1,079 research outputs found

    Coherent generation of the terrestrial kilometric radiation by nonlinear beatings between electrostatic waves

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    The propagation of electrostatic plasma waves in an inhomogeneous and magnetized plasma was studied. These waves, which are driven unstable by auroral beams of electrons, are shown to suffer a further geometrical amplification while they propagate towards resonances. Simultaneously, their group velocities tend to be aligned with the geomagnetic field. It is shown that the electrostatic energy tends to accumulate at, or near omega sub LH and omega sub UH, the local lower and upper hybrid frequencies. Due to this process, large amplitude electrostatic waves with very narrow spectra are observed near these frequencies at any place along the auroral field lines where intense beam driven instability takes place. These intense quasi-monochromatic electrostatic waves are shown to give rise to an intense electromagnetic radiation. Depending upon the ratio omega sub pe/omega sub ce between the electron plasma frequency and the electron gyro-frequency the electromagnetic wave can be radiated in the ordinary mode (at omega sub UH), or in the extraordinary (at 2 omega sub UH). As the ratio omega sub pe/omega sub ce tends to be rather small, it is shown that the most intense radiation should be boserved at 2 omega sub UH in the extraordinary mode

    Relativistic nonlinear plasma waves in a magnetic field

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    Five relativistic plane nonlinear waves were investigated: circularly polarized waves and electrostatic plasma oscillations propagating parallel to the magnetic field, relativistic Alfven waves, linearly polarized transverse waves propagating in zero magnetic field, and the relativistic analog of the extraordinary mode propagating at an arbitrary angle to the magnetic field. When the ions are driven relativistic, they behave like electrons, and the assumption of an 'electron-positron' plasma leads to equations which have the form of a one-dimensional potential well. The solutions indicate that a large-amplitude superluminous wave determines the average plasma properties

    Six ans d’offres d’emploi en information - documentation en Rhône-Alpes

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    L\u27observatoire 2008 de l\u27emploi en information-documentation sur Rhône-Alpes a révélé une diminution du nombre d\u27offres, par comparaison avec l\u27(excellente) année 2007 : nous avons recensé 281 offres, sur l\u27ensemble des départements de la région. La part de CDI proposés a diminué mais, étonnamment nous n\u27avons pas relevé de fléchissement lié à la crise sur la fin d\u27année. Globalement, les offres attestent d\u27une meilleure reconnaissance de nos métiers et des filières de formation, et l\u27attente d\u27un niveau de qualification correct (30% à bac + 2, 16% d\u27un niveau supérieur à bac+2 ). Quant aux intitulés des postes, ils reflètent de mieux en mieux la diversité des profils des professionnels de l\u27information, du documentaliste au veilleur, en passant par le webmestre ou le formateur. On regrettera cependant que les salaires proposés soient encore souvent en décalage avec les compétences exigées ou le niveau de formation attendu. Enfin, et sans surprise, les départements qui recrutent le plus sont le Rhône et l\u27Isère. Le secteur public reste lui le principal employeur (comme sur l\u27ensemble du territoire national). - See more at: http://www.adbs.fr/observatoire-2008-69692.htm?RH=RAL_OBSE#sthash.VaOKRcHS.dpu

    Essai de modélisation de stratégies d’entreprises françaises (PME) implantées depuis 10 ans dans un pays du groupe de Vysegrad. Effets réciproques. Apprentissages conjoints

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    Cette étude se propose de relater cinq cas d’entreprises françaises qui ont investi dès 1990 ou juste après 1’ouverture des frontières dans les pays d’Europe Centrale (Carré de Vysegrad essentiellement). Toutes les cinq sont encore présentes dans un de ces pays, même si pour l’une d’elles, le pays d'origine n’est pas celui de 1’implantation actuelle

    Spherical angular spectrum and the fractional order Fourier transform

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    International audienceThe notion of a spherical angular spectrum leads to the decomposition of the field amplitude on a spherical emitter into a sum of spherical waves that converge onto the Fourier sphere of the emitter. Unlike the usual angular spectrum, the spherical angular spectrum is propagated as the field amplitude, in a way that can be expressed by a fractional order Fourier transform

    A multi-photon Stokes-parameter invariant for entangled states

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    We consider the Minkowskian norm of the n-photon Stokes tensor, a scalar invariant under the group realized by the transformations of stochastic local quantum operations and classical communications (SLOCC). This invariant is offered as a candidate entanglement measure for n-qubit states and discussed in relation to measures of quantum state entanglement for certain important classes of two-qubit and three-qubit systems. This invariant can be directly estimated via a quantum network, obviating the need to perform laborious quantum state tomography. We also show that this invariant directly captures the extent of entanglement purification due to SLOCC filters.Comment: 9 pages, 0 figures, Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Estimación de la cobertura aérea de la vegetación herbácea usando sensores remotos

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    La estimación de variables biofísicas, particularmente la cobertura aérea foliar (fv), con el uso de sensores remotos permite su uso en diferentes campos de aplicación y facilita la parametrización de modelos. Con una perspectiva de modelos de transferencia de radiación, el desarrollo de índices de vegetación (IV) debe estar basado en consideraciones teóricas y evidencia experimental, además debe tener una relación lineal con la variable biofísica de interés. En este trabajo se revisan las consideraciones teóricas para el diseño de IV con un formato de estandarización de la geometría sol-sensor y el uso de reflectancias normalizadas para considerar el efecto de escala. A partir del uso de simulaciones de radiación se introduce el Índice de Vegetación de Proporciones Estandarizadas en relación al Limite Asociado a espacios Normalizados y sus Atrayentes (IV_PELANA) para establecer una relación lineal con fv. El índice desarrollado es validado con el uso de múltiples experimentos de vegetación herbácea, estableciéndose su robustez y estabilidad para ser usado en términos operativos