621 research outputs found

    Gain-scheduling through continuation of observer-based realizations-applications to H∞ and μ controllers

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    The dynamic behavior of gain scheduled controllers is highly depending on the state-space representations adopted for the family of lienar controllers designed on a set of operating conditions. In this paper, a technique for determining a set of consistent and physically motivated linear state-space transformations to be applied to the original set of linear controllers is proposed. After transformation, these controllers exhibits an-observer-based structure are therefore easily interpolted and implemented

    Linking landscape ecology and ecosystem health: The case of Lunigiana, Italy

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    As ecosystem-based management is increasingly used to manage the environment, methods of applying these approaches to resolve environmental and natural resource issues must be established. The concept of ecosystem health can be used to assist in ecosystem-based management since it takes into account the environmental, economic, and social aspects of ecosystems. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the manner in which landscape ecology can be used to manage for the goal of obtaining a healthy ecosystem. This is achieved by studying the landscape of Lunigiana, Italy, an agricultural region located near Italy\u27s northwestern coast. Particular emphasis is placed on studying the period between the 1880s and the 1980s since it was during this time that a significant change in the landscape pattern occurred due to changing socioeconomic conditions. In order to understand the effects of these changes on the ecosystem, this thesis analyzes and examines the effects of natural and human processes on Lunigiana\u27s landscape by studying the landscape patterns of three sites along the Taverone River valley as well as the general landscape pattern of Lunigiana. A geographic trend of increasing diversity and contagion and decreasing dominance values was observed with increasing elevation and distance of the study sites from the coastal urban centres. This occurred as a result of the larger amount of abandoned agricultural land and degraded woodland in the more remote upland areas due to their past dependence on the agriculture industry. However Lunigiana\u27s landscape pattern, and the ecosystem processes observed at the landscape level, reveal that although areas of Lunigiana continue to be abandoned, the ecosystem is still able to maintain its ability to adapt and reorganize to suit changing ecosystem components and processes. The effectiveness of using and linking landscape analyses in order to assess Lunigiana’s ecosystem health is reviewed. Ultimately, however, the relevance of the information available at the landscape level, and the manner in which to use it in ecosystem health assessment, is presented as a guide for improving ecosystem-based management

    Birth Weight, Current Anthropometric Markers, and High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein in Brazilian School Children

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    Studies have shown associations of birth weight with increased concentrations of high sensitivity C-reactive protein. This study assessed the relationship between birth weight, anthropometric and metabolic parameters during childhood, and high sensitivity C-reactive protein. A total of 612 Brazilian school children aged 5–13 years were included in the study. High sensitivity C-reactive protein was measured by particle-enhanced immunonephelometry. Nutritional status was assessed by body mass index, waist circumference, and skinfolds. Total cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides, and glucose were measured by enzymatic methods. Insulin sensitivity was determined by the homeostasis model assessment method. Statistical analysis included chi-square test, General Linear Model, and General Linear Model for Gamma Distribution. Body mass index, waist circumference, and skinfolds were directly associated with birth weight (P<0.001, P=0.001, and P=0.015, resp.). Large for gestational age children showed higher high sensitivity C-reactive protein levels P<0.001 than small for gestational age. High birth weight is associated with higher levels of high sensitivity C-reactive protein, body mass index, waist circumference, and skinfolds. Large for gestational age altered high sensitivity C-reactive protein and promoted additional risk factor for atherosclerosis in these school children, independent of current nutritional status

    O Novo Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação no Brasil e as Parcerias Público-Privadas na Educação Infantil: um panorama na perspectiva dos Princípios de Abidjan

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    The approval of the new Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and the Valorization of Education Professionals - Fundeb - represents a big step to guaranteeing free and public education. Early childhood education is the stage of education most affected by the increase in resources to the fund, but it continues to encourage public-private partnerships, without regulations that guarantee the quality offered by the private sector. Overall, studies show that educational public-private partnerships appear to find more negative than positive effects. In the UN special rapporteur for the right to education’s 2019 report, it is recommended to countries to implement the “Abidjan Principles on the human rights obligations of States to provide public education and to regulate private involvement in education”. This article, therefore, analyzes the Constitutional Amendment 108, of the new Fundeb, and its regulatory and accessory laws, pointing out the norms that follow international law, based on the Abidjan Principles, and those that lack to face the privatization of education in Brazil.La aprobación del nuevo Fondo de Mantenimiento y Desarrollo de la Educación Primaria y de Valorización de los Profesionales de la Educación - Fundeb - representa un gran paso hacia la garantía de la educación pública y gratuita. La educación inicial es la etapa educativa más afectada por el aumento de recursos del fondo, pero sigue fomentando la colaboración público-privada, sin que exista una normativa que garantice la calidad ofrecida por el sector privado. En general, los estudios demuestran que las asociaciones público-privadas en materia de educación parecen tener más efectos negativos que positivos. En el informe de 2019 del Relator Especial de la ONU sobre el derecho a la educación, se recomienda a los países que apliquen los "Principios de Abiyán sobre las obligaciones de los Estados en materia de derechos humanos de proporcionar educación pública y regular la participación privada en la educación". Este artículo, por lo tanto, analiza la Enmienda Constitucional 108, el nuevo Fundeb y su legislación reglamentaria y consultiva, señalando las normas que siguen el derecho internacional, basadas en los Principios de Abiyán, y aquellas que carecen de enfrentar la privatización de la educación en Brasil.A aprovação do novo Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação - Fundeb - representa um grande passo para a garantia da educação pública e gratuita. A educação infantil é a etapa da educação mais afetada pelo aumento dos recursos do fundo, mas continua incentivando as parcerias público-privadas, sem regulamentações que garantam a qualidade oferecida pelo setor privado. Em geral, os estudos mostram que as parcerias educacionais público-privadas parecem encontrar mais efeitos negativos do que positivos. No relatório da relatora especial da ONU para o direito à educação de 2019, recomenda-se aos países que implementem os “Princípios de Abidjan sobre as obrigações dos Estados em relação aos direitos humanos de fornecer educação pública e regulamentar o envolvimento privado na educação”. Este artigo, portanto, analisa a Emenda Constitucional 108, do novo Fundeb, e sua legislação regulatória e assessória, apontando as normas que seguem o direito internacional, com base nos Princípios de Abidjan, e aquelas que carecem de enfrentar a privatização da educação no Brasil

    Estereotipos de género en TikTok e Instagram: un experimento de ingeniería inversa para entender los mecanismos de los algoritmos de las redes sociales

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    In the context of immersion of digital content during the Covid-19 pandemic, the popularization of algorithmicmechanisms for curating information in everyday life was evident. This article presents the observationsof a reverse engineering experiment carried out at PUCRS (Brazil) in which evidence of the reinforcement (ornot) of gender stereotypes in social networks was sought. For this, accounts were created on the TikTok and Instagram apps, one identified with male pronouns, the other with female pronouns. The study was divided into phases in which the levels of interaction with the content of the applications were changed so that it was possible to analyze the transformations in the recommended videos to identify clues to the mechanism used by the platform. Finally, it was possible to observe differences between the content suggested for each profile thatmay be related to gender stereotypes and differences in quality and popular topics in each application. It wasalso possible to perceive which actions seemed to have more interference in the recommendations and whichtype of content or interaction was prioritized for each network. This study does not intend to end the discussionson how social networks operate but to bring new questions and reflections on the parameters used by their logic and the possible positive and negative effects of these recommendations in different social contexts.En el contexto de la inmersión de los contenidos digitales durante la pandemia del Covid-19, se hizoevidente la popularización de los mecanismos algorítmicos de curaduría contenidos en la vida cotidiana.Este artículo presenta las observaciones de un experimento de ingeniería inversa realizado en la PUCRS (Brasil) en el que se buscó evidencia del refuerzo (o no) de los estereotipos de género en las redes sociales. Para ello, se crearon cuentas en las aplicaciones TikTok e Instagram, una identificada con pronombresmasculinos y otra con pronombres femeninos. El estudio se dividió en fases en las que se cambiaronlos niveles de interacción con el contenido de las aplicaciones, de manera que fue posible analizar lastransformaciones en los vídeos recomendados para identificar pistas del mecanismo utilizado por laplataforma. Por último, fue posible observar las diferencias entre los contenidos sugeridos para cadaperfil que pueden estar relacionadas con los estereotipos de género y las diferencias de calidad y temaspopulares en cada aplicación. También fue posible percibir qué acciones parecían tener más injerenciaen las recomendaciones y qué tipo de contenido o interacción se priorizaba para cada red. Este estudiono pretende acabar con las discusiones sobre el funcionamiento de las redes sociales, sino aportar nuevas preguntas y reflexiones sobre los parámetros utilizados por su lógica y los posibles efectos positivos ynegativos de estas recomendaciones en diferentes contextos sociales


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    The c-Myc oncoprotein (or Myc) is a transcription factor of the basic-Helix-Loop-Helix Leucine-zipper (bHLH-LZ) family, whose transcriptional activity depends on dimerization with the bHLH-LZ partner Max and DNA binding, mediated by the basic regions of both proteins. Myc/Max dimers bind preferentially to the hexanucleotide motif CACGTG (known as E-box) and variants thereof. The ability of Myc to bind DNA in vivo, however, is not stringently regulated by the presence of the E-box, since many genomic sites targeted by Myc do not contain this motif. Hence, we still need to fully comprehend how Myc recognizes its genomic targets and to what extent sequence-specific DNA binding contributes to this process. Based on the crystal structure of the DNA-bound Myc/Max dimer, we generated a Myc mutant in which two basic region residues engaged in sequence-specific contacts (H359 and E363) were mutated to Alanine (Myc HEA), and compared this with a mutant in which three Arginine residues involved in DNA backbone interactions were mutated to Alanine (Myc RA). While both mutants showed impaired E-box recognition in vitro, their over-expression in murine fibroblasts revealed very different genome-interaction profiles, Myc RA showing no detectable DNA binding, and Myc HEA retaining about half of the binding sites seen with Myc wt. The analysis of the binding intensity of Myc wt and Myc HEA at their binding sites revealed that, as expected, Myc wt bound more strongly the sites containing the E-box, while Myc HEA bound the sites with an E-box as well as the sites without it, confirming that the mutant lost the sequence-specific recognition ability. The interactions retained by the Myc HEA were dramatically reduced with the protein expressed from the endogenous c-myc locus, though genome engineering. Thus, unlike Myc RA, the Myc HEA mutant retained non-specific interactions with genomic DNA (detectable at elevated protein levels) but failed to engage more stably through sequence-specific DNA contacts. In spite of this residual DNA-binding activity, Myc HEA was profoundly impaired in its biological function, undistinguishable from Myc RA: in particular, neither mutant could substitute for wild-type Myc in supporting cell proliferation in murine fibroblasts, whether at normal or supra-physiological levels. While the assessment of transcriptional activities is still ongoing, we conclude that E-box recognition is essential for Myc\u2019s biological function

    A sexualidade na escola sob um olhar foucaultiano

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    Orientador : Ana Lucia Silva RattoFaltam páginas 64 a 66.Monografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Especializaçao em Organização do Trabalho PedagógicoInclui bibliografi

    Práticas educativas em grupos de apoio à adoção de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil

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    Orientadora: Lidia Natalia Dobrianskyj WeberTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/03/2018Inclui referências: p. 205-219Resumo: Esta pesquisa busca mapear as práticas educativas promovidas pelos grupos de apoio à adoção (GAAs) no Brasil, sob a perspectiva de seus integrantes (coordenadores e lideranças). Participaram 90 coordenadoras de GAAs distribuídos por todas as regiões do país, que responderam a um questionário online, e seis lideranças nacionais deste movimento de apoio à adoção, que foram entrevistadas. Os materiais obtidos foram descritos, categorizados e analisados conforme a proposta de análise de conteúdo de Bardin (1977). Entrevistas e respostas abertas ao questionário foram categorizadas a posteriori. O referencial teórico principal está ancorado nos trabalhos de Vasconcelos (2013) e Ornelas (1994, 1997, 2008) sobre grupos de ajuda e de suporte mútuos como espaços de participação coletiva com a finalidade de compartilhamento de saberes e experiências, e como estratégia de fortalecimento de grupos sociais - constituindo uma prática educativa não-formal. Quanto ao perfil das participantes, em sua maioria absoluta são mulheres, mães adotivas, casadas, com alta escolaridade, que atuam voluntariamente nestes grupos. A maioria dos GAAs desta amostra (55,6%) tem até cinco anos de existência, mas 26,7% já existem há mais de 10 anos, sendo financiados pelo voluntariado (85,6%). As principais dificuldades apontadas pelos grupos são: recursos financeiros insuficientes (35,6%); carência de voluntários (33,3%) e falta de apoio do Judiciário ao GAA (25,6%) - apesar de 95,6% possuírem convênio com o mesmo, seja oficial (40,0%) ou informalmente (55,6%). As atividades realizadas com maior frequência pelos GAAs são: encontros mensais com rodas de conversa e depoimentos de adotantes (57,8%); orientação e apoio a famílias adotivas e/ou acompanhamento pós-adoção (43,3%); palestras e participação em eventos sobre adoção (36,7%); cursos de preparação para adoção (32,2%); ações diversas em parceria com os Poderes Executivo, Legislativo ou Judiciário (27,8%); campanhas de divulgação do tema na mídia e nas redes sociais (24,4%); celebrações públicas da adoção (20,0%). O maior objetivo dos GAAs, na opinião das participantes, é apoiar famílias adotivas e trocar experiências (53,3%), sendo que 72,2% consideram que acolhimento e suporte social são o que os GAAs fazem de melhor e 58,9% indicam a troca de experiências entre adotantes e pretendentes como o melhor método de preparação para adoção. O tema avaliado como mais difícil de ser trabalhado junto a pretendentes à adoção é a idealização da criança a ser adotada (56,7%). Constata-se que as práticas educativas promovidas pelos GAAs visam ao fortalecimento psicossocial das famílias adotivas e à desconstrução de preconceitos relativos à adoção. Um limite verificado na ação dos GAAs se refere à ausência de ações preventivas às causas do acolhimento infantojuvenil, considerando que estes grupos destacam como um dos seus objetivos básicos defender a garantia do direito à convivência familiar e comunitária (45,6%). O conjunto de resultados produzidos nesta pesquisa permite defender a tese de que o movimento dos grupos de apoio à adoção se percebe como protagonista no processo de mudança de sentidos e práticas sobre a adoção de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil. Palavras-chave: Grupos de apoio à adoção. Adoção. Ajuda mútua. Suporte social. Educação não-formal.Abstract: This research intends to map the educational practices promoted by adoption support groups (ASGs) in Brazil, seen from the perspective of its members (coordinators and leaders). The participants were 90 ASGs coordinators distributed in all regions of the country, who answered an online questionnaire, and six national leaders of this adoption support movement, who were interviewed. The collected data was described, categorized and analyzed according to Bardin content analysis proposal (1977). Interviews and replies to the questionnaire were categorized retrospectively. The main theoretical framework is anchored in Vasconcelos (2013) and Ornelas (1994, 1997, 2008) works on mutual aid and support groups. These authors see support groups as collective participation spaces with a sharing knowledge and experiences purpose and as a social group strengthening strategy - constituting a non-formal educational practice. Regarding the participants profile, the absolute majority are highly educated married women, adoptive mothers, who volunteer in these groups. Most AGSs in this sample (55,6%) have existed for five years, but 26,7% have existed for more than 10 years and are funded by volunteering (85,6%). The main difficulties identified by the groups are: insufficient financial resources (35,6%); lack of volunteers (33,3%) and lack of support from the Judiciary to the AGSs (25,6%) - although 95,6% had an agreement with it, either official (40,0%) or informal (55,6%). The AGSs most frequently performed activities are: monthly meetings where members talk and adopters share their experience (57,8%); orientation and support for adoptive families and / or post-adoption follow-up (43,3%); lectures and participation in adoption events (36,7%); adoption preparation courses (32,2%); several actions in partnership with the executive, legislative or judicial branches (27,8%); campaigns to bring awareness for the theme in the media and in social networks (24,4%); adoption public celebrations (20,0%). The main ASGs goal in the members opinion is to support adoptive families and to exchange experiences (53,3%), with 72,2% considering that being received and social support are what the AGSs do best and 58,9% indicating the experience exchange between adopters and suitors as the best adoption preparation method. The adopted child idealization is considered the most difficult theme to be worked with future adoptive parents (56,7%). The educational practices promoted by the ASGs aim the adoptive families psychosocial strengthening and the deconstruction of adoption related biases. A confirmed limitation in the ASGs action refers to the absence of preventive actions regarding the causes of the need for child and youth shelters, considering that these groups highlight as one of their basic objectives the defense of the right to family and community coexistence (45,6%). The results in this research support the thesis that the adoption support groups movement sees itself as a protagonist in the process of transforming the meaning and the practices regarding the adoption of children and adolescents in Brazil. Key words: Adoption support groups. Adoption. Mutual aid. Social support. Nonformal education

    Medidas de associação: avaliação de risco

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    Estudo dirigido composto de aula em slides com exemplos sobre Medidas de associação - Avaliação de risco