176 research outputs found

    Review of the genus Baeosciara Tuomikoski (Diptera: Sciaridae)

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    The genus Baeosciara Tuomikoski, 1960, Holarctic in distribution, includes the following species: B. discolor (Lengersdorf) (Europe), B. scotica (Edwards) (Europe, northern North America), B. sinuata (Menzel & Mohrig) (Europe) and B. pectinata sp. n. (western Canada). The new species is described, the other species are redescribed or diagnosed. Based on my earlier cladistic analysis of the Trichosia group of genera, the original generic rank of Baeosciara is restored

    New species and records of Lycoriella Frey (Diptera, Sciaridae) from the Holarctic region

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    The following species of the genus Lycoriella Frey sensu Vilkamaa & Menzel from the Holarctic region are newly described and illustrated: Lycoriella ampla sp. n. (Canada: Ontario), L. barkalovi sp. n. (Russia: Krasnoyarsk region), L. canningsi sp. n. (Canada: British Columbia), L. eurystylata sp. n. (Canada: Quebec), L. excavata sp. n. (USA: Colorado), L. jakovlevi sp. n. (Russia: Karelia), L. kinbasketi sp. n. (Canada: British Columbia), L. longa sp. n. (USA: Colorado), L. nivicola sp. n. (Canada: Nunavut, NWT; Greenland), L. pearyi sp. n. (Greenland), L. taimyrensis sp. n. (Russia: Krasnoyarsk region) and L. tundrae sp. n. (Russia: Krasnoyarsk region). Lycoriella parva (Holmgren, 1869) is redescribed and illustrated and new faunistic records are given for some previously described species of Lycoriella. The newly described species raise the number of known species of Lycoriella from 38 to 50.Peer reviewe

    Redescription and biology of Trichosia (Baeosciara) sinuata Menzel & Mohrig (Diptera: Sciaridae)

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    Trichosia (Baeosciara) sinuata Menzel & Mohrig, previously known only from the holotype from Austria, is redescribed and its biology discussed. Individuals of the species were reared from an old-growth forest bracket fungus Fomitopsis rosea (Alb. & Schw.:Fr.) P. Karst from eastern Finland. We suggest that B. sinuata might be parasitised by the ichneumonid wasp Stenomacrus curvulus (Thomson)

    Definition of the Bradysia luctifica group (Diptera, Sciaridae), with the description of five new species

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    The Bradysia luctifica group is characterized for a number of species with an Oriental-Australasian distribution. The group includes the following species: Bradysia abrupta sp. n. (Malaysia: Pahang, Selangor), B. calicula sp. n. (Malaysia: Sabah), B. conflexa sp. n. (Malaysia: Pahang), B. fornicata sp. n. (Malaysia: Pahang), B. luctifica (Skuse, 1888) (Australia: South Australia, Indonesia: Ceram, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea), B. robusta Mohrig, 2015 (Papua New Guinea) and B. torosa sp. n. (Papua New Guinea: Bismarck Archipelago). The species are keyed and the new species are described and illustrated.Peer reviewe

    The genus Lobosciara Steffan (Diptera, Sciaridae)

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    Lobosciara Steffan, characterized by unusual modifications in the male genitalia, is the sister group of Dolichosciara Tuomikoski. The concept of the genus is redefined on the basis of the new material. Lobosciara includes the following species which are keyed and described: L. spinipennis (Sasakawa) (Thailand, Micronesia), L. adebratti sp. n. (Borneo), L. bilobata sp. n. (Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sulawesi), L. latiloba sp. n. (Malay peninsula, Borneo) and L. trilobata sp. n. (Sulawesi). The phylogenetic interrelationship of the species is as follows: [spinipennis + trilobata] + [latiloba + (adebratti + bilobata)]

    Re-classification of Lycoriella Frey sensu lato (Diptera, Sciaridae), with description of Trichocoelina gen. n. and twenty new species

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    On the basis of re-evaluation of morphological characters of the Lycoriella group of genera and subgenera, generic rank is given to the two species groups belonging to Lycoriella (Hemineurina) Frey, 1942 and to Lycoriella (Coelostylina) Tuomikoski, 1960. The Lycoriella (Hemineurina) inflata group, including the type species of the subgenus, Sciara conspicua Winnertz, 1867, is treated as the genus Hemineurina stat. n. and the Lycoriella (Hemineurina) vitticollis group as the genus Trichocoelina gen. n. (type species Sciara vitticollis Holmgren, 1883). Coelostylina Tuomikoski, 1960 (type species Lycoriella (Coelostylina)freyi Tuomikoski, 1960) is a junior homonym of Coelostylina Kittl, 1894, and is renamed Stenacanthella nom. et stat. n. The genera are diagnosed and their phylogeny is discussed. Eight species are excluded from the Lycoriella group. They are transferred to the genera Bradysiopsis Tuomikoski, 1960, Camptochaeta Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994, Merizomma Sasakawa, 2003 stat. n. and Scatopsciara Edwards, 1927 (five species) or are for the time being regarded as incertae sedis (two species) and as nomen nudum (one name). Numerous nomenclatural corrections are made also in the genera Hemineurina Frey, Stenacanthella Vilkamaa & Menzel and Trichocoelina Vilkamaa & Menzel. Altogether 42 new combinations, three changes in status and one new synonym are presented. A lectotype is designated for Hemineurina algida (Frey, 1948) and two Hemineurina species names are removed from synonymy and given full species status. The following species of Trichocoelina are newly described: Trichocoelina absidata sp. n. (Russia: Krasnodarsk region), T aemula sp. n. (Finland, Russia: Krasnodarsk region), T biplex sp. n. (Canada: Newfoundland and Labrador, Yukon), T dicksoni sp. n. (Russia: Arkhangelsk oblast, Kemerovsk oblast, Krasnodarsk region), T dispansa sp. n. (Russia: Krasnodarsk region), T dividua sp. n. (Canada: Northwest Territories), T hians sp. n. (Canada: Yukon), T imitator sp. n. (Canada: Yukon), T incrassata sp. n. (USA: Alaska), T ithyspina sp. n. (Norway), T jukkai sp. n. (Finland), T magnifica sp. n. (Canada . Yukon), T nefrens sp. n. (Russia: Krasnodarsk region), T obesula sp. n. (Norway), T oricillifera sp. n. (Finland, Norway), T planilobata sp. n. (Finland), T quintula sp. n. (Finland), T semisphaera sp. n. (Finland, Norway), T semusta sp. n. (Italy, USA: Alaska), and T tecta sp. n. (Canada: Nunavut, Yukon, Russia: Krasnodarsk region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, USA: Alaska). The Trichocoelina species are keyed, the 20 new species are described and illustrated, and the 9 previously known ones, transferred to the new genus, are briefly diagnosed and the taxonomically relevant literature regarding them is listed. Trichocoelina janetscheki (Lengersdorf, 1953) comb. n. and Trichocoelina brevicubitalis (Lengersdorf, 1926) comb. n. are redescribed. The genus Trichocoelina currently includes 29 species: 17 in the Palaearctic, 6 in the Nearctic and 6 in the Holarctic. All known species are northern or montane.Peer reviewe

    Sciaridae (Diptera) from central Finland: faunistics and taxonomy

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    Sciaridae (Diptera) from forest and mire habitats from three localities in central Finland were identified. The material consisted of 609 specimens belonging to 106 species. The following species were found as new to Finland: Bradysia subbetuleti, B. submoesta, B. subscabricornis, Corynoptera fera, C. furcifera, C. saetistyla, C. subsedula, Cratyna spiculosa, Leptosciariella helvetica, Lycoriella micria, Pseudolycoriella brunnea, P. nodulosa, Scatopsciara neglecta, Trichosia glabra and Sciara sp. n. (Menzel & Salmela, in prep.) and Ctenosciara exigua sp. n. The latter is described as new to science. Bradysia subbetuleti, Leptosciariella atricha, Leptosciariella tuberculigera and Lycoriella micria are redescribed. The occurrence of some rare or poorly known species is discussed, and the importance of peatlands for sciarid biodiversity in the boreal region is emphasized

    The genus Prosciara Frey (Diptera, Sciaridae)

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    The concept of Phytosciara Frey with the subgenera P. (Phytosciara), P. (Dolichosciara) and P. (Prosciara) is polyphyletic and the subgenera are treated as genera. Prosciara includes 1 Holarctic, 8 Palearctic and 28 Oriental species. The species are keyed and described, including the following new species: P. angustiloba sp. n. (Thailand), P. biceps sp. n. (Burma), P. bifida sp. n. (Burma), P. biloba sp. n. (Burma), P. collina sp. n. (Burma), P. crassidens sp. n. (Burma), P. decamera sp. n. (Burma), P. dolichochaeta sp. n. (Burma), P. duplex sp. n. (Burma), P. ensfera sp. n. (Burma), P. filichaeta sp. n. (Burma, Nepal), P. furcifera sp. n. (Burma), P. gemellata sp. n. (Burma), P. gibbosa sp. n. (Burma), P. glomerata sp. n. (Burma), P. latifurca sp. n. (Burma), P. latilingula sp. n. (Burma), P. megacera sp. n. (Burma), P. megachaeta sp. n. (Burma), P. mima sp. n. (Burma), P. pectinifera sp. n. (Japan), P. pentacanta sp. n. (Nepal), P. pentadactylasp. n. (Burma), P. plusiochaeta sp. n. (Finland), P. pollex sp. n. (Burma), P. processifera sp. n. (Burma), P. quantula sp. n. (Burma), P. tetrix sp. n. (Burma) and P. triloba sp. n. (Burma). Xenopygina Frey is not a synonym of Prosciara but an independent genus. It includes two species: X. hastata (Johannsen) n. comb. (USA) and X. paradoxa (Frey) (USSR)

    Ojituksen vaikutus rämeen maaperäeläinten yksilömääriin ja biomassoihin

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