63 research outputs found

    Efficient isolation on Vero.DogSLAMtag cells and full genome characterization of Dolphin Morbillivirus (DMV) by next generation sequencing

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    The Dolphin Morbillivirus (DMV) genome from the frst Mediterranean epidemic (1990-\u201992) is the only cetacean Morbillivirus that has been completely sequenced. Here, we report the frst application of next generation sequencing (NGS) to morbillivirus infection of aquatic mammals. A viral isolate, representative of the 2006-\u201908 Mediterranean epidemic (DMV_IZSPLV_2008), efciently grew on Vero.DogSLAMtag cells and was submitted to whole genome characterization by NGS. The fnal genome length was 15,673 nucleotides, covering 99.82% of the DMV reference genome. Comparison of DMV_IZSPLV_2008 and 1990-\u201992 DMV strain sequences revealed 157 nucleotide mutations and 47 amino acid changes. The sequence similarity was 98.7% at the full genome level. Whole-genome phylogeny suggested that the DMV strain circulating during the 2006-\u201908 epidemics emerged from the 1990-\u201992 DMV strain. Viral isolation is considered the \u201cgold standard\u201d for morbillivirus diagnostics but efcient propagation of infectious virus is difcult to achieve. The successful cell replication of this strain allowed performing NGS directly from the viral RNA, without prior PCR amplifcation. We therefore provide to the scientifc community a second DMV genome, representative of another major outbreak. Interestingly, genome comparison revealed that the neglected L gene encompasses 74% of the genetic diversity and might serve as \u201chypervariable\u201d target for strain characterization

    First identification of porcine parvovirus 3 in a wild boar in Italy by viral metagenomics – Short communication

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    Metagenomic analysis revealed the presence of porcine parvovirus 3 (PPV3) in the pool of the internal organs of a wild boar found dead in Southern Italy. Phylogenetic analysis based on the complete coding sequences showed that the newly detected virus is most closely related to those found also in wild boars in Romania during 2010–2011. Even though the death could not be associated with this virus, PPV3 could have contributed to lowering the host’s immunological defences

    Molecular characterization of Pseudomonas fluorescens isolates involved in the Italian "blue mozzarella" event.

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    Between June and September 2010, widespread Italian consumer reports of unusual blue spoilage on fresh dairy products were publicized, resulting in the so-called blue mozzarella event. An inordinately high number of samples from mozzarella and whey cheese products of Italian and German production subsequently tested positive for Pseudomonas fluorescens. The aim of this study was to verify whether a selected P. fluorescens strain was responsible for this apparently unusual event. Molecular characterization of 181 isolated P. fluorescens strains was conducted using a newly optimized pulsed-field gel electrophoresis protocol. Although a high number of pulsotypes was found (132), only four pulsotypes were associated with more than one production plant, and only one German isolate had the same pulsotype as was detected in two Italian plants. This is the only evidence of possible cross-contamination among cheeses from the two countries. The overall results did not support the spread of contamination from German to Italian plants or the presence of one environmental strain that spread in both countries

    Isolation and molecular characterisation of Halicephalobus gingivalis in the brain of a horse in Piedmont, Italy

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    Background: A fatal case of meningoencephalitis was reported in a 13-year-old Koninklijk Warmbloed Paard Nederland stallion, suspected of West Nile virus (WNV) infection, in the Piedmont region of Italy. Clinical signs included right head tilt and circling, depression alternated with excitability, fever and lateral strabismus. Combined treatment consisting of dimethylsulfoxide, dexamethasone, sulphonamides and sedative was administered, but because of the poor conditions the horse was euthanatized and submitted for necropsy. Results: At post-mortem examination no skin lesions were observed, all organs appeared normal on gross evaluation and only head and blood samples were further investigated. Neuropathological findings consisted of granulomatous meningoencephalitis and larvae and adult females of Halicephalobus gingivalis were isolated and identified from the digested brain. Frozen brain was submitted to PCR amplification and 220 bp multiple sequence alignment was analysed by Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. Conclusions: Phylogenetic inference revealed that the isolate belongs to H. gingivalis Lineage 3. WN surveillance can help to deepen our knowledge of horse neurological disorders investigating their causes and incidence. Moreover, it can help to understand the geographic distribution of the H. gingivalis, to unravel epidemiological information, and to estimate risk for humans

    Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in Toll-like receptor candidate genes associated with tuberculosis infection in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

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    Toll-like receptors play a key role in innate immunity by recognizing pathogens and activating appropriate responses. Pathogens express several signal molecules (pathogen-associated molecular patterns, PAMPs) essential for survival and pathogenicity. Recognition of PAMPs triggers an array of anti-microbial immune responses through the induction of various inflammatory cytokines. The objective of this work was to perform a case-control study to characterize the distribution of polymorphisms in three candidate genes (toll-like receptor 2, toll-like receptor 4, toll-like receptor 9) and to test their role as potential risk factors for tuberculosis infection in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

    Detection of Invasive Borrelia burgdorferi Strains in North-Eastern Piedmont, Italy.

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    SummaryFollowing reports of human cases of Lyme borreliosis from the Ossola Valley, a mountainous area of Piemonte, north‐western Italy, the abundance and altitudinal distribution of ticks, and infection of these vectors with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato were evaluated. A total of 1662 host‐seeking Ixodes ricinus were collected by dragging from April to September 2011 at locations between 400 and 1450 m above sea level. Additional 104 I. ricinus were collected from 35 hunted wild animals (4 chamois, 8 roe deer, 23 red deer). Tick density, expressed as the number of ticks per 100 m2, resulted highly variable among different areas, ranging from 0 to 105 larvae and from 0 to 22 nymphs. A sample of 352 ticks (327 from dragging and 25 from wild animals) was screened by a PCR assay targeting a fragment of the 16S rRNA gene of B. burgdorferi s.l. Positive samples were confirmed with a PCR assay specific for the 5S‐23S rRNA intergenic spacer region and sequenced. Four genospecies were found: B. afzelii (prevalence 4.0%), B. lusitaniae (4.0%), B. garinii (1.5%) and B. valaisiana (0.3%). Phylogenetic analysis based on the ospC gene showed that most of the Borrelia strains from pathogenic genospecies had the potential for human infection and for invasion of secondary body sites

    Specific capture and whole‑genome phylogeography of Dolphin morbillivirus

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    Dolphin morbillivirus (DMV) is considered an emerging threat having caused several epidemics worldwide. Only few DMV genomes are publicly available. Here, we report the use of target enrichment directly from cetacean tissues to obtain novel DMV genome sequences, with sequence comparison and phylodynamic analysis. RNA from 15 tissue samples of cetaceans stranded along the Italian and French coasts (2008–2017) was purified and processed using custom probes (by bait hybridization) for target enrichment and sequenced on Illumina MiSeq. Data were mapped against the reference genome, and the novel sequences were aligned to the available genome sequences. The alignment was then used for phylogenetic and phylogeographic analysis using MrBayes and BEAST. We herein report that target enrichment by specific capture may be a successful strategy for whole-genome sequencing of DMV directly from field samples. By this strategy, 14 complete and one partially complete genomes were obtained, with reads mapping to the virus up to 98% and coverage up to 7800X. The phylogenetic tree well discriminated the Mediterranean and the NE-Atlantic strains, circulating in the Mediterranean Sea and causing two different epidemics (2008–2015 and 2014–2017, respectively), with a limited time overlap of the two strains, sharing a common ancestor approximately in 1998

    State-of-the-art review of goat TSE in the European Union, with special emphasis on PRNP genetics and epidemiology

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    Scrapie is a fatal, neurodegenerative disease of sheep and goats. It is also the earliest known member in the family of diseases classified as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) or prion diseases, which includes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and chronic wasting disease in cervids. The recent revelation of naturally occurring BSE in a goat has brought the issue of TSE in goats to the attention of the public. In contrast to scrapie, BSE presents a proven risk to humans. The risk of goat BSE, however, is difficult to evaluate, as our knowledge of TSE in goats is limited. Natural caprine scrapie has been discovered throughout Europe, with reported cases generally being greatest in countries with the highest goat populations. As with sheep scrapie, susceptibility and incubation period duration of goat scrapie are most likely controlled by the prion protein (PrP) gene (PRNP). Like the PRNP of sheep, the caprine PRNP shows significantly greater variability than that of cattle and humans. Although PRNP variability in goats differs from that observed in sheep, the two species share several identical alleles. Moreover, while the ARR allele associated with enhancing resistance in sheep is not present in the goat PRNP, there is evidence for the existence of other PrP variants related to resistance. This review presents the current knowledge of the epidemiology of caprine scrapie within the major European goat populations, and compiles the current data on genetic variability of PRNP