic study of these species. Results Using Illumina HiSeq 2000, RNA-Seq was performed with a pool of three tissues (young leaf, flowers in pre-anthesis and mature fruits) from S. muricatum and S. caripense, generating almost 111,000,000 reads among the two species. A high quality de novo transcriptome was assembled from S. muricatum clean reads resulting in 75,832 unigenes with an average length of 704 bp. These unigenes were functionally annotated based on similarity of public databases. We used Blast2GO, to conduct an exhaustive study of the gene ontology, including GO terms, EC numbers and KEGG pathways. Pepino unigenes were compared to both potato and tomato genomes in order to determine their estimated relative position, and to infer gene prediction models. Candidate genes related to traits of interest in other Solanaceae were evaluated by presence or absence and compared with S. caripense transcripts. In addition, by studying five genes, the phylogeny of pepino and five other members of the family, Solanaceae, were studied. The comparison of S. caripense reads against S. muricatum assembled transcripts resulted in thousands of intra- and interspecific nucleotide-level variants. In addition, more than 1000 SSRs were identified in the pepino transcriptome. Conclusions This study represents the first genomic resource for the pepino. We suggest that the data will be useful not only for improvement of the pepino, but also for potato and tomato breeding and gene transfer. The high quality of the transcriptome presented here also facilitates comparative studies in the genus Solanum. The accurate transcript annotation will enable us to figure out the gene function of particular traits of interest. The high number of markers (SSR and nucleotide-level variants) obtained will be useful for breeding programs, as well as studies of synteny, diversity evolution, and phylogeny.Herraiz GarcĂ­a, FJ.; Blanca Postigo, JM.; Ziarsolo Areitioaurtena, P.; Gramazio, P.; Plazas Ávila, MDLO.; Anderson, GJ.; Prohens TomĂĄs, J.... (2016). The first de novo transcriptome of pepino (Solanum muricatum): assembly, comprehensive analysis and comparison with the closely related species S. caripense, potato and tomato. BMC Genomics. 17(321). doi:10.1186/s12864-016-2656-817321Anderson GJ, Jansen RK, Kim Y. The origin and relationships of the pepino, Solanum muricatum (Solanaceae): DNA restriction fragment evidence. Econ Bot. 1996;50:369–80.Anderson GJ, Martine CT, Prohens J, Nuez F. Solanum perlongistylum and S. catilliflorum, new endemic Peruvian species of Solanum, Section Basarthrum, are close relatives of the domesticated pepino, S. muricatum. Novon. 2006;16:161–7.RodrĂ­guez-Burruezo A, Prohens J, Fita AM. Breeding strategies for improving the performance and fruit quality of the pepino (Solanum muricatum): A model for the enhancement of underutilized exotic fruits. Food Res Int. 2011;44:1927–35.Yalçin H. Effect of ripening period on composition of pepino (Solanum muricatum) fruit grown in Turkey. 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    GoldenBraid 2.0: a comprehensive DNA assembly framework for plant synthetic biology

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    [EN] Plant synthetic biology aims to apply engineering principles to plant genetic design. One strategic requirement of plant synthetic biology is the adoption of common standardized technologies that facilitate the construction of increasingly complex multigene structures at the DNA level while enabling the exchange of genetic building blocks among plant bioengineers. Here, we describe GoldenBraid 2.0 (GB2.0), a comprehensive technological framework that aims to foster the exchange of standard DNA parts for plant synthetic biology. GB2.0 relies on the use of type IIS restriction enzymes for DNA assembly and proposes a modular cloning schema with positional notation that resembles the grammar of natural languages. Apart from providing an optimized cloning strategy that generates fully exchangeable genetic elements for multigene engineering, the GB2.0 toolkit offers an ever-growing open collection of DNA parts, including a group of functionally tested, premade genetic modules to build frequently used modules like constitutive and inducible expression cassettes, endogenous gene silencing and protein-protein interaction tools, etc. Use of the GB2.0 framework is facilitated by a number of Web resources that include a publicly available database, tutorials, and a software package that provides in silico simulations and laboratory protocols for GB2.0 part domestication and multigene engineering. In short, GB2.0 provides a framework to exchange both information and physical DNA elements among bioengineers to help implement plant synthetic biology projects.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant no. BIO2010-15384), by a Research Personnel in Training fellowship to A.S.-P., and by a Junta de Ampliacion de Estudios fellowship to M.V.-V.Sarrion-Perdigones, A.; VĂĄzquez Vilar, M.; PalacĂ­ Bataller, J.; Castelijns, B.; Forment Millet, JJ.; Ziarsolo Areitioaurtena, P.; Blanca Postigo, JM.... (2013). GoldenBraid 2.0: a comprehensive DNA assembly framework for plant synthetic biology. Plant Physiology. 162(3):1618-1631. https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.113.217661S16181631162

    Transcriptome sequencing for SNP discovery across Cucumis melo

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    Background: Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is a highly diverse species that is cultivated worldwide. Recent advances in massively parallel sequencing have begun to allow the study of nucleotide diversity in this species. The Sanger method combined with medium-throughput 454 technology were used in a previous study to analyze the genetic diversity of germplasm representing 3 botanical varieties, yielding a collection of about 40,000 SNPs distributed in 14,000 unigenes. However, the usefulness of this resource is limited as the sequenced genotypes do not represent the whole diversity of the species, which is divided into two subspecies with many botanical varieties variable in plant, flowering, and fruit traits, as well as in stress response. As a first step to extensively document levels and patterns of nucleotide variability across the species, we used the high-throughput SOLiD¿ system to resequence the transcriptomes of a set of 67 genotypes that had previously been selected from a core collection representing the extant variation of the entire species.Results: The deep transcriptome resequencing of all of the genotypes, grouped into 8 pools (wild African agrestis, Asian agrestis and acidulus, exotic Far Eastern conomon, Indian momordica and Asian dudaim and flexuosus, commercial cantalupensis, subsp. melo Asian and European landraces, Spanish inodorus landraces, and Piel de Sapo breeding lines) yielded about 300 M reads. Short reads were mapped to the recently generated draft genome assembly of the DHL line Piel de Sapo (inodorus) x Songwhan Charmi (conomon) and to a new version of melon transcriptome. Regions with at least 6X coverage were used in SNV calling, generating a melon collection with 303,883 variants. These SNVs were dispersed across the entire C. melo genome, and distributed in 15,064 annotated genes. The number and variability of in silico SNVs differed considerably between pools. Our finding of higher genomic diversity in wild and exotic agrestis melons from India and Africa as compared to commercial cultivars, cultigens and landraces from Eastern Europe, Western Asia and the Mediterranean basin is consistent with the evolutionary history proposed for the species. Group-specific SNVs that will be useful in introgression programs were also detected. In a sample of 143 selected putative SNPs, we verified 93% of the polymorphisms in a panel of 78 genotypes.Conclusions: This study provides the first comprehensive resequencing data for wild, exotic, and cultivated (landraces and commercial) melon transcriptomes, yielding the largest melon SNP collection available to date and representing a notable sample of the species diversity. This data provides a valuable resource for creating a catalog of allelic variants of melon genes and it will aid in future in-depth studies of population genetics, marker-assisted breeding, and gene identification aimed at developing improved varieties. © 2012 Blanca et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.This project was carried out in the frame of the MELONOMICS project (2009-2012) of the Fundacion Genoma Espana.Blanca Postigo, JM.; Esteras Gómez, C.; Ziarsolo Areitioaurtena, P.; Perez, D.; Fernåndez-Pedrosa, V.; Collado, C.; Rodríguez De Pablos, R.... (2012). Transcriptome sequencing for SNP discovery across Cucumis melo. BMC Genomics. 13(280):1-18. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-13-280S1181328

    ABCC transporters mediate insect resistance to multiple Bt toxins revealed by bulk segregant analysis

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    [EN] Background: Relatively recent evidence indicates that ABCC2 transporters play a main role in the mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry1A-type proteins. Mapping of major Cry1A resistance genes has linked resistance to the ABCC2 locus in Heliothis virescens, Plutella xylostella, Trichoplusia ni and Bombyx mori, and mutations in this gene have been found in three of these Bt-resistant strains. Results: We have used a colony of Spodoptera exigua (Xen-R) highly resistant to a Bt commercial bioinsecticide to identify regions in the S. exigua genome containing loci for major resistance genes by using bulk segregant analysis (BSA). Results reveal a region containing three genes from the ABCC family (ABBC1, ABBC2 and ABBC3) and a mutation in one of them (ABBC2) as responsible for the resistance of S. exigua to the Bt commercial product and to its key Spodoptera-active ingredients, Cry1Ca. In contrast to all previously described mutations in ABCC2 genes that directly or indirectly affect the extracellular domains of the membrane protein, the ABCC2 mutation found in S. exigua affects an intracellular domain involved in ATP binding. Functional analyses of ABBC2 and ABBC3 support the role of both proteins in the mode of action of Bt toxins in S. exigua. Partial silencing of these genes with dsRNA decreased the susceptibility of wild type larvae to both Cry1Ac and Cry1Ca. In addition, reduction of ABBC2 and ABBC3 expression negatively affected some fitness components and induced up-regulation of arylphorin and repat5, genes that respond to Bt intoxication and that are found constitutively up-regulated in the Xen-R strain. Conclusions: The current results show the involvement of different members of the ABCC family in the mode of action of B. thuringiensis proteins and expand the role of the ABCC2 transporter in B. thuringiensis resistance beyond the Cry1A family of proteins to include Cry1Ca.We want to thank C. S. Hern ndez-Rodr guez for her comments on binding assays, Ismael Mingarro for his help in determination of ABCC domains and William Moar (Auburn University, Auburn, AL) for his comments on the manuscript and generating the Xen-R colony. This research was partially supported by IPET (Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries), Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to YK. Research at the University of Valencia was supported by Generalitat Valenciana (prometeo/2011/044) and Ministry of Science and Innovation (AGL2011-30352-C02-02 and AGL2012-39946-C02-01).Park, Y.; GonzĂĄlez MartĂ­nez, RM.; Navarro Cerrillo, G.; Chakroun, M.; Kim, Y.; Ziarsolo Areitioaurtena, P.; Blanca Postigo, JM.... (2014). ABCC transporters mediate insect resistance to multiple Bt toxins revealed by bulk segregant analysis. BMC Biology. 12(46):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1186/1741-7007-12-46S115124

    La tomata ‘Valenciana’ del Perelló: comparació de les seues característiques genùtiques i fenotípiques amb el conjunt de tomates tradicionals europees.

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    [CA] La tomata ‘Valenciana del Perelló’, originaria de l’horta de ValĂšncia, representa una de les mĂ©s importants i apreciades varietats tradicional valencianes de consum en fresc. A pesar d’açĂČ manquem d’una tipificaciĂł i caracteritzaciĂł en profunditat, el que dificulta identificar de manera especifica i objectiva caracterĂ­stiques distintives d’aquest tipus de tomata tant especial. En aquest treball comparem les caracterĂ­stiques genĂštiques i fenotĂ­piques de la tomata la ‘Valenciana’ i, concretament la ‘Valenciana del Perelló’ amb un conjunt de mes de 1000 varietats de tomates tradicionals Europees amb la finalitat de proporcionar les bases per distingir la tomata ‘Valenciana’ del Perelló’ d’aquelles pertanyents a altres varietats tradicionals anomenades tambĂ© valencianes o aquelles que sĂłn similars dins del conjunt tradicional europeu. La caracteritzaciĂł morfolĂČgica, basada en 10 carĂ cters morfolĂČgics i qualitatius ens indica que encara que hi ha diferĂšncies poblacionals, no sĂłn suficients per discriminar entre tipus varietals. El genotipat de les varietats tradicionals europees revela una estructura genĂštica ben definida per a la varietat de tomata ‘Valenciana del Perelló’ i respecte a altres tomates valencianes o tomates europees de caracterĂ­stiques similars. En particular, 18 variants de seqĂŒĂšncia SNPs en llocs especĂ­fics del genoma de la tomata sĂłn suficients per distingir clarament la tomata ‘Valenciana’ tipus ‘ el Perelló’ de les altres varietats de tomata ‘Valenciana’ i la tomata ‘Valenciana’ del conjunt de tomata tradicional europeu. Tenint en compte açĂČ, els nostres resultats proporcionen l’empremta genĂštica de la tomata ‘Valenciana del Perelló’, punt de partida per a la valoritzaciĂł d’aquesta varietat local i per a la seua utilitzaciĂł en programes de millora o el seu us certificat en mercats de productes d’alta qualitat.[EN] The ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’ tomato, originating from the Spanish region l’Horta de ValĂšncia, represents one of the most important and appreciated Valencian landraces for fresh market. Despite this, we still lack a detailed typification and characterization of this variety which is a prerequisite for identifying specific and objective distinctive characteristics of this type of tomato. In this work we compared genetic and phenotypic traits of the tomato variety ‘Valenciana’, in particular the ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’, against more than 1000 traditional varieties in order to provide the basis to distinguish the tomato ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’ from a number of other landraces named ‘Valenciana’ or to those similar within the traditional European tomato collection. Morphological characterization, based in 10 fruit morphological and qualitative traits indicated that despite differences between populations, these traits do not discriminate varietal types. The genotyping of European traditional varieties reveal a well defined genetic structure of ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’ with respect to other Valencian or European tomatoes with similar characteristics. In particular, 18 sequence SNP variants are sufficient to distinguish clearly the tomato ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’ type from other ‘Valenciana’ varieties and the ‘Valenciana’ variety from the rest of European traditional tomato. Taking this into account, our results provide the ‘Valenciana d’El Perelló’ tomato genetic fingerprint, starting point for the valorization of this landrace and for its use in breeding programs or its certified use in high quality markets.Aquest projecte ha rebut financiaciĂł del programa Horizon 2020 de la UniĂł Europea a travĂ©s del projecte No 634561 [This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 634561].Pons Puig, C.; Monforte Gilabert, AJ.; FigĂĄs Moreno, MDR.; Soler Aleixandre, S.; Blanca Postigo, JM.; Ziarsolo Areitioaurtena, P.; Cañizares Sales, J.... (2020). La tomata ‘Valenciana’ del PerellĂł: comparaciĂł de les seues caracterĂ­stiques genĂštiques i fenotĂ­piques amb el conjunt de tomates tradicionals europees. En I CongrĂ©s de la Tomaca Valenciana: La Tomaca Valenciana d'El PerellĂł. Editorial Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. 141-152. https://doi.org/10.4995/TOMAVAL2017.2017.6196OCS14115

    Atlas of phenotypic, genotypic and geographical diversity present in the European traditional tomato

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    [EN] The Mediterranean basin countries are considered secondary centres of tomato diversification. However, information on phenotypic and allelic variation of local tomato materials is still limited. Here we report on the evaluation of the largest traditional tomato collection, which includes 1499 accessions from Southern Europe. Analyses of 70 traits revealed a broad range of phenotypic variability with different distributions among countries, with the culinary end use within each country being the main driver of tomato diversification. Furthermore, eight main tomato types (phenoclusters) were defined by integrating phenotypic data, country of origin, and end use. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analyses identified associations in 211 loci, 159 of which were novel. The multidimensional integration of phenoclusters and the GWAS meta-analysis identified the molecular signatures for each traditional tomato type and indicated that signatures originated from differential combinations of loci, which in some cases converged in the same tomato phenotype. Our results provide a roadmap for studying and exploiting this untapped tomato diversity.We thank Universitat Illes Balears, the Greek Gene Bank (GGB-NAGREF), Universita degli Studi Mediterranea Reggio Calabria, the CRB-Leg (INRA-GAFL)", the Genebank of CNR-IBBR (Bari, Italy) and ARCA 2010 for seed sharing. CNR-IBBR also acknowledges the seed donors, the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Maria Cristina Patane (CNR-IBE, Catania, Italy) and La Semiorto Sementi SRL, as well as Mrs. Roberta Nurcato for technical assistance. IBMCP-UPV acknowledges Maurizio Calduch (ALCALAX) for technical assistance and Mario Fon for English grammar editing. This work was supported by European Commission H2020 research and innovation program through TRADITOM grant agreement No.634561, G2P-SOL, grant agreement No. 677379, and HARNESSTOM grant agreement No. 101000716. Clara Pons and Mariola Plazas are grateful to Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion for postdoctoral grants FJCI-2016-29118 and IJC2019-039091I/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; Joan Casals to a Serra Hunter Fellow at Universitat PolitĂšcnica de Catalunya.Pons Puig, C.; Casals, J.; Palombieri, S.; Fontanet, L.; Riccini, A.; Rambla Nebot, JL.; Ruggiero, A.... (2022). Atlas of phenotypic, genotypic and geographical diversity present in the European traditional tomato. Horticulture Research. 9:1-16. https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhac112116

    A modular toolbox for gRNA-Cas9 genome engineering in plants based on the GoldenBraid standard

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    [EN] Background: The efficiency, versatility and multiplexing capacity of RNA-guided genome engineering using the CRISPR/Cas9 technology enables a variety of applications in plants, ranging from gene editing to the construction of transcriptional gene circuits, many of which depend on the technical ability to compose and transfer complex synthetic instructions into the plant cell. The engineering principles of standardization and modularity applied to DNA cloning are impacting plant genetic engineering, by increasing multigene assembly efficiency and by fostering the exchange of well-defined physical DNA parts with precise functional information. Results: Here we describe the adaptation of the RNA-guided Cas9 system to GoldenBraid (GB), a modular DNA conÂż struction framework being increasingly used in Plant Synthetic Biology. In this work, the genetic elements required for CRISPRs-based editing and transcriptional regulation were adapted to GB, and a workflow for gRNAs construction was designed and optimized. New software tools specific for CRISPRs assembly were created and incorporated to the public GB resources site. Conclusions: The functionality and the efficiency of gRNAÂżCas9 GB tools were demonstrated in Nicotiana benthamiana using transient expression assays both for gene targeted mutations and for transcriptional regulation. The availability of gRNAÂżCas9 GB toolbox will facilitate the application of CRISPR/Cas9 technology to plant genome engineeringThis work has been funded by Grant BIO2013-42193-R from Plan Nacional I + D of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Vazquez-Vilar M. is a recipient of a Junta de Ampliacion de Estudios fellowship. Bernabe-Orts J.M. is a recipient of a FPI fellowship. We want to thank Nicola J. Patron and Mark Youles for kindly providing humanCas9 and U6-26 clones. We also want to thank Eugenio Gomez for providing Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA and Concha Domingo for providing rice genomic DNA. We also want to thank the COST Action FA1006 for the support in the development of the software tools.VĂĄzquez-Vilar, M.; BernabĂ©-Orts, JM.; FernĂĄndez Del Carmen, MA.; Ziarsolo Areitioaurtena, P.; Blanca Postigo, JM.; Granell Richart, A.; OrzĂĄez Calatayud, DV. (2016). A modular toolbox for gRNA-Cas9 genome engineering in plants based on the GoldenBraid standard. Plant Methods. 12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13007-016-0101-2S12Ran FA, Hsu PD, Wright J, Agarwala V, Scott DA, Zhang F. Genome engineering using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Nat Protoc. 2013;8(11):2281–308. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2013.143 .Yang X. Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 mediated genome engineering. Mil Med Res. 2015;2:11. doi: 10.1186/s40779-015-0038-1 .Wang H, Yang H, Shivalila CS, Dawlaty MM, Cheng AW, Zhang F, et al. 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    Transcriptome characterization and high throughput SSRs and SNPs discovery in Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae)

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    Background: Cucurbita pepo belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. The "Zucchini" types rank among the highest-valued vegetables worldwide, and other C. pepo and related Cucurbita spp., are food staples and rich sources of fat and vitamins. A broad range of genomic tools are today available for other cucurbits that have become models for the study of different metabolic processes. However, these tools are still lacking in the Cucurbita genus, thus limiting gene discovery and the process of breeding.Results: We report the generation of a total of 512,751 C. pepo EST sequences, using 454 GS FLX Titanium technology. ESTs were obtained from normalized cDNA libraries (root, leaves, and flower tissue) prepared using two varieties with contrasting phenotypes for plant, flowering and fruit traits, representing the two C. pepo subspecies: subsp. pepo cv. Zucchini and subsp. ovifera cv Scallop. De novo assembling was performed to generate a collection of 49,610 Cucurbita unigenes (average length of 626 bp) that represent the first transcriptome of the species. Over 60% of the unigenes were functionally annotated and assigned to one or more Gene Ontology terms. The distributions of Cucurbita unigenes followed similar tendencies than that reported for Arabidopsis or melon, suggesting that the dataset may represent the whole Cucurbita transcriptome. About 34% unigenes were detected to have known orthologs of Arabidopsis or melon, including genes potentially involved in disease resistance, flowering and fruit quality. Furthermore, a set of 1,882 unigenes with SSR motifs and 9,043 high confidence SNPs between Zucchini and Scallop were identified, of which 3,538 SNPs met criteria for use with high throughput genotyping platforms, and 144 could be detected as CAPS. A set of markers were validated, being 80% of them polymorphic in a set of variable C. pepo and C. moschata accessions.Conclusion: We present the first broad survey of gene sequences and allelic variation in C. pepo, where limited prior genomic information existed. The transcriptome provides an invaluable new tool for biological research. The developed molecular markers are the basis for future genetic linkage and quantitative trait loci analysis, and will be essential to speed up the process of breeding new and better adapted squash varieties. © 2011 Blanca et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.Blanca Postigo, JM.; Cañizares Sales, J.; Roig Montaner, MC.; Ziarsolo Areitioaurtena, P.; Nuez Viñals, F.; Picó Sirvent, MB. (2011). Transcriptome characterization and high throughput SSRs and SNPs discovery in Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae). BMC Genomics. 12:104-117. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-104S1041171