1,129 research outputs found

    Chimera states in small disordered optomechanical arrays

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    Synchronization of weakly-coupled non-linear oscillators is a ubiquitous phenomenon that has been observed across the natural sciences. We study the dynamics of optomechanical arrays - networks of mechanically compliant structures that interact with the radiation pressure force - which are driven to self-oscillation. These systems offer a convenient platform to study synchronization phenomena and have potential technological applications. We demonstrate that this system supports the existence of long-lived chimera states, where parts of the array synchronize whilst others do not. Through a combined numerical and analytical analysis we show that these chimera states can only emerge in the presence of disorder.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figures, comments very welcome

    Wireless Communication in Fire Sport

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem bezdrátové časomíry pro disciplíny požárního sportu. Cílem je nahradit dlouhé kabelové rozvody bezdrátovými spoji při zachování srovnatelné, nebo lepší spolehlivosti. S tím souvisí potřeba synchronizovat hodiny mezi jednotlivými bezdrátovými moduly. Důležitou částí práce je proto návrh a implementace vhodného synchronizačního algoritmu a komunikačního protokolu. Navržený systém byl realizován formou prototypu na vývojové platformě Texas Instruments LaunchPad EXP430FR4133 s využitím bezdrátových modulů s čipem Texas Instruments CC1101. Parametry navrženého systému časomíry (zejména přesnost synchronizace a měření) byly ověřeny v laboratorních podmínkách.This work describes the design of wireless timer for fire sport disciplines. Its aim is to replace long wires with wireless communication while preserving equal or better reliability. Important part is the need for clock synchronization between wireless modules. Related topic is selection of suitable synchronization algorithm and communication protocol. The proposed system was realized in form of prototype using Texas Instruments's development platform LaunchPad EXP 430 FR4133 and wireless modules with Texas Instruments's chip CC1101. Parameters of designed system (especially the accuracy of time synchronization and measurement) were verified in laboratory.

    Empowerment by Digital Media of People with Disabilities

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    The paper differentiates three dimensions of access for eInclusion instruments: Firstly, digital media are understood as environments that offer multiple channels for interaction between persons with disabilities and their environments. This dimension is challenged by barriers that hinder people to use digital media. Peer support could be understood as a second dimension: Social media can empower people to act as social innovators and help people with disabilities. Barriers are identified in the effort that has to be done or in unsuitable ICT applications. On a third dimension, the advantages of “space” that offers ICT access, support for individual needs and competences, facilitated by specialized staff. The high costs, missing political backing and need for competences could be understood as main barriers here. The paper suggests to capitalize on social innovation approaches to design new support instruments for eInclusion

    Welche Berufsorientierung suchen Jugendliche?

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    Kommunen und Kreise haben die Berufsorientierung als wichtiges Handlungsfeld bei der Unterstützung erfolgreicher Übergänge von Jugendlichen in die Arbeitswelt entdeckt. Angesichts einer Vielzahl von Angeboten und beteiligten Akteuren kommen aber Fragen nach Übersicht, Abstimmung und Wirkung auf. Die Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund (sfs) hat in den Jahren 2009 und 2010 in Forschungs- und Gestaltungsprojekten für die Kreise Herford und Gütersloh die Perspektiven von Jugendlichen auf die Angebote der Berufsorientierung erhoben. Der Beitrag fasst die Ergebnisse zweier Erhebungen zusammen und schlägt einen Phasenplan vor, der eine Systematisierung von regionalen Berufsorientierungsangeboten entlang der Bedarfe von Jugendlichen leiten kann. Die Auswahlkriterien, nach denen Jugendliche Angebote bewerten, werden in diesen Phasenplan einbezogen
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