468 research outputs found

    The Microvine: A Versatile Plant Model to Boost Grapevine Studies in Physiology and Genetics

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    The microvine is a grapevine somatic variant. The Vvgai1 mutation results in a miniaturization of the vegetative organs of the plant keeping fruit size intact and a systematic conversion of tendrils into inflorescences. The physiological characterization of the vegetative and reproductive development of the microvine makes it possible to infer kinetic data from spatial phenotypes. This biological model allows experiments on vine and grape development in tightly controlled conditions, which greatly accelerate physiology, molecular biology, as well as genetic studies. After introducing the main biological properties of the microvine, main results from various research programs performed with the microvine model will be presented

    Solutions for the Crisis in Scholarly Publishing in the Sciences

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    This poster presentation explores possible solutions to a scholarly publishing crisis in the health sciences industry

    O teor de montmorilonite é um parâmetro influente do desenvolvimento e rendimento da videira no Sul do Uruguai

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    Soil physical and chemical characteristics play a key role on vine growth and yield. The soils of South Uruguay display high content of montmorillonite or illite. The proportion of these minerals deserves special attention as they influence the soil structure and its hydrological properties. The present study was conducted in a 1.1 ha vineyard of this region (Canelones), characterized by a high heterogeneity of plant vigour. It was aimed to determine and map the physical and chemical properties of the soil and their relations with plant vigour and yield. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the clay and organic matter contents were measured in 84 locations within this vineyard to calculate the montmorillonite and illite contents of the soil. In addition, the type and abundance of clays was corroborated by X-ray diffractometry analysis. The CEC and montmorillonite contents were positively correlated with vine vigour, expressed by the Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI), trunk diameter, pruning weight, leaf area, and with yield. Thus, the within vineyard distribution of the ratio montmorillonite/illite conditioned the heterogeneity of vine growth and yield at the field level. The impact of those minerals on water and mineral supply to the plant is discussed.Las características físicas y químicas del suelo desempeñan un papel fundamental en el crecimiento y el rendimiento de la vid. Los suelos del sur de Uruguay presentan un alto contenido de montmorillonita o illita. Las proporciones de estos minerales merecen especial atención ya que influyen en la estructura del suelo y en sus propiedades hídricas. El presente estudio se realizó en un viñedo de 1,1 ha de esta región (Canelones), caracterizado por una alta heterogeneidad de vigor de las plantas. El objetivo fue determinar y cartografiar las propiedades físicas y químicas del suelo, y su relación con el vigor de las plantas y el rendimiento. La capacidad de intercambio catiónico (CEC) y los contenidos de arcilla y materia orgánica se midieron en 84 lugares de este viñedo para calcular los contenidos de montmorillonita e illita del suelo. Además, se corroboró el tipo y la abundancia de arcillas mediante análisis de difractometría de rayos X. Los contenidos de CEC y de montmorillonita se correlacionaron positivamente con el vigor de la vid, expresado por el índice de vegetación normalizado (NDVI), el diámetro del tronco, el peso de la poda, el área foliar y con el rendimiento. Así, la distribución dentro del viñedo de la relación montmorillonita/ilita condicionó la heterogeneidad del crecimiento de la vid y del rendimiento a nivel de campo. Se discute el impacto de estos minerales en el suministro de agua y minerales a la planta.As características físicas e químicas do solo desempenham um papel fundamental no crescimento e rendimento da vinha. Os solos do Sul do Uruguai apresentam um elevado teor de montmorilonite ou illite. As proporções destes minerais merecem especial atenção, uma vez que influenciam a estrutura do solo e as propriedades hídricas. O presente estudo foi realizado numa vinha de 1,1 ha desta região caracterizada por uma elevada heterogeneidade de vigor vegetal. O seu objetivo era determinar e mapear as propriedades físicas e químicas do solo e as suas relações com o vigor e rendimento das plantas. A capacidade de troca catiônica (CEC) e os teores de argila e matéria orgânica foram medidos em 84 locais dentro desta vinha para calcular os teores de montmorilonite e illite do solo. Além disso, o tipo e abundância de argilas foram corroborados pela análise difractométrica de raios X. Os teores de CEC e montmorillonite foram positivamente correlacionados com a vigor da vinha, expresso pelo Índice de Vegetação Normalizada (NDVI), diâmetro do tronco, peso da poda, área foliar, e com o rendimento. Assim, a distribuição dentro da vinha da razão montmorilonite/ilite condicionou a heterogeneidade do crescimento da vinha e o rendimento ao nível do campo. O impacto desses mineraisminerais na água e no fornecimento de minerais à planta é discutido

    Is transcriptomic regulation of berry development more important at night than during the day?

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    Diurnal changes in gene expression occur in all living organisms and have been studied on model plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana. To our knowledge the impact of the nycthemeral cycle on the genetic program of fleshly fruit development has been hitherto overlooked. In order to circumvent environmental changes throughout fruit development, young and ripening berries were sampled simultaneously on continuously flowering microvines acclimated to controlled circadian light and temperature changes. Gene expression profiles along fruit development were monitored during both day and night with whole genome microarrays (Nimblegen® vitis 12x), yielding a total number of 9273 developmentally modulated probesets. All day-detected transcripts were modulated at night, whereas 1843 genes were night-specific. Very similar developmental patterns of gene expression were observed using independent hierarchical clustering of day and night data, whereas functional categories of allocated transcripts varied according to time of day. Many transcripts within pathways, known to be up-regulated during ripening, in particular those linked to secondary metabolism exhibited a clearer developmental regulation at night than during the day. Functional enrichment analysis also indicated that diurnally modulated genes considerably varied during fruit development, with a shift from cellular organization and photosynthesis in green berries to secondary metabolism and stress-related genes in ripening berries. These results reveal critical changes in gene expression during night development that differ from daytime development, which have not been observed in other transcriptomic studies on fruit development thus far. © 2014 Rienth et al.This work is part of the DURAVITIS program which is financially supported by the ANR (Agence national de la recherche) -Genopole (project ANR-2010-GENM-004-01) and the Jean Poupelain foundation (30 Rue Gâte Chien, 16100 Javrezac, France).Peer Reviewe

    How soil and climate variability within a vineyard can affect the heterogeneity of grapevine vigour and production

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    This study aimed to determine how within-plot soil heterogeneity combined with yearly climate variability can promote the heterogeneity of vine growth at plot level, and which soil-climate parameters influence final yield and berry composition the most. An 8-year experiment was conducted on grapevine in two zones of a vineyard (1 ha) differentiated according to grapevine vigour as determined by NDVI: high vigour (HV) and low vigour (LV). The heterogeneity of the soil properties (depth, texture and composition), plant growth (shoots and roots) and plant production (yield components and berry composition) were determined at plot level. Compared to the LV zone, the HV zone was associated with deeper soils, higher soil water and nitrogen availability, CEC and montmorillonite/illite ratio. More extended root systems, higher vegetative growth and higher yield were observed in the HV zone compared to the LV zone. Drier and warmer vintages increased the difference in heterogeneity of vine growth and yield between the two zones. Berry composition (primary and secondary metabolites) also differed between HV and LV zones but seemed unconnected to vigour and mainly depended on soil-climate-plant interactions over the years. The heterogeneity of plant vigour within the vineyard mainly resulted from differences in root exploration, soil profile and composition (notably montmorillonite/illite ratio). The present study identified soil and crop factors that, depending on weather conditions, can be drivers for reducing the heterogeneity of plant development and improving productivity at vineyard level

    Empowering Faculty to Choose: Open Access and Alternative Publishing

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    Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library librarians initiated an effort to increase awareness of alternative publishing venues which exist outside the commercial arena; to encourage faculty to investigate electronic publishing alternatives; and to provide a connection to open access initiatives. George Washington University now participates in four open access initiatives and interest is growing among GWU faculty

    Vico – Sant’Appianu de Sagone

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    Pour des raisons financières, les objectifs de la campagne 2015 n’ont pu être entièrement atteints. Deux sondages ont toutefois été ouverts. Le premier a permis de fouiller complètement la pièce A6 (fig. 1) et de terminer ainsi l’étude des annexes de la fin du ve et du vie s. situées au sud de l’église paléochrétienne. Sous le niveau d’effondrement du toit constitué d’une épaisse couche de tegulae, un sol empierré a été mis au jour. Le long du mur occidental, deux aménagements ont été repérés..

    Vico – Sant’Appianu de Sagone

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    Pour des raisons financières, les objectifs de la campagne 2015 n’ont pu être entièrement atteints. Deux sondages ont toutefois été ouverts. Le premier a permis de fouiller complètement la pièce A6 (fig. 1) et de terminer ainsi l’étude des annexes de la fin du ve et du vie s. situées au sud de l’église paléochrétienne. Sous le niveau d’effondrement du toit constitué d’une épaisse couche de tegulae, un sol empierré a été mis au jour. Le long du mur occidental, deux aménagements ont été repérés..
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