4 research outputs found

    Estimation of endogenous contribution and urinary excretion of purine derivatives from the total digestible nutrient intake in Nellore heifers

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    The objectives of this experiment were to estimate the endogenous excretion of purine derivatives (PD), the intake and digestibility of nutrients, the urinary excretion of PD from the intake of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and digestible organic matter (DOM) in Nellore heifers. Eight heifers, 267±17 kg body weight (BW), were assigned to two 4 × 4 latin squares. The planned treatments were four dry matter intake (DMI) levels: 10, 14, 18 and 22 g/kg BW. The diet contained 70% corn silage and 30% concentrate. The endogenous losses were obtained by regression between excretion of PD (mmol/BW0.75) and DMI (g/BW0.75). When PD excretion (mmol/d) was related to the intake of DOM and TDN (kg/d), the following equations were obtained: ŶPD= 32.98 + 21.94*DOM and ŶPD= 32.47 + 20.40*TDN, respectively. The excretion of PD (mmol/d) was a function of DMI (kg/d): ŶPD = 0.605 + 0.014 x (r2 = 0.46), and 0.60 mmol/BW0.75 was the endogenous fraction of PD. The endogenous losses of PD and nitrogen compounds obtained when the animals were fasted for 5 d, with free access to water, were 0.332 mmol/BW0.75 and 0.384 gN/BW0.75, respectively. The net protein requirement for maintenance was estimated at 2.4 g/BW0.75. Creatinine excretion is not affected by feed restriction

    Estimation of urinary excretion of derivatives of purine from the consummate of NDT and determination of the contribution in endogenous milk cows

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    Objetivou-se estimar a excreção urinária de derivados de purinas a partir do consumo NDT e determinar a contribuição endógena em vacas de leite. O experimento foi realizado na unidade de ensino, pesquisa e extensão em gado de leite (UEPE-GL) durante o mês de março de 2010. Utilizaram-se doze vacas da raça Holandesa, puras e mestiças, alocadas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos em função da produção de leite, que foram determinadas como Alta, Média e Baixa seguindo as seguintes faixas de produção: 33,50, 18,42 e 11,07 kg de leite/dia, respectivamente. A dieta foi constituída de silagem de milho à vontade e concentrado fornecido na proporção de um kg para cada três kg de leite produzido. O período experimental teve duração de 15 dias, sendo sete para adaptação e oito dias para realização das coletas de urina, fezes, sangue e leite, bem como para avaliação do consumo e digestibilidade aparente. As ordenhas foram realizadas em dois horários, às 6:00 h e 16:00 h. Os resultados foram avaliados por meio de análises de variância, utilizando-se nível de 5% de probabilidade para o erro tipo I, por intermédio do programa SAS, sendo utilizado o teste de T para comparação de médias. As relações entre as excreções diárias dos derivados de purinas e os consumos de nutrientes digestiveis totais (CNDT), de matéria orgânica digestível (CMOD) e de matéria seca (CMS) foram avaliadas através do modelo de regressão linear simples. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) para os teores de lactose e gordura do leite, porém, o percentual de proteína foi superior para vacas de baixa produção (P<0,05). Os consumos de todos os nutrientes, exceto o de fibra insolúvel em detergente neutro corrigida para cinzas e proteína (FDNcp) e fibra insolúvel em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi), foram maiores para os animais de maior produção. As digestibilidades da matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta, e carboidratos não fibrosos e os teores de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) não diferiram entre os tratamentos (P>0,05), enquanto que as digestibilidades do extrato etéreo e da FDNcp, foram influenciadas pelo nível de produção de leite, sendo menores para vacas de Alta produção. Os teores de nitrogênio uréico no plasma e no leite e a excreção de compostos nitrogenados (N) na urina foram altamente correlacionados e superiores (P0,05). A síntese ruminal de proteína bruta microbiana e a excreção de DP foram relacionadas com o consumo de NDT e de matéria orgânica digestível (MOD), sendo obtidos 23,48 mmol de DP para cada kg de NDT consumido e 25,50 mmol de DP para cada kg de MO digestível, sendo possível observar que ambas as relações podem ser utilizadas para realizar estas estimativas. A coleta spot pode ser utilizada para estimar a excreção diária de derivados de purinas e de uréia na urina em vacas, independentemente do nível de produção. Tanto a utilização do consumo de NDT quanto de MOD podem ser utilizados com o intuito de estimar os derivados de purinas urinários. Considerando a excreção de DP em mmol/kgPC0,75 e o consumo de matéria seca expresso em g/kg PC0,75, obteve-se o valor da fração endógena de DP de 0,237 mmol/kgPC0,75.The objective was to estimate the urinary excretion of purine from the TDN consumption and determine the endogenous contribution in dairy cows. The experiment was conducted at the Unidade de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão em Gado de Leite (UEPE-GL) during the month of March 2010. Twelve Holstein cows purebred and crossbred, allocated in a completely randomized design with three treatments based on production of milk, which were assessed as high, medium and low bands by taking the following production: 33,50; 18,42 and 11.07 kg of milk / day, respectively.The diet consisted of corn silage ad libitum and concentrate fed at a rate of one kilogram for every three pounds of milk produced. The experimental period lasted 15 days, se ven to eight days for adaptation and implementation of collection of urine, faeces, blood and milk, as well as to evaluate the consumption and digestibility. Milkings were carried out in two hours, from 6:00 h and 16:00 h. The results were evaluated by analysis of variance, using the 5% level of probability of type I error, through the SAS, by using the t test to compare means. Relations between the daily excretion of purine derivatives and the consumption of total digestible nutrients (TDNI), digestible organic matter intake (DOMI) and dry matter intake (DMI) were assessed using linear regression. No significant differences (P>0.05) for lactose and milk fat, however, the percentage of protein was higher for cows with low production (P<0.05). Intakes of all nutrients, except for neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (NDF) and neutral detergent fiber indigestible (NDFi) were higher for animals for higher production. The digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein, and non-fiber carbohydrates and contents of total digestible nutrients (TDN) did not differ between treatments (P> 0.05), whereas the digestibility of ether extract and NDF were influenced by the level of milk production, and lower for cows of high production. The levels of urea nitrogen in plasma and milk and excretion of nitrogenous (N) in urine were highly correlated and higher (P0.05). The synthesis of ruminal microbial crude protein and excretion of PD were associated with intake of TDN and digestible organic matter (DOM), being raised from 23.48 mmol of SD for each kg of TDN consumed, 25.50 mmol SD for each kg of digestible organic matter, revealing that both relations can be used to make these estimates. The gathering spot can be used to estimate the daily excretion of purine derivatives and urea in the urine of cows, regardless of the level of production. Both the use of TDN intake and consumption of MOD can be used in order to estimate the urinary purine derivatives. Whereas the excretion of PD in mmol/kgPC0,75 and dry matter intake expressed as g/kg PC0,75, obtained the value of the fraction of endogenous DP mmol/kgPC0.2370,75.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic

    Performance, growth, and maturity of Nellore bulls

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    The objectives of this study were to evaluate the dry matter intake (DMI), digestibility, average daily gain (ADG), microbial efficiency, empty body weight (EBW) gain, and body composition of Nellore bulls. Additionally, Nellore bull maturity was estimated, and the prediction equation for DMI, suggested by the Brazilian nutrient requirements system (BR CORTE; Azevêdo et al. 2010), was evaluated. Thirty-three Nellore bulls, with a mean initial weight of 259 ± 25 kg and age of 14 ± 1 months, were used in this study. Five animals were slaughtered at the beginning of the experiment (control group), and the remaining 28 were divided into 4 groups, each slaughtered at 42-day intervals. Their diet was composed of corn silage and concentrate (55:45). The power model was used to estimate muscle tissue, bone tissue, crude protein (CP), mineral matter (MM), and water present in the empty body, while the exponential model was used to estimate adipose tissue and ether extract (EE) present in the empty body. When expressed in kilograms per day, differences were observed (P  0.05) digestibility, with the exception of EE digestibility. The equation suggested by BR CORTE correctly estimates the DMI of Nellore bulls. ADG was not affected (P > 0.05) by time spent in the feedlot. No differences were observed (P > 0.05) for microbial efficiency; a mean value of 142 g microbial crude protein/kg total digestible nutrients was achieved. The muscle and bone tissues, CP, MM, and water present in the empty body increased as the animal grew, although at a lower rate. The adipose tissue and EE present in the empty body increased their deposition rate when the animal reached its mature weight. Maturity is defined as when an animal reaches 22 % EE in the empty body, which corresponds to 456 kg of EBW in Nellore bulls. Therefore, this study can conclude that the feedlot time period does not affect DMI, nutrient intake, ADG, or microbial efficiency. The equation proposed by BR CORTE (Azevêdo et al. 2010) correctly estimates the DMI of Nellore bulls, which reach maturity when an EBW of 456 kg is attained